With All My Love And More

By CCBubs

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Chance is a 25 year old virgin who has never been kissed before. On her birthday she decides to take a trip t... More

Scaredy Cat
With all this suspense, you better tell me you're the Prince of Italy
Have you never experienced an opera before?
Will you have my head if I say no?
He's just my tour guide.
Polka-dots suit you.
The bull's balls?
I would think you were Italian.
The one who feigns innocence
Would tempt the King of Italy
I cannot stay unobtrusive
No one in this country is going to accept it
The easiest part
God, give me strength
I definitely won the argument
We're in the 21st century and he really shouldn't depend on letters all the time
Like Flies
Is it true, Gino trusts Oliver?
Are you Chance?
Am I keeping you, your majesty?
Are you angry?
It's going to make me fade away
And what if you're not her life?
I think we're famous
That boy is insignificant
There is no reason to force it

Not to Grace Kelly

82 5 0
By CCBubs

My first kiss. It wasn't like how I imagined it would be. It was far more beautiful than I had envisioned. I was always worried I wouldn't know what to do, but the way his lips pressed against mine and his tongue swiped against my bottom lip, it was like he was leading me. It was like he knew; he knew I was nervous and knew it was my first. I had always thought tongue against tongue was weird, but when Gino's pressed against mine and swirled in incredible motion, I nearly passed out with euphoria. His large hands settled in my hair, pulling gently against my roots. I couldn't help but moan into his mouth, never wanting this to end. The pressure of his lips against mine stirred butterflies in my stomach, dropping lower and lower and lower.

And just like that, it was over.

I kept my eyes closed, still relishing the beautiful feeling of his lips against mine. "That was so nice," I whispered, "I'm surprised people aren't walking around kissing 24/7." The sound of his chuckle signaled me to open my eyes finally. The most radiant smile I had ever seen was on his lips. He must have liked the kiss. Right? I mean, nobody smiles like that when they hate the kiss. No way. Right?

"Am I a bad kisser?"

He didn't say anything.

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

Gino smirked, tilting his head to the side, "I am capturing the moment my Chance had her first kiss."

Jesus. Why is he always so honest?

"Don't.. don't say it like that!"

"Like what?" The radiant smile didn't falter. Hell, I think it might have doubled in size. He looks at me like I am a masterpiece.

"You just say whatever is on your mind."

"I must have got that from you," he said, that lost look still evident in his eyes.

"I don't say anything that comes to mind."

"You, my Fiore, most certainly do."

Before I could say anything, there was a loud crash from behind Gino. Gino turned around, his hand reaching out in my direction. I also looked in the direction of the impact, seeing smoke building up. "Oh no, was there an accident?" Gino didn't say anything before grabbing the paddles and rowing us back to the dock. He looked so calm, even with his guards running toward us. I think I would need to get used to their synchronization. Ten guards on the lake's right, ten on the left, and five at the dock to report. Do they practice this on their off time? They must. If I didn't know better, Lin-Manuel Miranda directed this performance.

"Your majesty, we found paparazzi sneaking into the villa. As they were being tailed, one van belonging to a pap crashed into a parked car."

"Anyone hurt?"

"The paparazzi, he is being taken to the hospital as we speak."

Before Gino could speak, a guard named Alessandro stepped forward and said something in Italian. It must be the thing Gino is trying to keep from me. It can only be that important if Salvatore has some aneurysm on the grounds somewhere. By the way, where is Salvatore? Gino silenced Alessandro with a flick of his wrist. Alessandro bowed, as did the rest of the guards, before dismissing themselves.

"I suppose I could only push it back for so long, and a photo of me kissing you when I should be on my way to an important meeting is not..." he watched me with a slight smirk.

"King-ly of you," I frowned, trying to find the right word for him to use.

"King-ly," he chuckled, perplexed by my made-up word.

"Don't say anything," I pointed at him, standing up in the boat, "I couldn't think of anything else! What else would you say? Huh!"


"Okay! Okay, we won't use King-ly."

"No," he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me out of the boat and onto the dock, pressing me close against his body, "I am going to use King-ly from this day on." His smug smile widened and revealed his teeth, letting his tongue thrust against the corner of his top teeth like some lousy boy who gets a kick out of teasing the heroine in the film, making my stomach flutter with butterflies. He knows he's sexy.

"I'm warning you, Gino, if you tease me, I will kick your butt."

He buried his face into my neck, humming softly against my skin, "I'll stop teasing you when you stop being so adorable."

I groaned, throwing my head back, my body going limp in defeat. He brought his head up, a questioning look on his face.

"What is it?"

I smacked my hand against my forehead, "You're going to be teasing me forever since there's no way I can stop being adorable." I winked at him, sticking my tongue out. Gino watched me with a crooked smile before taking my chin in his fingers, tilting my head back as if to get a better look.

