Never Change

By thann_3

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On the verge of death after the Second Gigantomachy, the gods are fading. The mythological world is no more... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Book II: Chapter 43
Book II: Chapter 44
Book II: Chapter 45

Chapter 32

260 11 2
By thann_3

Her eyes opened drowsily, slowly, as they tried to adjust to the darkness of her bedroom.

There was a strange creak of wood, even though she was sure that she hadn't moved.

Pyrrha's head snapped up, her senses going all types of awry. S

he stiffened in her bed, back going ramrod.

Had she heard something? No...

As much as she tried to deny it, her senses said she was wrong.

Her heart pounded frantically against her ribcage, as she strained her ears to hear something, anything at all.

There was nothing.

Just in case, her hand reached for Miló, but it clenched around empty air.

And that was when something, no someone, lunged straight for her.

She screamed in shock, frantically bringing up her knee and managing to knee them in the face. Their head snapped back, and she threw the covers onto them, momentarily blinding them.

Panicked, she scrambled in the darkness of her room, her hand finally landing on the hilt of a knife. With a weapon, she felt a lot more confident.

She whirled around, searching for them in the darkness- a Grimm hand landed on her throat.


It clamped down with surprising strength, and Pyrrha fell to her knees, an unyielding pressure on her throat. She instinctually clawed at it, but it didn't budge.

She choked, gasping, struggling to breathe, before remembering she had her secondary weapon in her hand.

She brought it down, and the gold blade cleaved through the Grimm hand releasing her, before she shifted it to a pistol.

She moved back slowly, keeping the gun steady. She could just barely make out the shape of its head as her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room.

Its didn't look like any Grimm she'd ever seen before... it looked... humanoid.

She didn't move.

Her breath stilled.

There was a moment of silence, before it dove at her, and she didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. She fired once, but the bullet strangely pinged off, and she fired twice more.

The second time, the two bullets went straight through the head, before the body keeled over and silently fell to the ground.

Pyrrha reached back to flick on her lamp, the dim light slightly illuminating the room.

She approached with her pistol, looking for any signs of the Grimm.

But they weren't there.

No white armor plates, no black flesh... even the head was shaped like a human's. It was, for all intents and purposes, a man.

A dead man, with a hole in his forehead.

Pyrrha's hands trembled, as she dropped her gun, and she knelt, heart pounding rapidly against her ribcage.

No... she had seen wrong. Right?

Her forehead was slick with sweat, and she forced herself to swallow her saliva. Shouts emanated from all parts of the mansion, and she heard loud, rushing footsteps towards her room.

The Grimm hand she was so sure she had seen... was gone, nowhere to be seen.

Had she been mistaken? Had she been hallucinating?

W-Was it not a Grimm?

Her palms were slick with sweat, as her knees wobbled slightly. He had aura, didn't he? That meant he couldn't have been a Grimm... right??

But- but it was pathetically low, lower than someone with no training... Why? Why did he have to attack her?

Why did he try to kill her??

Something in her told her to check the body, and despite part of her not willing to do so, she did. There was nothing in his pockets, but... she stripped the body frantically, hands shaking, something in her telling her that it was necessary.

On his back, there was a tattoo of a symbol. It was dark purple, with an eye in the center, rotated vertically. There were designs protruding out from the center, and five crystals that seemed to extend out from the bottom of the eye.

She didn't know that emblem, but something about it set her entire being aflame with dread. She wanted nothing more than to cower and shrivel up before it, and she wanted to leave.

She moved to check the man's neck with two fingers, looking for a pulse, praying that he was somehow alive.

There was no pulse.

As the door opened, flooding light into the room, she could see the body more clearly.

Pyrrha Nikos took a step backwards, hand over her mouth, emerald green eyes wide with horror.

There was no mistaking it.

She had killed a man.


Oscar Pine turned around, his head craning behind his back to look at the farm that he had grown up on.

"I'm sorry, Oscar."

"No, it's not your fault," Oscar admitted, looking back in front of him and continuing to walk, "I knew I always wanted to be more than a farmhand... I think, my aunt knew this was coming. At least she let me go..."

"You know, the weirdest part is how it feels," he confessed to the voice living inside his head, also known as Ozpin, "Leaving home is crazy, going to the city is crazy. Everything you've told me is completely crazy... but it doesn't feel crazy, anymore. It feels like I'm doing the right thing."

"Well," the voice, Ozpin, mused, "I suppose that's good."

