Starting New

By HogwartsTillTheEnd

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Alvenia Hope Swan Mikaelson. Daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Ensley Princess of the fae. Sent away to protect... More

Fairy/ Fae Infomation
Moving to Forks
First Day/ Meeting the Cullens
First Day/ Meeting the Cullens Part Two
Edward is Back/ Meeting Carlisle
Date Night/ Trip to LaPush
Meeting Sam Uley and Paul Lahote
Trip to Port Angelas
Bella Meets The Cullen's
Baseball With the Cullens
The Nomades
Running To Phoenix
New Moon Starts Here
Bella's Eighteenth Birthday
The Cullen's Leave
Hanging with Jacob
Laurent is Back
Alvenia In Transition
They're Back/ Going to Italy
The Volturi
Catching Up
Eclipse Starts Here
Alice's Vision
Visiting Mom
Telling Dad/ Jake is Back
The Intruder
Preparing for Battle
Breaking Dawn Starts Here
Bella's Wedding
The Reception
Bella is Pregnant
Bella Gives Birth
Bella Is A Vampire
Gathering Witnesses
The Confrontation
The Twins
The Wedding

The Battle

97 3 0
By HogwartsTillTheEnd

Alvenia's Point of View

The Next Day

''Did you say yes?'' I ask Bella as she and I walk through the woods spreading our blood to draw the Newborns here and drive them crazy. 

Bella looks at me shocked. ''How did you know?'' She asks me. I scoff, ''Please you don't think he would have asked you to marry him without talking to me first did you?'' I ask her. 

She rolls her eyes looking around before looking at me and nodding her head. I clap happily. ''Yay, this is going to be so fun,'' I grin at her. 

''Shhhhh,'' she tells me. I frown at her. ''Why am I more excited about this than you are?'' I ask her. ''I am, but it's just talking about here in the open when Jake could be anywhere,'' she tells me. 

I roll my eyes. ''Jake needs to get over himself and realise that you are in love with Edward. I love the guy but he needs to realise that even if you have some type of feelings towards him you will choose Edward every time,'' I tell her. 

''This news of you and Edward being engaged will give him the big fat reality check that he needs,'' I tell her. 

''I will tell him, I just don't want him distracted, thinking about me and Edward when he should be focused on the fight,'' Bella tells me. I sigh and nod my head. 

She and I continue for a bit more before we both looked up. ''You both are going overbored,'' Noah says walking forward and wrapping an arm around my waist resting his hands on my belly once again. 

''The Newborns will be frantic,'' Edward chuckles. ''Well if this is all I can contribute, I want to be thorough,'' Bella nods her head. ''Don't, I don't want you to make yourself uncomfortable,'' Bella tried pulling her hand back. 

''It doesn't bother me anymore,'' Edward waves her off. ''Since when?'' Bella asks him. ''Since I spent twelve hours thinking that you were dead,'' Edward tells her bandaging her finger. 

''You're not wearing it?'' Edward frowns looking at Bella's hand. ''I didn't want to risk losing it,'' Bella tells him. ''Or risk Jacob seeing it,'' Edward tells her. 

''I already talked to her about it,'' I tell Edward patting him on the back. ''I don't want him to be distracted!'' Bella tells him the same thing she told me. 

''Who's distracted?'' I look to the side and see Jake walking towards us. ''No one I hope,'' I tell him smiling. 

He nods his head before looking between Edward and Noah. ''Alice says there is a storm coming,'' Noah tells him. ''Yeah, I can feel it,'' Jake nods his head looking up at the sky. ''We should get going,'' Jake looks at Bella. 

''Aunt Rebekah will meet you all up there,'' I tell them. They all look at me confused. I look between them all before looking at Edward and Bella specifically. 

''We all know how smart Victoria is. When she realises that you are both not here, she will know that you two are with each other. She may not be able to pick up on Bella's scent but she may be able to pick up on yours,'' I look at Edward specifically.

''Not saying that this will happen but there is a chance it will. We can't risk anything, so Aunt Rebekah is going to stay with you guys so if Victoria does find you, you have more backup,'' I tell him. 

