LIONESS || lydia martin

By bers3rkers

114K 5K 1.7K

𝑳𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺 (s3a-) Asher Lewis knew what she was getting into when her and her pack came back to Beacon Hi... More

|part one|
i. tattoo
iii. unleashed
iiii. frayed
v. motel california
vi. currents
vii. visionary
viii. the girl who knew too much
ix. the overlooked
x. the alpha pact
xi. lunar eclipse
|part two|
i. anchors
ii. more bad than good
iii. galvanize
iiii. illuminated
v. silverfinger
vi. riddled
vii. letharia vulpina
viii. echo house
ix. the fox and the wolf
x. de-void
xi. insatiable
xii. the devine move
|part three|
i. the dark moon.
ii. 117
iii. muted
iiii. the benefactor
v. I.E.D
vi. orphaned
vii. weaponized
viii. time of death
ix. perishable
x. monstrous
xi. a promise to the dead
xii. smoke and mirrors
|part four|
i. creatures of the night
ii. parasomnia
iii. dreamcatchers
iiii. condition terminal
v. a novel approach
vi. required reading
vii. strange frequencies
viii. ouroboros
ix. lies of ommission
x. status asthmaticus
|part five|
i. the last chimera
ii. damnatio memoriae
iii. codominance / the sword and the spirit
iv. amplification
v. lie ability
vi. a credible threat
vii. maid of gevaudan
viii. the beast of beacon hills

ii. chaos rising

4.5K 164 44
By bers3rkers

Asher Lewis was driving down the street towards the nearest gas station. She took a right turn onto the next street, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. Once the gas station came into view the girl tightened her hands a little, getting ready to make another turn. Asher pulled in, found a parking spot and parked her car. The girl turned it off and climbed out of her car.

Once she entered the store she looked around trying to get a feel for the place. Asher started walking forward to get to the chip isle. She glanced around before deciding on some plain potato chips. She knew they were quite basic, but they were her favorite. Asher sighed and headed to the coolers to snag a drink. Once she had all she wanted she started towards the cashier.

"Hey pretty lady!"

Asher kept walking, not knowing if he was talking to her and slightly ignoring him.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, mama!" She heard the voice again.

Asher set her things down on the counter, giving the lady a small smile before turning around.

"Hi?" She said hesitantly. Asher didn't want to start a problem, but she knew she could fight if needed.

"What're you doing here all alone?" The man asked with a smirk.

Asher shuffled slightly, rubbing her hands together. "Snacks." That was all she said.

A flicker of anger flashed across the man's face. "What? No smile for me?" He regained his composure.

Asher sighed. She really didn't want to deal with this right now. She knew if she came home looking as if she had been in a fight she'd never hear the end of it. "Mmmm. No thanks."

"C'mon. Just a little smile." He said, stepping a little closer. He attempted to grab her arm but she stepped back.

"Please don't touch me." Asher was trying to be polite, even though this guys was a total pervert.

He huffed and reached out again. Asher grabbed his wrist, turned him around and kicked the back of his knee. He fell slightly. "I asked you not to touch me." Asher breathed out.

"Okay, okay! Okay! Let me go! Damn." The guy begged. She turned his arm a little more hearing a wince. "Damn, woman. Let me go!" Asher huffed before pushing him to the ground. He got up and swung his arm a little. Giving her a pissed off look before leaving.

The girl turned back to the cashier and rubbed her hands together again. It was a habit she had with anxiety.

"Um.. Are you alright?" The cashier lady asked.

Asher nodded. "Oh, yeah. No, I'm fine."

"Six dollars eighty three cents, please." The woman was being a bit cautious.

The teenager pulled her wallet from her pocket and dug out a ten. "Keep the change or donate it. I don't need it." She grabbed the snacks that were now bagged up and walked out the store.


"Okay, what would a pack of alpha's want with Boyd and Erica?" Stiles said while he walked the campus with Scott.

"I'm not sure it's them they want." Scott answered.

"Okay, what, like Derek? Like they're recruiting?" Stiles continued, not noticing his best friend stop and stare at someone.

Asher and the twins were walking the opposite way, her and Aiden in a deep conversation that Scott couldn't hear.

Stiles notices Scott's stopping, turning to see what he's looking at. "Hey, Scott. You coming?" He wonders. Scott looks back once more before continuing walking. He gets a questioning look from Stiles, but he doesn't notice.


Asher's head looks up at the sound of a book slapping on a desk. "The stock market is based on two principles." Coach Finstock says, holding up two fingers. "What are they?"

The McCall boy raises his hand, obviously wanting to be called on.