"No," Oscar shook his head, "It's scary."

Thunder rumbled, and Oscar flinched instinctively from the booming sound, hazel eyes flitting about both sides of the abandoned road, as he continued on his way to Mistral.

An hour of walking or so later, Oscar reached the train station.

He approached the ticket vendor, pressing his lien card to the machine.

Error. Unable to complete request.

Reason Given: Insufficient Funds (Code: 726).

"Ugh, stupid thing."

"I'm assuming whatever weird magic this is doesn't come with an infinite supply of money?" he asked the voice in his head.

"I'm afraid you'll have to solve this one on your own-" he cut himself off.

"Huh? O-Ozpin?"

"Be on your guard," he warned.

"Here," a voice rumbled.

The former farm boy turned to his left, seeing a massive man- no, giant, approaching him in the rain. There was something... strange about him, as if Oscar had known him before.

He came close, before raising a fist.

Oscar flinched, but the man only slammed the machine with his fist, crumpling the top of it like it was paper.

A ticket floated out, and the giant began walking away, his back turned to Oscar. Oscar gently picked up the ticket, as he stared at his back.

The man stopped, "Don't let such a small obstacle block your path."

He continued walking away.

"That man..." Oscar said, "I felt- who is he?"

"Someone from my past," the voice said, "Someone who should not be taken lightly."


Blake's hand itched uncontrollably, wanting to just grab the hilt of her weapon.

"Please," Ilia Amitola held her hands up, even as Blake narrowed her amber eyes at her former friend. The two of them stood on one of the balconies of the Belladonna house, staring at each other.

"Just hear me out," the chameleon faunus begged, clasping her hands together.

Blake relaxed slightly, but kept her hand near the hilt of Gambol Shroud, just in case. Ilia might have been one of her friends in the past, but the past was the past. She was still a part of the White Fang.

She'd come to Menagerie to relax. And she'd done that for nearly a month now, reconciling with her parents, reconnecting with them, and really enjoying herself. Until Ilia showed up on her doorstep- or balcony, rather.

"What. Do you want?" Blake barely restrained herself from growling, as the chameleon faunus fearfully flinched back from her tone, her skin turning slightly purple in fear.

"I... Sienna Khan wants to meet with you. Tomorrow."

"Tell her no," was Blake's immediate answer. She was not going to meet with those "psychos", as Sun had put it.

"B-" Ilia protested, trying to make her hear whatever nonsense she was spouting.

"No!" Blake bared her teeth, just barely restraining herself from drawing her weapon.

"The White Fang needs your help."

"Like hell it does!" Blake raged furiously at the shrinking and backpedaling Ilia, "They attacked Beacon, and hurt my friends, Ilia. They released Grimm into the school, and attacked innocent civilians, Ilia. All they do is hurt people, and now they want my help??"

"It's the only way we can ignite change!" Ilia seemed to finally muster the courage to shout back, "We have to make sure that we are respected out of fear, because just respect isn't ever going to be enough!"

"You're only making things worse for the Faunus!!" Blake argued back heatedly, "You're making people discriminate us even more! They hate us, Ilia."

The chameleon faunus thinned her lips, but ultimately cooled herself, taking a deep breath.

"What I think doesn't matter, anyway. Sienna has reprimanded the Vale sect of the White Fang, and has punished Adam for it. She's publicly denied all forms of White Fang involvement in the Fall of Beacon, and instead claimed that those attacking Beacon were not affiliated with the Fang at all."

"That won't work."

"She knows, but it'll work at least a little bit. The attack on Beacon was a mistake, Blake. And Sienna knows that. Please," Ilia begged, blue-gray eyes wide, "The White Fang needs your help. You don't have to join, just your help for something..."

"For what!?" Blake crossed her arms, grinding her teeth, still unwilling to even go near the White Fang, "The White Fang disgusts me," she spat, sneering. She couldn't even believe she was hearing Ilia out.

"I hate the Fang, and what it has turned into-"

"Hazel Rainart!" Ilia blurted out, cutting off Blake mid-rant.

Blake froze, spine stiffening. Hazel Rainart?? The giant that had killed Headmaster Ozpin?

She turned to Ilia slowly, face deadly serious, "Hazel... Rainart? Where did you hear that name?"

The chameleon faunus gulped, "I..."

Blake cut her off, amber eyes wide, as she gripped Ilia's shoulders, "Where. Did. You. Hear. That. Name!??"