"It would seem so, Fiore." The way my cheeks were burning from how close he was to me, I wanted so badly to turn away, but he wouldn't let me. His other arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to his hard chest, "How can I possibly leave when you're adorable."

"My King." Alessandro urged him to listen to him, but Gino waved his hand, dismissing them. Alessandro nodded his head, his brows in a deep, worried frown. It must be important.

"Are you sure, Gino?"

Gino looked back at me, putting his hand out for me, "Trust me, Fiore, it will be fine. Come." If Gino says it will be fine, it should be. I worry I am a terrible influence. The last thing I want is for the press and all of Italy to blame me for distracting their King. Even if I wanted to tell him to save the rest of the day for another time, the way he eyes me makes it impossible. I slid my hand into his large one. He guided me back to the main house, the guards bowing as we approached.

Gino and I enjoyed our tour around the villa for the rest of that day. The amount of history sewn into every fabric, buried in every chest, and hiding within every mural kept us busy that by the time the evening came by, the in-house chef and maids reminded us of dinner. Gino, who had now changed and given me a change of clothes, helped me put on a rather long sleeping silk robe, courtesy of him, to keep me covered up. The clothing he had me wearing was his own; a white, collared sleeping shirt that hit mid-thigh. He had offered to have the maids order some dresses for me to sleep in, but I didn't think it was necessary. Plus, I had always fantasized about wearing to sleep the clothing of the man I like.

"What would Lady Chance like to eat? We can cook American style if you wish, madam."

I smiled, feeling awkward with all the formality. Gino looked at me, teasingly smiling, "Well, what would the great Lady Chance of Scaredy Cat like to eat." I smacked his arm so hard it echoed in the music room we were standing in. Gino was showing me how to play the violin. I could tell my actions were shocking to the maids and chefs.

"If you call me that, it will stick, Gino!" He snickered, covering his whole mouth with one hand, and rubbing his arm with the other. I turned my attention back to the chef, who was still bewildered. "I would like a classic Italian dinner, please. I don't know how to cook, but I can help-"

Gino put his hand on my back before stepping closer to me, his expression serious, "Il solito, per favore, Damiano." (The usual, please, Damiano) I only understood that he said thank you, or was it, please? I need to learn Italian. He could have told the chef I would like to eat dog shit for all I know.

"Certo, Mio re." (Of course, my King) The chef bowed to Gino before turning to me as well. I watched as he walked away with the maids in tow.

"It must be amazing to just have people follow your every command."

"You could have that too, if you wish."

I rolled my eyes at his cocky expression and the casual poking of his tongue against his cheek, "Just because you're King, do not expect me to follow blindly like everyone else."

He tilted his head to the right, slowly looking me up and down. I could feel every inch of my body being caressed by those beautiful dark eyes, "I expect nothing less for the rest of my life, Fiore." The knock on the door echoed far away as my mind got wrapped up in what he had just said.

'Rest of my life. Rest of my life, he said the rest of his life.

Did I hear that right?

Did I hear that right?

"Scaredy cat?"

No, I couldn't have heard that right. Why would he say that?


Maybe he accidentally said it? No, how can someone say that accidentally, right?


"YES!" I jumped forward, dropping the violin in my hands, only for one of the guards to catch it before it was damaged. "Sorry!" Gino chuckled, taking my hand and bringing my attention to him.

"Forgive me, Chance; I must bring my work here."

I frowned, looking around at the guards, finally spotting Salvatore, who was now on the phone speaking in Italian. "What do you mean?"

He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, "The meeting I was meant to attend will be held here on the villa grounds, which means I will have to step away at some point in the night."

"Oh." I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I felt like a petulant child. Perhaps I am spoiled, but being able to have Gino with me all the time, I have gotten so used to having him whenever. Having to share him with others might be an adjustment for me. I looked back up at Gino with a big smile, "Of course. I don't mind."

He didn't look convinced, but he didn't push it. Alessandro stepped forward, bowing, and then discussed in more Italian with Gino. Whatever business he was having needed to stay private since everything was discussed in Italian and strictly Italian. Salvatore came around the room, weaving through the plethora of guards now dispersing as if on cue they knew where to conduct surveillance, or whatever it is they call it.

"We will keep the meeting in one portion of the villa, Lady Chance." Salvatore bowed his head, "This means we will be keeping everyone who is arriving away from you; there is no need for you to worry about any uninvited guests wandering over to the wing you are in, capiche?"

I chuckled, nodding my head, "Capiche, Salvatore." Salvatore and I have been saying this to one another; it's his fun way of introducing Italian terms to me.

