OMARI: When He Wakes

By AlaskanRookie

18.2K 721 382

After taking the last step off the Hospital Roof, Sunny wakes up in what seems to be a different reality. One... More

(1) The Truth, Guilt, and The Jump
(2) Fading, MARI, and HELLSUNNY
(3) The ENDLESS FIELD, Orchids, and A Promise
(4) A Picnic, A Camera, and Numbness
(5) Together Again
(6) Morning, Recovery, and Orange Joe
(7) Pancakes, Coffee, and Tea
(9) School, OTHER LIBRARY, and Faint Memories
(10) Into Your Dreams...
(11) The Chase, a Dream, and a Snap
(Updates and QnA)
(12) Afterschool, Chatting, and The Reaper
(13) Bargaining, Circumstance, and Returning
(14) Revival, KEL, and a Text
(15) Left on Read
(16) Rushing, Reunion, and Retelling
(17) Pain, Panic, and Moving Forward
(18) Coming To, Caretaker, and First Steps
(19) Hugs, Baby Carrots, and Medicine
(20) Homeward Bound
(21) Prepping, Home, and MEWO
(22) A Call, Fried Tofu, and Sandwhiches
(10K Views and QnA)
(23) Stairs, Bed, and Fractured
(24) A Orchid, Dreamers, and BASIL(?)
(25) Recital Day...
(26) Breakfast, Planning, and MOM
(27) Mother, Son, and...
(28) Father, SISTER, and a Surprise

(8) Suprise Visit, Catching Up, and Outside

843 28 13
By AlaskanRookie

BASIL was biting into his toast, forcing himself to eat and washing it down with a sip of tea. MS. POLLY was relieved to see this, putting a hand to her chest and smiling at him. He was a bit nervous, being watched as he barely ate, but he couldn't really blame her for doing so.

This was the first time he'd properly eaten anything, especially breakfast, so of course she'd want to make sure he kept at it. Still... it was a bit embarrassing for him. Nonetheless, he finished his toast and tea, moving onto his cereal, looking at the clock as he shakily put his spoon to his mouth.

7:44 AM

He nearly choked, coughing up milk and brand flakes as he realized just how late he was sleeping in. MS. POLLY grabbed his tray and set it aside before tending to him, hitting his back gently while finicking about him.

MS. POLLY: "A-Are you okay?! What's wrong? Are you-" She glanced at the clock, where his eyes were still looking. "Oh... ah, I see" She rubbed his back gently. "Look, BASIL... you don't have to school if you don't want to, it's fine! You're not in the best condition, so we can just call you in sick again. Maybe you just... need a bit more rest."

BASIL finally cleared his throat and regained his composure, looking to her and seeing genuine concern in her eyes. He thought about it for a second, grabbing his shirt as he cleared his throat once more. "Th-Thank you, MS. POLLY... but I think... I should go. Missing too many days won't look good for me on my record. Besides! Your breakfast really perked me up. I feel ready to go again! Heh. Besides..."

She looked rightfully surprised by thus, not expecting him to be so ready to get out of the house again. He rubbed his neck and looked at his drawer, specifically...the Orchid.

BASIL: "I'm... going to visit again after School... I think I should have something to talk about when I get there, you know?" He stared at the Orchid, knowing he put it there as a reminder... to always visit SUNNY when he could.

MS. POLLY gave a warm smile and hugged him lightly, looking at the Orchid with him for a few moments. She then turned to his CAMERA, perking up a bit as she got up.

"Oh! How about you take some pictures! I mean, you haven't taken any for a while, and I know he won't be able to see them, but that just means you can show some to him when he wakes up!" She picked up his CAMERA and inspected it thoroughly. "There's still film!" She said before blowing off and wiping the dust off of it.

BASIL held his hands out. "Ah-!" He kept moving his hands about, not wanting her to ruin the lense or drop it. When she was done cleaning, she nodded and handed it towards him. He retracted his hands, looking at it with a startled expression. MS. POLLY'S smile faded slowly, looking more concerned as she gently placed it back on the drawer.

MS. POLLY: "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have... ahem Well... if you ever feel like, y'know, taking more pictures, you at least know it can still take some! Just, uhm, please think about it, okay? I don't want to force you or anything."

BASIL looked at his CAMERA again, slowly looking down to his hands. So pale and trembling lightly, clenching his fists while shutting his eyes. "... O-Okay... I-I'll try..." He put on the best smile he could, but it didn't fool MS. POLLY for a second. If anything it made her more concerned, but for now she just grabbed his hands and hugged him.

He returned the gesture and exhaled weakly, leaning into her as they both embraced. Their moment together, however, was cut short as frantic knocking could be heard at the door.

