Dimples - [BKDK] | MHA

By heyitz_aira

37.8K 1.1K 2.3K

For years, Katsuki forced himself not to smile, or laugh. All just cause of a small, simple reason. He didn't... More

This Is Why I Don't Socialize
You're Such a Deku
Plan BakuDeku
He Likes Milkshakes
I'm Practicing
I Was Bird Watching!
What The Hell Did You Say!?
I Didn't Mean What I Said
Is It Easy To Say?
The Worst "Crush" He's Ever Had
That Was a Kiss! A Kiss!
Dimples. (Final)

You're Too Obvious

2.9K 86 180
By heyitz_aira

"Good morning, Kacchan!" Izuku cheered.

Katsuki doesn't even know how he ended up here so fast. He just got to the school a few weeks ago, and everyone talks to him, plays around with him, as if they had known him for years. Especially this Izuku guy. Everything seems to flow so easily around him, hell, he's even told him stuff that not even his now 'friend' group knows. Aren't you supposed to share this type of stuff with your close friends first? Then the nerd?

He wasn't sure, maybe this nerd is actually a close friend. I mean, he sees him everyday, day and night, he'd actually be surprised if there was a day he didn't see the greenette more than five times. Sure, he'd see his other classmates too, all the time actually, but this stupid nerd stuck out to him the most. He was the one making his cheeks all hot, his heart race ever so slightly, his stomach feel all weird and twisty at certain times, after all. But maybe, it was a little too soon. It was too soon to become close friends with this nerd. Just this nerd.

"Why are you so damn happy all the time?" Katsuki asked, rolling his eyes at his little greeting. They were on their little morning jog again, and this time, Izuku was the one to arrive first, somehow.

The thing is, Izuku woke up half an hour earlier than he was supposed to, for the jog, and couldn't sleep. And he couldn't just knock on the blond's door and force him down the stairs to jog earlier than usual. So what did he end up doing?

Staring at his Allmight themed alarm clock until his alarm went off, the alarm he'd normally use to wake up for the jogging.

"I'm always happy." Was what he responded to the blond with.

"That's weird."

"You're weird."

"Not as weird as you, Deku."

"Do you always have to make everything a competition?"

Katsuki almost wanted to laugh at that, almost. "That's how people know I'm better than them." The blond immediately started jogging since he had already finished his warm-up before hand. "H-Hey! Wait! Aw man, not again." Izuku groaned, sprinting behind the blond to catch up with him.

"Would it hurt your ego too much to just wait for me for a few moments?" Izuku finally caught up with him, panting slightly. The blond had actually started running faster the moment he heard footsteps close to his back, which made Izuku run faster, and harder.

"Yes, I'm not weak and slow like you, stupid Deku." Katsuki playfully responded, this time, he had slowed down his pace so gradually, that Izuku hadn't even noticed that he had to keep up with him, Katsuki already did that. "Hey, I'm not weak! I have a decent looking build for your information, Kacchan." Izuku chuckled, rolling his green orbs playfully. And he wasn't kidding, he too looked strong, his body was slightly bulky, since he exercises whenever he could, but it wasn't like Katsuki. The blond appeared larger compared to the greenette. Man, he must be one of those cool, sportive guys, the popular ones that the whole school adores.

"Are you into sports?" Izuku asked, out of curiosity. "What do you think we're doing right now? Shitting?" The reply caused Izuku to snort, "No, not what I meant. Aside from this, I mean."

"I was in basketball in my last school, might have to sign up here too. I've asked the teacher about it, but they haven't said anything, so I might go talk to them today." The blond explained. "Figured, you seem like the type of person who likes sports." Izuku smiled, gazing upon the blond next to him. "Eyes on the trail, nerd, didn't you learn from last time." Katsuki could feel the other's eyes on him from his peripheral vision. "Right! Sorry, can't help it."

"You can't help what? Staring at my face?"

"I-I mean.. it is very good looking." Izuku mumbled out a little shakily, quiet too. But the blond beard him. He knew cause he saw his eyes widen a bit from the corner of his eye. "Don't say shit like that outta nowhere, damn nerd." Katsuki tried his best to prevent his cheeks from going changing to a red, there was no way he was gonna let the shorter boy notice that he made Katsuki blush.

"I didn't say it out of nowhere! I was just justifying why I was staring at it."

Though Katsuki might've looked annoyed at his little compliment, but deep down, he felt a little better about himself knowing that the greenette had at least found his face attractive. He wouldn't admit that to anyone though, not even himself.

