Encanto (Journey to the past)

By BiancaGradaille

3.1K 95 11

Mirabel's ceremony was sad for several reasons but there was one reason that everyone choose not to talk abou... More

The second ceremony
About Ten-Eleven years ago
Present (After casita fell)
Songs for the story: NC
Character info
Dinner tensions again
The triplets
Mica vs Abuela
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros part 2
Learning more
La Familia Sánchez
New visitors
The new generation(not a chapter)
Making plans and meeting the village
Talks and saying adiós
A song from the heart
We're on our way
Train rides and Stories
Journey to the past
Isa, Dolores and Luisa song
Tough calls and explanations
Catching Up
NAC: Boarding house residents
Preparing for more Drama
Reunions part 2(Can't this family have one quiet dinner)
A New Miracle
Hang in there baby
Dia De Los Padres
Parents day Part 2
Out on the town
Javier's Journal pt 1
Journal pt 2
The Jungle pt. 1
Jungle pt. 2
The End or is it?

Meet the rest

39 1 0
By BiancaGradaille

Mateó's P.O.V.

A stamp is slammed on a paper, showing the word 'denied'. "Denied? You're denying my claim," Mrs. Hogenson says sadly. Mateó, now 29 years old, lives in San Angel and is working at an insurance company called 'Insuricare'. Since special ops (supers) were banned from society years ago, he's had trouble trying to fit in with normal society.

"I-I don't understand, I have full coverage," Mrs. Hogenson begs for her claim to be accepted. "I'm sorry Mrs. Hogenson, but our liability is spelled out in paragraph 17, it states clearly," he says sadly. "But, I can't pay for this-" she is cut off by Mateó's cell phone ringing. "Excuse me," (to the phone) "Hey honey, are you okay?" he asks calmly with a hint of worry, "Fine. I have news, they're here!" Angie happily exclaims referring to their recent guests. "That's great, and you had to call cause-" Angie cuts him off, "because, you finally get to meet my father and Miguel is back, oh and we need some leche," she explained.

"that's good. Oh honey, I have a client right here," he says. "Alright say no more, I'll leave you be, see you tonight," she says.

"Bye, honey." he hung up "I'm sorry, where were we?" he asks. Mrs. Hogenson is in tears, using a tissue she took from Mateo's tissue box, "I'm on a fixed income, and if you can't help me, I don't know what I'll do." As she blows into the tissue, Mateó looks at her sadly since he wants to help her, but the company won't let him. He then thinks about how he helped his past clients by finding legal loopholes, to which he then comes up with an idea for her. Quickly, he takes a look outside his cubicle office and pokes his head out from the top to make sure his boss Mr. Huph isn't around.

He grabs a pen and a notebook and hands them to her, and starts whispering to her, "Alright listen closely, I'd like to help you, but I can't. I'd like to tell you to take a copy of your policy to Norma Wilcox on-" He notices that she's not getting his plan, so he taps on the notebook as a way to signal her that he's helping her. "Norma Wilcox. W-I-L-C-O-X. On the third floor, but I can't," he whispers. She then notices that he's trying to help her, and begins writing down what he's saying in the notebook. "I also do not advise that you fill out and file a WS2475 with our legal department on the second floor. I will not expect someone to get back to you quickly to resolve the matter. I'd like to help, but there's nothing I can do," he says, happily standing up.

"Oh thank you so much yo-" she is then cut off by Mateó shushing her. Mateó moves on to the next phase of his plan to help her. He sticks his head out of the top of his office, "I'm sorry ma'am, I know you're upset," he shouts, then goes back down to her level. "Pretend to be upset," he whispers while nodding his head to the side to signal her to go. Mrs. Hogenson then leaves, pretending to cry while Mateó smiles at her.

As she is walking down the hall, Mateo's boss, Mr. Huph, skips past her in an angry mood and marches into Mateó's office. "Mateo!" he shouts. Mateó gets startled and stands up fast, knocking some things down on his desk. "You authorized payment on the Walker policy?!" he furiously says as he throws papers onto his desk. Mateó then fixes his desk and argues back, "Someone broke into their house Mr. Huph, their policy covers..."