Ilia swallowed again, "I... I overheard Sienna talking about him. Adam made some kind of a deal with him, but we backed out. He was going to come to ensure that Sienna felt the same..."

Blake clenched her fists. She heard a creak of wood, and saw Sun standing in the doorway, eyes wide.

"You heard it all?" Blake asked, not annoyed by his eavesdropping this time.

Sun nodded grimly, sending a look to Ilia, who was looking at both of them awkwardly.

Even if Sun didn't know the full truth of what was really going on, he at least knew that Hazel Rainart was someone who was dangerous, someone who wasn't to be messed with, according to Percy.

"It's the lesser of two evils," Sun shrugged, although his eyes had a worried glint to them, "We should at least hear them out... I think..."

Blake thinned her lips, not wanting to agree with him, but knowing they needed to do it anyway. This was supposed to be a relaxing vacation where she reconnected with her parents. But still, they could potentially take out Rainart if they managed to set up an efficient ambush...

"Fine. Ilia," the cat faunus turned to her, "Tell Sienna Khan that we will come to the meeting. And tell her no tricks, or we're out."

Ilia nodded, before backing away, her skin becoming black as she faded into the darkness.

She had a feeling she was going to regret this.


"Hey, shortstack."

Ruby Rose groaned, as her uncle moved to ruffle her hair, even as she tried to dodge him. His hand shot out and caught her before she could, though, and he dragged her back by the scruff of her collar, chuckling. Ruby pouted as Uncle Qrow continued ruffling her hair, her protests going unheard.

"What's up, Uncle Qrow?" Ruby finally relented.

"Heh," her uncle looked out to the sea. It was an endless horizon of water, gentle waves rocking the ship that they were currently on, humming to their own tune, to their own symphony.

"Do you remember the first thing that Ozpin said to you when you met him?" the question came out of the blue, startling her slightly.

"I..." Ruby scratched her head, "It was something about... silver eyes."

Uncle Qrow looked serious for once, "You know, that's an extremely rare trait."

"So?" Ruby asked, shrugging, not quite sure where this was going.

"You're special, Ruby."

But she didn't want to be special... she was hailed as a prodigy for getting into Beacon two years early, but all she ever wanted to do was fit in...

Uncle Qrow continued before she could stop him, though.

"You're special, and not in the 'daddy loves his special angel', kind of way. You're special the same way your mom was."

"My... mom?" Ruby widened her eyes.

Qrow continued, "Remnant's full of ancient legends and stories. Some of them true, some of them made up. But there was one Ozpin told me from very long ago. Back before huntsmen, before kingdoms. It was said that those born with silver eyes were destined to lead the life of a warrior."

"You see, the creatures of Grimm – the most fearsome monsters mankind had ever encountered – were afraid of those silver-eyed warriors. They were the best of the best. It was said that even a single look from one of these fighters could strike a Grimm down."

He chuckled, "The reality? Well, it's not too different from that legend. As for you... it's an ability that you can unlock."

"Really!?" Ruby jumped slightly in her place, "So I get to shoot laser eyes now?"

Uncle Qrow chuckled again, "Not quite, kiddo. In reality, it's more of a big bomb, type of thing. You can use it once, but it drains you a ton, even when you have practice with it. I remember the first time your mom used it in a battle... Our team, team STRQ was out on a mission," he reminisced.

"We were supposed to defend a village, but far too many Grimm showed up, and we were slowly giving ground. The situation was hopeless... until she unlocked her silver eyes. Once she unlocked them, she was knocked out cold for three days, but she took hordes of Grimm with her in an instant..."

Her uncle refocused himself, turning to look at her, "Kiddo, you have the same power your mom had."

Nothing was surprising anymore to her, though, not with everything that was revealed to them that had been going on for who knows how long behind the scenes. The shock didn't come, only a null acceptance.

Still, Ruby was confused, "Why not tell everyone else about this? With all the secrets that have been revealed in the past weeks... Salem, relics, maidens, magic, you being a bird??"

"I-" her uncle's shoulders seemed to slump, as he sighed, "It's Percy."

"W-What about him?

Her uncle thinned his lips, "Percy's not a bad guy, per se... it's just... he reminds me too much Ozpin, at times. Where he's too focused on his quest to defeat Salem. He's scrambling to unite the kingdoms..."

"How can you tell?" Ruby challenged, planting her hands on her hips.

