Avatar oneshots

By maximoffxolsen

131K 1.3K 198

Oneshots of all your favourite characters Boys and girls #1 out of 1000+ stories #8 in zoesaldana #14 in Av... More

~Important information~
~Sully Brothers~
~Lo'ak pt3~
~Sully Brothers~
~Sully Brothers~
~ Jake ~
~ Tsireya ~
~ Neteyam ~
~ Neytiri ~
~ Neteyam ~
~ Neteyam ~

~Lo'ak pt2~

5.1K 58 1
By maximoffxolsen

Word count: 3404k

Sumarry: Military Na'vi get a hole of your group on the way back to base from the old shack. Not letting you go disrupts into chaos with Jake, Neytiri and Neteyam showing up to help with the fight.

Type: fluff, angst

Pairings Lo'ak x female reader

Warnings: unedited work, death, kidnapping, hostage situation

Notes: Kiri and Y/N are not adopted by the Sully family.



L o'aks fingers reached up, ghosting over your cheek, your words replaying in his head like a mantra. You nuzzled into his palm, lips pulling into a smile, nerves long forgotten.

"oel ngati kameie, Lo'ak." You breathed out lowly, blanketing his hand on your cheek with your own, five fingers over his own five digits. His yellow eyes traced the way your hand laid on his symmetrically, sharing the same difference. Demon blood. If there was any soul who shared the same struggles laid upon his shoulders, deep in the crevices of his heart he knew it was you. His hand cupped the back of your neck, pulling you down so your forehead rested against his- feeling the gentle sigh tickle your lips as his eyes bore into yours through hooded lids . His face was serene.

"Thank you.."

You returned with a squinty eyed smile , relishing in that same position, basking in each-others warmth, a blossoming of feelings being cast alight to all of pandora, to the All Mother, to Eywa. The intimate moment was interrupted at the sudden rustle of bushes and the echoing call of your names, sounding frantic. Lo'ak and you shared wide eyes, hastily scrambling to your feet as to not reveal such a display to your friends, Eywa knew the teasing would be endless, and you weren't quite ready to divulge such information with your sister just yet.

The youngest Sully brother offered you a quick glance, a certain twinkle in his eyes as he nodded, hand reaching down to your own with a light squeeze before letting go and leading the way to your friends. Your eyes watched his back as you followed behind, a million thoughts running rapidly in your head. Oh Eywa, what were these long buried feelings resurfacing?

The look of relief washed over their faces, seeing their two missing members come to light, Spider was the first to speak, his voice breathless as if he had been scouring the entire forest floor, "Where the hell were you guys?! I swear I looked at every single tree trunk and underside of every rock!"

Lo'ak rolled his eyes, leading the way once more with a playful slap to Spider's back, "C'mom bro, don't be dramatic!" his playful banter was returned with a scowl, Spider upping his pace to keep up with his long nimble strides, "Don't call me bro, bro. I was actually worried!"

Tuk had latched herself onto your leg, her loose braids tickled the flesh of your skin, her voice lightly quivered, "I thought you had been eaten by a Palulukan!" you made eye contact with Kiri who hid her laugh behind her hand, your fingers raked against Tuk's tresses soothingly, trying your best to hold in your giggle, "What? you know my hunting skills would not let me go down that easily, im not that bad of a shot.."

She peered up at you curiously, tilting her head - " even against a Thanator?"

You hummed, grabbing her hand into yours with Kiri at your side, pulling them along, "Maybe!" - Kiri, her observant nature ever so proficient, had taken keen notice of the tension between you and Lo'ak, making a mental note to bug you about it later.


It was miles traveled under the canopy of forest trees, the generous shade provided much appreciated protection from the sun, with prolemuris reaching and swinging from branch to branch, sometimes pausing to glance down at the people below.

A comfortable silence enveloped the group save for the light chatter of Spider and Lo'ak and the platter of footsteps against the terrain. Quickly making way back to High Camp before sundown, Jake's orders - but something in the thick murky mud caught Lo'aks attention, prompting him to hop off the log and crouch down, fingers ghosting over the large footprint imprinted in the soil, his eyebrows furrowed. "This is way too big for a human.."

Tuk peered up at the void above, worriedly noticing the sun nearing eclipse in routine of its daily embrace, "We're always supposed to be home by eclipse!" her plead fell on deaf ears.

