Catch The Stars

By chaenjen

84.2K 4.2K 328

When Jennie's doctor advices her to take a break from everything due to her insomnia, she defers the next sem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49

Chapter 48

2.4K 81 26
By chaenjen

Jennie is glad that Lisa and Roseanne are out on their traditional Saturday night date, because she doesn't need them to know about this, doesn't need Roseanne to go ballistic like Y/n almost did when she hears about her running into Hyuna.

They put the groceries away mostly in silence, but Y/n keeps shooting her worried glances, gently moving Jennie out of the way when she needs to reach a cupboard, and Jennie gives a tiny smile when Y/n presses a kiss into her hair while walking past her.

Once they're done putting the groceries away, Jennie sits down on a chair at the dinner table, a sigh leaving her lips.

Y/n sits down on top of the table, facing Jennie while a carefully looks at her,

Jennie can feel the older's gaze even though she's not meeting her eyes. "I'm fine. I promise."

"What did she say to you?"


"Jennie. It really upset you."

Jennie slowly shakes her head. "I don't know what she was trying to do. Like why- who does that? We haven't seen each other in years and the second she sees me she tries to c-control me, I mean-"

Y/n moves and cradles Jennie's face before she can work herself into a frenzy. "Hey, Jennie. It's okay. Calm down, yeah? It's alright."

Jennie closes her eyes and nods her head. "It was scary."

Y/n mutters something under her breath that sounds a lot like another string of curses, and then the older slides closer to the edge of the table, gently coaxing Jennie into looking at her. "Do you know why she did that? Because she's an insecure piece of shit. People like her want to exercise power wherever they go. They want to control other people because they have no control over anything else in their lives."

The older's voice turns bitter towards the end, and her eyes harden again, a faraway look in them like she's remembering things.

Jennie has a feeling Y/n is talking about a very specific person from her life, someone who isn't part of it anymore, but who caused more pain than Jennie could ever begin to imagine.

Jennie brings her hands up to wrap them around Y/n's wrist, turning her face to kiss Y/n's palm, trying to snap her out of those unpleasant memories. "You're right."

Y/n looks at her again and nods, brushes her thumb over Jennie's cheek. "Don't give people like that the satisfaction of making them believe they managed to oppress you, okay? Cause that's what bullies do. That's all they are. All she is. You're stronger than that. She has absolutely no say in your life, or about you. Not in the slightest bit, yeah?"

Jennie starts tearing up, because she didn't know she needed to hear those words right now until Y/n spoke them out loud. "Yeah."

Y/n lets out a sigh, looking devastated when she sees Jennie's watery eyes, and she leans in to place a tender kiss on Jennie's forehead. Jennie wraps her arms around Y/n, wanting affection and wanting to be close to the older. They stay like that for a moment, Y/n placing butterfly kisses on Jennie's cheeks and eyelids until Jennie starts laughing quietly. "Wanna watch a movie, hm?"

"Yes, please."


Y/n choses a movie on Netflix while Jennie takes a quick shower, and when she's back in the living room, Y/n has also made popcorn, and Jennie coos at her, gushing about how good of a girlfriend she is, and it's the cutest thing ever, how Y/n blushes and tells her to shut up.

Jennie just smiles at her as Y/n pats the space next to her on the couch, the negative feelings from earlier still lingering around somewhere in her mind, but it's really hard to think about anything else when Y/n looks like that, wearing those tight jeans, her dark hair messed up, making Jennie want to mess it up even further-

"You coming or are you going to watch the movie from there?"

Jennie snaps out of it, blushing at her own thought, and pretends not to see the smug smirk Y/n gives her as she makes her way over. Jennie sits down sideways on the couch, leans against Y/n's chest who wraps her arm around Jennie's torso and lets Jennie play with her fingers.

They feed each other popcorn, and make little comments about the movie here and there while they watch a bunch of superheroes try and save the world.

They don't bring up what happened earlier, even though Y/n still keeps glancing at her as if to check if she's fine.

And Jennie is fine.

She really is.

