maddie sturniolo: the triplet...

By stvrniolos555

337K 4.3K 1.9K

what would it be like if the sturniolo triplets had a younger sister? -NO WEIRD COMMENTS PLEASE!! -this is ju... More

intro + characters
1 - first day of high school
2 - homeroom
3 - lunch
4 - drive home
5 - pasta + guitar practice
6 - i'm so proud of you
7 - break
8 - dizzy
9 - anxiety attack
10 - this isnt your fault
11 - home
13 - toy story + nate
14 - a good day
15 - ice cream
16 - announcement + can't sleep
17 - italy + more macy
18 - vandalised locker
19 - upset
20 - friday
21 - picnic
22 - theme park
23 - uh oh
24 - all because of you
25 - sleepover + home alone
26 - fight
27 - opening up
28 - aftermath
29 - cupcakes
30 - sick
31 - a long night
32 - this can't be normal
33 - poisoned
34 - friendships do change
35 - revenge
36 - back to normal
37 - nebraska
38 - car video
39 - grateful
40 - recently
41 - chick fil a
42 - vet
43 - nightmare
44 - fracture
45 - new start
46 - walk
47 - lisa
48 - mr roberts
49 - progress
50 - LA
51 - first day pt2
52 - family
53 - teasing
54- lying
55 - pink paint
56 - movie night
57 - all over again
58 - airpods
59 - dying
60 - loved
61 - i need you.
62 - decisions
63 - phone call
64 - the beginning
65 - airport
66 - sleepy
67 - bedrooms
68 - first evening
69 - warehouse
70 - disney
71 - leak
72 - brunch + target
73 - waterpark
74 - comfort
75 - train to happiness
76 - gone?
77 - just want her.
78 - macy!!
79- reunited

12 - brownies

5.6K 73 23
By stvrniolos555

me and chris had been baking the brownies for half an hour now. chris had his playlist on shuffle and was dancing and singing as he stirred the mixture. i just laughed.
"it smells so good" i said. he nodded.
"i know right" he replied, licking the brownie batter off of a spoon. "it's a big mixture though so there's gonna be loads of spares. we can keep some for ourselves though, i don't think nate will want 45 brownies."
we both laughed, as i got a thought.
"actually.. i wanna take some in for a friend"
"who? sophie?"chris asked, pouring the batter into the tray. kid was clueless.
"no" i said, opening the oven for him "i have a new friend, she's called macy. she's really nice, she's in my maths class."
chris looked at me, smiling, as he took the tray over to the oven.
"awwww" he said, making me laugh. "that's sweet. how many do you need for her?"
"like.. 10?? she can give some to her family. she really helped me out earlier during my anxiety attack. this can be my thank you gift."
chris shut the oven, and rubbed my shoulder, smiling.
"you're a good kid."

we sat down at the island, just talking about things.
"you gonna be okay by yourself when we go out to golf?"
i nodded.
"yeah. wont mom be back by then anyways?" i asked chris. he shrugged, drinking his pepsi.
"i dunno. probably."

the brownies had finished baking, so i helped chris get it out the oven and we started to decorate them. chris decorated nates, i decorated macys, and we didn't decorate the spare ones because we cba. they looked amazing. i ate one of the spare ones because of how good they looked. they were crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside. just perfect.
"are they good?" chris asked, looking at me, as he shook blue sprinkles over nate's batch. i nodded, enjoying the taste
"they're fucking fantastic" i replied, chewing. he laughed.
chris had decorated nate's with red and blue sprinkles, and i decorated macy's with some pink and purple ones. i hoped she wasn't dairy free. or vegan. that would be upsetting.

just then, we heard the front door shut.
"hi guys!" marylou shouted from downstairs.
"hi mom!!!" chris shouted back. mom came upstairs, then smiled as soon as she saw me and chris decorating the brownies.
"ooohh brownies, how nice. are these for nate?" mom asked, coming over to look at the brownies.
"yeah, mine are for nate, and maddie is giving some of the spares to one of her friends. we also got loads of spares for us." chris explained. mom smiled, looking over at me.
"which friend? a new friend?" mom smiled. i nodded, looking up at her.
"yeah, macy, she's really nice" i smiled.
"aw, thats great. i'm glad you've made some new friends. it's good for you" she smiled, cleaning up some of the dirty dishes we had used for the brownies. "how's sophie?"
i froze. i would just have to lie.
"she's good. she got into the cheerleading team."
i wanted to throw up saying that.
"oh, really! that's amazing!! tell her i say congrats!"
"i will" i smiled, lying.
i won't. i won't go anywhere near that bitch.
"anyways, we're basically done, maddie you can just put yours in a container to take into school tomorrow and i'll do the same for mine for nate when he comes round after golf." chris said, pointing to the containers. i did as he said, and then shortly after my brothers left to meet my dad at golf, leaving just me and my mom at home with trevor, obviously.

my mom was finishing cleaning up the dishes and was trying some of the brownies, as i was on my phone in the living room. macy had messaged me back.


macyyyy: hey!! it's absolutely no prob at all don't worry :)) i just hope you are okay
macyyyy: if you ever need to talk to me about anything i'm always here. i know we haven't known each other for that long but you genuinely seem like such a cool person and i'd love to hang with you in school tomorrow, if you want to of course

You: omg of course i would love to!!
You: STOP UR SO FUCKING SWEET thank you so much, i appreciate you
You: also i got a surprise for you tomorrow. you'll just have to wait to see what it is

macyyyy: maddie i hate surprises 😭😭 but i will wait just for you

i chuckled, as i heard my mom say how good the brownies were. she then came into the living room and sat down with me.
"so.. about school.." mom began. i looked up at her.
"what did you say to them?" i asked.
"i emailed saying about the anxiety attack, and everything, they said it's all good." she smiled. i breathed a sigh of relief. "but next time you need to leave you need to sign out so they know you have gone home, and you need permission from me."
"okay mom" i laughed, as she smiled. "am i not in trouble for running out of class?"
she shook her head.
"no, not at all. you were overwhelmed, the school understand that"
i hugged my mom.
"thank you mom. i love you"
"i love you more sweetie" she said, kissing the top of my head. "so you're feeling better now?"
"yeah, definitely. i'm just glad matt could pick me up."
"yeah. you're lucky you got them, they're always gonna protect their sister no matter what" she smiled. i smiled too. "so, how about that film we said we would watch, huh?"

omg WHAT number 3 in #sturniolotriplets? wow that's insane wtf. thank you

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