Spider perked up beside Lo'ak, "Avatars?", his blue friend stood from his crouched position, eyeing the minuscule damage in the surrounding greenery, "maybe, they're for sure not ours.."

You also bent down to inspect, taking note of the freshness, it couldn't have been more than mere minutes. Kiri took hold of Tuk's hand, following after her blue friend, questioning his actions - "what are you doing?" - "he's tracking, he's quite good at it too actually!.." you said beside her, she seemed impressed, watching as Lo'ak took in every minuscule detail, from the slightest tear in the smallest of leaves,the exposed area of the first layer of tree bark, to the disturbed vines. His eyes were sharp.

Lo'aks tracking led you all to the perimeters of their father and mothers last encounter with Quaritch, The Battlefield. Strictly ordered to not step a single foot within it's territory. Under the camouflage of large greenery, your eyes landed on the presence of 6 military clad avatars coming into view, your breath immediately hitching in your throat. "We are never supposed to come here, your dad is going to ground you.." Kiri whispered, Lo'ak simply rolled his eyes with a shush, "can you stop?"

You immediately piped in, knowing exactly what would be going on in his mind, hand securely gripping his wrist, "She's right Lo'ak, you're already in enough trouble as it is, just call it in and let's head back home.." your pleading tone flooded his ears, the worry in your eyes making him hesitate; but only for a second. You knew you were defeated when that sly grin crawled onto his lips, his arm wrapped around yours with a reassuring squeeze that did nothing to ease your worries. "It'll be quick, I promise!"

And with that he and Spider creeped their way further ahead, your shoulders slumped, turning to Kiri with a low groan, "He is going to be the death of me.."

And so you sat, waiting anxiously for the boys to return, only being a mere few minutes before you saw their familiar heads peak through the shrubbery as they came to gather with you, a sigh of relief passing through your lips as Lo'ak helped you to your feet - hand ready to reluctantly relay his discovery to his father.

"Told you I'd be quick.." he let out with a cocky smile, that smile quickly turning to a scowl as he pressed the button on his woven choker, definitely not looking forward to another lecture.

"Devil dog...devil dog this is eagle eye, over." His fathers voiced came through the device, "Eagle eye send your traffic."

"I got eyes on some guys..they look like avatars but their in full camo and carrying AR's, there's six of them - over." His eyes locked with yours, a deep sigh leaving his chest at his fathers next relay, "What's your position? Over."

Lo'ak shut his eyes for a brief moment, preparing himself for his fathers usual tone when he heard something he didn't like, "We're at the old shack.."

Sharp and to the point, "Who's we?" with a hint of irritation.

Lo'ak hesitated, "Me, Spider, Kiri, Y/N," His ears flattened against his head subtly as he rolled his eyes, immediately regretting giving in to his youngest sibling, "and Tuk.."

There was a long pause before his father told him to retreat, quietly and without getting caught. And you all did just that; Kiri berating Lo'ak for disobeying Jakes orders and Spider keeping an eye and ear out for any signs of being followed. Your eyes quickly averted to Tuk, who had made her way too ahead of the group, you quickened your pace, "Tuk you're straying too far, come back please!"

Her small form turned and beckoned for your group to hurry, a hint of panic in her voice, "Come on, it's almost eclipse!" - you were so close, only a few feet away, your fingers inches from brushing her skin. But your eyes widened in alarm as she was suddenly restrained by a fake Na'vi, her neural queue being pulled roughly, her throated cried out. "Y/N!"

The desire to help was overwhelming, with no weapon on your person there was limited things you could do, Tuk's struggling grunts pulled at your heart strings. There wasn't much opportunity for you to think as another appeared to your right, your heart pounded in your ears; fangs bright as you stepped back. Your ears twitched at the sound of footsteps, abruptly being jerked behind a broad back with the sight of a familiar bow being drawn. "Stay behind me!" Lo'ak threw over his shoulder, his two beaded braids swishing with the movement, you nodded in response as if he could see you, taking a quick glance around to see Kiri lower herself in defense, Spider baring his teeth as his fingers pulled greatly on the string of his bow, the pressure turning the tip of his digit white.