She's been over Hyuna for a long time now, but she guesses that just because a wound has healed and scarred, doesn't mean you can't re-open it and make it bleed again, which is what happened today.

Hyuna tried to hurt her again, tried to dig into that same wound she managed to inflict years ago, but she doesn't know that Jennie grew thicker skin since the last time they saw each other, so it'll need a lot more than that to cut through it now.

And yet...

Jennie feels her chest constrict, her throat tightening a little as unpleasant thought start brewing in her mind.

Despite all of that, Jennie worries.

A sick, cruel part of her, worries, that Y/n might start to think about this whole thing Jennie and Hyuna had.

Might start to ask herself why Hyuna left Jennie, that Jennie is actually pretty flawed, and that Y/n deserves better, and that she will one day wake up and just have enough of Jennie, like Hyuna did, and that she will leave Jennie, just like Hyuna did.

Y/n brushes her thumb over Jennie's wrist, and Jennie tries to focus back on the movie, where Tom Holland is fading into dust, and she usually cries every time that scene comes up, but she's too distracted for it right now.

"Hey," Y/n whispers, gently tapping her palm. "You with me?"

Jennie flinches, and Y/n stops her motions. She reaches for the remote and pauses the movie, and Jennie curses herself for giving herself away like that. "Hey, why'd you pause-"

Y/n makes Jennie look at her, holding Jennie's chin. "What's wrong?"


"You seem a little out of it, that's all."

Jennie sighs and shakes her head. "I'm just overthinking shit again. I'm sorry. I promise I'm okay."

"What are you thinking about?" Y/n is looking at her so gently that Jennie's fears from a moment ago come back like a massive wave, making her heart race.


Y/n sighs. "Jennie-"


"What?" Y/n freezes next to her, looking at her with wide eyes. "What-"

"What?" Jennie interrupts, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

Y/n angrily shakes her head. "What the fuck, Jennie? Is this because of that asshole?" Y/n frowns and watches Jennie sit up and turn on the couch so she can see her properly. "Jennie."

"I'm not comparing you to her," Jennie mumbles and averts her eyes. "I don't know why I said that. I'm being stupid. Ignore me."

"I'm not ignoring you." Y/n shakes her head. "Look at me, Jen."

Jennie doesn't. "Can we just forget it? Please?"

"No," Y/n mutters. When Jennie doesn't meet her eyes on her own accord, Y/n makes her. She looks angry. "You're an idiot, you know that?"


A faint smile tugs on Y/n's lips as she shakes her head. "I can't believe..." She trails off and closes her eyes for a moment before looking at Jennie again. "The only way I can ever imagine me leaving you is if you ask me to. Please get that through your head. I love you, Jennie. I'm not leaving."

If someone asked Jennie later what caused her to react to Y/n's words the way she does, she couldn't give them a specific answer.

But she would say that it might've been a mixture of how honest Y/n's words felt, how gentle yet intense her eyes were when she said I love you, how absolutely breathtaking she looked in the simple jeans and shirt she wore, and how much it meant to Jennie that Y/n held her hand in that store, that she stood up for her, that she tried to make Jennie feel better (and succeeded in doing so), and just how much she cared.

All of that makes something boil in her chest, and she suddenly feels breathless as she looks into Y/n's beautiful eyes, and then that something in her chest snaps and just explodes, and Jennie surges forward with the force of it, throwing her arms around Y/n's neck and pulling her into a heated kiss.

Y/n makes a muffled sound against her lips, her hands quickly coming up to hold Jennie's waist after she basically threw herself at her girlfriend, but Jennie's enthusiasm seems to be enough for the older to quickly start kissing her back.

Jennie feels this urgent need to be closer, so she wraps her arms tighter around Y/n's neck and twists her fingers into the back of her hair, tugging on the soft strands, which makes Y/n groan into the kiss and wrap her arms around Jennie's waist tightly, the sound making Jennie shudder.

"I don't deserve you," Jennie whispers against Y/n's lips, who just shakes her head.

