Castle on the Hill ~ Prince H...

By strong_siren_4_13

57.3K 1.1K 690

They were best friends from the time they were born, inseparable throughout their schooling, and they had eve... More

Chapter 1 ~ Jealous
Chapter 2 ~ Dreams
Chapter 3 ~ Daughter
Chapter 4 ~ Promises
Chapter 6 ~ "Seriously?!"
Chapter 7 ~ "I can't wait."
Chapter 8 ~ As it was
Chapter 9 ~ Children Again
Chapter 10 ~ Mattress Surfing
Chapter 11 ~ "...gotta wait a few more years..."
Chapter 12 ~ "Please don't leave me..."
Chapter 13 ~ The Trial
Act 2

Chapter 5 ~ Goodbye Granny

4.3K 82 128
By strong_siren_4_13

You all voted for a really long chapter, so here it is.

Fair warning there are parts of this that are really sad and that you will need tissues for, as well as a few scenes where you might want to jump through their screen to fight a certain character.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

September 10, 2022
Windsor Castle

A few days had passed since the Queen's death and a lot had happened.

First they had traveled from Scotland to London in order to begin preparations for the funeral, Charles had been declared King, making William and Kate the new Prince and Princess of Wales, and shockingly Meghan had shown up.

September 9, 2022
Buckingham Palace

Everyone had been staying at Buckingham Palace in order to be together while grieving and to help out with the planning of the funeral.

The Queen's four children, who were overseeing most of the funeral planning, were going through notes that Elizabeth had left in regards to her own funeral and they had requested to meet with Addy.

Addy and Skylar were now making their way through the long hallways of the palace to where she would meet with the children of the late monarch. William was meeting them there, he would then take Skylar to meet with Kate and their children for lunch.

Addy looked down at her daughter and began speaking, "Okay, my little princess, when we get there Uncle Will is going to take you to lunch with Aunt Katie and your cousi..." because she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was walking." Addy froze when she looked up and saw who was standing in front of her. "Meghan, what are you doing here?" She asked as she moved Skylar to stand behind her.

"Harry's grandmother died, and in case you've forgotten, I'm the one that is actually married to him. The better question is what are you doing here?" Meghan replied with a smug voice.

"I'm here on request of the late Queen. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for a meeting with the King." Addy attempted to walk around Meghan only for the dark haired woman to block her.

Addy sighed and glanced behind her at her daughter, "Darling, go on down to the end of the hall and take a left, you should see your uncle there, tell him I'll be there in a moment."

Skylar looked at her mother with worry before running off down the hall.

Once her daughter was out of ear shot Addy turned back to the woman in front of her, "What do you want Meghan?"

"What do you mean, you're 'here on request of the Queen?'"

"It's means that before you or even Harry decided to show up, I got a call saying that the Queen was dying and she asked to see me. So I came, because unlike you, who only decided to come when you saw it on the news and thought that you'd get attention for being here, I came because I cared about her."

"I'd watch what you say to me if I were you." Meghan crossed her arms and smirked.

"Or what? You'll run and tell all the tabloids that I attacked you again? In case you've forgotten, I outrank you. You're just a washed up actress that couldn't get famous on your own so you manipulated Harry into marrying you just so that you could get more attention. I am a Princess, Next in line to the Genovian throne, and if I wanted to, I could have arrested on multiple counts of treason for the things that you've already said about me. So if I were you, I'd stay out of my way." Addy then pushed past the duchess and made her way to where William stood holding Skylar in his arms.

William, who was swaying back and forth slightly in hopes of calming the scared girl in his arms, raised an eyebrow at his friend.

When Addy adopted Skylar, William stepped in to fill the second parenting spot for Skylar, just like his mother did for Addy, until Addy got married someday.

Addy just shook her head and mouthed "I'll tell you later." Before turning her attention to her daughter, "Are you alright, love?" Although Skylar was very much a people person, she hated it when anyone argued or even raised their voices slightly.

