𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰

By The_Artsy_WereWolf

43.5K 1.1K 565

ᴹʳ. ˢⁿᵃᵏᵉ ˣ ˢⁿᵃᵏᵉ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ In which two of the most greatest, badist, most extraordinary Bad guys the world ha... More

✨Casting roll✨
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
(New years/Christmas Special
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 + epilogue

Chapter 6

2.9K 92 21
By The_Artsy_WereWolf

𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝:  𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐝, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐲.

           ⚠️ Long chapter!⚠️
(The Animation that you see, is made by me! Please do not repost it! Thank you!)

The crowed had cheered when the whole group was on stage, Diane and (Y/n) stuck close together when the professor had taken the mic to thank everyone for donating for the cause of getting money to all kinds of hospitals, schools, you name it.

Placing the mic in the paws of wolf, who's other hand was hidden behind his back, holding the button to trip the lights so that he and his gang could get out scot free with the golden dolphin.

Snake stayed close with shark and piranha, his eyes burning straight onto Wolf's hand holding the button. This is it, everything that they had worked so hard for, the plan that was so obviously going to work if Wolf had pressed that singular, shiny red button.
The heaviness of guilt struck Snake upside the head, causing the Eastern brown to cast his gaze away and look at the calm smile that the vice wore so proudly.

"I just wanna take a moment to recognize the one responsible for our new outlook, our brilliant mentor... The one and only..."
Wolf's body had tensed when he knew that everyone was riding against him to do this, the soft look from Diane had quaked his thumb on the button.

Hearing the silent cheers of his friends urging him to hurry.
Wolf stalled, trying to take everything in and trying to rationalize what he was about to do would be worth it.


Was it worth it?

Suddenly, he felt a pressure push against his leg, causing himself to take a step back. When looking to find that, snake had pushed him back slightly, snatching the mic from his grasp.

"Huh?.. Snake..! What are you-"
Wolf tried to whisper, only to be met with sharp glowing eyes of despair, guilt and... Sadness?
He knew what wolf was doing, and he could only feel that, if he didn't do this, leaving would make an unforgivable mark against his chest, where his heart would only feel the constant feeling of remorse.

So, a laugh to hide his anxious state, only made the others' jaws hit the ground.

"Ah, ha. Who woulda' knew my best bud had cold paws?"
The joke made the crowd rumble with chuckles and laughter, quickly quieting down when Snake's voice then casted down into a serious set.

"But, what I think what my friend is tryna' say is... He's greatful for being shown kindness that nobody else has shown in a while. Because no, it wasn't just Marmalade who had spoken to us. It was Ms. Governor, and Ms. Vice."
Diane's eyes shifted over to Wolf, who had immediately stood up straighter, giving her a lopsided sheepish smile and wave.

(Y/n) stared intently to the other reptile, he kept his eyes onto the crowed.

"And, ya know what I think? Y'all made us feel as if we were wanted today. And the feeling confused us greatly, ain't that right guys?"

The word "sap" had entered (Y/n)'d mind tenfold, he truly did care for his friends..
Even as they kept their outward shocked faces, but the feelings slowly entered into their faces as to what was actually happening.
The look of adoration on the crowd made them feel relaxed, rewarded and happy.

The felt good.

"And... I'd like to thank everyone for not completely giving up on us. Especially you Wolf, buddy of my childhood."

"Did... Did snake really say thank you...?" Webs looked to Shark and Piranha, only to see Shark wiping a tear, and Piranha still in stone cold shock, not believing anything he's hearing or seeing at that moment.

Wolf looked down at Snake, who in turn looked up, smiling a first full smile that had never been seen before. Small "awe"'s filled the crowed and some even cried.

This was the closure he needed, his friends, and the feeling of someone he could trust.

"Aaand I'm done bein' nice now. Finish your speech wolf ya crazy golddigger." Wolf gave Snake a laugh, rolling his eyes before snatching the Mic from his friend.
Finishing with a light hearted: "Professor Marmalade!".

The satisfying hiss of the glass plates being opened, the Golden dolphin being taken out of it's pedastle by Chief Luggins and into the tiny paws of the Professor.

Shark looked over to Snake, a teasing yet confused look had been washed on his face.
"Yo, Snake? Why'd you do that? Stop Wolf? Ya' gone soft on us?~"

"Shut the hell up."

"Nah, he wanted to impress his Novia~" Piranha whistled, the redness on Snakes scales brightened tenfold, Webs had almost choked on her laugh when she saw Snake's undesirable look of pure anger on his face.

"Yeah- I think you might be right!" Said arachnid pressed expectantly.