MS. POLLY'S turned to look at the noise and got up, grabbing his tray as she did. "Huh... I wonder who that can be?" She said with a raised brow and smile, recognizing the frantic 2 handed knocking. BASIL lightened up more, chuckling at the fact they both knew it was KEL. "You dress up, I'll tell them you'll be out in a minute."

BASIL nodded as he slowly got out of bed. MS. POLLY looked back one more time, smiling contentedly at him before she heard the knocking get more sparadic, chuckling as she closed BASIL'S door. "One second, KEL!"

BASIL laughed lightly to himself as the knocking slowly faded, fixing his bedsheets and getting his clothes ready. Before he took of us pajamas, he got a headache, grabbing his forehead and wavering, struggling to stay upright. A slight ringing filled his ears, shutting his eyes tightly as it went on, groaning in pain, wishing it would end.

And just like that, it did... which was when he heard it again... the crackling. His eyes bulged open, quickly turning around with a sharp gasp, eyes darting around him to see where they would come from. His panicking made it harder to realize it, but when he finally did, he saw it... the White Egret Orchid on his drawer... was now a dull grey, wilted, and lifeless. It was so full of life and blossoming not one minute ago, and now it's practically dead, taken away from him without any warning, unable to do anything about it, just like SU-

. . .

It was too late until he realized it, but the BLACK VINES had already wrapped around him. His legs, his arms, his neck... he was ensared. And it all was coming... from the Wilted Orchid. He was too scared to even scream, staring right at the flower as more Vines creeped their way out of the pot, pointed right at him. He was leaning against the door, gritting his teeth as his eyes shut tightly, seeing the thorny vines coming right for him, he didn't know what to do-

. . .

He realized that he had his arms up, eyes opening quickly and looking in front of him frantically. He could move, he could finally breath again, and the Orchid was still a shining white against the sunlight piercing through the window.

He took a deep breath and exhaled sharply, holding his chest and sliding down the door. He was deep in thought, processing it all and stopping as soon as he remembered what he was thinking before the vines attacked him.... the wilted flower... for a brief moment, he thought that it was just like...

"SUNNY..." He curled up his knees and dropped his head onto them, hugging himself tightly and trembling in place...




MS. POLLY put away the dishes and quickly rushed to the door, welcoming the two with a smile.

"Ah. KEL! AUBREY! Always a pleasure to see you two. I'm guessing you're both here for BASIL?"

KEL: "Yes ma'am! We're here to pick him up so we can walk to school together."

AUBREY: "Only if he's feeling well, that is... How is he?"

MS. POLLY looked back towards his room and exhaled lightly through her nose. "Well... he's still hurting, naturally, none of us can fault him for that." KEL and AUBREY looked saddened by this and looked at each other with concern on their mind.

"But, he did eat a bit for Breakfast! And he said that he was going to school today, so I'm sure he'd be thrilled to walk with you both!"

Both of their faces lit up hearing this, excited they'd be able to see BASIL out of the house again. It had been some time since they had seen him outside, other than visits, they'd never really seen him too often. So this was a much welcomed change for the two.

KEL: "Aw sweet! It's been too long since we've walked to school together. He better hurry and get ready though if he doesn't wanna be late."

AUBREY: "C'mon KEL, we don't need to rush him! Let's just wait until he's ready and see where we'll go from there."

KEL nodded and stretched his arms behind his head, yawning as he replied. "I know I know, I just don't want us to be late is all. Especially since he's ACTUALLY coming out again!"

Both were visibly excited to see him, MS. POLLY chuckling as she looked back to his room. "I'll go make sure he's ready. Please, come in while you wait! You both are always more than welcome."

AUBREY and KEL nodded and came inside as she went to BASIL'S ROOM. They couldn't help but look around at his various plants, having alot more than usual spread about the house. KEL looked over some Succulents and Cacti decorating the windowsill, giving a long whistle.

KEL: "Man, did he get more of these? I mean, I know he had alot, but I don't remember THIS many." He looked them all over again, and noticed that none of them had any signs of wilting. "Is this why he never comes outside much?"

AUBREY: "Hmmm... maybe." She ran her fingers across the leaves of the assortment of greenery, looking concerned and impressed by this commitment BASIL has tending to them. "I hope he's taking care of himself as well as he's taking care of these."

Both of them looked around with a worried look, deep in thought before snapping out of it as they heard the hallway door open. Smiles soon replaced those worried looks as they saw BASIL meekly walk out, brushing his bangs aside and struggling to look them in the eyes. Finally, he managed to look at them both and waved while scratching the back of his neck.

BASIL: "Uh-Uhm... Hi, guys, heh... H-How's it going?" He asked with a hint of worry before he saw them both come over to him, smiles all around.

AUBREY: "BASIL! It's great to see you-" She embraced him and hugged him, making sure to be careful. "We're doing great! How about you? How're you feeling?"

