OC x Pyra/Mythra

By GoldCorvette

22.9K 370 268

So second story, oh boy. Hope you like it, My OC will be described in the bio. Let's go down another rabbit h... More

OC Bio
Christmas Special


322 7 0
By GoldCorvette


We continued to journey through the badlands of Titan guts after our encounter with Zeke, Pandoria, and Turters.

Kai: Where are we headed exactly Vandham?

Vandham: My buddy lives in Fonsa Myma. It’s a decently sized city still a ways away.

Kai: Alright.  

Pyra looked at me for a moment.

Pyra: Kai, are you okay? 

Kai: Yeah, I’m fine. 

I was not fine, now that our journey was mostly peaceful, it gave me time to reflect on the dark, ominous feeling, and why I only found it incredibly noticeable when Pyra was in pain. It was strange, I didn’t like it. I could feel it now, like a bubbling dark mass that threatened to break the surface should I let my guard down. So I focused for a moment.

Kai: Breath… In…

I let the chilled air fill my lungs, and allowed my guard to lower for the time it took for me to hold my breath for a few seconds. I felt the feeling bubble up, rising through my mind.

Kai: Out… 

I breathed out, and with it I forced the feeling down to a place I wouldn’t be able to feel it. 

Kai: Better, but not great.

Rex: Oi! I think we’re here!

We walked through the large gates to the city, and it was quite impressive, but of course, the first thing that I noticed were the copious amounts of soldiers around the area. And the Titan warships that were docked or on the move, likely for deployment or transfer.

Kai: This isn’t looking good…

Dromarch: War with Mor Ardain is looking more and more likely by the day.

Vandham: Looks like they've expanded the military program. That's a lot of warships...

Poppi: These ships look different to normal ships.

Vandham: Yeah, we don't muck about with our Titans much. No need for it. Urayans like things pretty natural.

Rex: I've seen Urayan ships before, back in Argentum. It's like the total opposite of how the Ardainians use them.

Dromarch: That could be one reason they're always at each other's throats.

Azurda: They've been like cats and dogs for a long time...

Nia: Well, from where I stand, the Ardainians are worse. All that metal's just bad taste.

Azurda: It's easy to think that way, but you're not considering how the Titans themselves feel.

Nia: Huh? Don't all those modifications hurt?

Azurda: When Titans live with humans, that's just the way it is.

Nia: Hmmm...

Azurda: I used to have a hut on my back, and a crane stuck where the sun doesn't shine.
I never complained, not even when Rex fired up a grill on my shoulders.

Rex: Hey, you used to like that!

Azurda: Mm... Well, yes, I did like that… In fact, I miss it...

Rex: If I did that now, we'd end up with roast Titan!

Azurda: Indeed!

Pyra giggled adorably, this was not fair to my heart. Pyra had no right to be that adorable.

We came upon an especially crowded area, and it seemed to be caused by a backed up line

Kai: *grumbling* I hate waiting in lines…

Rex: What's that?

Vandham: It's a distribution center. The government tries to ration out what little resources they have. In practice, it's just first come, first served.

The soldier handing out rations handed one to a small child. She looked grateful for being able to procure one, and it was likely for an entire family.

Urayan Soldier: OK. That's the last one for today.

All of a sudden, another soldier pushed past Pyra

Pyra: Ah!

That was not a good start to being on my good side. 

Soldier: Come on! I'm a soldier! Been busting my gut for this country! That should be going to me. Not the likes of you!

The soldier takes the ration from the little girl. 

Kai: There’s a lot that you don’t do, and taking things from a child is one of them. 

The feeling I had tried to suppress earlier was back with a vengeance, and my vision seemed to get darker, and purples were more exaggerated compared to other colors… I felt like the bubbling black mass I envisioned this feeling to be was swallowing me whole, creeping in around my peripheral vision… but I was pulled back out by a soft touch on the arm from Pyra. She seemed really concerned. 

Kai: I can’t tell her what’s happening to me, she might distance herself from me, I don’t want to scare her away… I can’t do that, to her or to myself

The girl looked up at the soldier with teary eyes, and Rex seemed just about done with this situation. 

Soldier: Uh? Don't look at me like that! Respect your elders, you snot-nosed brat!

The soldier pushed the girl out of his way, knocking her over.

Pyra: *to the girl* Are you OK? *to the dickhead* What do you think you're doing? She's just a child!