"Idiot," Y/n mutters, pulling her back in. She slips her tongue into Jennie's mouth, and their breathing becomes hasty, Y/n gripping Jennie's waist to pull her closer as she licks over the seam of Jennie's lips, the feeling of her silky tongue making Jennie's gut warm up and thighs tingle pleasantly. Jennie can't help but moan into the kiss when Y/n slides her hand under her shirt, touching the heated skin with her slightly rough but still so gentle palms.

What was supposed to be a simple, meaningful kiss, turns into something else very quickly.

They've spent too much time apart, missing each other, not knowing where they stand, unable to express themselves in behind those invisible bars that made it hard to breathe when they were together in the village.

And here they are, knowing just how much the other means to them, not as scared anymore, no judging eyes watching them from every corner.

It's like the dam breaks, and so do their restraints.

"Hold on," Y/n presses their foreheads together after a few minutes of them pouring themselves into the kiss, both of them breathing heavily, and Jennie feels her body thrum, wanting nothing more than for Y/n to touch her and kiss her more. "Let's- We should slow down."

"Why?" Jennie breathes, swallowing heavily and their lips brushing when she speaks.

Y/n licks her lips and Jennie feels like she's going to lose her mind. "You're... you're upset, Jen. So let's just... just..." Y/n trails off, because Jennie has started to kiss Y/n's neck, her breath hot against the sensitive skin. Y/n feels herself stir in her pants when Jennie starts to suck and bite softly at Y/n's neck. "Shit, Jen, don't-"

"I'm not upset," Jennie mutters, breathing heavily as she wraps her arms around Y/n's shoulders, tugging at her shirt to expose her collarbones so she can kiss those, too. "I promise I'm not doing this to- to take off my mind off it. I just-" Jennie whimpers when Y/n trails her rough yet gentle hands over the knobs of her spine, her mind growing hazy from just the heat, the tension, the proximity between them. "Need you. Want you so bad Y/n."

Y/n exhales shakily and turns to press a kiss against her pulse. "Alright. Anything you want." Y/n finally pulls back, finally presses their lips together again, and Jennie slides into her lap soon enough, parting her lips and allowing their tongues to touch. Maybe she should be embarrassed about how excited she already is, how her panties got so much wet but Y/n doesn't seem to mind, only letting out curse when she feels her bulge press against her centre when Jennie presses up against her.

Jennie grinds down on Y/n's groin, and Y/n's hips kick up, hands gripping Jennie's waist with a low groan.

"Wrap your legs around me," Y/n whispers, breathing heavily against Jennie's ear, and when Jennie finally makes sense of her words, she's quick to cling on to Y/n's shoulders.

"No, Y/n wait, I'm too fucking heavy! Don't-"

But Y/n stands pushes herself off the couch, her hands coming up to hold Jennie's thighs to hold her securely and hitch her up further. She grunts a little but stands successfully, and Jennie can't help but laugh through the haze of her arousal. "I'm stronger than I look. Have some faith in your girlfriend, how about that?"

"You look like you're going to collapse. No offense." Jennie laughs, holding on tighter when Y/n starts walking towards her bedroom. She runs one hand over Y/n's shoulder down to her arm, curling it around her bulging biceps, which isn't usually that visible unless she's flexing. It sends a flash of heat to her groin, how strong Y/n is, and the older seems to know the effect she's having on Jennie, because when Jennie meets her eyes, she's smirking at her.

Jennie kisses her to wipe it off, and it makes Y/n stumble a bit, but they manage to reach the bedroom without an accident. Y/n kneels on the bed and lowers Jennie on it, chasing her by the lips when Jennie lies down on her back.

There's much more room on the bed, and Jennie makes use of it, quickly spreading her legs so Y/n can settle down there and get rid of that unnecessary space between them. Y/n bites down on Jennie's bottom lip while Jennie pulls on Y/n's thigh, urging her closer until their hips meet, groins pressing together snug and hot, the friction feeling heavenly on her aching centre. "Y/n." Jennie tugs on Y/n's shirt, wanting the item off.

