By Minficz

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"A freshly brewed coffee trickles down the sides of the mug and turns into a shade of deep umber-" "What are... More



458 59 92
By Minficz

(Jungkook is like:- He is mine, bitches!😂❤️)

Long chapter ahead~

"Woah! This is so cool!" Jungkook let go of the luggage and rushed towards the mini-robot that was waving at them over the desk.

Jimin gasped in fear and ran behind Jungkook to circle his arms around his waist to prevent him from touching it, "Don't touch that!"

"But it's waving at me. I wanna touch it," Jungkook pouted and turned around to face Jimin with the latter's hands still over Jungkook's waist.

"I...am still working on that. Plus, it's too delicate and I don't want you to break it."

"Oh okay." Jungkook pouted and looked at the robot one last time before fixing his gaze on Jimin who was standing way too close to him.

Jimin didn't realise it until he felt Jungkook nudging his sleeve to be freed. He coughed a couple of times before stepping back, "I am sorry I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. So, which is your bed? I am going to take the other one." Jungkook asked politely.

Jimin pointed to the right one that had pastel green bed sheets and a beautifully organized desk with the mini robot still waving cutely at the duo and a small red light flickering over its torso.

"I think it's out of battery. Don't you think?"

"Nope, it runs on solar. I still have a few modifications to do and I am trying to find a partner for that but-" and that's when Jimin paused himself.

What the fuck is he doing?

He wasn't going to tell Jungkook that he is a total loner at the college and make a fool out of himself.

Hell, no!

"You were saying?" Jungkook reminded.

"Oh! Um you see I have a lot of requests so I am still deciding on whom to choose as a partner," Jimin lied smoothly and chuckling nervously.

"Woah! You are smart and famous." Jungkook clapped lightly to cheer the male up and sat on his bed.

I am sorry, Jungkook.

I don't want to lie to you but I just don't want to look like a loser in your eyes too.

"So, how's the senior year? And what about parties? Do they drink and dance at parties?" Jungkook kept firing questions like there was no tomorrow for his curious ass.

And Jimin had super zero clue about all those questions, yet he answered every single one of them.

You may ask how.

Well, Jimin's a champ in lying now.

Plus Jungkook doesn't catch his lies so it's pretty easy.

It does sound evil. Doesn't it?

Jimin never claimed himself to be the perfect guy.

He just doesn't want to be labeled socially awkward in front of the one person that approached and talked to him. He could lie all his life if it means talking to Jungkook.

It was pretty crazy how Jimin created his imaginary world of scenarios and kept explaining them to Jungkook with all the actions using his hands and legs.

Damn! Jungkook might have gotten the wrong notion of Jimin being some super hot genius of his branch and that people worship him for his talents.

"Mimi?" Jungkook called.

"Hmm?" Jimin hummed as he stopped his actions to turn around and looked at the boy holding his tummy.

"I am hungry," Jungkook pointed towards his tummy.

"Oh, I didn't realise how the time passed. Fine, let's go to the dining hall!" Jimin never felt so happy and confident before.

Jungkook looks up at him.

Jungkook doesn't see him as a loser.

Jungkook doesn't see him as a failure.

"Mimi," Jungkook called out again to pull Jimin out of his little world and whined as he dragged them both toward the door.

"Okay! I am coming. Don't pull my pants," Jimin giggled and slapped Jungkook's hand that was tugged over his pant pocket and pulled him towards the dining hall.


They were heading to the Dining hall.

Fuck! How could Jimin forget such an important place?

There will be students.

Students from his department.

The same students whom he has never talked to but kind of worship him according to the stupid stories he has told Jungkook.

Damn it!

Jimin chewed his bottom lip as the fear started to curtail in his chest. He quickly glanced at Jungkook who flashed him a warm smile as they continued to walk toward the hall.

Beads of sweat formed over Jimin's forehead as they now stood in line for the food. With every step he approached closer to the food counter, his anxiety grew a level higher.

"Mimi?" Jungkook nudged the elder's elbow, "Are you okay? You seem a bit too dazed."

"No...I am fine." Jimin smiled back weakly to assure the younger and gulped before picking up the plate and walking toward the counter.


"Huh?" Jimin visibly panicked but breathed quietly once he noted it was Jungkook who called him, "what?"

"Who is Hoseok among them?" Jungkook asked as he pointed towards the dining where all were seated in groups and sharing their food and talks.

"Um, uh..," Jimin was left in a maze.

He could see where Hoseok was sitting.

But he wasn't quite sure if he should tell to Jungkook.

What if he tries to ask him?

What if Hoseok tells him the truth?

It's better to pretend not to see him.

Yes, maybe he can tell Jungkook that Hoseok isn't living in the dorm-

"Hey, Hoseok!" One of the students called out, trust me when I say this Jimin wanted to bash that person's head and fix him in the roof.

