Hurt by love.| ✔️

By little_misswritesss

657K 9.9K 3.8K

19 year old girl named Aurora Dior was being abused since she was 8 by her father. Her father Vincenzo Dior i... More

Dinner with the Rossi's.
New home. New life.
I met an angel.
Giovanni and Ace.
Mafia Ball.
Mafia Ball pt 2.
Who dies?
Mini Dante and mini Aurora.
Burn him to death.
New relationship?
Secrets and lies.
New York.
Devil and angel.
Ups and downs.
Love or hatred.
Bloody red.
Spanish & Italian.
Right time.
Comes and goes.
New Family Member.
The past.
"We all need someone in the end"
True colours.
Key to my lock.
Moved on.
Fight back.
Bad news.
Come home.
Old life.
Mafia Queen.
Bigger family.
Safe, loved, home.
Always and forever.


4.8K 103 7
By little_misswritesss

It's been a week later now. His condition hasn't gotten better nor has it gotten worse. It stayed the same. He had one week left. If he didn't wake up then it's over.

They're all here. They never left for a second. They're all sitting outside or inside of his room. The only good thing is that I'm a doctor so whenever something happens to any one of them I could help easily.

They were all shocked that I'm a doctor. I mean if someone told me last year that my life would look like it does now I would laugh in their faces.

I'm currently heading to his room right now. I've been with another patient. She needed a check up about her pregnancy. It went smooth. When I came into the room all eyes were on me apart from his.

"Have you to any news?" Aria asked.

"Unfortunately no." I look at his heart monitor it was normal for now.

"Aurora is he going to wake up?" Alessandro asked.

"I have no idea sir. We're doing everything in our powers. But he has a week left. If he doesn't wake up then I'm sorry but... we'll have to turn them off" I look over at the machines.

"God" I heard Thalia whispers.

"I'm really sorry" I said backing away about to leave.

"Did you ever stay with him?" Alfonzo asked.

I froze. "What do you mean?"

"I mean. Do you spend some time with him?"

"Please don't tell me you expect me to"

"I don't know"

"Look Alfonzo I work here. I'm not a guest. You're here for a few more days and then you'll leave. What if I'll get fired? I already went against the rules by telling Xavier and Thalia personal things about him. I shouldn't of had said it to his parents"

"True. So Aurora. It's just I can't get used to the fact that your a doctor now"

I chuckle. "Yea it's unbelievable I know" and with that I walk out closing the door behind me. Smiling to myself. I see them again. But it probably will be the last time this time.

"Aurora" Kevin called me.


"If anything happens to him. I'm so sorry. Just know we did everything we could."

I sigh "I know everyone did everything they could"

"Mhm. See you in a bit"

"Bye" and he walked away.

"You still love him don't you" I heard someone say. It was Aria's voice. I inhale deeply and exhale before I turn to her.

"Yes I do ma'am" I don't call them by their names anymore.

"You didn't look back" she whispers.

"I did what Alfonzo told me not to. And it led me here" I say looking around.

"I do indeed miss you all. But this is better for me, him... for us."

"What is better for us exactly?"

"You don't have to keep looking after me worrying that something might happen to me because I cannot fight for myself. I can't protect myself"

"That's not true. And you proved them that night" she was referring to the night the shooting happened.

"You're a lot stronger than we all thought. We all still love you. You can't imagine how hard it is without you. When he wakes up. Please come home with us" those last 5 words she said made me freeze completely.

She wants me to come home with them.

"What if he won't?"

"Then... then you still will"

"I'm sorry ma'am but I can't. My life is here now. Wether it's with you all or not." I said giving her one last look and walking away.

I love them all. I really do. But me coming back to them will just mess things up all over again. It just isn't as easy as they all think it is.

I go into my office slamming the door behind me. They come back after a year telling me to come home with them. After I built my life here? After I've done what they wanted me to?

I slide everything that was on my desk off of it. Out of anger.

"Ugh!" I groaned. I could feel another set of tears in my eyes. I bite my bottom lip trying to make them not escape. Until I hear my phone ring in my back.

When I reached it. It was Amelia.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Hey, are you coming home any time soon?"

"I'm sorry. But I don't think I will. I won't come home until the guy wakes up."

"God that must be tiring. Let me know where you're coming back home so I can make your favourite cake."

"Thank you so much Amelia and I will."