"Yes, McCall, you can go to the bathroom." Coach says, tired of it already. "Anybody else?" He asks as Scott puts his hand down, disappointed.

"Uh, no, Coach, I know the answer." Scott states.

Asher is caught off guard when she hears Finstock's laugh. It's almost all wheeze, ending with an actual laugh. Scott gives him a slight questioning look that tells him he really knows the answer.

"Oh, you're serious." Coach furrows his brows.

Scott puts his arm on his desk. "Yes. Risk and reward."

"Wow!" Coach exclaims. "Who are you? And what have you done with Scott McCall?" Coach excitedly talks as he stalks toward Scott, shaking his hands violently. Scott smiled and looked down and up again, Finstock in his face. "Don't answer that. I like you better. I like you better."

He stands up straight, looking around the class. "Does anybody have a quarter? A quarter?" He asks everyone. Asher pats her pockets, coming up empty.

She looks up as she notices Stiles sort of flailing as he digs in his pocket. Once he gets the change out, something else flies out and land on the ground. Asher let out a laugh once she see's the 'XXL CONDOM' on the wrapper.

Coach stops for a second and then reaches down to pick it up. "Stilinski, uh, I think you... Dropped this." He gives it back to Stiles and takes the quarter. "And congratulations." He says with a smile. Asher gives a look of disgust.

"Risk and reward! Put the quarter in the mug, win the reward." Coach proposes as he grabs the mug, holds it up and puts it down on the ground. "Okay, watch Coach." He crouches on the ground and blows on the quarter before bouncing it off the ground and aiming towards the mug. It goes in. "Huh? Huh?" He exclaims as the class applaud. "That's how you do it. Okay, Danny. Risk, reward?"

Danny holds the quarter he got from Coach, turning it in his hands a little. "What's the reward?"

Coach shrugs. "You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow." He says.

Danny looks at him. "Coach, it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it." He adjusts himself in his chair, leaning forward.

"Danny, you know, I really expect more from you at this point." Finstock remarked, taking the quarter from him. "Really." He nods.

He walks up to Scott, who has an amused smile on his face. "McCall. Risk, reward?" He places the quarter on the corner of his desk. "The risk, if you don't get that quarter in the mug, you have to take the pop- The quiz." He corrects himself. "And you have to write an essay! Risk, more work." He brandishes his fist, shaking it. "Reward." He blows into his other fist, undoing it. "No work at all. Or, choose not to play." Coach shrugs.

"But isn't this just chance?" Scott asks. Asher would have to agree with him there. It just depended on if you had good aim or not.

"No. You know your abilities, your coordination, your focus, past experience. All factors affecting the outcome." Scott holds up the quarter, weighing his options. The Lewis girl was also weighing his options. She still thought it was just chance, but she also knew he was a werewolf, which meant he had one of the best chances of making the shot. "So what's it gonna be, McCall? More work, no work, or choose not to play?" The boy sets the change down on the book on his desk. "No play. Okay. Who's next? Who want's the quarter?" He looks around the room for a moment. "You. New girl!"

Asher looks back at him. Everyone else turns to look at her. All she can feel are eyes on her. She shakes her head no.

"Really? Boring, okay." Finstock replies as soon as someone starts drumming on their desk. "There you go! There's a gambling man!" Stiles stands up and takes the quarter from Coach, a bright smile on his face. "Come on! Step up, step up" The man claps. "Alright, Stilinski."

Stiles starts to aim where he's going to throw when the classroom door opens. Asher looks over to see the Sheriff enter the room. The girl tilts her head, wanting to know what was going on.


"Yeah, Coach, I got it." Stiles insists, thinking the teacher was speaking to him.

"Stiles." The boy finally notices his father and stands up straight. Asher watches them leave before looking over at Scott. He looked confused too, so she knew he knew nothing. So, she did what she always does. Eavesdrop.

"I couldn't find her." She hears the Stilinski boy say to his father. "I just figured she'd hooked up with her other friends." He looks at the other cop and then back to hid dad. "Has no one really seen her since last night?" Stiles asked.

"No. We put out an APB but, um.." The sheriff looks at his son. "Stiles, all her friends say you were the last person who saw her."

"Me?" His confused tone saying everything. Asher looked over at Scott, noticing he was listening too.

"We hope that it's just a series of bad decisions based on too much to drink." Sheriff said. The Lewis girl could tell Scott was getting worried now, his good nature getting the best of him. "But if you remember anything else, you call me. Alright?"

The sound of a coin hitting glass snaps Asher back into reality. "Yes!" Danny says excitedly, making the shot.