"I-I don't want to know about their coverage Mateó, don't tell me about their coverage. Tell me how you're keeping Insuricare in the black. Tell me how that's possible with you writing checks to every Harry Hardluck and Sally Sobstory, THAT GIVES YOU A PHONE CALL!" he exclaims. Mateó attempts to reason but is then cut off, "But-"

"No buts Mateo, OR YOU'RE FIRED!" he shouts before leaving his office.

Mateó stands there in shock as if a knife just went through his heart. He sits back down in sadness and notices the argument attracted a lot of people from the office. "What are you looking at?" he angrily asks. Everyone then goes back to their job. A man walks by Mateó's office, shaking his head, "Man, what happened to the soldier that beat the odds?" Mateo lets out a sad sigh, "That guy retired George."

Mateó arrives back home, having taken the metro train and a bus to get back since he doesn't have a car anymore since the CIA took away his supercar.

He approaches the door and opens letting the animals out to do their business. He hangs his coat and heads to the dining area and sees everyone talking and eating. Gabriella runs to him and he hugs her. Angie approaches them "Hey honey" they kiss. "How was work?"

"Same old same old. Let's hear about this one's day?" He said rubbing her stomach.

"We're both doing good," She rubs his hand, "and now I'd like to introduce you to some very important people," Angie said as she grabbed his hand. "Aquí" as they head to the table so Angie and Ignácio can start introductions.

"Now that we're all here. I believe introductions are in order. Papi, this is my husband Mateó, his family was one of the first people we meet when we left,"

"Nice to finally meet you, sir," Mateo said as he shook Bruno's hand "Likewise,"

"And this is Acacia, she's a museum curator,"

"I'm also her sister-in-law. Nice to formally meet you," Acacia greeted. Then she gestured to two girls in front of her.

"And these two are your granddaughters Layla and Gabriela. Girls this is your Abuelo,"

"Hi..." they said. Both shy and excited at meeting Bruno, they have a lot to ask. So they just hugged his legs faces buried and giggling.

After the introductions were made, things were going well, the girls were intrigued by their abuelo and wanted to learn more about him. With help from Miguel.

Ignácio introduced the rest of their in-laws. Chico, Zita, And their kids. Maria and Manolo Sánchez.

Antonio got to hang out with the kids and he was loving it. Anyway, dinner was filled with questions and conversations till someone had to ask...

"Did you get a gift?" This got everyone to stop talking seeing that it was Lala, Ignacio's daughter, who asked Mirabel.

"Uh no, I don't have powers I thought everyone here knew that," Mira said feeling a little awkward.

"Layla," scolded Ignácio.

"Sorry I just wanted to ask since he got his gift back," she points to Antonio.

"Huh?" Exclaimed Chico.

"Oh, I can explain. When Casita crumbled we lost our powers. However when we rebuild our house and worked on our issues the magic returned and so did our gifts," said Dolores.

"Oh so..."

"Still no gift, but that's okay," Mira assured.

"Consider yourself lucky," said Zano.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Mira.

"Nothing" he retracted eating his food, earning a confused look from the girl.

"He means that you don't need powers to be special or helpful," stated Angie giving Zano a 'watch what you say' look.

Everyone resumed eating till Mirabel decided to ask about the babies. "So Ignácio those two boys are yours right?"

"Sí, Mira," Ignacio gestures to the twins. "This is Manny and Mikey,"

She looks at them and notices another baby. "and who's this-" The baby lifts their head revealing wide eyes, startling her. "Uh?"

"Oh, this is Joy, our daughter" answered Zita smiling.

"She's cute," Mira says trying not to show her reaction.

"what big eyes she has!"


"What?" he realizes "Sorry I didn't mean to"

"No worries we're not offended," assured Chico. "We know that Joy's expression takes a while to adjust,"

"Even we were freaked out when she got it. The doctor said she was fine and to keep a lookout for dry eyes,"

"and to consider bangs. But we didn't want to hide her sweet face," he tickles her causing her to giggle.

