Once Again - Sakura X Sasuke

By Kumaishuu

12.7K 281 137

Sakura is now 17 and all grown up. Her crush Sasuke had just harshly rejected her and now she has avoided him... More

Not so weak
Moon light
Night Memories
Do you like her
Black hearts (part 1)
Black hearts (Part 2)
White Heart
River whispers
Operation : Wedding
Ice Blue Moon
New plan
Imposter 1/2
Inposter 2/2
She's back
What we used to be


232 8 1
By Kumaishuu

Sakura's POV

            After what happened yesterday with that so called Kumashi. I haven't seen her for the past 2 days. I didn't know if I should be relieved or worried. "Uh, M-Miss?" I heard someone call out to me. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at the lady holding two different colored napkins. "Which do you prefer for your wedding?" She asked. Oh, that's right. I'm getting married tomorrow to Akio. Every time I think about it I feel somewhat guilty. Why is that? I do love him right? I thought to myself. "The Champagne color!" I said point to the napkin to her right. She smiled and left.

              I took a deep breath in as I sat down on the ese of my bed. I felt my self trail off again to that boy I meet that night near the river. "Sakura! Get it together!" I said shaking my head side to side. I placed my head on my chest.  I felt my heart racing. Why was it doing that? Ugh, this is so frustrating!

Knock Knock

                 I jumped from the sound of someone knocking my door. That's strange. I've already talked to all of the maids about the wedding preparations and I believe Akio is busy in his office as usual. "Come in?" I spoke out. I waited patiently for the door to open. Nothing. I cleared my throat. "Come in!" I spoke louder. A few seconds have passed and nothing.


                Someone started banging on the door. I flinched in shock. "Who is it?" I yelled. I had gut feeling that the person on the other side wanted me to open the door. I slowly stood up and walked down towards the old brown door. I slowly reached for the good doorknob as I took a deep breath and sung the door open. "Uh?" I muttered out. There was no one here. I was about to turn around and close the door until I noticed a small blue box laying on the floor. I picked it up and brought it back to my room.

                I placed the small light box onto my bed and started at it. "Was it from Akio?" I wondered out loud. I noticed a small white note stuck to the back. I flip the note book and looked at it in shock. It was my name that was written in something that wasn't 'Red ink'. I slowly turned over to look at the gift that was still sitting on my bed unwrapped. I slowly started to unwrap the gift preparing myself for what was in the box. After taking off the paper I carefully unfolded the box. I clobbered my face with my hands before cleaning closer to the box. I moved my two index's fingers from the rest to uncover my eyes get my face was still covered.

                I took a better look as realized what it was. "A broken mirror?" I questioned out loud. It was a small silver mirror with shattered glass. Who could have sent me this? I wondered. I turned mirror around unaware of the awful inscribed that was carved into the back of the mirror. "You've messed up big time, always watch you back, Sakura" I read out. "Was it Kumashi?" I asked putting the mirror back into the box and carrying it to the other side of the room. "Oh well." I said dropping it into the trash. I dust the dust of my hands and sat back down on my bed.

                 I laid back as I stared at the celling. I'm so bored~ should I go down to a village again? I have been craving ramen lately. "It's settled!" I said clapping my hands. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. In seconds I was behind a gift shop. "Wow, I didn't realize it was already night time." I said aloud. I started walking down when I got the smell of food. "Here I come~" I sung out. I followed he smell to a small old restaurant. "Appearances aren't everything I guess." I shrugged. I walked in and looked up and froze in my tracks. Is that...

"Is that a Sakura flower hair pin!"

I looked at a collection of hair pins that were sitting in a case. "Sir how much!!!" I said quickly turning to him. He smiled. "It's 600 Yen." (4.48$) he said. "You know, I actually think it'd look great on you so take it as a gift!" He said. I took the care pin from case and placed it in my hair. "You look great miss, this way please." He said giving me a small booth to sit in. "What can I get you?" He asked. "Okonomiyaki, Yakitori, Gyoza, Onigiri, Somen, Sashimi, Tonkatsu and Yakisoba. Bring me water too." I said in one breath. "Are you going to eat this all by yourself!?" He asked. "That is no of your concern. Just because you gave me this hair pin doesn't mean I'll be kind to you." I rudely said. The old man laughed as he finished writing down the rest of my order. Who does this old man think he is. "Your right, I'll be out in a second!" He said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes. Crazy old man.

              I was casually waiting for my food as I flinched of the sound for yelling coming from the next room. Why are these walls paper thin?! I stood up and placed my ear against the cold wall. "LUNA LET GO OF MY HAIR!" I heard a male voice yell. "YOU LET GO OF MY CHEEKS!" A female voice followed right after. I got a sharp pain in my chest. I clutched my chest as I stepped back into my seat. "Luna..." I whispered. That name sounds so familiar to me. I thought long and hard but couldn't remember. The voice of the man was also familiar to me as well. I wonder so. "Miss, I brought your food!" The old man said as he filled the table with everything I had ordered. "Is there anything I can do for you." He asked. I crossed my arms and looked at him. "Who are the people that are eating in the room next to me." I asked. He smiled. "A couple of young adults from the leaf village. Why do you ask?" He questioned.

