Tell me something i don't kno...

By tumbleweed1D

175K 2.5K 546

lucy's parents died when she was 8 and miss stevenson fosters her but one day she came home and hit her and l... More

tell me something i dont know
tell me something i dont know
telling them the truth
what are we gonna do ??
whos eleanor, danielle and perrie!?!?!?!?!?!?!
his name starts with a J
i love lucy ...wait what??
the flashbacks are scaring me
what do you mean ??
who are you ??
no niall stop
singing to one direction
emily and sara
sleepover of hell
jason killed my parents and he wants to kill me
im officially lucy tomlinson
the scar on my back
did i ask you??
Tea's rea- woah....
murderer in the dark
paps are trouble
crying donating and a new song
unconsciousness turns to consciousness
sara+josh= jara
i hate you
love hate and #haylorisback
Undercover agent what?????
new room
brit awards
pizzaaaaaaaaa and pregnant ????
live interview
opening act.... duet with harry
double trouble
twilight saga
Ghost of my past
private tutor.............. WHAT
baby kicks
3 songs 1 show
justin the biebs
show time girlies
i cant be tamed
bad lucy
Rock God
another world
its just a game....
nemily... a mission and...arrested
im sorry....
im going to treat you like a princess
dont be scared
because i love her
marry me ?
world war 3 on Twitter
Jack and Finn and Marcus
do you want to be in our next video
going to the USA
don't touch me
jasons brother
98 times
near death
kiss you
snow in november
off to norwich
I'm just a school girl
sorrys and apologies
birthday party
taywhore is here
marry you
how babies are made ;)
California king
le hotel
idk what to call this yeah..
engaged.... what?
christmas time mistletoe and louis birthday!
Louis birthday
about updates..
Christmas day
what happens next?
are we punk rock yet?
that im so down
Fake Dating


1.8K 29 8
By tumbleweed1D

soz i didnt update yesterday i was tired :/ luv ya purple unicorns :)


~lucys pov~

i wok up to someone knocking on the door

then someone answered

"hey wheres niall" someone asked


then i heard footsteps up the stairs and then they walked past my door

"hey niall i have a sandwich" the mystery person says

"oh hey sara ...SANDWICH " oh its sara

i got out off bed and walked to my door and i walked to nialls room

"hey sara..... um niall" he was sitting on his bed scoffing the sandwich while sara smirked

"hey i missed you " sara said giving me a bear hug

"missed you to " we hugged then

"oh i gotta go i need to get to school" i froze i have school

"wait for one sec harry will drive and i need to get dressed" she nods

i scramble through my clothes and grabbed my most suitable for school  then i got dressed and went down stairs and grabbed an apple

"lucy what are ya doing" louis says

"getting ready for school"

"but what about j-"

"ill be fine i have sara and emily ..... HARRY GET YA ASS HERE NOW AND DRIVE ME AND SARA TO SCHOOL" he runs into the room

~saras pov~

its the end of school and im going to meet lucy with emily

"hey sara wheres lucy" emily questions

we hear a scream and we dash round the corner  and jason has lucy held against the lockers by her neck

"call niall" i mumble to emily she nods and gets her phone out

"um... hey niall ... get down to the school now........... just get here... and hurry"

she screams some more but its to late in the day its just us 4 left in the school

then he brings his hand and slaps her we just stand there and she spots us but doesnt look for long incase we get hurt

he brings out a knife and cuts her wrist she yelps in pain we freeze in shock then he lifts her shirt and cuts her stomach then he brings it to her neck and is about to cut but....

"GET AWAY FROM HER" harry and louis shouts he drops the knife and runs harry louis zayn and liam runs after him while niall comforts her

he takes his shirt off and rips it into pieces and places it on the  wounds to help the bleeding

me and emily walk over to her still shocked

~emilys pov~

phwoa nialls abs are wow... ok focus emily lucy is hurt what do i doooo um....

we sit down next to her and help her calm her down and we hear siren and police and ambulance turn up

"ok where is she" paramedics say coming in and we point at lucy and harry comes back

harry goes with lucy to the hospital while we help the police find jason

"Oi" the police shout as they spot jason we run behind them with niall liam and zayn then jason turns

around but he has a gun we all gasp an we freeze along with the police

"PUT THE GUN DOWN" one of the police men shout

"HAND OVER LUCY" we all shake our heads

"NO" then it all goes in slow motion a gun fires i hear screams and it was about to hit me i didnt move i just stood there as it was coming towards me

atleast i die saving a friend and in the place with the boy i love and with friends and some nearly like family

in the school grounds where i met my friends forever talked about one direction and dreaming of marrying niall

where we found lucy and helped her and protected her with our lives and swore to stick by each other

the time i pushed lucy down the stairs and she broke her ribs and a leg

my first kiss in a dare game with ben chiesa which was discusting

people hating on me because of the way i am

sitting alone in the playground when a girl shared her sweets

the day i met lucy when she was sitting under a tree with a guitar singing

the day my parents split up and moved apart

my sister asking me to share my oreos so i bit her hand

all my memorys are flashing through my head

its about to hit me but someone jumps in front of me.........

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