They're Back/ Going to Italy

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Alvenia's Point of View

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Alvenia's Point of View.

A couple of weeks later Aunt Rebekah and I had made progress on learning to control my thirst in large amounts of the public. 

I have also started to get used to drowning out the intensity of the voices in my head. All while this has been happening each day Bella and I would go down to the Rez. 

Bella would hang with Emily or Jake whenever he wasn't on patrol. Where is I would go out on patrol with the rest of the pack, who of which I have gotten closer to over the last couple of weeks.

I just arrived home from patrol and noticed Bella was out somewhere. Rebekah was in Seattle, and Dad was out hunting. I was in my room when my phone starts to ring. 

''Hello?'' I answer the phone. ''Al, it's Jake, get to LaPush beach, the one opposite the cliff jumping spot!'' Before I could say anything Jake hung up. I get up drop my phone and speed out of the house. I speed through the woods till I cross the treaty line. 

Once I get to the beach I look around before I spot Jake coming out of the water. I feel my eyes widen when I notice he was pulling someone out. I speed down there and I start to freak when I see that it was Bella he was pulling out. 

''Bella?'' I call out to her worried as I drop by her side. Jake wastes no time before starting CPR. ''Come on Bella, breath,'' I talk to her. It takes a couple of tries but soon Bella starts coughing up water. I roll her onto her side and rub her back as she threw up all the water she inhaled. 

''It's okay Bella, let it all out,'' I tell her. ''Al, Jake?'' Bella asks looking at us. ''What were you thinking?'' I ask her helping her sit up. ''I just wanted to see something,'' Bella speaks up. I sigh knowing what it is she wanted to see, more specifically who. 

''Get them home,'' I hear Sam call out. I look up from Bella and see Sam looking over at us. ''I'm going to go and help out at Harry's place,'' he finishes before rushing off. 

''What's happened?'' Bella and I ask him. Jake looks at us sadly. ''Harry Clearwater had a heart attack,'' Jake tells us. ''My Dad and Charlie are over at Harry's, he's gone,'' Jake finishes. ''Jake I am so sorry,'' I apologize. 

''Come on let's get you into something dry and then I'll take you both home,'' Jake tells us. I nod my head and stand up but I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. 

I turn around and look out to the water. Her red hair stands out against the blue of the waves. ''We need to go,'' I tell them. Jake helps Bella up and starts leading her away. 

''I know you're listening Victoria, you can come after me all you like, but if you touch Bella, I'll make sure you die a harsher death than James ever did,'' I tell her before following behind Bella and Jake. 

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