" I now regret ever complimenting you guys."

Diane smiled at the two, warmth radiating off of her single nod, one that could also accompany her friend who slithered closer to the other.
"A deals a deal."
She answered, clasping her paws together in silent closure.

"By the power vested in us, it is a pleasure to grant the "Bad Guys" a full—"

Suddenly, darkness shrouded and swallowed up the entire gala, confused murmurs and whispers we're shared in the darkness.
Shark, Piranha, Webs and Snake looked to Wolf to see if he had some how pressed the button in any shape or form... But he wasn't holding anything in his paw anymore.

The lights came back on, the confusion still lingering. Wolf, almost thinking it was just a small shortage of power for a small second, he ears turned slightly at the sound of constant whispering.

"That was weird..."

"THE METEORITE IS GONE!" All the eyes that had once all set on the now empty pedastle, now landed hatefully onto the assuming perpetrators that were now standing on stage.

Shocked glances of the gang soon enveloped what was going on. The Love Crater Meteorite was gone as soon as the lights turned back on, only this time, their hands were completely clean!

The chief's footsteps were the first thing Wolf had heard, paws pulled up in surrender.
"Chief!" Wolf started, backing up quickly when he saw how hard she was clenching her jaw. Growling out his name through seethed teeth.

"C'mon! You can't possibly think that- ye-uh- we did this??"


Wolf's voice blared through the screen, a pixelated gif with sunglasses falling to his nose was shown.
Everyone looked at the screen for a split second, wolf's head slowly panning to the very obvious pointer that it was indeed him.

Dealing the fact that now everyone knows that there was definitely a plan at some point...

"RUN!" Snake screamed out, jumping just out of the way of Misty's clutches.

Chaos ensued, each of the team ran off in different directions to evade the waving batons of  Chief Luggins' police force, coming in like blue tidal waves of chanting.

Guests parted out of Snake's way, too much was happening, everything was slipping past what he thought would be a genuine night of fun.
He felt his pride and now muddled words of his once touching ode to his friends, burn like fire in the eyes of everyone who thought that they couldn't change after all.

His long body smacked under another presents, he felt his head getting pulled under a table currently not being thrown around by either wolf or the Chief.
His frantic looking eyes met equally disturbed pools of discomfort of the other reptile.
(Y/n) quickly peaked under the cloth to see how bad the chase is getting.

"Snake..! What in the hell just happened out there..?!"
The hushed yell coming from her almost caused himself to coil into his suit.

"I swear, ya gotta believe me, we did nothing! We didn't steal anything, someone set us up!" Snake's shakey breath was apparent, both wincing when they heard another nearby table being strewn very near them.
A pleading look graced on his face, this can't end good...

The vice's stone stare made the other former lockpick savvy uncomfortable.

"I-..." Nothing would get past his thin tongue, panic was written on his face, and he could imagine how the rest of his friends felt.

"Were you planning on stealing anything tonight with that getaway card back there?"

"No!— uh- shit, we were- but there was a change of plans!-"

Just then, the table that the two were under was ripped from right above, tumbling steps of the police officers almost ran them flat from the sheer speed they ran after any of the animals that were still caught up in the chase.

Before the two could separate completely, Snake's tail gripped against (Y/n)'s base of their body. Pulling them close enough to almost have their snouts touch.
"Listen to me, I don't know what's goin' ta happen, but please believe that it was... Alright meetin' you."

And just like that, (Y/n)'s warmth was stripped away when Snake's body uncoiled from hers, clamper had been strapped to the base of his neck, Snake was then lifted into the air, yelling to be let down, hissing against the feeling of being dragged into a net and carried out of sight.
She couldn't sense Snakes caramel scent anymore, being disguised by other things.

she couldn't gain her bearings.


The dramatic mayhem ended abruptly when Piranha had... Tired to do something crazy. Unfortunately, it was crazy enough to land them in cuffs and being yelled at by Chief Luggins at how guilty they were.

Wolf tried to push against her restraint, looking over to anyone, calling to the Professor who was pushing past against the sea of people who were trying to get a good look at the locked up animals before the door was slammed shut.

Diane was standing at the side of her friend, arms crossed and ears swiveling to hear the absurd words Ms. Fluffet was broadcasting on camera.

(Y/n) could feel the eye roll that Diane had done to the news reporter, the snake on the verge of taking the mic and shoving it in her mouth to shut her up.

"Stop! For goodness sake let me speak to them! I'm- I'm sure their was some miss understanding!"

The professor had called out, moving against guests to get to the front, the two watched as the professor beg Misty to open the back doors to talk to them. It took some time, but Chief finally caved in.