"Oh, look! There he is. Come on! Let's go sit with him. You said he is the next smartest person in your class and that he is your best friend. He wouldn't mind me joining you. Right?" Jungkook asked and smiled in excitement.

Well, technically Jungkook needed to know that Hoseok was the smartest bitch in the class that no one dared to compete with.

And him having any clue about Jimin's existence would be like asking an elephant if it could see an ant beneath its leg.

Dude! Elephants can't see ants. Got the analogy? Anyways, heading back to the point where Jimin had no choice but to nod to Jungkook's requests and follow the excited little bunny.

This is it, Jimin.

You need to tell him the truth.

You can't let him know it through others.

It will just break his trust again. 

Just tell him the damn truth!

Jimin inhaled before calling out to the younger, "Ju-"

"Hey, you!" One of the guys called.

Both Jimin and Jungkook snapped their necks at the voice only to find that it was a senior who pointed towards Jungkook.

"Me?" Jungkook confirmed again and once the senior nodded, he walked towards him.

"What's your name?" The guy asked as he crossed his legs.

Jungkook looked back at Jimin who was simply staring at Jungkook with an unreadable expression.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook and I am studying in the Art Department," he spoke up.

Jimin gulped and cursed under his breath.

He knew what going to happen.

He knew it too well because that has happened to him too.

He could never forget those times.

They still haunt him.

They are still deeply engraved in his heart.

He can't let that happen to Jungkook too.

He just doesn't the younger one to go through the same pain.

The senior chuckled before staring at Jungkook, "Such a geek! Are you always that uptight?" He burst into laughter and so did his friends.

"I believe it's good to be polite and formal in the first encounters-"

"Fuck! This guy sounds like some crazy maniac," the guy laughed louder earning attention from the other seats as well.

Jungkook furrowed his brows and a visible frown built over his lips, "What's so funny?"

The senior clicked his tongue and stood up from his seat almost hovering over Jungkook, "You don't get to talk back like that, geek! Didn't your momma teach you that?" He started to laugh right in front of Jungkook's face who was pissed off by now.

"Hey! You shouldn't talk badly about my mother. She is the sweetest person ever-" Jungkook stopped talking as he felt a hand against his mouth and a force that pulled him back.

"That's enough of dinner, Jungkook. Now let's go," Jimin whispered into Jungkook's ear and grabbed the boy's hand to leave the place.

"And where do you think you are taking him?" The senior grabbed the other hand of Jungkook and pulled him back which almost looked like a tug of war.

Jimin turned back to see the gang of five stand up and circle them. Jungkook yanked his hand from the senior's grip and stepped closer to Jimin to hold his arm tightly.

What would sane any socially awkward person do in this situation?

Get on his knees and beg shamelessly for mercy?

Run for his dear life and avoid the trauma of the past from hitting him again like a train?

The options didn't sound too convincing to Jimin at the moment. Because he had Jungkook's hands wrapped tightly around his arm.

He can't let Jungkook down.

He is a senior to him after all.

He has to protect him.

He can't just stand and watch. Can he?

"I said let him go!" The senior raised his voice and stepped closer to Jimin's face.

Jimin felt the fear wrap tightly around his neck and he wanted to pee in his pants so badly. Damn, now how is he supposed to act strong when all he wants to do is cry for his life.

"No," Jimin mumbled weakly with slight tremors building up in his fingers.

"Oh really? I bet you don't want yourself to be involved in this shit in your final year. Now, do you? It wouldn't be too good for your resume," The senior provoked Jimin's fears even more.

Jimin can't possibly fall for that shit.

If he leaves Jungkook's hand this instant would simply mean giving these hungry dogs bait for a whole year.

Jungkook can't be the bait.

He shouldn't be.

No one should ever be.

If only someone stood for him back then-

"I am sorry. Please let us go," Jungkook mumbled from Jimin's back with his head hung low and the bangs covering his facial expressions.

Now, that struck a cord in Jimin's head.

The same fear rumbled in Jungkook's voice.

The same insecurity echoed through his voice.

The same bloody cycle was repeating and he can't afford to let this happen.

"Maybe we should help them, Yoongi?" Hoseok looked over the commotion and nudged his friend.

"No, I want to see how he deals with this," Yoongi smirked as he comfortably seated himself over the chair.

"Are you serious, Yoongi? Let's help them-"

Jimin looked at his feet with his bangs falling over his cheekbones almost covering his orbs, "Why are you apologizing, Jungkook?" he growled in a tone that was barely audible but sent shivers down Jungkook's spine.

A/n:- Ou! Jungkook is finally Jimin's roommate!

We had a little Sope. Do you want some moments of other ships as well or only Jikook?

Also, what is Jimin going to do now?

Poor Kookie is scared. Will Jimin protect him?

Will his mighty role model Hoseok look at him after this incident?

I am sooooo excited to write the next part.

Let's get this.

Love you, kids.

Maddie 🙂❤️

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