
By 1-800-suck-my-P

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When a guy is forced into finding the next heir to his mafia by his dad, he impregnates a random girl he met... More



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By 1-800-suck-my-P

"You know what I think? It's all bullshit." Carlo shrugs.

We stare at him in disbelief. We're all in the family room relaxing at Carlo's house. For someone with a personality so colorful, his house is super plain. Vince has more color than him. He said his wife hates it but she has to deal with it because it's the only thing he asks for. A dry house. Nai did add plants, though.

"What makes you think that?" Vince asks.

"Let's start with the facts." He sits up straighter. "Ava met you at a club in January nineteen years ago. She knew who you were beforehand. She then went on to stalk you and everyone associated with you because of something Ciro and Farida did. She won't tell us what happened. Ciro and Farida won't tell us what happened. She has one friend we know of named Luca. And she wants you dead."

"Okay, we know that." I furrow my brows.

"Well what we don't know is why, and you haven't been doing enough pushing." He says. "This could've all just been a test to see how fast you'd solve the problem... and I think you're failing because it's been quite some time."

I glare at him and shake my head. Matteo gives him a look before saying, "I always knew you were stupid but this is crazy."

"Shut up, it's a possibility."

Alessandro mumbles. "I mean he has a point."

Vince sighs. "You guys are so confusing. Angelo, just make your Pa tell you, you're wasting time when your father has all the answers. Carlo, no more suggestions from you, they're all stupid. Matteo, take a break again, I'm the better underboss. And Alessandro-"

"Shit!" Alessandro shouts.

"No, don't take a shit-"

"No!" He interrupts. "Ava just sent a threat, Valentino informed us but we were too busy listening to Carlo."

"Well, what is it?" I urge. "It could be serious."

"When is it not?" Vince rolls his eyes.

"She called Valentino to tell you that she's about to set fire to Lori's house." Alessandro panics. "I mean, if she does that... your heir would die and then she'd come for you and kill you and then the mafia will move on Matteo but Matteo will be too heartbroken about Lori and Maria passing so he'd kill himself and then the mafia would go to Ciro and Farida but since Ava already hates them, she'll kill every De Santis and the mafia will fall into the wrong hands and then we'll become like the Americans- you know what, where are they by the way? They've been quiet for over two or three decades-"

"Al." I interrupt. "If you're done with your hypothetical situations-"

"They're very likely to happen." He adds.

"Okay... if you're done with your likely scenarios, I'd appreciate it if you'd help us out."

"Oh... right." He nods. "Or this could all just be a lie to put everyone in one spot. Think about it, Alana, Lori, Maria, and Seriyah aren't in the same place as all of her targets, this threat could be her way of bringing us together."

"Well, then a few people are missing because whatever my parents did, they had help."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Matteo asks. "We shouldn't take our chances, let's go get the girls and bring them here. What if Ava isn't lying and we lost them due to theories."

"Alright, suit up and meet me in the van."

Yes, after all these years of complaining about who sits in the middle, we got a van. Seven seats for everyone to fit inside comfortably. One at every house so that we'd always have one no matter where we are. It's useful right now because it'll fit us and two others. Seriyah and Maria are trained, they'd be safe to drive on their own.

Alana and Lori though? Well... they finally listened to Lori's dad and went to self-defends classes around ten years ago, they've been training ever since. But they haven't actually been in a situation where they'd need to use their skills. The kids have. Since Alana and Lori are more vulnerable, they're coming with us.

Around ten minutes later, we leave the armoury and head out to the car. All of us wearing three-piece suits and guns strapped to the back of our custom belts. I'm driving, Matteo's next to me, Vince sits behind me with Al next to him and Carlo's in the far back.

"I can't believe you have me in the back of my own car." He shakes his head.

"Shut up, this is my favorite song," Vince grumbles. "Turn it up, Matt."

Matteo turns his head to glare at Vince and then turns the volume down on the radio. "Don't call me Matt."

Vince mimics him quietly before muttering the lyrics to the song.

"Could you be quiet, sing it in your head." Alessandro glares at him. "I can't think."

"Good, you do too much of that anyway." Vince rolls his eyes.

Alessandro gasps. "Excuse me!"

"I won't repeat it."

"Okay guys, how do you expect me to fit in here, the middle seat is the only one that fits my legs properly," Carlo complains. "They have to be on each side for this to work, got it?"

"Yeah, Carlo." I purse my lips. "Anyway, how are we handling them?"

"They should move into your grounds, Seriyah and Maria already have rooms. Lori probably won't want to part from our daughter and the same goes for Alana so they'd probably stay with them." Matteo says.

"Okay, so I'll force them to move in. That way I can keep a better eye on them and make sure they're safe." I nod. "They'll have plenty of people to talk to, it'll work out."

"Iris can't wait to see Alana again," Vince says. "They were about to become good friends before I ruined it."

"It was more Angelo than you." Alessandro corrects.

"Get off my ass." I sigh. "I'm hearing that everywhere I go, I have choices to make. Nobody told you to get close to her."