"That, and I'm bad at bangs," Zita said. Everyone smiled and laughed at the family's tale. So many stories all under one roof. Then Mirabel noticed how different family dinners were here than when she was little.

Bruno is taking to the Sánchez' and Joaquín. Learning more about their family. "A bullfighter?"

"Yes, but it was short-lived. I wanted to be a musician so when I inherited the arena I changed it, and rented it out for concerts and games."

"And Señor Mondragón,"

"please feel free to call me Joaquín,"

"Joaquín. I want to thank you for helping my children,"

"The thanks goes to my father in law, he had to convince my suspicious butt,"

Isa has been starting at Angie and Mateó. He seems nice but she still needs to know, "So Mateó, you've known our cousins for ten years now right?"

"That's right we even served together,"

"and when did you and Angie get together?"

"We were twenty-two when we became official,"

"That was also the time we meet these guys," she gestures to Acacia, Zita, and Chico.

"And Blanca," Ignácio added.

"And the rest of my family. Oye, talk about an awkward family reunion," said Chico with a mocking cringe. Then he noticed the Madrigal's expressions.

"So... Isa, Miguel told us that you've been exploring your powers more,"

"Yes, I have,"

"How does it feel to test your limits?" Asked Zita.

"It feels liberating and exciting! I haven't felt this connected with my powers since I got them,"

"I know the feeling when we left we learned a lot about ourselves not just our powers but of what kind of people we wanted to be," said Angie.

"That would be..." Isa asked wanting to know how much she changed.

"We're all retired from the military. But I'm still a medic, and I work part-time at the museum," said Angie.

"I help out with the boarding house but I mostly work in the museum, and teach music," said Ignácio.

"So what do you guys do?" Asked Camilo.

"Head Curator," said Acacia.

"Run the hotel," said Zita.

"What do you think we do?" Asked Chico to Camilo. "Hmmm, I'm guessing... security or wrestling"

"(Buzz) wrong. I'm a teacher," Chico corrected and everyone giggled in good humor.

"I wish I was in security. I'm an insurance adjuster," said Mateó.

"What's that?"

"I have to review if a person's claim is eligible for the insurance,"

"I see and what's insurance?"

"If your house is damaged from a natural disaster insurance can help pay for the damages,"

"Okay I think I got it now. But why?"

"Well repairs cost money, and their also resources..."

"Wouldn't it be easier to build something that prevents the damage from being done?"

"Yeah but the concept is a work in progress and there also medical bills to take-"

"When are we going to the Encantó?" Shouted Mateó's daughter, Gabriela, who's been trying to get someone to answer her question. Angie starting at her outburst was trying to find the words. "Gabi, we already have your abuelo and primos visiting,"

"I prefer tío," Camilo quietly said to his sister.


"Don't forget about the rest of the family!" Exclaimed Antonio.

"What?" Said Mateó.

"In tío Bruno's vision, we all reunite,"

"I got that part but when you say the rest of the family do you mean-?" Mateó asked.

"Our parents are coming. I just sent them a letter from the station. Don't worry they're very nice." Mirabel said quickly taking a sip of water.

"Mira," said Angie trying to get her to tell them.

"My mom can heal you with a meal..."

"Mirabel," said Ignácio.

"My dad is a klutz but he means well..."

"Mirabel!" Both siblings exclaimed.

"And abuela is coming here too," Mirabel said winching. She doesn't know how their relationship with Abuela went down but so far not good.


"Which abuela are they talking about?" Asked the kids.

"Mine. Abuela Alma," said Antonio.

"She is also papi Bruno's mom," answered Miguel.

"How old is she?"

"Kids, finish your dinner," said Maria trying to diffuse the tension. The rest of the evening was spent in silence.

Everyone felt the tension when Alma was brought up. There were a few conversions but it was short so then the kids got ready for bed.

