Cote: The Demonic Ninja

By 9crimsonsage

28.2K 2.1K 702

Ayanokoji, the only survivor of the demonic fourth generation, is killed in a freak accident. He gets reincar... More

Vol 1 Reborn
Vol 1 Learning
Vol 1 Train
Vol 1 Clash
Vol 1 Friendship
Vol 1 Dawn
Vol 1 Dawnbreak
Vol 1 Choice
Vol 1 Evaluation
Vol 1 Rain
Vol 1 Weapon
Vol 1 Sharingans
Vol 1 Cake
Vol 1 Burn

Vol 1 Lavender

2.1K 159 77
By 9crimsonsage

Ayanokoji's pov

I took a deep breath and went through hand signs carefully. I made sure to move the right amount of chakra to my hands, I felt the chakra moving towards my hand, when I felt I had the right amount of chakra needed I went through the hand signs faster to finish them faster.

"Clone Technique." I said as a clone that looked just like me popped right towards my left. I looked at it and couldn't help but feel some pride in myself. I had just successfully done my first Jutsu. Although it was only an E rank Jutsu. Still for a four year old I suppose this would have to be quite impressive.

I then picked up the book I was reading on the basic Jutsus. I scrolled through the pages till I found the Jutsu I wanted to try next. It was called the body replacement technique. It was a Jutsu that allowed the user to change places with any object. Most people used this technique to switch places with a log when they were in trouble.

I looked around the park that I was in to look for a log, I didn't find one but I did see a rather large stick on the floor. I guess that'll have to do for now. I placed the book down as I had already memorized the hand signs so had no need to look at them

I again made my chakra move towards my hand. I went through the hand signs and focused my mind on the stick I wanted to switch places with. Suddenly I found my body moving, I then found myself in the spot where the stick was. However I grabbed onto my stomach as I felt a bit sick, my body isn't used to moving that fast so it's normal for me to feel sick after moving that fast for the very first time.

The body replacement technique is a Jutsu I could put to great use. It allowed me to move throughout the battlefield smoothly, so as long as I had something to switch with I could teleport behind an enemy and kill them. Of course I would only be capable of this if the enemy has bad reaction time and is slower than me. Because if their reaction time is good and they are faster than me then they will see me behind them and quickly turn around to slice my throat open.

However I could put this to good use another way. It took more work though and a bit more of chakra control. If I'm in a battlefield with leaves, or small pieces of rocks everywhere then I would be able to switch places with them over and over again to make it look as if I'm teleporting all over the battlefield. This will make it harder for an enemy who is faster than me to kill me.

As I said before, if there is anyone who can make an ability people find useless into a great ability it's me.

I then went through hand signs once more, and tried to switch places with a leaf that was on the ground. However I was unable to, instead I felt more sick then when I switched places with the stick. It seems like I need to practice my chakra control more before I'm able to switch places with something as small as a leaf. I walked over to the tree and pressed my back against it and slid down the tree. I held onto my stomach as I felt as if I was going to puke any moment. I suddenly felt something wet hit my nose. I looked up at the sky as I watched snow starting to slowly fall onto the ground.

I suppose it is about that time of year. As I was leaning on the tree I couldn't help but close my eyes at the peace I felt. Yes this new world I am now in is a far more dangerous world than my past one but here I was free. I no longer had people trying to control my life, I could finally be me.

I don't know how long I spaced out for but I opened my eyes as I heard a loud yell. My eyes slowly twitched open. When they were fully open I saw that the park that was once green, was now covered in beautiful white snow. It's amazing how fast the green grass can be consumed by snow. I then heard another yell. I turned my head towards where I heard the yelling. I got up from where I was sitting and went to check what was going on. After all it sounded like it was a kid yelling.

I focused my chakra to my feet and climbed a tree. I then jumped onto another tree, and another slowly making my way towards the yelling. I was not used to jumping from tree to tree so walking would have been faster but this was good training for me. I had already learned how to walk and run up trees so now hopping from tree to tree is next on the list of things I should master.

As I was getting closer to where I heard the yelling I hopped onto another tree, however this time I felt my chakra disappear from my feet for just a second, without warning my feet slipped off the branch and I fell to the ground. Luckily there was snow so the fall didn't hurt much. I got off the ground and patted the snow off me. This just goes to show that even though I'm advanced for my age, I still have a lot of room for improvement even in the simple things like hopping from tree to tree. I then walked back up a tree and made my way towards where the yell came from.

As I hopped onto a tree branch I saw a group of three boys beating up a blonde hair boy. There was a girl with short black hair and lavender eyes begging them to stop. As I looked at the blonde-hair boy I couldn't help but recognize him. He was a boy who grew up in the orphanage as I have, however I haven't seen him in the orphanage for a while now. I could only assume that he got adopted. However what caught my eye about him is that everyone seemed to hate him for some reason. Within the orphanage, even the nicest of the caretakers mistreated this boy, at times they wouldn't even feed him. I had heard them call him a demon a few times.

However to me this boy was no demon. It is most likely that he comes from a family that was evil, however he should not take the blame for something that he didn't do. I jumped off the tree and landed on the ground next to the black hair girl.

"Leave him alone." I said. One of the boys turned to look at me and laughed.

"Hey you hear that guys, it looks like we have a second hero!" The boy yelled while laughing. His friends laughed right alongside him. The boy seemed to be around at least 9 years old, considering I'm 4 our physical ability isn't even close. However I have far more fighting experience and abilities then all of them combined. And with chakra the odds were even more in my favor.