''I never thought of that,'' Edward closes his eyes tensing up. ''None of us did,'' Jasper speaks up walking towards us. ''It's just a precaution,'' I tell Edward and Bella. 

''We still need to go if we want to beat the storm,'' Jake looks at Bella. Bella looks at me and I smile at her comfortingly. ''Go, I'll see you after the fight,'' I tell her. 

She nods and walks towards Jake and the two then disappear into the woods. I look at Edward, Noah and Jasper. Edward soon disappears to get to the top of the mountain leaving me with Jasper and Noah. 

''Are we staying out here tonight?'' I ask them. Jasper nods his head. Jasper soon walks away and before following them Noah turns me around so that I was facing him. 

He looks at me concerned. ''Are you sure that there is no way I can convince you not to be here when the fight breaks out?'' Noah asks me pulling me closer to him by my waist. 

''You know I can't do that. Not if I can help you all long enough not to have any of you hurt or killed,'' I tell him softly. 

He sighs leaning his head against mine. ''Promise me that you will be careful?'' he asks me. I smile and lean up kissing him softly. ''I promise,'' I tell him. 

The Next Day

Alvenia's Outfit. Without the Bag and the Sunglasses.

Alvenia's Hairstyle and Two-Month Pregnant Belly

I stand up on the platform among the trees while both my families are on the field below me waiting for the Newborns to show up. 

I see Noah look up at me and I nod my head. ''Invisaque!'' I watch in concern as I see the Newborns rush out of the edge of the woods.

I sigh raising my hands. ''Incindia,'' immediately fire sprouts from all around the edges of the forest keeping the Newborns trapped on the field.

I watch as the Wolves soon join the fight and I watch as all the Newborns corner everyone I breathe in deeply and clench my fists focusing on all of the Newborns I could see.

All the Newborns below me fall to the ground yelling and screaming in pain giving the wolves and my families time to destroy every last one of them.

I watched as one of the New Borns was left and watched as Esme and Carlisle cornered her but shared a look of hesitation when it was seen that she was scared out of her mind. 

Watching Carlisle look up at me I take the hint and drop the spell watching the girl fall to the ground in relief. 

''Invisque saeclum,'' reappearing from where I was I use the wind to fly down to the Cullen's landing by Noah's side, his arm immediately going around my waist while also placing himself in front of my body glaring slightly at the Newborn Vampire. 

I look up when I heard the sound of a Vampire speeding into the field and grin in relief when I see Bella, Aunt Rebekah and Edward, Seth soon follows after them but I frown when I see the blood rushing down Bella's arm. 

''What stupid thing did you do now?'' I ask him rushing towards her. ''Cut her arm to get Riley and Victoria's attention as they were about to kill this one,'' Rebekah tells me gesturing to Edward. 

I sigh looking at her arm and seeing that it was already healed. ''She gave me her blood,'' Bella tells me looking around. ''Everyone's okay,'' I tell her. 

I spoke too soon. I turned around when I heard Leah growl and saw him rushing toward a leftover Newborn who must have been hiding. 

''Leah no,'' I call out to her. But it was too late, the Vampire had his arms around her and just as he was about to kill her I threw my arms up and the Vampire rose into the air. 

One by one his limbs were torn off and similar to James a golden glow surrounded me but not as bright as it had when I was killing James.

I drop his body to the ground setting it on fire. I watch as all the Wolves look at me in shock even in their Wolf form before our attention was drawn to Alice as she gasped. 

''The Volturi, they're coming,'' Alice tells us. ''They won't respect the truce with your pack,'' Carlisle looks to Sam. ''You should all go before they get here!''

Sam nods his head and I flinch when I hear his thoughts about how stupid and cocky Leah was to go straight for the Vampire after everything Jasper taught them. I watch as they all leave before we all stand in line getting ready for the Volturi members to arrive.

I refrain from rolling my eyes when I see that the members who were sent by the Volturi were Jane, Alec, Dimitri and Felix. 