He sighed, "He's off to Atlas for the SDC banquet... but don't you think for a second that he isn't going to talk to Ironwood there. Then he's off to Mistral, where they worship him like a god amongst men, which he is. He's the hero of Vale. Vacuo is the only one left, and Vacuo is called the Wild West for a reason."

"Face it, he's tunnel-visioned on bringing Salem down. He'll use every tool in his arsenal to bring her down. Silver eyes are just another tool. Making plans, gathering tools like those two criminals... he's already met Raven twice, and she knows who he is by now. Who knows to what lengths he'll go?"

"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby glared up at him, "Percy wouldn't force me to do anything."

"But he'll convince you," her uncle countered, "He'll make you like the idea, and then do it. At the end of the day.

"I don't need convincing, not here," Ruby narrowed her silver eyes, "You're just trying to get me to back out of this war, because you and Dad 'know what's best' for me."

Her uncle didn't look her in the eye, letting her know that it was true.

She soldiered on, "Face it, I'm the w-weakest link on the team. I know that, he knows that, everyone else knows that. They're all better fighters than me, and the only thing I have is my speed semblance. If I can at least use my silver eyes, I would be so much better!"

Qrow thinned his lips again, but didn't respond, instead looking out to sea.

"Either way, I can't teach you how to unlock them," her uncle swiftly changed the topic, "Perhaps Ozpin knows. But I don't."

"I'll find a way," Ruby vowed, "And... Percy needs to know. I'm telling him once we get in CCT range."

She stared at him challengingly, daring him to protest.

Instead, her uncle sighed again, shoulders slumping yet again as he relented, "Fine. Here's an encrypter," he tossed some kind of object at her, "Makes sure no one can hack into your communication."

"Thanks Uncle Qrow, you're the best!" she cheered happily.

"Pff," he snorted, "Tell that to your dad, shortstack."

Qrow began walking away, when he slipped, losing his balance as he fell on his ass.

"Damn you, semblance."

Ruby Rose couldn't stop laughing her butt off.


Blake's hand was firmly planted on her weapon, as she entered the throne room, with Sun by his side, whose hand was concealing the compact form of his bo staff. It was safe to say that they were not going to be caught off guard.

She still couldn't believe they were doing this. Her parents hadn't been happy when they'd heard that the White Fang had requested a meeting, and they had insisted on coming along until Blake pointed out that they would do more harm than good if it came down to a fight. And so they finally backed down, but were still extremely worried.

And rightfully so. Blake and Sun came in preparing for a fight, and were instead greeted genially.

The room was extremely large, with a long, plush, red carpet that extended from the entrance to the throne. Torches were lit on both sides, illuminating the room, yet still leaving some shadows.

There was a large, wooden table in the center, where a tiger faunus, Sienna Khan herself, sat at the head, along with... Adam.

Adam Taurus. Her former mentor, who had attacked her and her teammates with the intent to kill, who had led the White Fang to attack Beacon...

Watching him sit there, unrestrained and as a free man was giving Blake a migraine.

Blake's ears immediately flattened, as she clenched her fists and sucked in a quiet breath of air, but every faunus in the room heard it anyway. The guards tensed, but a raised hand from Sienna Khan relaxed them ever so slightly.

Corsac and Fennec were also seated at the table, the monk-like brothers presenting a calm façade. Several other faunus were also seated at the table, most likely high ranking White Fang council members.

"Please, have a seat," Sienna Khan was the first to speak, as she gestured to the chairs at the table.

She shared a glance with Sun, but they approached the table anyway.

White Fang guards came close, and she tensed, gripping Gambol Shroud, muscles coiled and ready to spring.

They only pulled out their chairs for them, however, before returning to their positions at the end of the hall.

Blake slowly sat, still on guard. That little display of hospitality had been... strange, to say the least. As far as she could remember, the White Fang of today had never done such a thing, had never been so... welcoming and congenial before.

For a moment, no one spoke. The silence was deafening, as they all warily eyed each other at the table.

Sienna Khan was the first to break the silence, again, as she smiled, "Please, let us have some tea."

The guards approached again, this time pouring the steaming tea into several cups.

"Take your pick," Khan offered again, the tiger faunus smiling so genially that it looked out of place on her face.

It was to show that she wasn't going to try poisoning them, but Blake wasn't going to take any chances.

She ended up selecting a cup from the corner of the pack, and Sun took one from the middle. Blake lifted the steaming hot cup to her nose, trying to detect any scent of poison that emanated from its aroma. There was none.