And the rest of their early jogging, was just then two of them chatting, talking about all sorts of stuff. Sometimes even the most random things too. Actually, it was more of Izuku talking half the time, or asking questions. The blond would just listen, and answer them.

Izuku found out that they actually used to live in the same neighborhood, before he moved. He remembered seeing the blond running out everyday with his friends to a park right down the street, and his mother would follow him shortly behind, complaining about how careless he is, from the way he was crossing the road and not checking the sides for cars. Izuku found it funny.

He remembered staring at them go and come back to their home sometimes, having the urge to talk to the blond. But he was intimidated by the way he acted. He was very bossy back then, he nodded around all his friends, talked back to his mom, started cursing —not exactly, though. He just mainly used the words "heck" and "crap" since those were his favorite at the time, and he thought those were cool, until he learned all the other ones—

Izuku thought back to the time where he faintly  remembered Katsuki telling his mom how badly he wanted to use the bathroom. "NO! I need to crap!! Right now!!" He said, or the time where he didn't want to go to the grocery store. "NO! I DON'T wanna hecking go!!" Watching the scene from his window made the greenette giggle.

Inko has tried to help Izuku talk to him, but he never mustered up the courage to even go ten feet near the kid, and before he could try for more, the blond moved. He seemed so scary, and rude.. but funny to watch, though. He didn't even smile, which made kid Izuku think he was a real baddie, and one of those people who rival aganist the main character.

Come to think of it, Izuku still hadn't ever seen him smile.

"Can you even smile, Kacchan?" He asked, Katsuki eyed him, "Why do you want me to?" He responded with a question thrown back at him. "I just wanna see! I haven't ever seen it, not back then, not now."

"I don't smile for Dekus like you," Katsuki rolled his eyes, "You're not worth it." He ended.

Okay, that hurt.

Izuku knew he probably didn't mean that, probably. But if he isn't worth it, then he'll work to make himself worth it, it's okay.

"Then mark my words! I'll make you smile before this year ends."  Izuku wore that determined look again, Oh how Katsuki hated that, but sort of like it at the same time. "You sure? It's really hard, I don't smile for anyone." Katsuki felt himself internally smirk.

"I'm sure! Just watch me, Kacchan."

"I don't know Deku, you might wanna rethink this, I'm really competitive." Katsuki teased.

"Are you subconsciously backing off a challenge, Kacchan?" Izuku found himself smirking to one side, he overtook the blond, going ahead of him, and started back-running right in front of him, so he could see the blond front-facing. If anything, Izuku found out that Katsuki loves it when people challenge him, since he's really competitive. "Oh, you're on, Deku." Izuku's smirk just grew, "I kne-AAA-"

Izuku, being the clumsy Deku he is, tripped over a rock, again. But this time, he wasn't going to kiss the ground, the back of his head was, so that's okay.

Izuku saw the brief moment of Katsuki's panicked look. His eyes shot wide for a second, those red rubies glew in the morning sun. Katsuki was quick to wrap his arm around the male's waist. Izuku could feel the muscular arm slither around his waist, the muscles felt firm.

Man, why was he thinking about this right now?

Their faces were so close to each other's, probably the closest they've been over the past few weeks. Izuku could feel the faint feeling of the other's breath touch his Cupid's bow. He could make out the orange-gold flecks much better now. Why was this guy so good looking?

Katsuki himself took a moment to observe the greenette he saved from hitting the back of his head on the ground. He looked over each of his features. First thing he noticed was how beautiful the other's eyes were up close. It looked exactly like an emerald, like how he thought before. Another thing he noticed were how some of his freckles formed a dotted outline of a heart, on his right cheek. You could tell the difference between the outline of the heart in the freckles and the normal freckles up close.

"You have a heart." Katsuki mumbled.

"A what? Kacchan, everyone has a hea—"

"No, here, a heart." He used the pointer finger of his free hand to lightly touch his skin, and trace the heart out. "You have a heart on your cheek. It looks like one when you look up close."

Izuku had no idea that even existed. Automatically, felt the blood rush to his cheeks, Katsuki pulled his finger away from noticing how red the greenette's cheeks had gotten, he probably, made him uncomfortable, he needs to stop doing that, so he pulled his head back, pulling his arms upwards, so he'd pull the male back up.

Izuku shook his head, to break away from his trance as he was set back upright. "Guess the ground really hates you, huh. Can't blame it though."