BASIL shrugged lightly. "I-I'm doing okay, thanks for asking, hehe." He saw KEL walk right up to him and give him a big, strong hug, caught off guard by the strength of it but returning it without hesitating.

KEL: "BASIL, buddy! We heard you're coming to school today, yeah? That's awesome man! No offense, but it's about time you've gotten some fresh air, hehe."

AUBREY hit him on the shoulder. "KEL! Don't be rude." He looked at her and rubbed where she hit him. "Hey! YOU'RE the one being rude, Ms. Grouchy! Dont hit!" Both of them looked at each other with annoyance, squinting at each other until they heard laughing. They turned to see BASIL trying to stop himself, holding a hand up.

BASIL: "Sorry, sorry. It's just... It's great to see you two bicker like this again. Reminds me of when we were younger." He said with a genuine smile, looking happy despite the shape he was in.

Both looked surprised but they followed suit, laughing as BASIL joined in. He felt at peace with them, feeling relaxed and calm in that moment as their laughter faded. KEL sighed and looked to the ground, thinking for a moment.

KEL: "When we were younger... OH RIGHT! I almost forgot, I wanted to ask you both something!" Both were caught off guard by this but paid attention as he stood up straight. "Well! I- uh..." He got a bit nervous and rubbed his neck "Well... I know we've all been busy, and I don't know what your guys plans are after school-"

BASIL thought he knew where this was going. Something about hanging out or maybe going somewhere, maybe HOBEEZ or GINO'S. He was going to tell him that he would be down to go with them but probably would do much, but wanted to wait to hear where specifically he wanted to go.

KEL: "- but, well... I was thinking of visiting SUNNY today, and wanted to know if you guys wanted to come with!"

BASIL froze. He looked shocked hearing this, not jusg for the fact that KEL wanted to visit SUNNY again... but remembering his dream. The words he said to him before the BLACK VINES engulfed everything...

"When I die... promise me... you'll put Tulips on my grave..."

It sent a shiver down his spine and made his blood run cold, too lost in thought to hear the rest of what KEL had to say.

KEL: "It's been a bit since I last visited, and I dunno when you guys last did either. But I feel like we should! If not today, maybe we can all go when we're all free?"

AUBREY looked surprised hearing this before giving it some thought. "Visit, huh? Hmm...." She scratched her elbow and looked out the window, reminiscing about the last time she actually did that. "Well... I do have work today, so I can't really go today. But... I don't know. Its not like I don't, it's just... hard to see him... like that."

KEL, as outgoing and carefree as he was, still understood what she meant. Sometimes it was hard for him too, but he still felt he owed it to SUNNY to visit as much as he could. Not wanting to force that onto them, he nodded in agreement. "I can get that. I won't force you, but whenever you do feel like going, feel free to call me up and we can all go!"

AUBREY looked up and nodded slightly with a smile. "Mhmm...Thanks. " KEL nodded and turned to BASIL with a widened smile and asked the same thing. "What about you, buddy! Wanna join me on the visit?... BASIL?"

He looked confused as he looked him over, AUBREY joining in as they both saw his demeanor. Knees bent together, hands clasped at his chest, eyes darting around as he was so lost in thought. His breath grew quicker by the second as his dream came back to him in flashes.

SUNNY ensared in the BLACK VINES, the GARDEN wilting around him, the panic in that moment creeping back into him as he was beginning to have a panic attack. In his mind, rhe BLACK VINES wrapped together in a ball, his breaths becoming sharp and short, seeing a white eye form in the center of the mass of it, snapping open with a cracking noise echoing in his mind.

Everything was building up, BLACK VINES filling his vision until he felt something grab his shoulder, wincing quickly as he jolted his head upward... It was KEL, looking very concerned along with AUBREY. BASIL was caught off guard by this, blinking a few times as his mind caught up with his eyes.

KEL: "Woah! Easy, bud, easy." He said rubbing his shoulder gently. AUBREY patted his back and looked him over

AUBREY: "A-Are you okay? Do we need to get MS. POLLY?" She asked in a slightly panicked, nervous tone.

BASIL looked at them both as his heartbeat calmed down, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. After a long exhale, he swallowed and spoke sheepishly. "Y-Yeah! Sorry, I'm fine, I- uhm... I-I don't know what came over me, but I'm okay! I promise."

Both of them looked at each other, rightfully worried and doubting what he said. KEL patted his shoulder and stepped back to run the back of his neck, as AUBREY looked down for a moment before looking him in the eyes. "Maybe... Maybe it's best you don't come to school today? A day or two more rest wouldn't hurt, especially... after what happened."

BASIL looked down as his expression turned full of sorrow, mustering up a smile as he sighed lightly. "Well... we knew my Grandma didn't have much time left here... but... it still hurt. Gosh, if I didn't have you guys here when it happened, I... don't know how I would have been, honestly..."