Skylar, who had her head on William's shoulder, turned slightly so that she could see her mother and nodded slowly.

"I have to go meet with Grandpa Charles, and when I'm finished I'll meet up with you guys and we'll have a movie night, alright?"

"Okay." Skylar agreed softly.

"They're waiting for you, you can just go in."
William told her before walking off with Skylar secured in his arms.

Addy then proceeded to enter the meeting room not knowing what she was about to be told.
End of Flashback

Addy was now in a limo sat beside Kate and William, across from Meghan and Harry.

The air in the limo was tense and no one dared speaking until Meghan decided to break the silence.

"So, Adelaide, how did your meeting with Charles go yesterday?"

"It wasn't only with Charles, his siblings were there as well, but it went well." Addy glanced at William and Kate who both knew what she was told in the meeting, "I definitely wasn't expecting what I was told."

"What did they tell you?" Meghan asked.

"They asked me not to tell anyone."

"Well, William and Kate obviously know what it is, why can't I?"

"Because it doesn't involve you. William is involved and Kate is going to watch my daughter for me when it happens, that's why they know." Addy said causing Meghan to scowl.

"Unless you want a picture of your face like that on the front cover of every newspaper tomorrow, I suggest you at least put on a fake smile, because we are arriving and there are going to be thousands of photos taken." Addy added with sweet smile on her face.

As the car stopped William exited first and then helped Kate and Addy get out of the car while Harry and Meghan exited the opposite side if the limo.

The group of five began towards the crowd of people and the large floral arrangements, walking in a line. Addy was on the end beside Kate, with William in the middle then Harry, and then Meghan on the opposite end.

The group waved to the people, who they would greet later, before focusing on the flowers, cards and other things that had been left for the late Queen.

"Arty look." Addy said softly as she pointed to a drawing that was stuck between the flowers, it was of William, Harry, Addy, and the Queen, based on a picture that had been taken at Prince Edward's wedding.

William walked closer to her and smiled at the picture, "The good old days." He joked causing her to nod.

They continued to look at the flowers for awhile before moving to get the crowds.

Addy walked over to a little girl, who was holding a stuffed Paddington bear, and crouched down in front of her, "Hello, sweetheart. What's your name?"

"I'm Rose." The girl replied with a wide smile.

Addy smiled at that, "That's a very pretty name. Would you like to put your Paddington with the flowers?"

"Yes, please."

Addy stood and held her hand to the young girl, after getting a nod of approval from the mother, and guided her over to the rows of flowers and things that had been left for the Queen.

The young girl gently placed the stuffed bear in among the flowers, before turning to the princess. "Can I hug you?"

"Of course you can." Addy opened her arms and wrapped her arms around the girl.

"It was nice to meet you Rose." She said when they pulled away from the hug.

Addy led the girl back to her mother before moving on to greet other people.

September 14, 2022
Westminster Abbey

Addy and the British Royal family stood outside of Westminster Hall where the Queen would lay in state until her funeral.

During her meeting with Charles and his siblings, Addy had learned that Queen Elizabeth had written that she wanted Addy to be a part of everything regarding her funeral.

So she now stood behind William and Kate, where she had been told to stand, waiting for the ceremony to begin, when Meghan decided to cause a scene.

"Why are you in front of me? It's supposed to be in line of succession, which you aren't even a part of, by the way. So you need to move." Meghan said rather loudly, drawing many peoples attention to her.

Addy sighed and looked at the ground in an attempt to control her emotions, before turning to Meghan.

"Meghan, first please lower your voice you're causing a scene, and second this is where I was told to stand, I apologize if that's an inconvenience to you." She said trying to keep things civil.

"You planned this on purpose to try to take the attention away from me didn't you? You need to move now!"

Before Addy could say anything else Charles and Anne walked over to them.

"Meghan, lower your voice!" Anne said sternly.