Dickhead: What?! H-huh? Who the hell are you?

Nia: Rex... This isn't our business. Leave it!

Rex: Being an adult isn't just about barking orders. Sometimes you need to help someone weaker!

Dickhead: Shut your face! You don't know what the hell you're talking about!

Combat ensued, the dickhead was terribly outmatched, and after his defeat, he took notice of Pyra. 

Dickhead: *pant pant* Wh-who are you?! Th-the color of that crystal! You're...! Waaaaah!

Azurda: Not good. He'll be bringing others before long.

Vandham: The rumors about Pyra must have traveled pretty far. Even grunts like him have heard 'em.

Pyra looked apologetic

Pyra: Sorry... I guess I should have used the cloak...

Poppi: But who spread rumors?

Vandham: From what I hear, it's some fancy-pants Nopon merchant.

Kai: Fuck. The Big Bad Blue Poofer strikes again.

Rex: A Nopon merchant...?

Another girl came up to us, she wasn’t as young as the other girl, whom had received her ration and left, but this girl couldn’t have been older than early teens if even. 

Iona: Excuse me, Mister Vandham?

Vandham: Uh? Oh! Well, if it isn't Iona! You grew a fair bit! How's Grandpa Cole doing? 

He watched her face fall

Vandham: Ah... Not too good, then.

Rex: Who's this?

Vandham: Uh? Ah, this is Iona. That old friend of mine takes care of her.

Pyra: Hi, Iona. Great to meet you!

Vandham: C'mon. Let's beat it before those soldiers show up.

Kai: Then let’s do.

We moved through the city with a little more haste, avoiding soldier patrols and following Iona, till we made it to what looked like a theater. 

Dromarch: Hmmm. Is this some kind of theater?

Vandham: Yup, it's a theater, all right. The guy we're here for leads the troupe here.

Rex: Ahh. Actors, eh.

Vandham peeked through the doors, clearly checking respectfully to see if there was currently a show.

Vandham: ...And right now… they're in the middle of a show... Well? Wanna take a quick peek?

Dromarch looked at the title

Dromarch: "The Heroic Adventures of Addam." Might be interesting.

An unreadable expression crossed Pyra’s face.

Rex: I've never been to the theater before.

Tora: Neither has Tora!

Vandham: Let's do it! Nice and quiet though. Looks like it's pretty packed today.

Rex: OK!

Tora: Meh meh!

We quietly crept into the theater, and stood near the back so we were of no distraction to those who were already there.

Play Narrator: And I saw at that time that the powers of darkness had engulfed almost everything! People and Titans alike were drawn into the abyssal vortex! The apocalypse was upon us! The end was nigh! But then! Despite the wounds all over his body, the great Addam stood...

Man playing Addam: O Architect! Grant me power! Power to banish the dark! Power to illuminate the world! Lo! Loyal servant of the Architect! The Aegis! O Aegis! Bless me with your power! Bring light upon the world!

Drama continued, as the fake enemies were vanquished in literally the brightest, and most dramatic way possible

Play Narrator: Thus, they defeated the darkness. But at a terrible price! Three great continents sank beneath the sea of clouds forever.

Man playing Addam: Servant of the Architect! By thy power, the world is saved! For the gift you have granted us, we are eternally grateful. I shall spread thy legend far and wide! May your name live on for eternity!

The play finished, and I couldn’t help but observe Pyra, the “Aegis” in the play was most definitely not Pyra, so either there was some information lost in translation, or there was something bigger, which could potentially explain Pyra’s massive sealed power. 

Nia: Hey. Kind of awkward, right?

Kai: Interesting conversation

Rex: What was awkward?

Nia: I mean, that play...it was about Pyra. Must have been kinda bizarre for her, eh?

Rex: I dunno... I guess?

Nia: Maybe you should go and make it right.

Rex: Make it right? How?

Nia: Idiot. Figure it out yourself!

Kai: Women.

Rex moved over to Pyra

Rex: Huh? What am I supposed to-? Err, umm...so the theater...

Pyra: Wasn't it incredible? They had the cloth moving just like real clouds! How do you think they did that?

She was so obviously faking excitement and wonder.

Rex: Huh? ...Ah... Yeah! The clouds were pretty cool… They were so...cloudy?