Y/n pulls back to get rid of it in a swift motion, pulling Jennie up to do the same. Jennie unzips Y/n's jeans and helps her get them off, and then Y/n watches Jennie do the same with her sweatpants, until they're only in their underwear. Y/n's eyes rake over Jennie's bare legs, darkening ever further. Jennie lies back down, opening her arms and offering a smile because Y/n looks a little nervous. Y/n comes closer, caging Jennie in with her forearms braced next to Jennie's head. Jennie sighs when their breast touch, more skin on skin contact than they've ever had, and Y/n's chest is all soft, smooth skin.

Jennie can't stop touching, her palms running over Y/n's broad shoulders, her back, a weak moan slipping past her lips when Y/n starts nipping on her neck, sucking until it leaves a bright red bruise right at the base where it fades into Jennie's collarbone.

"So soft," Jennie mumbles mindlessly, feels Y/n smile and press a tender kiss on her one breast, and suddenly grinds her hips down, making their centre rub together through their underwears. The sudden move makes Jennie's breath hitch with a stuttered moan, fingers digging into Y/n's back, who grunts and curls a hand around Jennie's thigh, pressing it down against the mattress as she pushes her hips down again, a slow and deliberate roll of lips that has her dick brushing against Jennie's centre and Jennie's mouth goes a little slack, her hand shooting out to grip Y/n's waist to stop her. "W-Wait."

Y/n immediately stops, pulling back to look into Jennie's eyes. "What? Are you okay?"

Jennie swallows and nods, gnawing on her lower lip, not really sure if she should saw what's on her mind.

"Jennie," Y/n murmurs, brushing her thumb over Jennie's cheekbone. "What's wrong?"

Jennie leans into her touch for a moment before gathering up the courage to just say it. "We don't- We don't have to but I..." Jennie licks her lips. "I really want you to fuck me."

Y/n's eyes widen before she drops her head to Jennie's shoulder. "Jennie, I swear that mouth of yours."

Jennie smiles nervously. "Do you want to?"

"Of course I do, love," Y/n gently says, pulling back to kiss the corner of her mouth. "If you're sure."

"I am," Jennie assures her. "I've never wanted to do this with someone as much as I do with you."

Y/n's eyes soften, and she slowly leans in to kiss her again. Impossibly sweet and gentle despite the situation.

Jennie runs her hands over Y/n's back, touching her skin gently and lovingly, wanting nothing more than to touch every inch of her beautiful body, but her body is aching for Y/n, and she thinks they will have a lot of time and opportunities to explore their bodies in the future. Jennie slides her hand between them, shuddering at how languidly Y/n is kissing her, her tongue feeling so lewd it makes Jennie's womanhood throb.

Her hand stops at the seam of Y/n's briefs, fingers slipping past it but not going any further than that. "Can I?" Jennie asks, pulling back just enough to speak. Y/n closes her eyes and presses their foreheads together, giving a nod, and Jennie watches her face closely when she slides her hand inside, curling her hand around Y/n's erection.

It's beautiful, the way Y/n's eyebrows furrow and her lips part at the initial feel of Jennie touching her. Jennie starts moving her hand down her length, and Y/n moans, quietly and rough, and Jennie shudders, wants more of those sounds that make her centre throb with the ache. Jennie works her hand up and down, circles the pad of her thumb around Y/n's head until Y/n starts swearing and rolling her hips, feeding breathy moans into Jennie's mouth.

And as much as Jennie wants to see Y/n come, wants to feel her throb and twitch in her hand and her face twist with pleasure when her orgasm hits her, there's something else she wants more.

Jennie stops moving her hand, making Y/n exhale shakily and sag against her a little. Jennie pulls her hand out and brings her trembling fingers to the back of Y/n's head, running them through her already damp hair. She blindly reaches for the top drawer of her nightstand, having to stretch her body a little to reach inside. It takes her a moment to find what she's looking for, and by now Y/n has lifted her head to press little kisses against Jennie's shoulder, quietly watching her get the thing they need.

Jennie gulps nervously when she place the condom on her chest, taking a second to gather her bearing before she looks at Y/n, who's still eyeing the item displayed on Jennie's chest.

Y/n takes a deep breath and tears her gaze away from the sight, reaching up to brush Jennie's sweaty fringe off her forehead. "You might need to guide me through it a little. I've never... I mean. Not really have done this before."