"Adelaide is exactly where she is meant to be. Her place is between my sons, it has been at every event from the time they were children, and it isn't changing now. Mummy wanted her there so she isn't moving." Charles said causing Meghan to roll her eyes but stay silent.

Anne turned to Addy and lightly patted her arm, "Are you alright?"

Addy took a deep breath and blinked back a few tears, her emotions were already high and being yelled at, even for something so stupid, didn't help that any, "Yes, I'm okay. Thank you."

Anne nodded before she and her brother went back to their spots.

Will turned to look back at his friend, "Don't let her get to you Rosie, you're right where you belong."

The ceremony went perfectly and they were now saying their goodbyes to the Queen.

Addy followed after Kate and dropped into a deep curtsy in front of the Queen's casket, and whispering softly, "Goodbye Granny."

September 17, 2022
Westminster Abbey

Addy stood watching as the Queen's grandchildren stood vigil at her coffin.

The Princess had been given the option to stand vigil with the other grandchildren but she declined, knowing that if she did, that would be all that was talked about for days and she didn't want to takeaway from everything else that was happening.

So Addy stood on a balcony with Prince Edward and Sophie, who she knew as Uncle Eddy and Aunt Sophie. Edward and Phillipe were good friends, almost brothers, and when Phillipe found Addy, he made Edward her godfather.

The Countess discreetly laced her fingers with the Princess's in a means of comfort, as she noticed the tears streaming down the younger woman's face, and Addy bowed her head.

They stayed like that until the Royal Guard struck his sword on the ground and Elizabeth's grandchildren exited the hall.

September 18, 2022
Westminster Abbey

Addy was once again standing on the balcony in Westminster Abbey, only this time she was joined by her grandmother, and sister, representing Genovia and paying their respects to Queen Elizabeth.

Clarisse and Mia bowed their heads, "Goodbye, my friend, I'll miss you. Tell my Rupert that I miss him, and tell my son about his girls." Clarisse whispered softly.

Addy closed her eyes in an attempt not to cry, "Hold it together Addy, there are millions of people watching you. You can cry later, now is not the time." She thought.

When three woman made it back to their limo Addy sat with her head in her hands.

"How are you doing, Rosalie?" Clarisse asked her granddaughter.

Addy sighed as she finally let the tears in her eyes fall, "I'm struggling Nana. Kate, Arty, and I had to sit down and tell George, Charlotte, and Skylar that they're not supposed to cry at their great grandmother's funeral because someone might see. Skylar is scared of Meghan, but she has to walk right in front of her during the funeral tomorrow and I won't be allowed to even hold her hand to comfort her because of 'British protocol.' I'm worried of what Meghan might do once she finds out that Skylar and are going to be ahead of her in line, because of what happened last time. I constantly feel like crying all the time but I can't because I have to be strong for everyone else. The press won't stop reminding me that she wasn't actually my granny so I shouldn't be allowed to be a part of any of this at all, which is all Meghan's doing I'm sure. I feel like I'm failing at everything." She ranted.

"I know it's hard now darling, but it will get better. Ignore what the press and anyone else says, you are Elizabeth's grandchild just as much as you are mine. William, Eugenie, Zara and all of the rest of them know how much their Granny cared for you and how much you cared for her, and they all love you just the same. As for the situation with Skylar, if Meghan makes her uncomfortable, hold her hand, move her to stand in a different place, ignore what anyone else says, she's your daughter, protecting her comes first." Clarisse held her granddaughter's hand, giving her a soft smile, "It's going to be okay Little Flower."

"I hope so..."

September 19, 2022
Buckingham Palace

It was now the day of the Queen's funeral.

Addy was getting ready for the day with Kate, Charlotte, and Skylar.

"Okay, girlies who wants their hair done first?" Addy asked the two young processes, she and Kate had gotten dressed and done their hair and makeup while the children were made to take a nap.

"I will." Charlotte volunteered.