I take notice of how when they see me their eyes drop to the ground in fear but look back up at me in confusion when they see my pregnant belly. 

''Impressive, I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact?'' Jane speaks up looking around. ''We were lucky,'' Carlisle tells her. 

''I doubt that not every coven is blessed to have the Mikaelsons fight alongside them,'' Jane looks over every one of my family while they all stood glaring at her. 

''It appears we missed an entertaining fight,'' Alec speaks up. ''Yes, it's not often we are rendered unnecessary,'' Jane speaks up. I refrain from saying anything when I heard her thoughts. 

''If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose,'' Edward glares at her, his arm wrapped protectively around Bella's waist. 

''Pity,'' Jane tries to stop herself from smirking. She looks more closely before nodding. ''You missed one,'' she speaks up. We all turn and look at Bree as we learned her name before looking back at Jane. 

Noah was not saying anything, instead, he had his arms wrapped securely around my waist, his hands resting on my belly. I notice quite often Jane's or the others' eyes glancing at it before looking briefly at me before looking away again. 

''We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender,'' Carlisle informs Jane. ''That wasn't yours to offer,'' Jane tells him before focusing on Bree. 

I look at Carlisle concerned as does Esme but Carlisle shakes his head at us subtly, as a way to tell us not to do anything. 

''Why did you come?'' I refocus on the interaction between Jane and the Newborn. When Bree didn't reply Jane used her gift and I turned my head away not liking hearing Bree scream in pain. Not when I was carrying two babies myself and was extremely hormonal. 

''They came to destroy us and to kill Alvenia and Bella,'' Esme speaks up trying to save the Newborn. ''Who created you?'' Jane ignores her still interrogating Bree. 

''You know she will tell you anything you need to know, but she can't when she is screaming,'' I speak up and Jane looks at me pausing her torture on the girl before nodding her head. ''I know,'' she tells me before looking at Bree. 

''I don't know, Riley wouldn't tell us, he said that our thoughts weren't safe,'' Bree tells her looking briefly and Edward and me. 

''Her name was Victoria, perhaps you knew of her?'' Noah asks her. ''Noah, if the Volturi, knew of Victoria, surely they would have stopped her, isn't that right Jane,'' Carlisle looks to Jane. 

''Of course,'' Jane tells us but her smile and thoughts say differently, something that both Edward and I catch as we share a glance. 

''Felix,'' Jane nods at him and he moved towards Bree. ''She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her. Give her a chance,'' Esme pleads. 

''The Volturi doesn't give second chances, you do well to remember that. Caius will be interested to know that she is still human,'' Jane nods at Bella. 

That is when my father steps in making the Volturi members cower back in fear. ''I don't care about the Newborn girl, but if you threaten anyone in my family, it will be the last thing you do. We will rip you apart limb from limb and send you back to your precious Volturi piece my piece reminding them what happens if they cross us Mikaelsons again,'' Dad sneers at her. 

''We will come for them and we will destroy their empire piece by piece, first starting with you, then your brother, then the two behind you, and so that they know we are coming for them we will go for the wives they keep locked in a tower and after that, Chelsea who Aro keeps so close,'' Dad threatens. 

Jane had taken steps back and was looking at my father and the rest of the Mikaelsons including me in fear as we stood side by my side. 

''And you do well to pass this on to your precious masters. You know us Mikaelsons always stand by our word,'' Elijah steps up by my fathers' side. 

''The date is set,'' Bella tells them. Jane looks at Bella shocked by her confidence as Dad and Uncle Kol smirk at her proudly. 

''Take care of that Felix, I would like to go home,'' Jane turns to look at Felix. I try not to watch as Bree screams as she gets torn apart but her screams soon cease to nothing. 

Soon enough we all leave the field and make our way back to the Cullen's home. Later that night, Dad and the others say goodbye as they needed to get back to New Orleans. 

''Keep us updated on the twins why don't you?'' Dad asks holding his hand out towards Noah to shake. ''Will do,'' Noah smiles shaking my Dad's hand.

 We watch as they drive away and I smile leaning back into Noah's side as he wraps his arm around my waist.

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