Catch The Stars

By chaenjen

84.4K 4.2K 328

When Jennie's doctor advices her to take a break from everything due to her insomnia, she defers the next sem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 46

1.3K 78 1
By chaenjen

Y/n's phone starts vibrating a while later when the restaurant is fairly deserted and Jennie can hear the hustle of the employees slowly starting to clean up as their closing time approaches.

They all seem reluctant to leave.

It was some sort of an escape, even if just for a few hours.

Like a piece of home, like they were sitting in a small barbecue place in Cheumsan on a warm summer night, drinking beer and laughing at Seokmin's jokes.

That's the strange thing about the village; it was like a cage for these people, for Y/n, Joohyun, and Seulgi, yet Jennie knows they miss it.

Jennie misses it, too.

"I guess we should get going," Y/n speaks up after checking her phone and sending a message. "Taehyung had night classes and asked me to pick him up, so."

Joohyun nods. "It's getting late anyway."

Separating is hard. Jennie's bad at goodbyes, but it's gotten worse ever since she visited her grandmother last summer.

She's come to despise them, more or less.

Joohyun chuckles at the hint of a pout pulling at Jennie's lips once they're standing outside the restaurant, the cold air around them making them all shiver and clouds form at every exhale.

"Don't look like that," Joohyun says, stepping closer to pull her into a hug. "You have my number now. We can meet up whenever you want."

Jennie nods, her hand absentmindedly playing with her pony tail. "If you disappear again, I will personally have to hunt you down, and I'm clumsy and clueless, so I will probably get myself killed in the process so. Unless you want my ass dead, don't go anywhere, okay?"

Joohyun snorts and gently slaps the back of her head. "Are you threatening me? I don't like following orders, you know."

Jennie grins and pulls away. "Yeah, yeah, I know."

"We're not going anywhere," Joohyun says with a sigh. "At least not for a while, right, honey?"

Seulgi grabs Joohyun's hand and nods with a smile.

And so they go their separate ways, with Jennie trying to convince herself that this isn't going to be the last time she'll see them, especially when she turns to shoot them a look over her shoulder, and finds Joohyun doing the same.

She sticks out her tongue at her.

Y/n rolls her eyes, Jennie smiles, all the way back to the car.

She shudders when she climbs back inside, and Y/n thankfully is quick to start the engine and turn on the heater.

She doesn't immediately pull out of the parking lot, instead glances at Jennie, who catches the older girl's eyes and starts smiling.

"You're happy," Y/n quietly says, the look in her eyes warming Jennie up way faster than the lousy heating inside the car.

"I can't believe- Fuck, I can't believe we just saw them? I don't know why but I just imagined I'd never see Joohyun and Seulgi again and here they are, sitting in that restaurant like it's nothing- Y/n!"

Y/n laughs quietly, her eyes fondly taking in Jennie's excitement. "They were really excited to see you, too. And like Joohyun said, you can hang out whenever you want. We're not in the village anymore, yeah?"

"I know. Fuck, this is awesome." Jennie calms down a little, sighs deeply. "I'm so happy for them."

Y/n smiles as she pulls out of the parking lot, and Jennie fiddles with the radio until she gets to a channel with a good connection. It's a soft tune, the singer's voice deep and warm as he sings about a lost love.

Jennie hums along to the song, and watches the city lights once they're off the highway. It's when she starts seeing familiar buildings that she gets torn out of her haze, remembering why she was so upset earlier, and why Y/n picked her up halfway frozen from the park.

She doesn't want to go home.

She doesn't want to deal with Roseanne's stubborn, hurt pride.

Jennie slowly pulls her phone out, not having checked it ever since Y/n picked her up, and sees a few missed calls and messages from her best friends as well as from Jisoo.

She opens the messages from the latter.

From Jisoo:

- Where are you???

- Lis called me all upset and shit

- Go back home baby

- Your Best friends are worried

Jennie sighs and messages her back, trying to ignore the ache in her chest. She hates fighting with anyone, much less with the people she considers to be her sisters, but she's hurt, and she's tired, and she just doesn't want to deal with it tonight.

To Jisoo:

- I'm out with Y/n

- Are you busy?

Jisoo texts back almost immediately.

From Jisoo:

- No

- Just got back home from my date

- Wanna come over???

To Jisoo:

- Yes pls

- Can i stay the night?

From Jisoo:

- Obviously

- I'll let Lisa and Roseanne know you're with me

To Jisoo:

- Thank u i love you

From Jisoo:

- Love you too babe

Jennie puts her phone away and gnaws on her lower lip for a while, feeling Y/n glance at her a few times, obviously not having missed her typing on her phone.

"Can you-" Jennie clears her throat. "Not drop me off at home, please?"

Y/n frowns. "Where then? It's late."

Oh man...

"I'm going to stay with Jisoo."

