Every Memory Repeats

By MsGoldie76

18.9K 393 133

Marlena helps John discover the secrets of his past after the return from Mexico. Both of them navigates thei... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 31 - Epilogue

709 12 11
By MsGoldie76

Marlena's head fell back in exhaustion. Tears fell over her face, her eyes closed in relief, and she smiled, as she listened to the wailing cry of her daughter. She could hear the clang of surgical instruments, and the mumbles of the doctor and nurses in the room, but it was John's voice of encouragement that made her heart soar. "You did it, baby!" John said, wiping the tears from her face. "You fucking did it, and she's beautiful! Open your eyes, Doc."

Marlena's eyes fluttered open. Forty three hours of labor, and an emergency cesarean...she had nothing left to give, but still she mumbled, "I'm so tired, John...but, I want to see her."

"They're cleaning her up right now," he told her, kissing her lightly on the lips. "You're amazing, pretty lady. My wife is fucking amazing."

"I love you," she whispered, feeling the sleep fight for control of her body.

"Don't fall asleep yet...hold on," he said, turning away. When he returned, John whispered, "Aspen...are you ready to meet your Mama? She worked so hard to bring you into this world."

Marlena's eyes opened again, and she sighed in surprise, touching her daughter's head softly, "John? Red hair?"

"I think she's going to be a wild one, baby," John said with a light laugh. "She has a set of lungs that would wake the dead. This one can scream louder than Sami ever could."

"I heard..." she said with a soft smile.

"Rest, Doc. Go to sleep," John whispered. "The doctor is finishing up your incision, but you can rest now." He watched Marlena's eyes close, and he knew, she was already asleep. The last two days had been difficult. She deserved to close her eyes, and sleep.

Holding his snuggly wrapped daughter close to his chest, John stepped into the hallway and walked out into the waiting area. He was immediately accosted by family, all clamoring to see the newest member of their blended family.

Sami squealed, "Red hair!"

"Are you going to tell us the name now, Dad?" Eric asked.

"I'd like everyone to meet Aspen Calliope Black," John told them with pride. Kneeling down, John was surrounded by the triplets, Sophia, Willow, and Nate.

Nate touched Aspen's face softly, and said in awe, "She's beautiful, Daddy."

"Her hair is so soft," Sophia whispered.

"Can I hold her?" Willow wanted to know.

"Well, right now, I have to take her back inside, and let the nurses make sure she's healthy. I just wanted to let you see her first," John told them gently.

"Is Mommy okay?" Nate asked.

"She's very tired, but also very happy."

Sophia said, "Sami said having a baby is hard work."

"It's is very hard work—"

Willow sighed, touching Aspen's cheek gently, "—but it's worth it, isn't it?"

John smiled at his daughter, "I think it's worth it." Standing up, he faced Shawn and Caroline, saying, "Are you ready for another grandchild?"

Shawn gazed down at Aspen, who opened her bright blue eyes, and let out a wail. Looking at John, Shawn laughed, "Ye better be watching her, John. Spit and vinegar this one has!"

"She reminds me of Sami," Caroline said.

John watched Aspen work herself up to another loud scream, and he said, "That's what we need. Another Samantha Gene."

"Hey!" Sami said loudly. "I heard you!"

"He wasn't trying to hide it, brat," Eric said with a laugh, wrapping his arm around his sister. "Besides, I think another little Sami is just what this family needs."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Marlena and John lay in bed with Aspen between them. She'd been home a little over a week, and they'd discovered that Shawn was right. Aspen was a child who let her needs be known. Marlena was reminded of the first few months she'd spent with Sami, sleepless nights, and oddly timed feedings. This morning John had found Marlena asleep on the couch, with Aspen happily sucking away at her breast, content and unaware that her mother had dozed off.

Looking at Marlena, John said, "I never imagined, after Mexico, that my life would end up like this. I am so fucking happy with you."

"I'm pretty happy with you too, Sailor," she said softly. "I love you. I love our children."

"Do you think the kids are okay?"

Marlena laughed, "I think Uncle Roman has it under control, and if he doesn't Sami's there, and Sophia won't step out of line with Sami there."

"How do you feel about him spending time with the kids?"

"I think maybe this is his second chance," Marlena said softly. "He can't be their Dad anymore. He's told me that himself, but he's not willing to lose a relationship with them completely. This is his compromise. He's Uncle Roman," Marlena chuckled softly, "With this family, nothing is ever simple. A relationship with Nate, comes with Sophia and Willow. That's just how it is."

John smiled, "He seems happier."

"I think he is happier. I hate that it had to take place under the circumstances it did, but I'm glad that his children, especially Nate, never see him the way he was."

"So, the zoo, huh?"

"It's Roman's fault for letting them decide," Marlena replied with a smirk.

"Sami could have warned him."

"Sami is still testing him. Roman knows that." Aspen started to fuss, and Marlena smoothed her hand over her daughter's belly softly, soothing the baby back to sleep. "The triplets picked the zoo, and Roman's got to pass the test. Sure, he'll be exhausted, but if he's trying to prove he's committed to this...the one he needs to convince is Samantha Gene."

"Eric still won't speak to him," John said. "I spoke with him about it, but I won't push him."

"And you're right, you shouldn't push him. Eric will decide on his own terms if he's willing to give Roman a chance. It's going to take time, and it may never happen. Roman has to accept that, because he did the damage."

"Can you believe, we're grandparents?" John asked her with a laugh.

"I'm still struggling with that. It's hard to comprehend, when I'm still getting up at all hours of the night with my own baby."

"Take a nap, Doc," John said, scooping Aspen into his arms. "Enjoy this break you have, because Uncle Roman's crazy ass took the triplets to the zoo."

Marlena laughed loudly, and clapped her hand over her mouth. Aspen squirmed in her father's arms, but settled back down. Marlena said softly, "Settle her in her crib, and come back and cuddle me."

John stared at his wife for a long time, and said, "I'll be right back, baby."


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