She took a small sip, swirling it in her mouth with her tongue, again trying to check for poison. And again, there was none.

It had a grassy taste to it, being light and fresh, and Blake savored the taste, giving Sienna a small nod of approval. The tiger faunus smiled genially in return.

"First of all, I would like to formally apologize for the Fall of Beacon, on behalf of the Vale sect of the White Fang," Khan said, "Adam Taurus' sect of the White Fang has been reined in, and the appropriate punishments have been dolled out. Right, Adam?"

Formally?? Apologize!? Appropriate punishments?? The only appropriate punishment was him being locked away in a cell to rot for the rest of his life...

Adam only grunted, the bull faunus seemingly having the gall to believe what he did was right, that attacking Beacon was the best for the faunus cause.

He had ruined the White Fang's admittedly questionable reputation, further solidifying it as a terrorist organization, not that it already was. The White Fang used to be peaceful, and at least tolerated. Now? They would be lucky to even reach that point once again.

Blake angrily grit her teeth, gnashing them together. A massive part of her wanted to jump out of her chair and claw at the tiger faunus, but the remaining part of her managed to restrain herself from doing so.

Sun took notice of her barely restrained anger, and he clasped her hand under the table with his own, larger one. She stiffened slightly, casting a sidelong look at him, but he ignored her. After a few moments, his comforting grasp somehow calmed her, as he took control of the situation.

"It was a terrible tragedy," Sun agreed for her as he nodded, his face unusually somber. Blake took the hint, and she forced herself to remain still, not saying anything.

After another awkward moment of silence, Khan clapped her hands together, startling all of them. All their heads turned to her questioningly.

"Let us stop beating around the bush, then. Prelate Adam Taurus," the High Leader of the White Fang shot him a look that indicated she wasn't very happy with him, "Went against my wishes and made a deal with the now national fugitive Hazel Rainart."

Adam had the audacity to merely grunt in response. Blake narrowed her eyes, her ears flattening against her head in anger. She hissed under her breath. Hazel Rainart?

"To put it simply, Rainart is a dangerous man, according to our sources," Khan looked directly at her, her amber eyes boring into her, "I was hoping you would confirm this. Is he someone we should be wary of?"

Did they even deserve to be warned?

Apparently, something must have shown on her face, because Sun nudged her, sending her a look.

Finally, Blake thinned her lips, "Yes."

"We need your help, Blake Belladonna, and Sun Wukong."

Blake nearly leapt out of her seat in anger, but Sun stopped her, grabbing her hand. She glared at him, but he glared back, his blue eyes unrelenting.

"Please, Miss Belladonna," one of the monk-like brothers clasped his hands together, "The future of faunus equality is at stake."

"The White Fang does not represent the future of the faunus!" Blake bit back angrily, clenching her fists. What were they thinking? Asking for her help? Claiming that the White Fang was the future of the faunus!?

The White Fang had released Grimm into the school, attacking Beacon, and harming her friends and innocent civilians. Never in a million years would she trust the White Fang again.

"Peace, Miss Belladonna," the other monk-like brother said, bowing his head, "We understand your... misgivings with the White Fang as an organization, but as has been explained by High Leader Khan, we have rectified this issue.

Blake took a deep breath, forcing herself to relax. Every single false word that came out of the fox faunus' mouth made her blood boil.

"Whether or not you agree with the White Fang, Hazel Rainart and the other fugitives are a threat to Menagerie, and the faunus."

"What do you want us to do about it, exactly?" Sun piped up, throwing his hands up, "He's dangerous!"

Sun didn't exactly know Hazel Rainart's true abilities, just like everyone else, but they were all erring on the side of caution. Percy had said that his bullets pinged off Rainart's back without so much as a grunt of pain, which served as a baseline for how strong he was.

She'd come to Menagerie to avoid everything that was going on, and now Hazel Rainart of all people decided to show up. A man that was in league with Salem, Queen of the Grimm. Part of her wanted to laugh, but also cry at the absolute irony.

"That is exactly why we need huntsmen in training such as yourselves," Khan said, leaning forward, "Menagerie doesn't have many huntsmen- we've only survived because of the natural barriers that surround Kuo Kuana. The few huntsmen that we do have are busy out in the frontier, protecting us from the Grimm and the few, small villages that do exist on Menagerie."

"And you want us to do the dirty work for you," Sun crossed his arms, an uncharacteristic frown settling itself on his face.