Jennie smiles at this, her heart aching in the best way possible and Y/n probably thinks Jennie is making fun of her, cause she pouts and before Jennie can say anything, she leans down to gently bite down on her neck. It stings, but in a good way, and the soft atmosphere slowly shifts, Jennie becoming more aware of the hot air around them, the gentle throbbing between her legs. She moans softly when Y/n nibbles at her collarbone. "P-prep. Have to prep me first"

Y/n pulls away. Jennie sits up, enough to pull off her pantie, trying not to blush too much when Y/n's eyes trace the new exposed skin. Y/n sighs and reaches out, gently running her palm over Jennie's thigh. "Pretty. So pretty, Jen."

Jennie bites down on her lip so she doesn't whimper or whine, and lies back down, spreading her legs further. Squeezing Jennie's thigh.

"I just... don't want to hurt you."

"You won't."

"I've heard stuff, I'm scared of being too rough with you or-"

"Y/n," Jennie interrupts gently, reaching up to cup Y/n's cheek and making her meet her eyes. She pulls her face down to kiss her softly. "I will tell you if it hurts."

Y/n looks at her for another few seconds before nodding her head. She moves so she's leaning her weight on one arm and can reach down between Jennie's legs with her other. She looks down between their bodies until her fingers brush over Jennie's hole, which makes Jennie flinch a bit at the feeling of her cold fingers against her warm skin. Y/n immediately snaps her head up, looking concerned.

Jennie smiles and shakes her head. "Your hands are just cold. Go on."

Y/n releases a relieved breath and keeps her eyes on Jennie as she moves her hand again, gently brushing her index finger over Jennie's rim. She does this for a while, applying gentle pressure before starting to rub circles into the skin, over and over, until Jennie's eyes start to darken and her breathing starts to become faster and deeper.

Jennie moans the next time Y/n presses down on her rim, unable to take the teasing touches anymore. "Y-Y/n, please, don't tease-"

"Alright, sorry," Y/n breathes, pecking her lips before she takes another deep breath and slowly starts to push the first finger in. She stops immediately, checking Jennie's reaction. "That okay?"

Jennie nods. "I'm fine. I've done this before, yeah?"

Y/n's eyes cloud over a little at that, but she nods her head and presses another gentle kiss against Jennie's chest, before pushing her finger further in. She moves it slowly after getting Jennie's okay, and Jennie sighs at the feeling, the slight burn that comes with it, entirely bearable knowing what will follow later.

"Add another?" Jennie asks for it herself when Y/n doesn't.


Jennie nods, her chest starting to heave with her rising arousal. "Y-Yeah, please."

Y/n nods, very slowly, slides another finger in alongside the first.

"Yeah," Jennie breathes, feeling much fuller, and she can't help but moan and drop her head on the pillow, closing her eyes. After a while, she looks back up, biting down on her lip. "You can move them."

Y/n looks at her, her eyes dark and lips puffy and red and Jennie wants her inside so much she feels like crying. Y/n slowly moves both fingers, in and out, at an agonizingly slow pace, and it burns it the best way possible, almost arduous, Jennie's thighs shaking the faster Y/n goes.

"C-Curl them," Jennie stutters after a while. "And like... spread them, like a scissor."

Y/n does, and she starts becoming a little more brave, still checking with Jennie every few seconds for any signs of pain, and Jennie starts to losen up, starts to melt into the mattress while Y/n massages her walls, stretching her, rubbing against her, pushing her fingers deeper and-

Jennie's back arches suddenly, a breathless moan escaping her lips. She whines, pushing her hips down against Y/n's fingers.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asks, sounding so concerned Jennie would find it cute if she wasn't so eager for the friction and Y/n didn't just rub against that bundle of nerves that manage to wrack her whole body with hot pleasure.

Jennie nods her head, reaching out to grip Y/n's biceps. "Again, please."

So Y/n moves her fingers again, pushing them in and against that same spot, and Jennie moans when they rub just right, thighs clamping around Y/n's hips as she pushes down against Y/n's fingers. "Y-Yeah, right there. Feels so good, ."