I watched as Gino pointed towards the way of the front of the house. "Una volta che le porte sono sigillate, nessuno entra o esce senza essere visto da Luca o Salvatore." Gino motioned in my direction before the guards responded in recognition and were dismissed. Salvatore bowed to me before Gino called him forward. I hardly ever saw Gino in this form. I was constantly gifted with playful and harmless Gino. The Gino I am seeing right now is King's side of him; this is King Giovanni. (Once the doors are sealed, no one enters or leaves without being seen by Luca or Salvatore)

I decided to look around the room. Although I enjoyed seeing this new side of Gino, I preferred the playful Gino more.

While Gino and Salvatore were in deep conversation, I found my way out to the terrace. It was a beautiful night. The stars even came out for me to see. Thanks to all the lights in Los Angeles, it is hard to see this many stars where I live. I've realized how much I love the night sky this past week and a half. I love it so much I even downloaded a star gazing app. "Lady Chance, may we bring you a coat?" I looked around for the voice but didn't find it. Shit. Are they on the roof again? I craned my neck back, lifting myself as high as possible on my tippy toes.

"Are you guys on the roof again? You're going to break your freaking neck!"

I heard laughter, but still no sign of life on the roof. "We are down here, Lady Chance." Down? Down where? I spun around before looking over the terrace and down to the grass. Scattered all over the lawn were a plethora of royal guards. The guard who had driven me to this location was now standing there. What was his name again? I remember the scar over his right eyebrow and that tiny mole on his left cheek. It was something with an A. Anthony....Alejandro....Adrian..., "Arturo!" He chuckled, nodding in agreement, "I am honored Lady Chance remembers my name."

"I didn't know you stayed!"

He kept his gaze down, never looking at me, much like the rest of the guards. Salvatore is the only guard who makes eye contact with me; while I wish he wouldn't, it always feels like he's going to yell at me. I do appreciate eye contact whenever having a conversation with someone. "Yes, Lady Chance."

"Are you watching the stars too?"

He shook his head, "No, Lady Chance."

"You should. They're so pretty tonight. Do you have a stargazing app on your phone?"


"Stargazing app, you know," I waved my phone at him over the terrace, "on your phone. Look!" I pressed my tummy against the top of the barrier enclosing the terrace so that Arturo could get a better view. I showed him my screen.

"Aspetta! ASPETTA!"



Suddenly the whole lawn of guards was erupting in chaos, waving for me to move away from the terrace edge. "I'm fine! I've got a grip!"

The feeling of my body going over the ledge earned a strangled scream, and I franctically tried to get my grip again, before I went over the ledge, but large hands grabbed my waist and pulled me away from the ledge.

"Fare il turo lavoro! Se le hei fatto del male, ci saranno delle conseguenze." (Do your job! If she is hurt, there will be consequences) I knew he wasn't yelling at me, but I felt like a child being reprimanded for sneaking out of the house. Gino pulled me further away from the ledge, grasping my chin and tilting my head back. "Are you hurt?"

I couldn't answer yet. It felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I was surprised to find out what was up and what was down. I was even struggling to keep my balance, which Gino did notice. He nodded his head in the direction of the concerned housemaids. "Alert the doctor."

"No need for a doctor, Gino; I'm just..."

"Come, let me sit you down."

"Gino," I was fighting for his attention, but it was like he had tunnel vision. All he could be concerned about was my safety and the near miss. "Gino, I am fine," I whispered. He whisked me into his arms, like a child, like some weightless Princess. "I promise."

The maids were running around like headless chickens, and the guards had dispersed, never to be seen again. My single action had caused such chaos.

"Mi occuperò di voi più tardi," he looked over his shoulder before taking me into the villa. From how the guards looked nervous, I figured whatever Gino said was not good for them. "Make sure the doctor is ready if she is needed." Salvatore nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"Gino, I'm okay."

"I want to be sure first, you understand, don't you Chance?" How could I argue with that? Or even say how his brows creased together in concentration. Or nervousness fell over him as he moved around the villa with me in his arms. I did not overlook the tenseness in his shoulders and back. Hell, even Salvatore and the guards looked like they were going to shit themselves.

A slight nod was all he needed as I buried my face into his neck. I couldn't bear to look at any of the guards. Like a child, I couldn't help but start crying. I quickly wiped them away as best as I could with the back of my hand, but no matter how many times I rubbed at my face, it wouldn't stop. Gino sat me in an empty armchair and dropped down on his knees in front of me. "Where does it hurt?"

I couldn't answer him. My words were getting trapped in my throat. I knew if I opened my mouth, I'd start wailing.

How could this happen? Now they're only going to remember me as a clumsy idiot.

"Mio caro." Gino cradled my face, gently nudging me to face him. His thumbs gently brushed away my tears. "You must tell me where it hurts." I looked away, unable to bear looking at him. He moves me to get a better look at my body, never overstepping, but from how he looks now, I can tell his patience is wearing thin. I continue crying as he finds nothing wrong with me. "Mio care, please talk to me."