"No, Mister Wukong," one of the monk-like brothers bowed his head again, "We only ask that you... assist us, in the endeavor of taking down Hazel Rainart. Rainart has come to Menagerie seeking a deal with the White Fang, which we would like to back out of, but cannot."

She continued, "His retaliation against us is assured. There's no telling how much havoc he will wreak amongst the people of Menagerie. We cannot afford to let him do such a thing. The White Fang shall fight with you, and we," he gestured to the other faunus at the table, "Will fight alongside you as well."

Seeing the look on their faces, Sienna Khan bowed her head, clasping her hands together in a prayer, "Please. Faunuskind is at stake."

"We must set a trap-"

A loud bang sounded throughout the room. Startled, Blake whirled her head, along with everyone else, to see that the large double doors to the room had slammed open.

"High Council," the spider faunus hurriedly bowed before them, "My sincerest apologies for interrupting. The giant has been spotted in Kuo Kuana."

"What!?" Sienna Khan was beyond frantic, as she shot out of her seat, amber eyes wide, "Did I not post a guard!? I told you all to watch for him, did I not!?"

"I-I am so sorry High Leader Khan," the faunus stuttered, "He has somehow made his way onto the island."


No. No... not impossible. Not impossible at all.

Percy had always emphasized caution over all things to them. Caution before a fight, to not be cocky and so arrogant to think they would beat anyone. Could they even beat Hazel Rainart?

Blake wanted to scream in frustration, to pull her hair out. She grit her teeth.

She didn't know what to do. To help the White Fang was inconceivable, but equally inconceivable was to leave the people of Menagerie at the mercy of Hazel Rainart.

In the end, it was the monkey faunus next to her who made a decision.

Sun had a look of grim resignation on his face, as he rose from his seat.

"We'll help."


It was safe to say that Percy had never been a fan of flying.

From the day he was born as the son of Poseidon, he'd learned to have an instinctual fear of air. There was never telling when Zeus would know a son of Poseidon was in the air and strike him down.

Airplanes and helicopters were a no go, and he learned to only travel by ground and by boat. It wasn't that heights made him feel unsafe, it was being completely in the sky, far up from the ground. Goosebumps would come every time he was far from the ground, so high up, and he would always be on edge.

But when he came to Remnant and got used to flying by Bullhead, without the need to agonize over whether the sky god would strike him down, he found that the experience was better, but still not enjoyable.

He stared outside at the lifeless tundra of Solitas. Great, white plains of thick snow stretched towards the distant city of Atlas on the horizon, as they flew over them. Even though Atlas was a port city, the pilot had taken a different route, instead of directly flying over the ocean. He had cited new records of high Grimm activity in the sea, and so, took the route that exposed them to the least water.

Not that Percy could fault him, though. He supposed he could have coaxed the pilot into going straight to Atlas, but he didn't want to reveal his essentially complete dominion over the sea to a stranger.

Then, a voice drew him out of his thoughts.

"Another royal flush?? Holy fuck..." Mercury Black groaned from his spot on the floor next to him, as he threw down his cards in utter frustration, and Percy couldn't blame him. Neopolitan merely patted his knee condescendingly, smirking happily.

Percy sighed himself. Neopolitan, or "Neo", as she preferred to be called, had to be cheating, with her semblance or something. There was just no way she'd won five games in a row out of the six they'd played..

"She's cheating," Percy and Mercury said in unison, nodding at each other. Neo pouted, flipping them the bird. Her expression seemed to say, "You're just pissed you lost."

She typed something out on her scroll, and held it up to them.

"Mad cuz bad :D"

Percy rolled his eyes, as Mercury huffed, "I'll have you know, I was the best player until you started cheating."

"You won one game..." Percy deadpanned.

"And one is more than zero," Mercury easily jabbed back at him, "Basic math."

He had him there. Percy couldn't really say anything, and Mercury smirked, as Neo blew a pink bubble.

Thankfully, they hadn't played with any money on the line... he was poor enough with his one-time income from Ozpin, okay?

Suddenly, the ship swerved violently to the left, causing all of them to topple over slightly. Percy grunted under his breath, righting himself as he shot up to his feet with the other two.

Just as he was about to question what the guy up front was doing, he heard the pilot frantically call out.

"Mayday, mayday! Numerous hostiles approaching our position!"

AN: A little cliffhanger to leave you on the edge of your seats!

And, just to be clear, I've never played poker or gambled before, so this is probably inaccurate.

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'til next time!

Next Chapter: January 20th (2 weeks)


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