Y/n doesn't really react to her words, just keeps driving with her gaze firmly set on the road ahead.

Her voice has changed when she speaks again. It's deeper, and more guarded. "Why?"

Jennie gulps nervously and shrugs her shoulders. "I don't want to go home. I'm not in the mood for another scolding."

"I'm sure your friends regret what happened. You not going home won't resolve anything, Jennie."

"I know that," Jennie mumbles. "I will talk to them tomorrow. Just... not tonight."

Y/n's grip tightens on the steering wheel. "Can't you go somewhere else? Stay with someone else?"

Jennie sighs. "Like who? I can hardly stay with you, can I?"

She doesn't mean to say it like that. She doesn't know why she does, but Y/n flinches a little, and Jennie immediately regrets her words. "I'm sorry- I didn't-"

"It's fine," Y/n interrupts quietly. "It's the truth."

"Y/n, no."

"Where does Jisoo live?" Y/n asks, ignoring her. "You have to give me directions, I still don't know my way around that well."

The sudden tension in the air feels mildly suffocating.

When Y/n stops the car in front of Jisoo's apartment complex, she doesn't turn off the engine, which makes Jennie's chest hurt, because that's a clear sign for her to get the fuck out.

She unbuckles her seatbelt and turns to look at the older, her heart aching when she sees Y/n staring down at her lap, hands still tight around the steering wheel. "Y/n/n, please. I don't want to fight."

Y/n doesn't react. She grits her teeth together and turns to stare out the windows, her body turning away from Jennie, and Jennie deflates in her seat.

Suddenly, they're back in the village. Fighting in Y/n's car, Y/n spitting out hurtful words, to the point where Jennie made her stop the car so she could leave.

The memory hurts.

But as Jennie sits here and looks at the girl beside her, she just knows that this isn't the same Y/n anymore. She knows Y/n changed, that she worked hard to control her emotions and be more open and honest, but-

Well, it still hurts.

Because Y/n is shutting her out, won't even look at her, and really, Jennie isn't sure anymore if all the assurance in the world would ever make her stop being scared of Y/n suddenly changing her mind and leaving her.

"Thank you for driving me," Jennie mumbles, barely above a whisper, not really sure she can control her voice when Y/n is just blatantly ignoring her like this.

Jennie waits for another second, just hoping for Y/n to move or do something, but when nothing happens, she opens the door and quickly climbs out before she can start crying again.

All she wants right now is to go to sleep and maybe get some cuddles from Jisoo if her friend feels nice enough tonight, because today was a rollercoaster of emotions, and Jennie is just exhausted.

She embraces the feeling though. It means a night full of rest. Lots of sleep. Jennie is desperate for some good shut-eye.

When she's almost reached the apartment complex, she hears the sound of a car door being slammed shut, followed by footsteps approaching her, and Jennie stops walking, turns around to see Y/n standing in front of her.

They just stand there, staring at each other, and it's ridiculous that they're doing this.

Jennie thought they were past the stage of constantly hurting each other, but she guesses that was wishful thinking.

That's just not how relationships work. Jennie should know that.

"I'm not mad, Jen," Y/n mutters after what feels like minutes. "I'm just..." She stops, her throat working as she grits her teeth, and then she curses and looks to the side with a pained expression. "Look, I'm being an ass for no reason. I'm sorry. It's just- freaking Jisoo. Gets under my skin."

"Y/n, she's my friend."

"I really don't like her." Y/n purses her lips, almost forming a pout despite the rather angry furrow of her eyebrows.

She's jealous.

Jennie looks at the older for a few seconds, expecting herself to get annoyed at Y/n's whole jealous girlfriend behaviour, but that doesn't happen.

Instead, she sees the blanketed hurt and fear in Y/n's eyes, hidden behind all that coldness and anger.

Jennie feels her heart soften and her eyes sting with how much love she has for this person. It makes her feel so vulnerable and stupid, but it also makes her feel more alive than she ever has. "I know you don't like Jisoo that much. But Y/n, Jisoo has a girlfriend and I have one, too." Jennie gives her a meaningful look, watches Y/n blush a little. "My girlfriend is a little bit stubborn, but she treats me so well, and I'm crazy about her, so I hope she trusts me and doesn't doubt my feelings for her."

Y/n looks at her, a bitter smile tugging on her lips. "You should be able to stay at my place in these situations. I should be there for you."

"But that's not possible. At least not for now. I don't blame you for that, Y/n. And if it makes you feel any better, I would love nothing more than to cuddle up next to you and sleep with you tonight. I sleep the best in your arms. You know that."

Y/n's features soften at that, her warm brown eyes so incredibly fond it makes Jennie feel breathless. "I know."

And then she steps closer and pulls Jennie into a hug, tight and warm and safe and Jennie immediately melts into her arms, closes her eyes and buries her face in Y/n's warm neck. "You okay now?"