Madrigal Girls Guest Room

"That could have been better," said Mirabel in her nightgown as Luisa brushes her hair.

"Mirabel you didn't do anything wrong," said Dolores.

"Yeah sis, all you did was answer a question," said Luisa.

"Yeah, but it was a pretty loaded one. Did you see how they reacted to abuela's name?" She recalled.

"I guess our primos have a lot to say," said Isa.

"Did they write back yet?" Asked Mirabel.

"I got the message from Zano. They're on their way," said Dolores.

"Great timing," joked Isa, then she sees Mirabel looking down. "Mirabel?"

"I'm so conflicted, I get that Abuela was challenging but how bad was it for them? Did I forget that too or did I not notice... Isa I-" Isa stopped her by holding her hand.

"I don't know Mira. None of us do we were all asleep when they left,"

"Dolores your sure you didn't hear anything?" asked Luisa.

"I'm sorry. I heard yelling but I couldn't figure out what they were saying. There was a crack but then nothing,"

"Must have been them and Abuela arguing,"

"ugh! Great, even when she's changed she still keeps secrets," said Mirabel getting frustrated at Alma leaving out that detail. "What if we made a mistake by coming here? I want tío Bruno to have his kids back and his grandkids, but what if us coming here ruins it?"

"Mirabel. You know that every family has their issues no matter how happy they appear," said Dolores.

"That just it prima even when everything is not perfect they-they- I can't explain it but I know it's better than how our family handled issues,"

"Perhaps, but remember we just meet all of them so we don't know the full story. Also, I think they want to see Abuela,"

"What do you mean?"

"They weren't there when abuela realized her mistakes. They didn't get an apology from her. We did, thanks to you. My brothers get to enjoy their gifts and childhood. Your sisters are finally being themselves. And thanks to you I'm able to speak for myself more than I ever would,"

"Not to mention we still need to figure out why you don't remember them even after meeting them?" added Isa.

"Maybe I hit my head after they left," said Mirabel.

"Not likely Mami's cooking would have fixed that,"

"Yeah, like the time you went missing,"


"Hey girls light out," said Maria.

"Sí, Señora Sánchez," Dolores said as she turns off the lights.

Angie and Mateó's room

Angie and Mateo are in bed reading parenting books but Mateo sensed his wife's turmoil, "So. are we gonna talk about it?" He asked.

"What's there to talk about my Tíos and Abuela are coming. No big deal!" she said still focused on her baby book.

"Angie..." Mateo said as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder. "(Sigh) I'm happy for the chance to have my old family be part of the life we've made," she said.

"But..." he persisited.

"Part of me is still afraid of what'll happen, when I see her again,"

"Angie, things are different now your stronger and more in control," he states. "Plus, your family seems okay now. I don't know what happened after you left but maybe it was enough to change her mind."

"Perhaps. I haven't had a chance to ask how she's been all these years but if she's fine with Isa's new look then maybe things have changed." she considered.

"We'll ask them tomorrow. For now, we need to rest and figure out the sleeping arrangements again," They kissed goodnight and went to sleep. "I could always invite Abuela Gertrude to compare,"

"Go to bed,"

Ignácio and Acacia's room

Mirroring Angelina's conversation except one of them is pacing. "Nació, you're starting to burn a hole in the floor. Literally," she starts to rub his shoulders to calm him down.

"I can't help it mí vida. Mí abuela is coming here! to our home to... I'm not sure to do what? but I know it won't end well,"

"Was she that bad?"

He contemplated his answer, "She was tough. Our parents made it clear she was still mourning our Abuelo. We knew the candle was his last gift to her. But there were times when it felt like she valued it more than us,"

"Is that why Angie..."

"It was a lot of things. Mirabel's ceremony just happened to be the last straw,"

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to at least see if they have changed their ways. Maybe try and involve them in our kids' lives, I do miss them and I know Papa would as well,"

"I'm sure they have. A lot has happened in ten years,"

They kiss good night and turn the lights off.

(Fade to. Black)

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