"Your majesty, the doctor is on the phone." Salvatore enters with three other guards, all four dodging the headless maids running about, bringing first aid kits, new clothes, boxes of tissues, tea, and a plethora of wines.

They were trying so hard to take care of me.

And like a child, I erupted in a loud, ugly sob.

A sob so ugly that Salvatore had to step back and dismiss the other maids and guards from the room, kindly closing the double door behind him.

"I'm embarrassed."

Gino takes my hand in his, consoling me, waiting patiently for me to explain. I take a deep breath before continuing. "I am embarrassed because I was stupid and fell off a perfectly safe terrace. Now your guards all think I'm some baby who gets into trouble," I pouted, "And no one is going to like me because you're going to go and yell at them. They'll all hate me because it's my fault, and nobody will want to be my guard for the rest of my trip because they'll worry I'll do something stupid again and get hurt!" When I stopped rambling, I took another deep breath and went to rub my cheeks again, but Gino stopped me.

"You'll hurt your cheeks if you keep doing that."

I pouted, nodding my head, about to rub against my cheeks again, but Gino held my hands down to prevent me while he reached for the tissues with his other hand. The way Gino attentively patted my cheeks with the tissues brought butterflies to my stomach. He kept whispering under his breath in Italian. Although I couldn't understand, I knew he was saying the sweetest things from the way he was so gentle.

"Your guards are meant to protect you. Whether they find you silly or not does not effect how they do their job,nor your level of importance." He was serious now. The look he had on his face was distant and cold. "If they cannot complete their duty, they will be replaced, but you...you Chance," he now looked me in the eyes, the warmth and kindness filling them, "are irreplaceable to me."

"But I'm trying to be graceful. That way, everyone can agree my being next to you is okay."

Gino chuckled, stroking his finger along my palm. He took a deep breath, tilting his head back, "I don't want you to be anything other than you. You are an undeniably graceful creature that this world does not deserve. What happened today would happen to anyone."

"Not to Grace Kelly," I mumbled.

"Grace Kelly?" Gino frowned at my out-of-the-blue comment.

"Yes, Grace Kelly. She was the epitome of grace; she paid her name respect daily. Perhaps," I dropped my gaze from his, focusing on my fingers twisting around each other, "I pay my name respect because everyone always has to take a second chance on me."

Before Gino could speak, there was a knock on the door. He turned his attention away from me; at that moment, it was like a spell had been broken. I no longer had that reassuring gaze that comforted me. At that moment, I realized that the feelings I felt when I had almost fallen off the balcony were real. I realized that those particular feelings I felt were, in fact, inadequate. I felt inadequate when it came to Gino. I felt what everyone said about me in the tabloids. "A thorn in the side of the Italian monarch."

Gino, please look back to me; please calm me again with those eyes of yours. Please place that spell on me again, so I may not feel like this anymore. I hate feeling like this. I don't want to feel like that.

My silent pleas went unheard, and as I stared blankly at the back of Gino's head, I couldn't help but get wrapped up in the names the public was calling me. They echoed around me like some ominous cloud, predicting a nasty future. What if they never accept me? What if they try to hurt Gino because of me? What if they don't leave me alone, even after I return to the US? Will my almost fall from the balcony be on the front page tomorrow? Will they say even more mean things about me?


And just as quickly as the darkness surrounded me, a warmth brought me back to him. He had one hand against my lower back, dragging up my spine, and his other interlocked with my left hand as if guiding me back to him.

"Don't let those thoughts swallow you, Fiore. Just focus on me."

Salvatore and Alessandro were now standing in the room, deep in conversation. Gino brought my hand to his lips, placing soft pecks against my skin, drawing my attention back to him. "I must leave you. Will you be okay?"

I nodded my head, unable to trust my voice.

"I need words, scaredy cat."

I took a deep breath, pulling my hand away from his grip, but he didn't let me. Instead, he pulled me into his arms and on his lap. I instinctively wrapped my free arm around his neck to prevent him from falling. "I'll be okay."

Gino played with the tips of my fingers, lost in his thoughts. As he sat there, immersed in my nail polish, I admired how his dark hair waved over each other in this magnificent, slick, messy manner. He had some stubble along his chiseled jaw and an old scar under his ear. When did he get that scar? He pressed his forehead against my knuckles before taking a deep breath. "If you need me, I'll come to you."

"Your majesty, I apologize, but the guests are arriving. We directed them to the Emperor's room." Salvatore bowed his head, and Alessandro stepped forward, handing Gino what looked like an agenda.

"Maybe when I am back and if you are still awake. Would you like to show me the constellation app?

I giggled, burying my face into his chest, nodding my head, "I think you'll love it."

"I know I will."

2023 is coming and I am manifesting falling in love~is that too ambitious?

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year.

I will be welcoming 2023 in Rome, Italy!

Where will you all be welcoming 2023?

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