"Fuck," Y/n mutters, her voice rough and when Jennie manages to open her eyes, she sees Y/n press her hips against the mattress, and it makes her shudder, imagining how hard Y/n must be, how much her dick must be aching for friction- Y/n hits the same spot again, and again, until Jennie is a moaning mess, pushing her hips down and working herself on Y/n's fingers, her chest heaving as Y/n nails her prostate every single time.

"S-Stop," She manages to stutter, and Y/n does, immediately. Jennie slumps against the bed, feeling boneless, her womanhood twitching, angry, and god, she needs- she needs- "I need you, Baby, please."

Y/n nods, swallowing heavily as she carefully pulls her fingers out. Jennie in the meantime rips the condom package open with shaky fingers, helping Y/n out of her underwear before gently reaching for her erection to pull the condom over it.

Y/n kisses her, sweet and gentle, and cages Jennie in with her arms, and the air is so hot, Jennie feels so hot and needy she can barely control herself when she guides Y/n's dick to her hole, holding her breath when Y/n looks at her and waits for Jennie to nod before she reaches down to hold the base of her dick and starts pushing in.

She moves slowly, burying herself inside inch by inch, and Jennie kisses Y/n's lips, know this is all new to her, and gently runs her palms over Y/n's back when she feels the older girl's arms shake a little. Jennie closes her eyes, trying to relax as much as possible, but it's been a while, and Y/n is so much bigger than her fingers, so when Y/n is fully inside her, it takes Jennie a while to adjust.

And all the while, Y/n kisses her, kisses her cheeks, her lips, the tensed furrow of Jennie's eyebrows as she tries to loosen up around Y/n's erection. "You okay?" Y/n's voice is trembling a bit, but her eyes are so warm, so full of care and love, Jennie forgets all about the burn and wraps her arms around Y/n's shoulders, curls her thighs around Y/n's hips and pulls them together until their foreheads touch.

"I'm good," Jennie breathes against her lips, her chest heaving. She wraps her arms around Y/n's shoulders, holding her girlfriend close. "You can move."

"You sure? Shouldn't I-"

Jennie's hips shift, Y/n gasping at the feeling. "I'm ready, please, please move-"

And Y/n finally does. She gives an experimentally roll of her hips that makes her close her eyes and curse at how good it must feel. Y/n stops to take a few calming breaths, her chest heaving. The older starts moving her hips slowly, doesn't pull out completely before sliding back in.

Jennie's mouth goes slack at the feeling, her hand fisting Y/n's hair tightly. "Yeah- god, just like that."

"Fuck, Jen," Y/n groans quietly when she pushes back inside next time and keeps herself there, grinding her hips a little. It's so deep Jennie shakes with the feeling, the moan that slips past her lips so lewd she barely recognizes her own voice. Y/n trembles after finally pulling back out, only to push back in, slow and deep. "You feel so good."

"Y-Yeah?" Jennie asks, managing a breathless smile as she looks into Y/n's dark, hazy eyes. "Feel good?"

Y/n thrusts back in with a breathy moan, kissing Jennie's slack mouth almost tenderly. "So good, holy shit."

Y/n starts rolling her hips, a little harder and faster, and Jennie can't really do anything but take it, pushing her hips back against Y/n's dick to feel her deeper and better. "G-God, Y/n, feels amazing."

Y/n shudders and kisses her neck, moaning softly, moaning Jennie's name as she snaps her hips. Y/n stops for a moment to shift her legs, spreading them further for better leverage, and the next time she slides in, it's so much deeper. Jennie throws her head back with a stuttered groan, the breath getting knocked out of her. "Y-Yeah, god, like that."

The older groans and kisses her, her thrusts becoming faster and Jennie's moans becoming more and more desperate, turning into whimpers when the pleasure threatens to become overwhelming, her eyes rolling back when Y/n pushes in hard and deep at one particular thrust. "Y-Y/n..." She can't control her words anymore, she's just glad Y/n's there, holding her, mouthing at her neck and whispering reassuring words against her lips, even though Jennie should be reassuring Y/n since this is all new to her.