"Good. I love you. And don't over work yourself young lady"

I laugh into the phone. "Thank you. I love you too. And I won't I promise" I ended the call. This is why I love her. This is why I don't want to leave her.

After I let some steam off I went out of my office and walking g towards his room. Seeing that everyone that was inside of it is outside now.

"Why are you here?"

"Some doctors are making tests" Xavier replied.

I nodded my head not saying anything in response and walking inside of his room seeing Kevin, Carson and some others indeed doing something.

"What are you doing?"

"We're doing tests. I don't know. Trying to wake him up somehow Aurora. There so much people wanting to wake him up. Even you. So he clearly means a lot to you all"

"Yes. But there also might be nothing you can do. Which only makes us need to wait this last week. If he doesn't then I guess we have to... turn them off"

As much as I didn't want to say that. I had to. I love him so much and at the thought of loosing him is killing me inside so much. And I want to fight I really do. But all we can do is wait.

Waiting is killing me as well as it is killing them.

"Are you sure?" Carson asked me.

"Yes. Yes I'm sure" No I wasn't. But I couldn't do anything.

They all nod and leave the room. So it was just me and him. I walked up to his bed and grabbed his hand.

"I know you might not hear me right now but we went through a lot together. We had loads of our ups and downs. And the day you told me to get out of your house. Was the worse day of my life. But today I'm thankful for that. I became someone in my life. You and everyone else meant a lot to me and still do. I never forgot about any of you. I miss you all so much. Especially you. I miss your touch. Your voice. Your face. Everything about you. Don't give up. Please. They need you. I need you."

I knew he couldn't hear me. But that didn't stop me from telling him this. You might think this was a waste of my time. But it wasn't. I feel lighter. But not light enough. I wipe the tears that went down my face.

I let go of his hand and walk to the door letting everyone in. I smile up at them.

"I have some free time right now. The hospital doesn't seem to be so busy. Would you like me to stay with you all or are you okay?"

"Um could you actually stay with us?" Elena asked. I smiled up at her coming back into the room closing the door behind me.

"Thank you for everything you're trying to do for him Aurora" Alessandro thanked me.

"There's less than a week left now. I want him to wake up. I need him to wake up"

"Why" Xavier asked me.

"I have something important to tell him. And I wouldn't forgive myself if he died on me"

Maybe it wouldn't be my fault that he died. But it just would be so hard for me to know that he'd be no longer alive. From what I heard he only got coronated as the boss only few months ago.

"Let's go on a walk" Thalia said standing up and heading out mentioning for me to follow her. I was on my dinner break so it is fine. I nodded and walked out with her.

We decided to go outside. To get some fresh air. It wasn't cold but it wasn't warm either.

"You really love him Aurora." She stated. It wasn't a question.

"Mhm" i hummed.

"Why not get back with him?"

"We come from two different worlds now Thalia. You're in a mafia world I'm in a normal world"

"But we still come from the same one"

She's right. We do come from the same worlds. But we live them differently.

"I know. Even if I would want to come back. I couldn't just ditch all this"

"I'm aware. You done pretty well."

"I guess yeah"

"That night. Where the shooting was. You impressed us. Even Dante. The moment you took the gun in your hands. You impressed him. You saved our lives."

"I didn't save one of you completely"

"Aurora. I know that you will save him. I believe in you. I'm terrified that something might now work out. But deep down I also do know you will save him"

"I killed a person"

"It's a shock. It was your first kill which I totally understand-"

"Thalia I'm not mad or sad about the fact that I killed him. I'm mad. Fuck. I'm furious that I don't feel any ounce of regret or sadness"

"You don't?"

"No. I don't."

"Wow. I can remember my first kill. Oh lord I felt so bad after it I fell into depression."

"Was it that bad?"

"Si. But anyways. We weren't planning on bumping into you that night. You just slightly appeared there. And you just danced with the wrong person."


"Does it hurt?"

"Does what hurt?"

"Did it still hurt even after a year without speaking to us?"

"Yes. Yes it did. Even thought I only knew you for few months it felt as if I known you my whole life. I fell deeply in love with Dante. And I still love him so much. And you. I miss you more than anything Thalia. But you and everyone else have to understand that I cannot ditch all this"

"I understand. But if you didn't have all this. Would you come back with us?"

"I don't know"

"You love him"

"I don't want to. But my heart doesn't seem to want to let go"

She chuckled a bit. "He's your first love"

"God why does it hurt so much" i said biting my bottom lip.

"Because it was real"

Because it was real...

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