"Alright, hop up in the chair. Skylar go let Aunt Katie help you with your dress and your jewelry." Addy said before begging to brush Charlotte's hair as Skylar walked into a connected room with Kate.

The four had each chosen a piece of jewelry that honored Elizabeth, to wear during the funeral. Skylar had a broach that Elizabeth had given her when they met as a welcome to the family gift, and Addy was wearing a diamond necklace that the Queen had gifted her when she adopted Skylar as a welcome to motherhood.

"How are you Lottie?" Addy asked as she began curling the girl's hair.

"I miss Gan Gan."

"So do I, love, but like I told your brother, she's always with us, in our hearts."

"I know." Charlotte glanced out of the window, "Aunt Addy, what will happen if I cry today?"

Addy gave her neice a soft smile "It will be alright if you cry, no one will judge you or be upset with you for being sad and crying. I know that we told you to try not to, but funerals are sad and sometimes we cry. I bet many other people will be crying as well, and if anyone says something to you about it, tell them to come speak with me and I'll straighten them out, okay?" Addy teased with a grin causing the little princess to giggle and nod.

"Thanks, Aunt Addy."

"You're welcome sweetheart. I'm finished with your hair so go get changed and send Skylar in so that I can do her hair."


A room over from where Addy and Charlotte were Kate was helping Skylar get dressed.

Kate noticed the worried expression on the little girls face. "Are you alright Lary?" Lary (pronounced L- are -ey) was the nickname that Skylar's close family members had taken to calling her, after she asked why everyone else had a nickname but she didn't.

Skylar bit her lip nervously and looked at her aunt, "I'm scared..."

"Why are you scared?" Kate asked softly as she crouched down in front of the young girl.

"I have to walk in front of Meghan, and I'm scared she might be mean to me. She's always mean to Mama, and she gives me mean looks when she sees me." Skylar said softly.

"Skylar..." Kate gave Skylar a sympathetic look, "If Meghan does anything that makes you uncomfortable or that hurts you in anyway, you can move to stand with me or Uncle Will alright? We'll be right in front of you and your Mama but you won't be so close to Meghan. Will that make you feel better?"

Skylar hesitated but nodded slowly.

"Alright then, let me pin your broach and you go get your hair done." Kate smiled softly.


Addy and Skylar road with Kate, Camila, Charlotte and George in the funeral procession for the Queen, and they were now arriving at Westminster Abbey.

Camila exited the car first, followed by Kate and her two children, then Skylar and Addy.

They greeted many people before moving to join Kate, William, George and Charlotte, in the line up to enter the chapel.

"Are you okay, Lary?" Will asked when he saw the young girl, his wife had told him of the conversation she had with the young girl and he couldn't help but be concerned.

Skylar glanced at the woman that was now standing behind her before turning back to her uncle, "I think so..."

"You're Aunt Katie told me about the deal you made, we'll leave some space open in case you want to stand with us." William, being the father he was, hated to see any child upset especially a child that he loved like his own.

Skylar smiled slightly and nodded, she was still nervous but knowing that she had an escape plan calmed her slightly.

Windsor Castle

The state service went smoothly and they were now at Windsor Castle where the Queen would be laid to rest.

The Queen's coffin was carried up the stairs of the chapel, followed by Princess Anne and the male members of the Royal family.

When the group made it in through the doors the woman and children joined the line and they all began walking into the chapel.

When they were about halfway through their walk, Skylar felt someone step on the back of her shoe cause her to stumble and almost fall.

Addy quickly grabbed her daughters hand to keep her from falling, tensing her jaw as she caught sight of the slight smirk on Meghan's face.

William saw his niece stumble out of the corner of his and subtly held his hand out to her, and Addy quickly guided her daughter to stand beside William.

Skylar now had tears streaming down her face from fear, but also embarrassment of everyone seeing her stumble.