He sniffled, wiping his eye as AUBREY hugged him tightly, KEL joining then as BASIL gave a shaken exhale. Eyes shut, he thought about his Grandmother and how much she meant to him, and how it stung not to have her around anymore. It and already been 2 weeks since it happened. His Parents came, the Funeral was held, and she was put to rest...

It still felt like yesterday when it happened. The sudden trip to Intensive Care, the panic rushing through him as things got critical... the dread of hearing the news. Even if it was quite some time ago, the pain was still fresh, and he knew he would have to carry it with him. He hadn't fully come to terms with it, but he also knew he wouldn't have to go through it alone. And he'd always hold her close to his heart...

As worse as the situation was, it only reminded him of something. Of how much it absolutely crushed him to find out what happened 4 years ago. It felt like it was so long ago, but the dread and fear of losing someone he loved... just reminded him about SUNNY again... and his nightmare.

BASIL: "... H-Hey, guys? Thank you, firstly, I really did need this...but, uhm... C-Can I tell you something...?"

KEL and AUBREY backed up, looking concerned at him as he took a deep breath. "I... had a dream... or, I guess... a nightmare..."




AUBREY: "Oh my gosh... BASIL, that... sounded awful." She rubbed his shoulders lightly before pulling him into another hug. "Geez..." She looked to the side and looked concerned.

KEL rubbed his neck and took a deep breath, sighing as he spoke up. "I'm guessing that's why you wanna check up on SUNNY today, yeah?"

BASIL curled up his arms and leaned into AUBREY, nodding his head slowly with an anxious look in his eyes. KEL looked worries but quickly put on a smile, patting BASIL on the back with reassurance. "No worries, bud! We can check up on him today, together! We'll go see him, see that everything's okay, and maybe even say Hi to MARI!"

BASIL looked happy until he mentioned her name, looking more concerned and anxious. He had tried his best to push MARI out of his thoughts since the incident, even managing to keep her out of his dreams in his GARDEN. AUBREY frowned at KEL as he covered his mouth quickly.

"KEL!" She shouted through her teeth. "O-Oh shoot! Uhm- I'm sorry bud, I didn't- I mean, I-" He fumbled with his words trying to think of an apology before BASIL finally stepped away from AUBREY. "I-It's okay, really. I mean... visiting would definitely mean we'd run into her eventually. I just... need to prepare a bit before we go there, later today..."

Awkwardness filled the air as they didn't know what to say or do before AUBREY, in a bit of a panic, looked at the clock. "O-Oh! Look at the time! W-We better get going before we're late! Hehehe."

"R-Right! ahem C'mon, let's go! We can get there if we run! Oh, but if you feel tired, I can always give you a piggy back, buddy!" BASIL'S expression soon lightened as he heard that, laughing lightly as he gave a light smile. "Thanks... really, thank you guys. It's... really comforting to know I have friends like you."

Both of them smiled with a hint of embarrassment after hearing that before AUBREY cleared her throat loudly

AUBREY: "Of course! Now let's get everything and hurry, or else KEL may be expelled for how many times he's been late!"

KEL: "Hey! ... A-Actually yeah, we should run-" He said before hiking up his backpack and jogging in place, dashing out the door as AUBREY laughed.

BASIL laughed with her, and was about to turn to get his bag before seeing MS. POLLY holding it for him with a motherly smile on. "It's great to see you smiling again. Now, go have a great day with your friends! Oh, but don't overexert yourself, please. Come home if you're feeling weak or tired."

BASIL was taken aback by this, remembering how often he'd tell his Grama goodbye and never really getting much of a response. And now that MS. POLLY was the one doing so... a shaken smile formed before hugging MS. POLLY, much to her surprise. His eyes teared up, sniffling as he nodded. "I-I will, promise...Thank you... so much, POLLY."

Her surprised turned into a comforting smile, hugging him back and rubbing his back lightly. "Of course... I'll be here when you get back. Just go have fun! Not too much fun, but- Oh, well, you know what I mean."

One more quick hug and BASIL put on his backpack, nodding to her as he finally was at his front door. He stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath before stepping outside. After so long, he had tasted fresh air again, his eyes adjusting to the sunlight as he finally saw KEL and AUBREY waiting for him on the sidewalk. His smile was wide as he stepped forward, the light dimming as he stopped in place, seeing something else with them... a third figure... and soon, the crackling followed.

The BLACK VINES were surrounding them, not wrapping around their limbs like they did him, but making itself known and spreading behind them. Their smiles made it even more concerning for him, forcing a strained smile himself as he continued running towards them. "I-Im coming, guys! Sorry..." He shut his eyes and opened them slowly, and as quickly as he saw it, the VINES disappeared. Just like before in his room...

BASIL: "Please be okay..." He said under his breath, completely unaware of the day he was about to have...



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