Y/n sighs. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I'm still... uhm. Kind of figuring my shit out."

Jennie smiles and pulls back, enough to peck Y/n's cheek, which bunch up in a shy smile at the gesture. "I know. And you're doing good. I'm proud of you."

Y/n laughs quietly swats her side. "Shut up."

"You should go," Jennie whispers, but tightens her hands on Y/n's jacket nonetheless. "Don't keep Taehyung waiting."

Y/n nods and licks her lips. "Alright. Go get some sleep."

"I will. You too." Jennie gives her girlfriend a private smile, feels Y/n's arms tighten around her as she steps closer, the air between them warming up. The tiny action makes Jennie's gut stir, her thighs tingling when Y/n is suddenly close enough for her warm breath to brush over Jennie's lips. Y/n licks her lips again and Jennie can't help but whine, the sound surprising the older and making Jennie close her eyes in embarrassment. "God," Jennie breathes, laughing nervously, because it's not normal how her body reacts to the girl, how much she craves her touch and kisses, all the time.

Y/n smirks and shakes her head, and then pulls Jennie in until their lips press together in a kiss. Jennie sighs into it, sags against Y/n while their lips move smoothly, Y/n's lips soft like butter against Jennie's. Y/n kisses her languidly, dragging the movements of their lips, like she's trying to savour the feeling of Jennie's mouth on her own. Jennie whines in protest when Y/n pulls back, and Y/n gives in easily, pecking Jennie's lips one last time.

"Won't ever get tired of doing that," Jennie mumbles stupidly, a dopey smile tugging on her reddened lips.

Y/n grins, her nose scrunching, and reaches up to gently tap Jennie's chin as she shakes her head. "Go inside before you catch a cold."

Jennie sighs and nods her head as they separate. "Text me when you're home?"

"I will." Y/n is already walking backwards. "Goodnight, sleepyhead."

"Night, Y/n/n."

She watches Y/n get back in the car, wait for the older to drive off, which she doesn't do, so Jennie makes a confused face, until it hits her that Y/n is waiting for her to go inside.

Jennie quickly does so, and once she's inside the building, turns to look outside, seeing Y/n finally drive off when Jennie is inside safely.

She's a grown woman. Nothing would happen to her, especially not the few feet it took her to get inside the apartment.

But just the thought of Y/n caring to the point of doing stuff like this, makes Jennie's heart swell infinitely.

Jisoo asks about her day, about her fight with Roseanne, about Y/n, and in return talks about her new girlfriend like a lovesick puppy.

"Seems like we both found some pretty amazing people, huh?"

"Seems like it," Jennie mumbles sleepily. "It kind of scares me."

Jisoo looks down at her, her hand stilling in Jennie's hair. "What does?"

Jennie shrugs. "That it'll all be ripped away from me. The happiness."

Her friend doesn't speak for a few seconds before she lets out a sigh continues petting Jennie's hair. "That's not a healthy way of thinking, Jen. You've got to live in the now and here, at least for matters you have no control over. Just enjoy your time with Y/n. Make each other happy. The rest will just happen, and you'll take it one step at a time, yeah?"

Jennie thinks about this for a moment before smiling and reaching up to pat her cheek. "So wise, Jisoo."

"Shut up. You know I'm right."

"Yeah. Yeah you are," Jennie mumbles. "Thank you, man."

Jisoo hums and squeezes her hand, and they continue watching the movie.

Jennie ends up falling asleep on her friend's couch, her legs tangled with Jisoo's own, the movie on the TV long forgotten as she's pulled into a dreamless sleep.


Y/n might've had a point, about how her avoiding her best friends wasn't going to solve anything.

When Jennie finally gets over herself and decides to go home the following night after having spent the day playing Mario Cart with Jisoo, the sigh of a tired looking Lisa greets her as she enters the living room.

"Jen," is the first thing her best friend says.

"Hey, Lis," Jennie mumbles, feeling stupid and ashamed. "How's it going?"

Lisa gives her a baffled look before smiling weakly, shaking her head. "I can't believe you. I really want to be mad at you but... I can't."

"I'm sorry." Jennie shrugs her shoulders, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. "I just. Needed some space."

Lisa nods her head and watches Jennie walk over to the couch on the other side, sitting down slowly. "She's really sorry, you know."

Jennie can imagine. "Where is she?"

"Got some classes tonight. She should be here soon." Lisa carefully looks Jennie up and down. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Jennie shrugs and lets out a sigh. "It was stupid, the fight. I know Rosie didn't mean it. But I just... I didn't need that. Not when I was so happy about having Y/n back."

Lisa nods her head and purses her lips. "Don't forget about the part where you lied to us about Jisoo and you dating."

Jennie pulls a pained face. "Uhm. Yeah. How could I forget?"