Opening the door, Wolf smiled in relief at the sight of the guinea pig, Misty leaving them alone by shutting the door completely.
Crossing her arms with a small huff while tapping her foot impatiently against the pavement.

Diane stared hard at the door, (Y/n) could see the slipping worry against her features. Feeling her friend slither her tail against Diane's arm, (Y/n) glanced at the red vixen.
The snake mumbling to their friend.

"Something's not right..."

"You feel it too?" Diane mumbled back, grappling a piece of paper that she held against her chest. It had a small circle on a map of the city, small and secluded.
Before (Y/n) could ask, a sharp swing of the door being opened caused everyone to gasp.


Wolf's jaw snapped at the air, Marmalade's body fell while seemingly trying to get away from Wolf's wrath, his body struggling against his chains to try and attack the guinea pig.
Camera after camera had shot at Wolf's lowest moment, quickly reeling back when he realized that everyone saw everything.

"Help! The big bad wolf is attacking me!" The professor cried out in pure "vain".
Wolf's eyes were wide in shock and showed a hint of anxiousness when everyone, including Diane were staring at him I shock.

The others leaned back from how hard Wolf had shook the entire vehicle, now looking at the millions of eyes that glowered down at them and softened in worry for the very poor animal being attacked right before their very eyes.
Something (Y/n) felt incredibly uneasy about.
A misunderstanding.
A blame.

The doors were shut in their face, the two reptiles eyes were caught only a second longer, before the vehicle was sped away towards their designated prison.

"Let's go."
Diane pulled her friend close, having the crowd get distracted by the Professors "phenomenal" quick act. One that he had so obviously switched up a little too quickly for (Y/n) for it to even be called acting.


Diane's car swerved over the edge of a ditch, (Y/n) had to hold on to the seat in an attempted to keep themselves stable.
She yelled when a particularly hard rock had hit the tire while going down.

"Diane! Where in the hell are we going?!"

"It's around here, I'm sure of it!" The fox had turned a hard right before they were on level ground again, driving forward.
Her paw pads had tapped on the wheel while looking around, her eyes glancing at the map every so often.

It took a small bit before stopping at a tunnel, making quick note that tire tracks were found going inside.
Taking a chance, she reeled into the tunnel, being greeted with an elevator.


The elevator ride wasn't long, a small bit bumpy by how old it was. Possibly a small bit dangerous, but did the bad guys truly care about keeping up with the health code? Possibly not.

With a shake, the elevator's doors opened, and the sight of bright sparkling gold awaited their eyes.
Beautiful trinkets, coins, money, paintings that costs more than any normal person could ever afford...

"Man... This reminds me of how our old loot stash looked. Remember that Dee Dee?"

Looking around, the snake wandered into the kitchen, where a newspaper for the first opening gala had been. Cold coffee was almost fully dunked with sugar on the coffee table... Right, Mr. Snake had a sweet tooth, (Y/n) remembered.
Glancing at the fridge, they saw a plethora of pictures, each and every one of them were of or with each other, having a blast. Snake looked as if he was having a hard time in most of them... But he looked content. The newest looking one, being Snake, and the rest of his friends surrounding him with a party hat on.
His birthday perhaps?

"Alright, I've notified the chief of where this place is. They she be arriving within the next few seconds." Diane walked in, placing her phone back into her purse.


"Have you seen how fast she is? Us of all people should know that if there's trouble, Misty will do anything in her power to get here with whatever she can get and or use."
That caused a snort to rumble up into the other snake's throat, they had forgotten how scary Chief Luggins was.

"Well, let's go. We need to get ready."

Confusion had crept into (Y/n)'s face. "Ready for what?" She enquired her friend.

"To go and save our Bad Guys."


Harsh waves crashed against the ever rocking boat carrying the Bad guys to their new permanent home across the sea.

Wolf eyed the large facility, the name in large bold lettering: S.U.C.M.

Once everyone was escorted inside, Mr. Shark had looked around, sighing out loud with a solemn frown.

"I can't believe we got double crossed by a tiny rodent..."

"I can't believe I fell for it."
Mr. Snake hissed, his head hung low, his anger on simmer, not yet overflowing, but dangerously close.
Everyone looked towards him, a confused look had bloomed through everyone's eyes.

"This was supposed to be us conning Marmalade, but now it turned into something that I couldn't control." The reptile was pulled by a grapple, his neck was then shoved towards a trey where all of his belongings were then wringed out of his throat. Coughing harshly at the forced way he was handled.