Gramps bonked Rex on the head, and it distracted him long enough for Pyra to slip further away from him into the rest of our group

Rex: Ow!

Azurda: What are you saying, bonehead?

Rex: There's no need for that! I don't know what to say in a situation like this!

We walked a little further, till Vandham knocked on a door as he opened it, allowing us to enter

Vandham: Comin' in, old fella! Crikey! Still collecting the junk, are ya?

He wasn’t wrong, it was kind of cluttered in the room we had entered.

Cole: Watch it, you bruiser! Don't make fun of a man's hobbies!

Vandham: Some greeting for your old comrade!

Nia: Comrade?

Vandham: Yeah, I was a freelancer, before the firm got going. Believe it or not, me and this old fella tore up a good few battlefields in our day.

Cole: We sure did. And thanks to that bleeding heart of yours, we almost never got paid!

Vandham: Hahaha! Says the guy in the theater troupe! You can't be raking in much dough either.

Cole: Hmph. Well, what can I do for you, friend?

Vandham: Cole, you're old, ain't ya? Old enough to know… how you cross over to the World Tree... Get to Elysium, I mean.

Cole: Elysium? But why? Why would you want to go there? That Core Crystal! You... You're… So, the Aegis is back amongst us... Who is your Driver?

Rex stepped forward.

Rex: I am.

Cole: You? But you're so young...

Vandham: How about it, old man? Do you know the way or not?

Cole: Hmmm… I dare say if you've trekked all the way here to ask me, you've already tried going yourselves?

Rex: Yeah... But we couldn't make it.

Cole: No wonder. No one can get to the tree while that thing's guarding the way there. It won't let anyone past. But...a long time ago, there was a man who went up the tree. Met the Architect, too.

Rex: There was...? Really?

Cole: Yeah. I'll wager anything he's got an idea how to get there again. You should try asking him.

Rex: Who was it?

Cole: ...

Rex: Please, tell us! I've got to get to Elysium, no matter the cost!

Cole: Well, I can tell you. But first I'd like to have a word with her, if I may. With the Aegis, I mean.

Rex: With Pyra?

Kai: *quietly* Do you want me to go with you? He can’t see me yet.

Pyra: Of course.

I don’t know who she answered, but she did not give any indication that I was not supposed to slip into the room with her.

Cole: Please, through here.

Cole closed the door, and I took a spot out of the way.

Pyra: Mister Cole, right? You wrote that play, didn't you?

Cole: I hope it didn't stir up any painful memories...

Pyra: No... Some of them are...good memories.

Kai: Lies.

Cole: Heh. You know, you're not very convincing. I'm sorry, I really am. I just wanted people to know about that time. Show people how we were back in those days... Really get it across to them… Will you be using it again? That power...

Pyra: I don't know yet.

Cole: I just don't know if this world can take it a second time.

Pyra: I know that. I'd never use it if there was another way. This is what I hope for... But...

Cole: That man's the only one who knows how to get to where you're going. Do you think you can make it to him? I just wanted to make sure.

Pyra: We can. I mean, it's my destiny.

Cole: Yeah… That boy who's with you...

Pyra: His name's Rex. He's a good person. With a kind heart.

Cole: Not that one, the one hiding.

Pyra: What? Who are you talking about?

She tried to play too innocent, I was blown.

Cole: I know you’re here. I see with more than eyes. 

At that moment he made eye contact with me, and so I altered the cloaking spell to allow him and Iona to see me.

Cole: There you are.

Kai: Hello there.

Cole: You were foolish to think you could really remain undetected for long

Kai: There wasn’t any harm in trying.

Cole: Fair point.

Pyra: What does Kai have to do with this?

Cole: He seems to remind me of a certain someone...

Pyra looked thoughtful for a moment, then told us who we were looking for.

Pyra: Heh.

Cole: OK then. I'll help you out.

Pyra: Thank you... Minoth!

Cole: Minoth... I'd almost forgotten that name...

We left the room.

Cole: Now then, where did it get to...? Cough! Hargh!

Cole, or Minoth? Started coughing, and spat blood.

Iona: Grandpa!

Vandham: Old man! You OK?

Cole: I'm fine... I'll be fine in a second… Seriously, don't mind me...

Vandham: Nah, we'd better call it a day, old timer.

Rex looked like he wanted to say something, but remained silent

Vandham: I'm sorry, fella.

