The Grey Butterfly {H.S}

By XGirlinLoveX

34K 3.5K 530

"A candle lit dinner, a bit cheesy don't you think?" I tease. I could feel his body heat wrapping me into him... More

The Grey Butterfly 2
Think you could do me a favor?!
The Grey Butterfly 3
The Grey Butterfly 4
The Grey Butterfly 5
The Grey Butterfly 6
700 reads = New Update
The Grey Butterfly 7
Right sooooo......
Q and A
The Grey Butterfly 8
Sorry :(
The Grey Butterfly 9
The Grey Butterfly 10
The Grey Butterfly 11
The Grey Butterfly 12
The Grey Butterfly 13
The Grey butterfly 14
The Grey Butterfly 15
The Grey Butterfly 16
The Grey Butterfly 17
The Grey Butterfly 18
The Grey butterfly 19
The Grey Butterfly 20
The Grey Butterfly 21
The Grey Butterfly 22
The Grey Butterfly 23
The Grey Butterfly 24
The Grey Butterfly 25
The Grey Butterfly 26
The Grey Butterfly 27
The Grey Butterfly 28
The Grey Butterfly 29
As I Promiced
The Grey Butterfly 30
The Grey Butterfly 31
The Grey Butterfly 32
Thank You
These Are My Colours

The Grey Butterfly 1

2.8K 269 95
By XGirlinLoveX

I'd Like to personally thank every one who is reading/had read this. That comes to the next thing I wanted to talk about if you guys P.M me something that you want me to contribute into the story then moi shall....and you'll get a dedication and a follow, lucky sons of a bitches. Anyway I love you all from the bottom of my back heart. Peace out BITCHES!


The soft breeze came from the east, the sun fading in the west. The grass still moist from the spring showers, leaves slowly staring to re-grow on the end of all the trees in the valley and flowers starting to blossom through the warm soil. One part of town bore beauty and yet the other half was tinted with darkness. Like a invisible line had been drawn to separate both. Draco Manor, the old empty house that makes shivers crawl down your spine and makes your feet promptly move faster than your mind. You never see anyone going in or out of the manor but it still looks alive. The grass never grows wild, the bushes never look untidy and flowers are still neatly grown along the footpath. Something just doesn't add up about that place and it never has.

"Get your mind out of the gutter and stop thinking about that house you're not Nancy Drew" Candice my older sister snaps at me as we walk past the house on our way to school. I hadn't even realized I'd stopped to stare "You always have that look on your face when we walk past it every god damn day. It annoys me, stop it" Typical older sister behavior going on here, she obviously woke up on the other side of her layer today. I picked up my pace and tried to keep up with her "We're going to be late because of you" She snaps again

"God Candice don't get your horns in a twist" I snapped back and earned a glare as sharp as daggers. We enter through the school gates and turn in the opposite direction from each other without saying a word

"Hey" A high pitched voice squealed behind me. It was Olive.

"Hey Olive how was your summer?" I ask purely out of courtesy.

"Great. Really good mum and dad have called it quits but Derek and I knew it was coming, so I spent half the summer with mum in Paris and half with dad in Italy" She rambled.

"It's sad to hear that about your parents but on the up side you got two amazing holidays" I giggle awkwardly, she started talking again but I cut her off "I hate to be rude but I really have to find Jess and Zander." I wave already walking way from her giving her no time to reply.

I see Jess's neon pink hair from across the quad. "Carrot top" I squeal and tackle her to the ground. She once dyed her hair green and made the mistake of wearing an orange top after an awful spray tan so like the good friend I am I obviously gave her a ridiculous nickname "It feels like I haven't seen you in ages" I smile and pin her down while I savour the moment.

"I only saw you yesterday" she replied dryly and rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah" It dawned on me after I said it "But it makes things more dramatic."

I hear Zander as he makes his way sprinting over to join us...on the ground. The three of us lay as an awkward pile having a moment while the rest of our school population look at us as though we're on crack. "Ugh control your absurd sister" I hear Martha, one of my sister's minions say to her as they make there way past us "What have I told you dweeb! Can you not at least try and act normal while we're in public," Candace came straight to my face and hissed and with a dramatic hair flip she left with her 'Followers'

When the first day of school ends after the break being nearly two months long the kind of relief you feel is unexplainable. My head ached from all the information thrown at us and so did my shoulders from the work load we were so hastily given and to top it off I still had the twenty minute walk home. I pulled my phone from the pocket of my washed out skinny jeans and tapped on the caller 'Carrot Top' she picked up on the third ring "What's up hot stuff" I could hear her muffled giggle from the other end.

"Do you think you could be the bestest friend ever and give me a ride home? My feet hurts like hell"

"I would if I could but you know I have band practice" I groan at her reply.


"I'll call you later, Okay?" Damn her and her need to always quote my favorite book!

"Okay." I grumble, we both hang up and I started stomping, kicking large stones out of my path way. I walk past Draco Manor not giving it a glance as I walk past. I heard breathing and looked up the three steps that leads to the entrance of the Manor. There a boy was sitting staring curiously at me as I stopped walking. My breath hitched in my throat, he shake his hand through his brown ringlet hair, my eyes wander to the drive where there's a car cleanly washed and its boot perched open. "Hello there love" he had a rough British accent. He sat on the steps as his green orbs drank me in "H...h...hey" I stuttered nervously. Did they just move in? "We're new in the neighbourhood" he smirked answering my thoughts. He got up from the step and sauntered over to me "My name is ..." he paused as if thinking "Harry".

I stood still looking at him peculiarly "Oh right, I'm Marianna but Mia is cool too" I extended my hand out of politeness. He watched it wearily as if not knowing what to do with it and cocked an eyebrow "Okay well I best be going" I say stiffly as I withdrew my hand and started shuffling back "It was nice meeting you".

"See you around Marianna" His grin spoke as loud as his words. I turned back looking over my shoulder to see his eyes following me as I walked down the road home.

~ Edited 30/06/2015 by zaynie1

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