Addy did her best to focus on the funeral and saying her final goodbye to her granny but her mind kept drifting to the woman sitting a few chairs down from her.

William kept Skylar beside him throughout the entire service, doing his best to keep her calm, as they had recently discovered that Skylar had panic attacks when she was really upset.

After the Queen had been lowered into the royal vault the family made their way out of the chapel and into the court yard outside.

Addy quickly made her way to where William stood with his family and Skylar, sending a thankful look to Will before crouching down in front of daughter. "How are you darling?"

"Why did she trip me?" Skylar's small voice trebled as she tried not to cry again. "I almost fell, and everyone was staring at me..."

Addy glanced at Will and Kate before turning back to her daughter, "I don't know why she did it, love, but it's over now." She then pulled her daughter into a hug.

Addy stood up holding her daughter in her arms, "Just breathe, Skylar, everything is okay. We're going back to Buckingham Palace now."

"I'll have someone bring the car around." Will said before motioning to one of guards.

"Am I in trouble because I tripped?" Skylar as nervously as she looked between the three adults.

"No Lary, you are not in trouble." Kate said softly, "Sometimes we stumble, it happens, but this was not your fault anyway."

Addy, Skylar, and the Cambridges were soon in their car riding back to Buckingham Palace, where they would have dinner with the rest of the family before everyone went back to the normal lives again tomorrow.

Skylar was talking to Charlotte and George, who were doing their best to cheer her up, while Addy was having a quiet conversation with Kate and Will.

"How could she do that? What kind of person intentionally trips a kid, in front is millions of people no less?"

"I don't know why Rosie, but I can say she won't go unpunished. Once Pa hears about it he'll take care of her before any of the rest of have a chance to." William told her.

"I'm worried about Skylar, her hands still haven't stopped shaking." Kate gestured to where the young girl had her hand folded on her lap.

"Let's just hope that dinner goes well." Addy sighs.

Buckingham Palace

Everyone has changed from their formal clothing and into something a little more comfortable before they all gathered around a large dining table.

Addy sat between Kate and Harry with Meghan beside Harry and Louis was sat between Kate and William, and other family members surrounding the rest of the table.

Skylar, sat further down the table near William with George and Charlotte.

Charles stood from his seat, drawing attention to him, "I'd like to thank everyone here for all that they have done in the past few days. I know it has been hard for us all but we made it, and I know that Mummy would be proud. She would be proud of her grandchildren for coming together and helping one another through this hard time, that includes you Adelaide." Addy smiled at him and nodded her thanks, "She would be proud of her great-grandchildren, who were so well behaved and brave during the service. She would be proud of us all. I raise a toast to our darling Mummy, Granny, Gan Gan, may we honor her in everything we do, and continue to make her proud." Charles raised his wine glass, everyone else doing the same, before he took a sip and sat in his chair once more.

"I doubt she'd be proud of the little royal wannabe, who couldn't even walk properly during her funeral." Meghan mumbled, but it was still loud enough that everyone heard.

Skylar, froze in her seat and looked down at her lap.

"What was that Meghan? I don't think I heard you correctly." William asked, raising an eyebrow at his sister-in-law.

"I'm just saying, if she was going to trip and make a scene in front of millions of people, then she shouldn't have been allowed to participate."

"Meghan, stop." Harry said sternly.

"We all saw you trip Skylar, Meghan." Beatrice added.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Anne asked in confusion.

"Meghan stepped on Skylar's shoe, during the procession at Windsor, causing her to almost fall. Skylar was upset, that's why she sat with me during the service." William told his aunt.

"It wasn't my fault! Why do you all keep saying that? Why are you all siding with the little brat?" Meghan exclaimed angrily.

"Aunt Addy!" George yelled.

Addy quickly turned to her nephew before jumping up from her seat and hurrying to her daughter.

"Mama.." Skylar whispered in between gasps for breath.

"I'm here baby." Addy kneeled in front of her daughters chair holding her hand out to the little girl.