But Y/n is fucking her so good, like it's all she's ever done, rolling her hips in a way it massages Jennie's walls right where it makes her whole body ripple with pleasure.

"Oh f-fuck, fuck, Y/n, please, keep going-" Jennie feels her eyes sting, unable to handle all the sensations, and Y/n spreads Jennie's legs further, her hips speeding up and Jennie has a hard time breathing, the moans that get ripped out of her robbing her of air. She reaches down to her centre when she feels her thighs and gut warm up, muscles tensing and mind going blank as the pleasure starts wrecking her.

"Let me." Y/n nudges Jennie's hand away, she start rubbing her thumb on her clit. Jennie lets out something between a moan and a sob, overwhelmed with the pleasure. Y/n looks wrecked at the sound Jennie lets out, her hips stuttering before picking up the rhythm again. Their skin is damp with sweat, Jennie's thighs sliding and sticking around Y/n's hips. "Jen, baby I'm- I'm close-"

Jennie nods her head, pushing her hips down and clenching around Y/n's cock as much as she can. Y/n drops her head, pressing her face into Jennie's neck as her hips pick up speed impossibly, Jennie's stomach clenching as her muscles tense up. She wraps a hand around Y/n's nape, squeezing gently, pressing a trembling kiss against the older girl's temple. "D-Doing so good, Y/n/n. Fucking me so well..."

Y/n goes silent at that, her hips pushing in hard, and then her muscles tense up, and she's coming. She trembles as her cock throbs inside Jennie, and then her muscles loosen up and she moans Jennie's name, hips starting to move again, pushing in a few more times, hard and slow as she shakes through her orgasm.

The sounds Y/n makes, her dick twitching inside Jennie, the way the mattress shakes beneath Y/n's violent tremors, it's the hottest thing Jennie has ever witnessed, and it's what sends her over the edge. She came over Y/n's dick, whimpering a mixture of her and Y/n as her thighs shake through her orgasm.

Y/n eventually pulls out slowly, Jennie wincing a little at the strange feeling.

She pulls Y/n close to kiss her slowly.

"You okay?" Jennie asks, now that her mind isn't as clouded with pleasure anymore, feeling like crap for not helping Y/n more.

"I'm more than okay, Jen," Y/n assures her. "I should be the one asking you that. Did I hurt you?"

"Not in the slightest, Y/n/n," Jennie quickly says. "It was really nice."

Y/n smiles, and it's so adorable, that blissful glint in her eyes. "Yeah, yeah it was."

She hugs Y/n, kissing her cheek, and feels her girlfriend smile.

Her eyes start drooping as the effects of her orgasm start fading. Jennie feels a gentle throbbing in between her legs that has her melting into the mattress. Y/n moves first, and Jennie barely has the energy to stop her.

"Just getting something to clean you up," Y/n quietly says, a soft look in her eyes as she removes Jennie's fingers from her wrist. She comes back a moment later, wiping Jennie's thighs and cleaning up the liquid around her body. Jennie lazily blinks at her as her girlfriend takes care of her, and Y/n meets her gaze when she feels her staring, smiling in amusement.

"Do I have cum on my face or something?"

Jennie snorts and shakes her head. "I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Might've found another thing that puts me to sleep."

Y/n blinks cluelessly for one or two seconds, so Jennie wiggles her eyebrows, which helps Y/n catch on. "I hate you."

"No..." Jennie mumbles with a pout, her eyelids falling shut as she feels her mind going numb with the urge to fall asleep. "You don't."

She thinks she hears Y/n agree in that soft, loving voice of her, and it's the last thing she's aware of before her mind goes blank.

So before y'all leave I just have a question for y'all.

Since this book will end in just a chapter after this one, I want to convert a new story.

Basically, I have tons of stories in my mind but I don't know who y'all want as the mc. Like do y'all want Jennie again or Mina from twice?

Just answer this to lemme know if yall want someone else too, I will appreciate the voting or choosing wtv y'all want to call it- 🧍🏻

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