"Reward!" Coach exclaims. "Okay, who's next? Greenburg, put your hand down. You don't have a chance." Asher looked over at this 'Greenburg' and furrowed her brows. What the hell did this kid do?


Asher's sitting at a table in the library just casually reading a book she checked out when she hears her brothers walk round the corner. She looks up and Aiden gives her an up-nod before looking over at the table Lydia and Allison are at.

"You need to make contact soon. Go say hi or something." Asher tells him, tired of watching them give each other bedroom eyes from across the room.

Aiden looks down at her then scoffs. "I don't need to, she's gonna come over here." This makes Asher look over there and listen to what they're saying.

"I want one." Lydia says, staring at the twins.

Allison looks back, looking at the trio, mainly the boys. "Which one?" She looks back and asks with a smile."

The red head looks her friend in the eyes and gives a flick of her finger. "The straight one, obviously." She goes right back to staring. Allison looks back as well, confused.

The twins look back at Asher when they hear her chuckle. "What's so funny, Ash?" Ethan asks, amused.

She looks up with a smile. "Just didn't think she realized how painfully obvious it was. She must have awesome gaydar." Asher looks back at her book. "Ow! What the hell?"

Ethan's the one chuckling now. "You'd like to know, wouldn't you?" Asher squints at him with an offended look.

Just as she's about to make a remark back, she hears someone's heartbeat coming straight for them. Lydia comes towards them from her table, approaching Aiden. Soon enough they are exchanging numbers and Ethan is making 'friends' with Danny.

Asher pouts. "Am I the only one without someone?" She says a little louder than she thought because she hears a laugh. She turns her head and see's Allison shaking her head with a smile. The corners of Asher's mouth turn up in a little smile.

She looks back at Allison one more time before getting up and leaving the library.


As soon as the last bell of the day rings, Asher is exiting the school as quick as she can. She unlocks her car on the way to it, stepping off of the sidewalk and onto the pavement. The girl looked over and saw her brothers getting on their bikes. She hummed to herself as she reached her car. Right before opening the door, Asher felt a hand on her arm. She turned quickly, almost hitting whoever it was.

"Whoa! I'm sorry." It was Allison Argent.

Asher put her hand on her heart, rubbing her chest to get it to slow down. "No, it's okay. You just scared me a little." She gave the girl a tight lipped smile.

Allison gave her one back. "Yeah, I kinda snuck up on you. But, um I didn't see you much yesterday and I wanted to say thank you."

Asher furrowed her brows and tilted her head a little. "What for?"

"For making sure I didn't get hurt. From the birds." Allison chuckled. "You don't know me and you still made sure I was safe."

Asher smiled a little. I know a lot more than you think, she thought. "It was an instinct, I guess." Allison chuckled.

"Sure, an instinct to protect a random girl and not yourself. Convincing argument." Allison replied, shaking her head with a smile.

Asher chuckled as she rubbed her hands together. "I must have a very protective instinct then." She replied.

"Hmm. Guess so." Allison smiled. "Well, I'll let you get home now. Have a good day." She finished with a wave before she walked away.

Asher furrowed her eyebrows, a small smile on her face. She turns on her heel and opens the door to her car. She turns the ignition once she's settled. "That was interesting." She says before backing out and driving away.

What she didn't notice, however, was a certain beta watching her and his ex-girlfriend from across the lot.


"They're planning on breaking in tonight, you know." Asher said to Ennis the next day.

"Yes, Ash. I know that. Which is why you are going straight to the apartment after school and not there." He replied with a stern voice.

She scoffed. "What? Why can't I go? It's not like I'm going to make myself known by striding into the main room!" She huffed.

Ennis let out a quiet laugh. "I know, A. But you have too good of a heart, and we can't have you helping them." He looked over and put his hand on her cheek.

Asher sighed, knowing he was right. "At least I'm not trying to kill them." She spoke bitterly. She might know he's right, but she's still mad.

The girl left the room and walked down the hall. Asher loved Ennis, she really did. He was the only family she had, but she felt like he thought she was useless and weak. Which she wasn't. Now, she might not be an almighty alpha like the rest of the pack, but she was still stronger than any normal werewolf. They all knew that, Ennis especially, yet he never let her do anything. Asher turned a corner and went to the room she was staying in. She grabbed her backpack, took her phone off the charger, and then left the room. Asher walked the apartment until she reached the door. The girl grabbed her keys of the hook and put her hand on the door knob.

"I'm going to school, see you later!" She called to the man in the other room.

"And straight here after? Right, A?" He answered, making sure she understood.