Izuku chuckled nervously, feeling the other's strong looking hands snake away from his waist. Izuku was 100 percent sure Katsuki could see how red his cheeks were. "Haha, yeah.. wait, what?" He realized what the blond said about him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I call you a nerd for a reason, figure it out yourself." Katsuki rolled his eyes, heading off to finish his jog. "Kacchan! Stop leaving mid conversation like that!"

Izuku subconsciously picked on his food, his eyes locked upon a certain red-eyed blond and his friends at their table. "Izu, you've been staring at Bakugou for the past fifteen minutes. I'm surprised he hasn't noticed yet." Ochako, one of Izuku's first friends, waved a hand in front of the male, to see if he would possibly break eye contact. "I believe he already knows, he's glanced back at Midoriya a few times." Todoroki, a close friend of Izuku's, responded, after chewing a piece of his food.

"He's just so.. stare-able." Izuku told them, his eyes not moving away from him at all. "I'm quite sure that isn't even a word, Midoriya." Tenya, another, one of his close friends, pushed up his glasses.

"He might get the wrong idea, Midoriya." Tsuyu, another one of his close friends, also insists on being called just "Tsu", spoke, concerned for her green-haired friend.

"Today was great." He didn't pay attention to what any of them said, not that he didn't want to, he loved his friends. A certain someone just seemed to be too distracting to him. "I got to jog with him today," he smiled to himself, he's been telling a few things about whatever has been going on with them. "We used to live in the same neighborhood,"

"Woah, you guys were childhood friends?" Uraraka asked in curiosity. "Hah, I wish! It would've been so much fun! I could've met this guy years ago!"

"Do you know what he was like, back then?"

"I used to watch him from my window, he was very bossy. And demanding, a bit. But it was funny." He chuckled to himself, finally pulling away from the stare and looked at his friends.

"I just know I would've basically followed him everywhere like a little puppy, that's how I was back then. I did that to my mom too. I used to hold her by her finger, and follow her everywhere she went, even for tiny little things."

"Why didn't you go talk to him?" Tsu asked, "I really wanted to! But I was a little intimidated. I've seen him and walked past him a couple of times, but that's it. I didn't like going out and talking to people. And before I could do anything else, he moved."

"Aww, I bet you were so cute as a child!" Ochako smiled softly. "Hah, thank you! I bet you were too," He smiled back just as happily. "You still look cute too! I'm sure Bakugou would agree." The soft smile the brunette wore turned into a smirk, an playful one. Izuku laughed, "Why would he find me cute?"

"Don't you like him?" Tsu questioned. "Wha- I-I don't, where is this coming from?" Izuku grew nervous at the questioned, clearly. "He's all you have been talking about, ever since you met him, Midoriya."

"Okay, well, yeah, but that's cause he's a new friend I made!" Izuku smiled a little. "He's really.. different, you could say. A-A good different! Of course. We're just friends, guys."

"If so, then what happened this morning? Anything special?" Uraraka wiggled her eyebrows in a weird way. "I- well.. he did point out the fact that I heard a heart made out of my freckles, on my cheek." He mumbled, quietly, but it was loud enough for his friends to hear.

"Oh my god!! What?? How did this happen? Explain. Spill. Tell me everything, Izu. I need to tell Mina!" She grinned widely. "What? No- No! You're not telling Mina. She's friends with him, and if he knows I told you guys, and you told her, she'll definitely tell him and-"

"Izu, you're making up excuses, he won't do anything, that's so cute, how'd he figured it out??" Ochako turned her attention completely over to the male.

"W-Well, I.. tripped. And uh, before I could meet the ground, he held me, and since he could see me closer, he could make out the outline." He explained using hand motions. Everybody looked quite amazed, they all thought Katsuki was the type to not care about stuff like that. They were even surprised he helped him up. Sure, they probably assumed too low of him, but he sort of looked like a "Don't fuck with me." Person, so how could they not?

Izuku mumbled out a small "What?" At their brief silence. "He actually did that??" Ochako gasped. "Bakugou is better than I thought." Todoroki wiped his mouth with a tissue since he was done.

"I.. I didn't even know there was a heart-like mark on my cheek..." He touched his right cheek, his eyes flicking over to Bakugou. He looked like he was yelling at Denki. He couldn't make out what he was saying since the cafeteria was already so loud.

"I... like spending time with him. He's really nice. Well— not, nice-nice, but nice. Y'know?" The three others nodded.

"How do I-" Izuku started, but before he could finish, Ochako finished it for him. "How do you get closer to him?" She smirked. Izuku's eyes widened slightly from how fast she predicted it. "Am I that obvious?"

"You're too obvious." The three Rest responded simultaneously.

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