"I'm only going to ask once more, leave him alone and get lost." I told them, as I started to focus my chakra towards my hands. The boy smirked and walked towards me and grabbed me by my collar.

"Or what." He asked in a cocky voice. I grabbed onto his wrist and added pressure to it. I watched as he cringed in pain and let go of my collar, I however didn't let go of his hand, instead I pushed more chakra towards my hand to increase the pressure I had on his wrist. The boy fell to his knee as I saw tears starting to build up in his eyes from the pain. Now that the boy was on his knees we were face to face and I quickly headbutted him and let go of his wrist. The boy fell backwards and grabbed onto his nose that was now bleeding a bit. One of the other two boys rushed at me and threw a punch aimed at my head, I side stepped him and drove my fist into the boy's stomach. The boy spit out a lot of saliva and fell to the ground holding onto his stomach in pain.

The last boy looked at me uncertain, rather he should help his friends up or fight me.

"Take your friends and get going." I told him. The boy quickly helped the boy I had headputted up to his feet and then went to go help the boy I punched in the stomach. They all then speed walked away.

"Wow you're strong." I heard a voice filled with excitement say. I turned towards where the voice came from, it came from the blonde-hair boy. However I felt a little odd looking at him. He had a lot of dry blood on his face and on his shirt yet there were no open cuts on him, only bruises. There is no way blood would come out of a bruise, there needs to be a cut for him to bleed, how odd. Did he heal already? Maybe he comes from a clan that is able to heal fast.

"I suppose I am." I told the boy. "Are you alright?" I asked, the boy looked at me with a big grin on his face.

"Oh don't worry about me. They were weak so their punches didn't hurt at all." He said in a confident voice. He does realize that since he got beat up by those so-called weak people that he's weaker than them right?

"I see, how about you?" I asked, turning towards the black hair girl with lavender-like eyes. She looked at me as a small blush came on her face.

"Y-y-yeah." She said in a soft and nervous voice. Hm, looking at her eyes I can tell that she's a Hyuga. I wonder if helping this girl will get me in good favor with the Hyugas. Really that all depends how high this girl is in their social ranks.

"Are you sure, if you're not I can help you get home." I told her.

"N-no it's f-fine." She stuttered out.

"I see, well my name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji. It's a pleasure to meet you both." I told both the Hyuga and the blonde-haired boy.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, future Hokage." Naruto proclaimed proudly. We both turned to face the Hyuga who looked down towards her feet. She then started poking her fingers together in a rather adorable manner.

"H-H-Hinata H-Hyuga." Hinata said shyly.

"Man, she stutters a lot." Naruto said in a low voice. I couldn't help but agree but wouldn't voice my opinion.

"Well I think you two should be getting back home since it is starting to get quite late." I told them.

"Yeah, you're right, well it was nice meeting both of y'all." Naruto said with a bright smile placed on his face. Yet even though his smile was bright I couldn't help but feel there was sadness hiding behind that smile. He then began to run off while waving his hand behind him. Once I couldn't see him anymore I turned to face Hinata. She was still looking at the ground while poking her fingers.

"Do you not know your way home?" I asked and almost right away I saw her ears turn red and she started to poke her fingers even faster. I'll take that as a no. I then walked up towards her and turned around and lowered myself a bit. "Here hop on, you're a Hyuga right, I'll take you to the Hyuga compound, It'll be faster if I carry you." I told her. For a few seconds she didn't say or do anything but after 17 seconds I felt her arms wrap around my neck and her feet wrap around my back. Once I felt like she wouldn't slip I stood up. I then added chakra towards my feet, this will make for good training but I should be more careful as to not hurt her if I fall. I walked up towards a tree and slowly began going up, I heard her squeal in surprise. I suppose she wasn't expecting me to be able to tree climb. I then climbed all the way towards the top.

"hold on tight ok." I said and felt her nod onto my back. Well let's see how good I am at this while giving someone a piggyback ride. I then jumped from the tree I was on, onto another tree, and onto another one and another one.

I had memorized a map of the village a long time ago so I knew where the Hyuga compound was located. After about 20 minutes I landed on the front gates of the compound. There stood two guards who eyed me as I landed.

"Ok we're here." I said. I kneed down a bit to let Hinata get off me easier. Once the guard recognized Hinata they went to her side.

"Lady Hinata, are you ok? Where's the guard who was with you?" They asked her. It seemed like she was someone of high status in this clan after all. One of the guards took Hinata into the compound but not before she looked back at me and shyly thanked me. The guard who was left outside looked at me.

"May I have your name." The guard said.

"Kiyotaka Ayanokoji." I responded. The guard looked at me as if trying to memorize my face and name. He then nodded to himself.

"I see, I thank you Ayanokoji for bring lady Hinata home." The guard said with a slight bow. "Now please excuse me." The guard said and walked into the compound.

Well today was rather odd, let's hope this will allow me to build a good relationship with the Hyuga. After all political power is something I will also need to gain. 

I hope you guys enjoyed. I'm going to make Ayanokoji be very smart when it comes to using Jutsus since he's not from a clan. I mean something like the body replacement technique is rather powerful is used right. I feel like a lot of Jutsus weren't able to shine in cannon Naruto so here Ayanokoji will be using every Jutsu he learns to their full ability. 

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