Skylar placed her shaking hand in her mother's and Addy placed the small hand on her chest.

"I need you to copy my breathing, alright?"

"I can't.." Skylar shook her head as tears poured from her eyes and she continued to gasp for air.

"I know it's hard but you have to try."

Skylar just continued to shake her head, her body was getting weak at this point and she was tired.

"Hey Skylar? What's your favorite song?" Eugenie asked softly from her spot across the table.

Skylar turned to look at the older princess with a confused expression on her face, "Re... Ready or... Not, by... Bridget Mendler." She stuttered between breaths.

Eugenie smiled softly, having heard the song before. "Why is that your favorite song?"

"Be..because she... sings about Aunt Katie... and Uncle Will."

"You'll be my William, I'll be your Kate." Charlotte sang with a grin.

"Livin' like a fairy tale." George sang in a girly voice, causing Skylar to giggle and everyone smiled at the three children.

"What's your favorite book?" Edward asked, following his nieces lead.

"Sleeping Beauty, because Mama was named after her." Skylar said as she finally began to breathe normally again.

"Do you feel better now, Lary?" Addy asked softly, after sending a thankful smile to Eugenie and Edward.

Skylar smiled slightly and nodded.

"Do you want to stay and finish eating or do you want to leave, and get something to eat later? Either will be fine."

"I wanna stay with George and Lottie."

Addy smiled and nodded, kissing her daughters head before returning to her seat, raising an eyebrow at Harry as she watched Meghan storm out.

"What was that about?" She whispered softly.

"I told her to leave," Harry replied. "And I'll be filing for divorce first thing tomorrow."

"Haz..." Addy stated but he cut her off.

"It's been coming for a while now, but seeing how she treated you and Skylar, that did it for me." Harry said while looking into her eyes.

Addy was about to reply when she was interrupted by Beatrice.

"Skylar, can I tell you something?" Beatrice asked causing the young girl to nod.

"Don't ever let anyone bully you into believing that you are anything less than amazing. Sometimes your greatest struggles can be your strongest super power. Don't let your anxiety stop you from reaching your full potential in life." Beatrice told the young girl, "Keep your chin up, little princess or your crown will slip."

"My Nana says that, too." Skylar smiled.

Beatrice smiled and nodded, "She's the one who told it to me. I have something called dyslexia, which sometimes makes it hard for me to read and write, and it used to make me really frustrated, but I over came it. Now I use my struggles to help other people."

"I'd like to help other people too, someday." Skylar said.

Everyone smiled at the little princess, and in the corner of the room stood a group of four that no one else could see.

"See, my love, I told you they would be fine. They have a long road ahead of them, but they'll be fine as long as they have each other." Philip told his wife causing Elizabeth to smile.

"Look at our kids Ana, they all have kids of their own now." Phillipe said to Diana.

"They've grown up beautifully." Diana agreed, "And I believe your granddaughter might just be what brings Addy and Harry together at last." She said as she watched Harry and Addy talking and laughing with one another.

Skylar was looking around at her family when something in the corner caught her eye. She smiled at the four and waved a little.

Diana and Phillipe smiled widely at the young girl and waved back, Diana blowing her a kiss before they faded away.

"Yes, they will be fine." Elizabeth said will a smile, looking at her family one last time before she and her husband faded away as well.


What did you think?

I feel like a few parts seemed kind of rushed but for a few of these scenes they were in total silence so there wasn't much to write there.

I will say, you have not seen the last of Meghan.

Please tell me what you thought of this chapter it took forever to write.

Also almost 2k reads on this book now! Thank you so so much!!

Here are some memes that I found on Pinterest to hopefully cheer you up after the sad chapter.

If you guys have any ideas of what you'd like to see happen, please let me know in the comments or in a private message!

Please vote and comment and as always thanks for reading!

Until next time, stay safe and I love ya! 😘💜

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