More military clad na'vi impersonators stepped foot out of their concealed position, having taken advantage of All Mothers land, their large death machines pointed directly at all of you, their trigger happy fingers at the ready. Panic ensued thereafter, Kiri being shoved backwards by the tuft of her braid, forced onto her knees with a swift kick to the back of her leg, you followed suit - violently ripped from Lo'aks cover with your upper limbs being uncaringly rough handed and restrained behind your back.

"Get down or I'll shoot you!" One of the perpetrators yelled with his sights steady on the two boys, Lo'ak noticed the lack of presence at his back and quickly whirled around, finger still tempting the bow, worry glistened in his eyes as he stared at the distress on your face, a silent plead. Your head nodded carefully, desperately hoping he would listen and make no rash decisions. The two of you stared at one another, Lo'aks mind raced. He knew they had no chance, they already had three of his party restrained and at their mercy. It was futile. With a deep exhale he tore his gaze away from you and lowered his bow onto the soil, ordering Spider to back down. He was reluctant but the situation was already not in your favor, he too gave in, both males hastily and roughly constrained.

"What have we here?"

What you assumed was their leader made way through a small clearing in the forest trunks, eyeing each of you with an intense judgement that seeped into your soul. Hands much larger than your own gripped painfully onto your wrist, spreading your fingers and displaying them to the man, Lo'ak scowled, fighting against his restraints, he didn't know the man's motives but he knew you had just been outed, "Hey Kernel, check it out..four fingers."

Heavy boots only inched closer, mud splattering with every footstep, those interested eyes bore into yours but you refused to back down, clenching your teeth as you struggled, chest heaving with heavy intakes; the man smirked at you, swiftly turning to Lo'ak, "Show me your fingers."

The Sully boy looked at you briefly with a deadpan look, taking in the pained expression on your face from the vice grip your perpetrator hand on both your wrist and twisted arm, before trailing his attention to the male, his hands rising with a human gesture that Norm had showed him. You weren't quite sure what it meant precisely but Lo'ak had mentioned it expressed anger. And he was not feeling too fond.

The man chuckled, amused, "you're his, aren't you?" - Lo'ak glared up at him, his face scrunching as he bared his fangs with a hiss. "You're his alright." amusement quickly shifted to anger as a large blue hand came to tug Lo'aks face closer by the nape of his queue, grunts passing his clenched teeth. "Where is he? He demanded with another tug, sharing a glare before Lo'ak spoke in this native tongue, emitting smugness, "Sorry, i don't speak english with idiots.."

Another tug pulled at his neural queue prompting Lo'ak to release pained grunts, "where is your father?!" He bore his fangs once more, unrelenting in his captors eyes, "really? You want to play it this way?" The male moved to the pocket of his pants, pulling out a blade.

Panicked cries echoed off the environment, Kiri quickly mumbling soft mawey's to Tuk, the avatar behind her becoming agitated with the child. There had to be a distraction, anything to deter his attention, you twisted your wrist at a painfully unnatural angle in a desperate attempt to claw at your captors arm, sharp nails leaving pulsing cuts at the base of their palm, his pained cry was rewarding to your ears as he mumbled an almost inaudible 'fucking bitch!' - readjusting his hand to grip higher onto your forearm, giving you a shove in the process.

"That your woman? She's got some balls alright.." The man before Lo'ak inquired, silently amused at the display before making his way to you once more, pushing your blue friend into the ground who quickly shouted for him to stop but he was cast aside. His rough blue fingers dug into the skin of your cheek as he snatched your face up at him, deeply enjoying the scowl that made its way onto your features. "Thought yourself up a little scene to distract me huh?" his eyes shifted to Kiri, slowly trailing back to yours with a sly smirk, "you'll have to try better than that sweetheart.." he gave your cheek a few pats, his focus entirely on Kiri now.

Spider begun thrashing against the hold on him - rapid deep breaths and heaving chest making him look like a wild animal, his exo-mask fogging. His voice was hoarse as he pleaded, "Don't touch her!", uncaring of how desperate he may look, "Don't hurt her..please.."

He turned to the human boy, a glint of interest shining in his narrow eyes. "What's your name kid?", "Spider...Socorro." the silence that followed could be sliced with a blade, Spider mentally running through his head for reasons as to why the man looked bewildered, his blue hand gesturing for him to be unhanded as he crouched to his level, "Miles?" - Spider pursued his lips, not enjoying the way the man made himself appear so familiar with him, "No one calls me that."

