Hating Grayson ✓

By simon_waters

4.3M 127K 91.7K

Dallas hates his brother's best friend, Grayson Scott. He's annoying, rude and always makes fun of him for no... More

26 (Grayson)
40 (Montage)
43 (Grayson)
46 (Mitchell)
54 (Grayson)
Book 2


80.3K 2.3K 1.5K
By simon_waters

I think that I might need to look into witness protection, or hire a bodyguard, or move to a different state and change my name.

Alright, maybe I'm being too dramatic.

I mean, did Grayson Scott scare me? Of course he did! The dude is built like a professional footballer on steroids. Not literally, obviously. That would be an insult to footballers on steroids.

There i go again, being too dramatic.

"Nice sweater." Hannah says when I returned to the group, once again.

I was out of breath, lurched over with both of my hands on my knees. "God, I hate running." I groaned, panting.

"Why were you running?" Cody wondered.

I took harsh breaths before answering him. "I was being... chased by a dog." I lied.

"Anyways... can we hurry up and do the maze?" Lucy asked us.

"Go ahead, I'll just stay here." I said, slumping down onto the floor, still panting.

"No you won't." Phillip says.

He's right, I won't. I couldn't risk being alone right now, what if Grayson plans a sneak attack and goes all ninja on me.

"Fine, just need water first." I groaned.

"Here." Hannah handed me a bottle of water from her bag.

Thank god.

I twisted off the cap to the water bottle and instantly began drinking. After quenching my thirst, my friends and I headed into the maze.

"I'm way too hungover for this." I groaned.

"Honestly, same. I feel like shit." Cody says.

Our friend group had come to a halt at a crossroads in the maze. "I think it's left." Hannah says.

"No, it's definitely straight ahead." Jake said, his arm over Alicia's shoulder.

"No, I'm pretty sure we are supposed to go right." Lucy added.

"Should we split up?" Phillip asked the group.

I'm beginning to think it was a dumb idea to enter this maze.

After finally making it out of the maze, we went on a bunch of different rides. Well, my friends went on a bunch of different rides, I mostly chose to steer clear from the rides that were either too fast or too abrupt for my hangover. Which left only two options, the carousel and the Ferris Wheel.

I have now ridden the Ferris wheel three times.

It gave the perfect view of our town. I could see everything from up here. The sun was melting against the western horizon, casting the sky in vibrant shades of red and orange that blended with the color of the oncoming night. If the Ferris wheel went any higher, I might've been able to see my house in the distance.

My phone vibrated in my right-side pocket. It was a text from Hannah, explaining that they were riding the twister, and that after that we could get something to eat for dinner.

I really hope we get pizza. I may have only been hungover a few times in my semi-young life, but Pizza seemed to be the closest thing to a cure for a hangover, in my opinion. Though, I guess my opinion wouldn't matter.

The Ferris wheel moved, and I was back on the ground again. I moved to get out of the cabin when Grayson took a seat next to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Riding the Ferris wheel." He answered me.

"Okay, have fun."

His hand gripped my arm, holding me in place. "I wanted to talk to you."

I turned around to face him. His face was unreadable. Maybe he just wanted me to ride the Ferris wheel with him so he could push me off when we got to the top. I looked down at his hand on my sleeve and gave him an annoyed look, the he slowly removed his grip from me.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you, so."

He grabbed me by my sleeve again and jerked me backwards into the seat next to him.

"I think it's in your best interest to hear me out."

I shoved him. "What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem. But you do."

The Ferris wheel started again, which would make this my fourth ride.


"How would you feel if people found out that you kissed me?"

My heart skipped a beat. "What?"

"You heard me."

"What are you getting at?"

He exhaled visibly. "If you don't want people to know about your little crush on me, you have to do whatever I say."

I scoffed, punching him in the arm. His lips turned into a smirk and he slumped into a comfortable position.

"Are you blackmailing me?" I asked him.

"Isn't it obvious?" He cracked a smile.

"But... You wouldn't." I said.

"Wouldn't I?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"No, you wouldn't. Because that would mean that everyone will know that we kissed. And you wouldn't want that. You're friends would probably tease you, and your girlfriend would be pissed. And my brother would probably kick your ass."

"Nah, I'll be fine. I'll just tell everyone you were drunk and planted one on me, and then I punched you. Which would be telling the truth."

He's not serious. He wouldn't tell anyone. Would he?

Anger swirled inside of me, raging like a wildfire. I have never hated anyone more than I hated Grayson pea-brain Scott right now. I hated him so much, I wanted to punch his stupid face and knock out all of his teeth.

"Sooo," He spoke, breaking me from my thoughts.

I turned to face him, my nostrils flaring.

"What?" I spoke angrily.

He sighed, kicking his right foot up on his left knee before resting his face into a smirk.

"Looks like you're my little bitch."


I'm sorry for the inactivity, and this short chapter. I have had a hard time trying to write lately.

But I will try to write more often.

And hopefully write much longer chapters.

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