Asher groaned. "Yes, dad!" She replied sarcastically. But she wasn't coming here after school. At least not right away. She was going to that bank and making sure nobody died.

Well that, and to spite Ennis. Hey, she might have super senses, but she's still a teenager!


It was later that night, after school and Asher definitely did not go home. She could have, to pass time, anyway, but she's petty. She was currently sitting in her car outside of the bank the pack was using. She was about to go in when she got a text. "Damn it." She spoke aloud. Ennis knew she wasn't home. Asher put her head back against the seat and sighed. "Whatever. No point in leaving now.

The girl knew that Derek Hale would be coming in soon so, she tried to be as quiet as possible. She could feel the affects of the full moon start to give her a headache. Asher stopped and closed her eyes tight for a moment and then continued. She knew the other creatures in the building would be feeling it too, but they can't fight it off. Not this time. As she walked the bank, she could hear everything. She heard the two wolf heartbeats inside the vault when she walked by, and her heart dropped. Asher didn't like hurting people, she never did, but the pack was her family and family is everything.

Continuing to the other side of the bank, knowing that Derek would be smashing in anytime soon, she picked up her pace. That was until she heard another heartbeat. One that shouldn't be here, not on this side of the building. Asher stopped and started to smell the air, trying to get a scent on who, or what, it could be. Her eyes widened and she walked faster.

Allison Argent was cautiously walking the halls of the bank, trying to find something, anything. She was suddenly grabbed by the arms and her first instinct was to fight. She went for a punch but missed when her fist made contact with the air. A hand went over her mouth and she was pushed up against the wall.

"What the hell are you doing here? Are you trying to get killed?" Asher spoke in a hushed voice, staring Allison in the eyes.

The Argent girl fought the hand off of her mouth, a crazy look in her eyes. "What the hell am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here?" Asher let go of Allison, but kept one hand on her shoulder.

"Be quiet and listen to me right now, Allison. You want to live?" Allison nodded, looking at the other like she was insane. Asher dragged her by the arm to a door. "Then get in here right now and do not make a sound. You have no idea what you just walked into." She stared at Allison for a second, trying to see if she was understanding. "When you hear fighting, you can come out then."

"What?" Allison questions.

"I'm trying to be nice here, but if I need to knock you out and put you in there myself, I will. Now go before someone see's you. If someone comes close, then, I don't know! You're smart, figure something out." Asher persisted, opening the storage closet's door.

Allison finally obeyed and got in the closet without another word. Asher gave her a quick nod then walked away.

"What are you doing here?" Marin Morrell said, spotting Asher.

Asher licked her lips, trying to come up with something. "Window shopping."

Morrell rolled her eyes. "Listen, I don't care, just get out of here."

"No, thanks. I'll do as I please. Enjoy your day though!" Asher responded, giving the woman a sarcastic smile. Morrell went to grab the girls arm, but missed do to her speed. "Oops, you missed. Tootles!"

Asher continued walking when she ran into the three people she really didn't want to see. She tried to walk past but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Asher. I told you not to come here" Ennis said from beside Kali and behind Deucalion.

Asher nodded. "You did, you did. But I just don't seem to listen, do I, Pops?" She looked up at the mans face, anger radiating off of his face.

"Just come with us so you don't get hurt." He said with his gruff voice.

The group of four went back the way Asher came, which caused her to get a little nervous. Good thing for her, she knew how to hid her scent and heartbeat. She felt eyes on her, but didn't look away from the floor in front of her. Kali stopped dead in her tracks and tilter her head up a little. She looked around, seemingly smelling something. Asher felt eyes on her again, looking to see the woman. Asher just shrugged as if to say she didn't know anything. Kali looked away and walked ahead.


Asher knew that Derek had broken in when Deucalion told Morrell it was time to finish the line of mountain ash. She knew how long Boyd and Cora have been locked in there, she knew what was going to happen and the girl was glad she wasn't there. Asher could hear the faint growls and grunts coming from the vault. Four werewolves, two who are out of control and blood thirsty, locked in a room together. The Lewis girl didn't know how long it was going to take, but she definitely knew Allison was going to do something. Allison wasn't the type of person to do nothing, Asher knew that, and she knew it couldn't end well.

Then, Asher heard the running. Allison broke the seal, she knew she would do something. She thought she was helping, yet Asher knows it didn't do much. If anything, it made things much, much worse.


authors note:
second chaper!! woop woop!

i know asher and lydia haven't really interacted, and that it's looking more like and allison book, but i didn't want them to have something immediately. i wanted lydia and aiden to do their thing and for asher to catch feelings and be jealous yk??
they will talk eventually, promise.


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