Cole: Yeah, OK. But come back again tomorrow, will ya?
There's something I want to give you.
Vandham: Come on. I know a place we can rest.

So that is where we went.

Cole’s Dwelling No One’s POV

Several people walked through the door.

Cole: Well, I'll be... It's just one blast from the past after another today.

Malos: You probably guessed, but we're not here for a reunion.

Cole: Just as well. The Aegis's gone already. How disappointing for you, "comrade".

Malos: Hmph. Still an asshole.

Akhos: ...Despite the years taking their toll. I'll wager all the doctors in this town are quacks, and all the Blades are blunt. Obrona and I... We could fix that stagnant ether flow with a minimum of bother. What do you say? You could still have a lot of good years ahead of you! I mean, I won't deny there'd be a certain quid pro quo involved. But old man, just think of the benefits! Come, can't you lend us your expertise here? Do so, and you could live for a long, long time.

Cole: You know, friend, I'm not as attached to my life as I used to be. Maybe I've had enough!

Akhos: Your little lost souls will be simply inconsolable.

Cole: The kids? No, they're strong.

Akhos: Tch. This is becoming a farce. A horrendously clichéd one at that! Break a leg!

They left but not without noticing something just outside

Malos: Hm? What's that?

Akhos: Hey, don't be shy. You heard everything we said, didn't you?

Iona came out from her hiding spot

Iona: Can you... Can you really help Grandpa?

Akhos: Why of course. We can help. That is, if you can help us. Can you do that, for your grandfather?

Inn Kai POV

Kai: Where the hell am I now? 

I looked around me.

Kai: Wait… Elysium? Is that Pyra over there? And Malos?!

Pyra: This is... You can't come here.

Malos: Charming! So you're making the rules now, huh?

Pyra: You didn't come here to talk about the old days, did you?

Malos: Heh. We've snatched Minoth's little brat.

Pyra whirled to face him

Pyra: No!

Malos: Meet me at the place of your awakening. You remember it, right?

She remained quiet, refusing to acknowledge him.

Malos: Oh, and come alone.

Suddenly the world was ripped away from me. 

I woke up to Pyra preparing to leave.

Kai: No way I’m letting you go alone. 

Pyra: Iona is in danger! And you need to stay with Rex! He’ll be in danger without me and you there!

Kai: You’re in more danger alone than Rex with the others!

Pyra: I have to go alone or Iona gets hurt!

Kai: They can’t see me!

Pyra: Akhos can!

Kai: They’ll be convinced he’s lost his marbles!

Pyra: Fine… just, please don’t interfere unless it’s absolutely necessary, okay?

Kai: You have my word.

Rex’s POV

We left the inn to go back to Cole, but we found him in a state of panic in the street

Vandham: Old man! What happened?

Cole: Iona... She's gone! It must've been...them!

Rex: Who's "them"?

Cole: After you went, Malos...and some other guy paid me a visit.

Rex: Malos was here?

Nia: Who was the other guy?

Cole: Didn't catch his name. But he had red glasses.

Nia: That's Akhos! But what would he want with Iona?

Wait! Something isn’t right.

Rex: Wait! Nia! Where's Pyra?

Nia: Sh-she wasn't there when I woke up… What? No one's seen her?

Rex: Pyra... Maybe she realized what was going on with Iona?

Cole: Well, knowing those two... It's not unthinkable.

Nia: That girl! Trying to save her on her own?

Rex: Where's she gone? Didn't she leave a note?

Nia: No. I'd have noticed!

Cole: I know where... I think it could be Olethro Ruins.

Rex: Olethro Ruins?

Cole: It's where Addam led his army of resistance from. Five hundred years ago.
It's the place where the Aegis woke up, too.

I have to get there, I can’t let them get her. But I didn’t know where that is.

Azurda: It must be that Malos is trying to lure her down there! I'm sure of it!

Rex: Cole! Tell us how to get there!

Cole: It's at the top of the Great Stairway.

Rex: Vandham!

Vandham: Hey! Fella! Take care of this old man for us.

Citizen: Y-yes!

Rex: Let's move! If we go now, maybe we can catch up to her!

We left in a hurry.

Rex: I hope we can make it in time

Somehow nobody noticed that Kai was also missing…

Mega Chapter! Over 3000 words! I’m literally insane. Anyway, Let me know if really biffed something, or just overall feedback! Laters!

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