"Well I'll be dammed. I figured they sent you back to earth.." the boy breathed out through his nose, his eyes void of any emotion, "you can't put babies in cryo, dipshit."

The leader took a moment to stare at Spider, seemingly in his thoughts, before standing and walking away with his hand reaching for the comms device on his neck, beckoning his crew are to restrain Spider anew. "Standing by for extraction, be advised we're bringing in high value prisoners."


The two spheres in the sky fulfilled their daily dance, embracing each other and casting a looming dark curtain over all of Pandora, the nightly creatures and the most dangerous coming out to hunt under the moons touch, vastly unaware of your captured group. You all had been huddled in a small clearing close to the old shack, still restrained but now under gloomier weather conditions, the pitter patter of water droplets and light buzz of humidity loving insects slightly easing the tensions.

exhausted from being forced into the same twisted position your bones had started to ache, keenly aware of the blossoming pain on your arms and wrist, without a doubt in your mind that bruising had started to form, knowing your captor held a grudge against you for your stunt earlier, he was purposely straining your limbs. You weakly gazed at Lo'ak from your position a few feet away from him, who felt your stare and subtly turned his head, his eyes narrowing as he took in the small weary smile you offered to him - pointed ears suddenly twitching at the familiar caw that resonated and bounced off the jungle, you searched Lo'aks eyes for confirmation, he too having heard it.

The air fell heavy with tension.

Kiri started chanting, sending out a prayer to Eywa as Spider and Lo'ak shared a nod. Waiting patiently for the right moment. A sharp whistle pierced through the air as an arrow went clean through the skull of Kiri's captor, alarm falling amongst the avatars as their trigger happy fingers sprayed bullets into the trees, a faint yell of Lo'aks name was all he needed to reach for the gas canister on the avatars chest plate, his fangs then sinking into their forearm. Tuk followed suit, taking the opportunity of an opening to also sink her fangs into flesh as she hurriedly made her escape along with Kiri and Spider.

Kiri took a stop, frantically looking behind her in search for you, eyes landing on your still imprisoned form but now with one of those death machines planted right at your temple, but she could do nothing to help you as Spider ushered her along, her protests falling deaf. The sudden downpour of rain did nothing to soothe your erratic heartbeat, the adrenaline in your veins spiked. The metal was harshly nudged against your head, the male avatar pulled your hair back, straining your neck so it was exposed, his lips leaning down to your ear with the joy in this voice obvious, "Don't think you're getting away, I got to repay you for earlier."

Honestly, you didn't care what happened to you as long as your group was able to escape, you knew your body was too exhausted to fight him off, so your lips pulled back into a smile, eyes half lidded and your tone mocking, "I'm looking forward to it.."

This only seemed to anger him even more, his arm raised above his head with the hilt of his gun now pointed at you, fully intended to land a blow. But he never got the chance, an arrow had plunged into his chest - right through the heart with his body falling to the ground with a slow but heavy thud, given no time to process anything as the chaos ensued all around you, your own thoughts being drowned out, not even noticing it was Lo'ak who had taken the man's life as he came out from the darkness of the shrubbery, his footsteps fast as he wrapped an arm around your waist bringing you flush against his side, taking various worried glances down at you as he made way for your escape through the cover of the trees. His lips were speaking to you but you could not reply, it was like your words were caught in your throat and your body was too worn to form any cohesive thoughts.

It all seemed like a blur with no comprehension of time in your eyes, now a long ways away from the battle and now in clear view of the rest of your group plus the presence of Neytiri, Jake, and Neteyam. But there was no sign of Spider amongst them. Your heart had steadied and so had your adrenaline, and with the loss of adrenaline you became very vividly aware of the hurt in your bones and aching body, involuntarily sinking further into Lo'ak, who seemed to had read your thoughts, "where's Spider?", his finger tips dug into your hip as he tensely awaited an answer.

The sound of Kiri's solemn voice caught your attention, dread filling your heart as it yearned for her, almost as if you could feel every ounce of her pain.

"They took him." her hands reached up to rub her crying eyes with her palms, speaking through broken sobs.

"They took spider!"

A/N: I'm really enjoying writing this so there will be a part 3 up in the next few days. I hope you enjoy it as well

Let me know >>>>>>>>

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