"Where is your heart?" Carlo gasps. "That's brutal to get into someone's personal life and not even mean any of it. Alana and Lori are cool people, you would've liked them if you just stayed in the picture. That would've prevented all this mess."

"Says the one who unknowingly got with their best friend and created more mess," Vince says.

"Unknowingly though!" Carlo reminds.

These guys can be so annoying. The whole ride they didn't stop talking, coming up with new complaints or ideas every two minutes. I'm glad when we finally arrive at Alana's house. I park the car and we all exit before walking to the front door.

Vince knocks while we all wait by his side. Alana answers the door a few seconds later. Dressed in black slacks, a black blazer, and a black Lacy corset. She probably just came back from work. His hair is in a kinky mess cascading down her back, looking feathery and delicate. Her eyes stare up at us in confusion until they find mine. She glares at me like I killed her firstborn. Well, it was quite the opposite.

"Why are they here?" Her question is directed at Vince. They probably mean me and Matteo.

"I hope you aren't talking about me." Carlo pipes.

"No Carl, you're welcome." She smiles kindly, her lipstick a vibrant rosy color matching her complexion perfectly. I catch myself staring at her mouth and pause. What the fuck is going on with me lately? "Please, come in."

She holds the door open and Carlo walks right in, nodding approvingly. So do Vince and Alessandro. But when Matteo and I try, she slams the door in our faces. Okay then...

Matteo and I share a look, his eyebrows raised. I shrug. I go to open the door because I'm obviously not welcome but we have some things to discuss. The door doesn't budge and I purse my lips realizing she locked us out. Vince opens it two minutes later with a grin. "We didn't realize she locked you out, come on, we're all in the living room."

We're inside and comfortably seated in a few minutes. Seriyah and Maria share an arm-chair and Alana and Lori do the same. Carlo, Vince, and Alessandro are on the couch. And Matteo and I on another.

"So, what exactly is the problem?" Lori asks, getting straight to the point. She's in comfortable wear so she probably didn't go to work today.

"Ava," I say dryly. "Threats."

"Okay, can you give a little more detail, Pa?" Seriyah asks.

I nod. "She plans to set fire to your home, it's not safe for you here anymore."

"Great, where are we going?" Maria grins, eager for me to hurry up.

"My house."

"No, I choose Vince's," Alana argues.

"Vince has a wife and kids, he likes his house to himself unless he's hosting an event." Matteo counters. "Not going to happen."

"Plus, Seriyah and Maria already have rooms in my house. You can easily get rooms too." I shrug. "My house is the biggest as well, plenty of room for you guys to find something to do."

"Carlo's house is more preferable." Lori furrows a brow. "I know for a fact Nai won't mind."

"I would." Carlo perks up and they glare at him. "I like peace, don't look at me like that."

"Shocker," Vince mumbles.

Carlo gasps.

"Then Alessandro's," Alana says. "He doesn't even have anyone there."

"No." Alessandro shakes his head. "Nobody goes to my house. Ever."

"True, I realize I've never been there." Carlo's eyes widen in shock. "And you say I'm your best friend!"

Alessandro raises a brow. "I have things to hide, okay?"

"Then we're not moving." Alana folds her arms together. "We'll stay here, who's to say she won't just set fire to your house as well."

"She would, and she has." I roll my eyes. "But nobody actually was injured. It was just a small fire."

Alana raises her brows. "I choose my house. Group vote."

"No need." I raise a hand. "Matteo, Vince, Carlo, and Alessandro are team move, along with me. That's five against two. And even if the kids vote, they won't even tie."

Alana purses her lips and Lori mumbles, "Fine. But I'm staying with Maria."

"Yeah, and I'm staying with Seriyah," Alana adds.

"Fine by me." I shrug. "Now let's go. Sy and Ria take your own car, Alana and Lori are coming with us."

Alana and Lori reluctantly stand, leading the way. They go to grab a few things, so do the kids. The guys and I wait for them in the car.

"I can't believe she slammed the door on us." Matteo shakes his head. "I practically live there, then one little mistake and she breaks up with me."

"Yeah, one mistake." Vince raises an eyebrow.

"Little." Alessandro nods.

"Shut up." Matteo rolls his eyes.

"I hear she's been discussing shit with Marianne," Carlo says.

"The lawyer?" I ask.

Matteo nods and scoffs. "We're not divorcing, I'll get her back."

The door slides open and Alana and Lori hop over Alessandro's legs to get to the back. I look through my mirrors to see Seriyah and Maria getting into a car as well. Seriyah's driving because Maria gets distracted easily.

"Carlo, can you scooch," Alana asks. "Just a little."

"No, I'll hit Lori." He purses his lips.

"Well at least put your arms on the seat." She rolls her eyes. "It's taking up half of my seat."

"Why are you so big?" Lori mumbles.

"That's what she said." Vince grins.

"Ew." Alana grimaces.

"Don't talk about Nai like that." Lori gives him a disgusted look. "Or Iris."

"Let's go already, what are we waiting for?" Carlo asks.