"What'd ya mean Snake? Both you and Wolf just up and canceled on all of us! What in the hell happened out there?! We all know why wolf did the most stupidest of things, but you?? Snake?" Webs was placed on the table, a small tray of ink for finger printing in front of her. She stepped into it, and an officer had picked her up, surprising her when she was then forcefully placed into a paper containing her information, smacking the hand for holding her too long.

Snake glared at the Tarantula, rolling his eyes before huffing when being thrown an orange prison uniform shirt.
"Look, It did start of that way. But something' happened on the way.
Maybe it was when I ran into the vice when I went to get something to drink? Or when I gave her that purse— I don't know. But something changed me."

"Changed you?" Wolf asked, his ears twitching at the word.

"I don't know! It was like a feeling- like- I cant explain. It gets me all stupid, like I can't even think straight. Like a shiver,"

"You sure your not comin' up with a cold man? You can definitely get pretty shivery with the flu—"
Shark tilted his head, putting on his new fit, halfway buttoning his top when Snake slammed his tail down on the hard table.

"No! Ya don't get it! It felt- felt—"

Wolf finally finished, the others gasped when Snake only looked at his friend. He only saw understanding from Wolf's end.
But... It only made him angrier.

"But now look at what feeling good's got us! In a place where we'll never leave!"

Wolf tried to walk towards his friend, but Snake only slithered away.
"Snake, bud. I understand that feeling, where every part of your body feels light, that tingling feeling... Everyone has felt it, remember? The clapping the cheering, everyone loved us!"
The canine looked towards his friend, noticing that they remembered that freeing and almost addicting feeling of actually being loved.
But Snake only bit back.

"Oh yeah?! If they loved us so much, then why are we in prison for a crime we didn't commit!?"
Wolf's face faltered when hearing that, he couldn't deflect the inevitable truth that no one truly did trust them.

"Ya know what? I'll give Marmalade this. At least he sees the world for what it is, a place where some people are scary," he gestured to his gang behind him.
"And some people who are scared."

"And what about (Y/n)? She didn't seem terrified of you when you danced with them!"

"Yeah?! Well they certainly didn't seem so sure after what happened. And don't you dare bring her into this. This about how we messed up, and that it's going to cost us way more than what your silly little plan had to offer!"

"Oh yeah? Well, I'm tired of being scary, I'm tired of being an outcast, and maybe I don't wanna be a..." His words caught in his throat, causing Snake to challenge him, his teeth bared and sharp, ready to attack.

"What? A bad guy? don't wanna be a bad guy anymore huh? Say it wolf!" Spittle had shot through his lips at how harshly he spat at wolf through gritted fangs.
Wolf's ears were pinned down against his skull, fur frizzeld due to his silent stress.

"Yeah, thought so. And us? Your life long friends? We're just holdin' you back? Like how Marmalade said?"


"He said what?! Like us us?!"


Wolf yelled, his hands thrown out as a harsh expression.
A hurt look shot through everyone's features, Snake being the most heart broken.
But he dug that feeling deeper into the ground, and let the burning pot of his emotions get the better of him.

Snake's voice had rasped out when lunging straight at Wolf, attacking and wrapping his body against Wolf's arms and legs, trapping him into a fight.
The group gasped, Shark had stuck his fist into his mouth by how south the conversation went, Piranha gasped, and Webs hid her eyes.

The two were on the ground, Snake kept on trying to bite at Wolf while the other tried to get the reptile off, both of them yelling for the other to "Apologies!" Or "Get off!" Was heard until they had to forcefully separated.

"Prison is no place for fighting!"

Once the two were separated, a guard had fallen between the two angered friends eyes.
A very winded and half knocked out: "Tell that to them...!" Before pointing up.

Past the sky light, two figures had fallen into their new arena.

Their new playground.


You know, I honestly did not think that my Wifi would go out. Seriously guys this has really been an extremely stressful time for me and my mother.
We had to go with another Internet provider, because my mother is not paying an additional 200 bucks for a brand new modem. Heck no.

We've gotten a better deal, and I'm so happy that I don't have to go another day without the internet.
Four days without it, and I'm already feeling the draw backs. 😓

I am super sorry for ranting, this chapter was supposed to be a Valentine's day gift to you all. But it sadly did not work out as planned, but I thank you all for sticking with it. I can't believe this books almost a quarter of the way done.
But do not fret, for I have even more surprises to gift you you~

More (totally not sketches/illustrations for other plans books that may or may not happen—)

Have an extremely well rested night everyone. And I hope that whatever your doing, please stay hydrated and don't work yourself too hard. Love you all to death <3

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