"Well," Lisa mutters. "Shit happens. I guess we all can take things away from this, yeah? Chae and I gotta stop being so goddamn nosy, and you need to learn how to stop making stupid ass decisions. Like getting yourself a fake girlfriend."

Jennie meets Lisa's gaze, and they stare at each other for a moment, before starting to laugh at the same time.

The moment gets interrupted by the front door opening, Jennie's smile fading as her body tenses up.

Roseanne looks very tired, and Jennie can't do anything about the immediate concern flaring in her chest. When her eyes land on Jennie however, the exhaustion is replaced by something that looks a lot like relief.

"Wow, would you look at the time? I should go."

"Go where?" Jennie asks.

"Places. Stop being nosy. I'm older than you." With that, Lisa gets up, pecks a perplexed looking Roseanne on the mouth and proceeds to walk into her bedroom, closing the door rather noisily.

"Your girlfriend's weird," Jennie mumbles after a few seconds filled with tense silence.

Roseanne snorts softly, awkward as ever. "She sure is."

Jennie nibbles on her lower lip nervously, both of them standing in the living room like idiots, acting like idiots, because apparently, that's just what they are.



They stare at each other again. "You go first," Jennie offers.

Roseanne nods and steps a little closer, clearing her throat as she sits down next to Jennie, leaving some space between them. "I was. Uhm. Worried about you. Where did you go?"

Jennie stares at the floor for a moment. "I was with Y/n. And then she dropped me off at Jisoo's place."

"Yeah, she told me," Roseanne answers. "Not... that you were with her, but, you know."

"You know her name. You can use it, you know?"

"I'd rather not."

Jennie laughs without any humour behind it. "Why are you like this? I mean- I know why, but you haven't even met her. Why won't you give her a chance?"

"Beats me," Roseanne mutters, which only irritates Jennie more.

"Really, Rosie? The things you said really hurt me, you know? And Y/n she- I mean yeah, I was upset for a while, as everyone would be after getting their heart broken. But Y/n wasn't doing any better. She's not the villain in this. We both were at fault. People make mistakes, and they learn from them. Y/n is really important to me, Rosie."

Roseanne has been patiently listening to her talk, her eyes focused on Jennie. She doesn't say anything for a minute, before sighing and leaning back on the couch. "I want to meet her."

"Oh. Sure. Okay."

"That doesn't mean I approve of this. Not that you give a shit about my opinion anyways but..." Roseanne purses her lips and gives a weak shrug. "If this gril means that much to you, who the heck am I to give you crap for that? I mean. You seem happier. And if she plays part in that, then well. That's really... all I can ask for."

Jennie offers a small smile. "Thank you, Rosie."

Roseanne grunts, looking away, before facing her again. "You know the only reason I keep acting like an asshole is cause I care about you, right Jen?"

Jennie nods. "I know. I'm sorry I cursed you out."

"Nothing to be sorry for, Jen. I was being a dick. I'm the one who should apologize." Roseanne looks at her like a kicked puppy and who the fuck could stay mad at this person?

Jennie shuffles closer and wraps her arms around her Hubby, pulling her into a hug and smiling contently when Roseanne wraps her own arms around Jennie. "I love you, Hubby."

Roseanne sighs and pats her head. "Love you, too, Wifey."

The door of Lisa's bedroom bursts open, her friend walking in with a careful smile. "I hear I love yous being exchanged? Are we good here? You two made up? I don't have to chose between my best friend and girlfriend anymore."

"You're an idiot, you know that, Lis?" Roseanne flatly asks after pulling away from the hug.

Lisa pouts, and Jennie laughs, opening her arms for her friend.

Not a second later, Lisa throws herself on them, Jennie and Roseanne groaning, which soon enough turns into laughter.

"Invite her over," Roseanne suddenly says, making their laughter stop.

Jennie freezes and lightly pushes at Lisa's shoulder so she can sit up straight again. "W-What?"

"You heard me," Roseanne mumbles as she sits up too. "Call Y/n, and tell her to come here."

Jennie starts sweating. "Isn't it a little sudden? I mean, she might be busy."

"There's only one way to find out, yeah? Call her."

Jennie shoots Lisa a helpless look, who only shrugs her shoulders and grins. Jennie doesn't appreciate that.

"I'd like to meet her, too, Jen. The sooner we get this over with, the better, yeah?"

"Alright," Jennie mutters under her breath, standing up and walking into her bedroom so she can call Y/n.

She's nervous and bites on her lower lip for the few seconds it takes Y/n to pick up. She sounds like she's in a good mood, and that automatically makes Jennie feel more calm. She tells Y/n what's going on, and her girlfriend seems taken aback for a second, and then asks Jennie if she wants them to meet each other or if she's just being respectful towards her best friends, to which Jennie says yes, and that's really all that Y/n needs to agree.

Has Jennie ever mentioned how much she adores her girlfriend?

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