The Leaf village? I thought to myself. "That sir is also none of your concern. Leave." I said coldly. "As you wish." He smiled. What is with him? How can he still smile after how coldly I was towards him. "Doesn't matter~ Time to eat~" I said clapping my hands together. In a matter of few seconds the food was gone leaving behind clean plates. I let out a small burp and melted into my seat. "Ah that's the stuff~" I said with a big smile on my face. "Well I'll say, someone as small and skinny as you eat all that!" The old man came over and gave me my bill. I payed the man and was getting up heading towards the door. "Miss, next time you come it's on me! Make sure to come again!" He said laughing. I smiled. They the heck am I smiling? I thought to myself. I shook it off and turned around leave before I bumped into someone. "Hey! What's wrong with you!?" I yelled out as I rubbed my shoulder.

I looked up to see a girl with short hair staring at me in disbelief. "Hello? Aren't you going to say someone?" I asked. Her mouth wide open. "Unbelievable!" I yelled out about to walk away. She seems somewhat... familiar to me. "Hey Luna, everything okay out there?" A guy said walking behind her. Our eyes meet and his eyes widen. Did I have something on my face that I wasn't aware of!? Gosh the nerve of these people. I thought to myself. "Guys let's hurry up." a very familiar voice spoke out. All three of us turned to look at... "You..." I said in anger. The same raven haired boy was standing right in front of me. His eyes widen as soon as our eyes meet. "Sakura!?" He spoke softly. I turned around and walked out the restaurant.

Before I could take s step outside I felt someones hand grab my wrist. "Sakura wait!" The guy from just a second ago said. I turned my head to look at him. What the hell is wrong with these people!? "If you know what's good for you. Let go of me." I said in anger. "Sakura just listen to me." He continued. I yanked my hand and started running. I looked back to see all three running after me. "STOP FOLLOWING YOU WEIRD WRIST BITERS." I said as I tried to lose them. We ran and ran into the forest. Enough. I thought to myself. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face them. I balled up my hands into a fist that was covered in purple fire.

The others started to catch up as they stopped a few feet away from me. "Listen we don't want to fight." The short haired girl said. "We just want to talk to you." The wrist grabber said. "You'll have to fight me if you want to talk." I said. "Sakura, you're under a spell!" The other guy said. "What? Stop talking nonsense!" I said. They all looked so familiar to me but I couldn't understand why. "Sakura please." The girl said taking a step closer. "Take another step and I'll kill all of you." I said sternly. We all stood their in silent for a few seconds. "Never speak to me again." I said before closing my eyes and vanishing in thin air.

I ran to my bed and laid down flat on my face. I felt like crying so bad in that moment. I sat up on my bed. "Oh well. I least I got a pretty hair pi-" I said looking for the hair pin I just got in my hair. It wasn't there. I buried my head in the pile of pillows on my bed a screamed. "I JUST GOT THAT!" I yelled as I kicked my feet in annoyance.

Sasuke's POV

"What're we going to do!?" Luna exclaimed. We lost her... I lost her again. I thought with no expression on my face. I noticed some shine where Sakura was once standing. I walked over and saw a hair pin. I picked up the hair pin and carefully examined it. I smirked. This is totally something she'd buy. I thought to myself. I placed the hair pin in my pocket as I walked back towards the others. "What is it?" Hui said hovering over. "None of your business. "Aww, come on! We're buddies! Show me~!" Hui said. I looked at him he had his hands together as he poured. I paused. "No." I said coldly. We all walked back as Luna was comforting Hui. "Did you see how he just said no! We're besties!" He cried. "I know I know." Luna padded his back.

We arrived to the building we were staying at. We all tuned off the lights. I looked out the small window with the bright full moon facing me.  I sighed. We'll be there by tomorrow. Hang in there Sakura we're almost there. I thought to myself.

                         It was the next morning as well all started to sock our things. I didn't get any sleep from last night and from the look of the others, they didn't either. "Alright guys, todays the day. In just a few hours we'll be face to face to Sakura and Akio. Ready?" I asked. The others nodded. We all started to walk down the road towards the palace.

A/N : I'll go back later to fix any spelling errors but I wanted to come on here that I won't be able to update you guys for a while. Before I leave I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎊🎆🎈 I love you guys so much and I'm so happy after so many years there were people that waited for to update and that support me. I enjoy seeing you comments and love how you guys can't get enough has well as me. I'm taking a pause on this for a few weeks because I'm moving and I'm starting school back up. I'll be back next month in January! Love you guys so much 💕🤍

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