"I want the girls to leave first." And they just did. I start the car and we drive out of the pavement, exiting the property onto the road.

I tail the kids to my house while Alana and Vince talk about random bullshit, Carlo and Lori bicker in the back, and Alessandro and Matteo discuss politics. I stay quiet and eavesdrop on everyone's conversations.

Alana tells Vince that Iris is probably randomly mad at him because he hasn't brought Alana to visit yet, she reminds him that she was her friend first.

Carlo argues with Lori about how she's taking up a large portion of his already small seat. Alana sits to the side trying to take up as little space as possible so that Carlo could be comfortable. Lori talks about how her ass being too fat is a good thing for her.

"You know what," Matteo says. "We should have someone in our mob running for president."

"You're right." Al nods. "We need it corrupt everywhere, all we have are police officers."

"And FBI agents," Matt adds. "We need a prime minister too, and captains, commissioners, and lieutenants."

"Please, we'd be able to get away with anything if that actually happened." Al grins. "That would be a dream."

"Right, everyone who married into the mob as an outsider can finally tell the truth to their parents."

The rest of the ride I'm praying for peace. I just want to go home, get my work done, go to Sy and talk to her for a little, take a long shower, and then go to sleep.

I pull into my driveway and everyone hops out and goes to the front door after I've parked, they enter and Maria grins. "I feel like jumping off of a roof! Should I do it?"

"Sure." Seriyah shrugs. "I'll be there to make sure you don't get hurt."

There's no stopping Maria's impulsiveness, even if someone said no she'd still do it. She's a risk-taker and loves having fun. I just hope she doesn't get hurt jumping off of a fucking roof.

Dominic comes up to the door, ready to meet the girls with Emiliano and Gianna following behind. He was never close with them, instead, he stayed away like Adriana did. They met at the mall and that party years ago. I think that's the only time they've made acquaintances. Unless they talked already while Alana was here.

"Hey, Lana, Lor." Dominic nods.

"Hey, Dom!" They greet simultaneously.

"What's the update?" I ask when Gi and Emi get to me.

"Men are stationed around the perimeter and even near the highway of Lori and Alana's house. They'll report back to me as soon as they see something weird or unusual, then I'll inform you and we can roll out so stay in gear." Gianna explains.

Carlo, Al, Vince, and Matteo nod understandingly. Alana and Lori start talking to Dom but I notice he takes a little more interest in Alana. Or he's being respectful because Lori and Matteo are... or were a thing. But for some reason, I don't like him talking to Alana like that. The way he listens to her and looks at her with those hard eyes that normally scare women.

Why can't he scare her away too?

I purse my lips and tune back into the conversation, Emiliano just informed us that Valentino found that missing cargo so we can go on a mission soon. Then the two of them leave, following after everyone else.

My eyes stray to Alana and Dominic again, Lori left to make herself comfortable in Maria's room and Alessandro showed her the way. Carlo went to go home because he misses Nai and Carina, Vince and Matteo are in Matteo's office going over a few things for me, and Emi and Gi just left so why is Dom still here?

I shake my head and walk away before I do something stupid like drag Alana with me. My fingers twitch at the idea. I need to bury myself in my work.


I finish my work late, half expecting Seriyah to be asleep by now but I'm surprised when I find her door ajar and her wide awake. With Alana.

For some reason, I didn't remember Alana would be staying with Seriyah. I was looking forward to our usual midnight talks. Every time she's here, I finish up my work and go to her room to have a conversation before saying goodnight. But now that Alana's here, I won't be able to.

They were discussing the threat earlier today, they had no clue I was right here. I watched them talk and for some reason wished I was there with them. I could imagine us as a real family. I could imagine Alana being mine.

They were on that bed cuddling, making jokes, and talking the night away and I wanted to be there. I wanted them to be in my bed laughing with me all night. I wanted Alana and me to share stories about raising Seriyah.

Alana laughed then at something Seriyah said and my mind drifted toward her. What would it be like to have her as my wife? She's beautiful, no doubt. Skin a little darker and warmer than mine, glowing in the moonlight. Captivating eyes a medium brown. Lips are so tempting.

It brings me back to how it felt with her that night years ago. How she tasted. The way she looked at me a contrast to how she does now. Her smile, like she knew the effect she had on me.

But it's not only her beauty that captivates me, it's her intelligence and determination. How she gets shit done instead of waiting for the last second. How she prefers to put others before herself... she reminded me of me.

But she hates me.

I shake my head, taking myself out of the fantasy and walking to my room. The floorboard creeks and I only hoped they didn't notice. I need a cold fucking shower, how the fuck am I lusting over someone who doesn't want me?


Word count: 3003

Hey yalllllllllllll

I told myself I'd have chapter 35-38 done by Friday so... go me ig 🤷‍♀️

I hope I actually accomplish this mission, it takes me like a week to write one chapter but I have written one in a day before so it's not impossible

I just get bored and needa recharge that's prob why it takes so long


How r y'all?


Bye my loveliesssssss 🫶


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