Twisted Wonderland - One-Shot...

By DeleoDL

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⚜️ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED ⚜️ I always read comments so feel free to leave some. ^^ All of the one-shots will inc... More

Riddle Rosehearts x Reader - A bouquet for the queen
Kalim Al-Asim x Reader - Lovers on a carpet
Floyd Leech x Reader - A softer approach
Jade Leech x Reader - Embracing the feeling
Deuce Spade x Reader - Meeting mother hen
Jamil Viper x Reader - Evading the threat
Epel Felmier x Reader - Assisting a hero
Ruggie Bucchi x Reader - Acts of service
Idia Shroud & Various x Reader - The Phantom Bride event
Octavinelle x Reader - Aquarium AU (Chapter 1)
Azul Ashengrotto x Reader - A tune to the heart
Silver x Reader - Sleeping beauty
Vil Schoenheit x Reader - Skin care routine
Ortho Shroud & Reader - Comfort Program (Nightmare Comfort)
Neige LeBlanche x Reader - A song from a fan
Jack Howl x Reader - A big and scary puppy
Sebek Zigvolt x Reader - A knight's duty
Malleus Draconia x Reader - Holiday gifts
Thanks, questions and answers
Rook Hunt x Reader - At the receiving end
Leona Kingscholar x Thembo!Reader - Lunch for two
Lilia Vanrouge x Reader - Good night kiss
Trey Clover x Chubby!Reader - Clear feelings
Cater Diamond x Reader - The perfect birthday picture
Recap Requests/future chapters
Epel Felmier x Reader - Deceiving appearances
Jamil Viper x Reader - By anonymous
Floyd Leech x Reader - Squeeze it better
Leona Kingscholar x Chubby!Reader - Let me
Heartslabyul x Reader - Prefect, did you know?
Ruggie Bucchi x Dense!Reader - Nervous
Trey Clover x Reader - Sweet bloom

Ace Trappola x Reader - Lucky misfortunes

1.4K 45 5
By DeleoDL

"I'm at such a loss right know..." You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at the ginger in front of you. Wearing an expression similar to a disappointed mother's.

"Shut it!" Ace snapped angrily. Attracting some curious pairs of eyes of the students in the cafeteria.

He had multiple band-aids on his fingers, a sour throat and some smudged red paint in his hair, which was more ruffled then usual.
Overall, he was a mess.

"I guess it's partly my fault..." Deuce looked down in guilt.

"Nah, It was still this airhead's stupidity in the end." Grim crossed his arms and deadpanned.

"Yeah, you were given a simple and sole warning yet you still decided to ignore it." You added and the redhead huffed in annoyance, looking away with an irritated pout.

But let's get to the start of this matter,
shall we?


"And if you buy a second set you'll get a small free addition to the deal!" Mr. Sam waved his hand enthusiastically and winked.

"Why would I need a second set? And what's the addition anyway?" Ace raised a brow and looked at the man quizzically.

"See this little bottle here? Drinking it will shine Lady Luck's blessing on you for a couple hours!" He showed off a small glass vial which contained a light green liquid. It was barely enough for a sip.

"There's almost no potion in there!" The ginger protested and the dark skinned shopkeeper immediately shushed him.

"Hey now, little buddy. As long as it gets the job done! Leaving unbothered the fact that this is still, merely a free sample for your purchases." He defended.

"You know, I've got an history test tomorrow and I could use some good fortune..." Ace mumbled to himself before agreeing to the deal.

"A pleasure doing business with you, little imp!" The man smiled widely but then spoke more seriously.

"This is to be kept at room temperature so to not alter its effects. Make sure to not leave it on the windowsill, under the sun or things like that, alright?" He said as he took the money and passed the vial to the Heartslabyul student.

"Yeah, yeah, got it." He said, uninterested, while eyeing the small glass container.

After exiting the shop he headed back to his dorm, since he had some duties to attend to. Before he could lose his head, that is.

He walked back with twice the amount of bags he thought he'd be carrying, grumpily muttering to himself if it was actually worth the extra spent money.


It was already afternoon when he got back to the Heartslabyul Dorm. Once entering, he went to the common kitchen to get himself a cold drink.

"Sighhh... what time even is it?" He sighed and looked at the clock on the wall.

"Shoot- I gotta finish all that before curfew!" He quickly drank up his soda and got his bags. Leaving on the table things like food and drinks that would then need be placed in the fridge.

"Yo, Deuce. Put this things in the fridge for me, k? Thanks!" He quickly passed by the blue haired boy who had just entered.

"Wh- Ace! Get your own stuff! Ugh... he's already gone." The latter muttered as he turned his gaze on the table.

"What's this?" He pondered out loud as he picked up a small glass vial containing a green liquid.

"Meh." He shrugged when he couldn't figure out what it was and put it in the fridge alongside the other stuff.

Meanwhile, Ace had gone to his room and hurriedly thrown his purchases on his bed, running to the garden immediately after.

A couple hours later, the redhead simply threw his body on his bed, exhausted. He fell asleep almost immediately, forgetting all about the potion that he had accidentally left in the kitchen a little earlier.


"Wah... where have I left it?" Ace yawned loudly as he looked around his dorm room. Lazily putting on his uniform.

"What did you lose?" Deuce turned to him and asked as he adjusted his tie.

"Did ya see a small glass bottle? About this size." The ginger used his index finger and thumb to emulate the size of the vial.

"Oh, you left it in the kitchen yesterday and I put it away. It's in the fridge." The blue haired dorm mate responded.

"In the fridge?! Better get that before someone snatches it away!" He hurriedly threw on his jacket and sprinted toward the dorm's kitchen.

"Where, where... Ah-ha! Found you~." He grinned widely as he grabbed the tiny glass container, which was still cold from the fridge.

"The test is during first period so I better gulp it down now." He thought out loud as he took the cap off and drank it in one go.

"Pfft- bleah- what the hell?! Cough, cough. What did they put in this, a whole damn lemon?!" Ace sputtered out and roughly coughed at the incredibly sour liquid. The glass vial fell from his hand and shattered on the ground.

"What was that?" Trey said, a little worried, as he entered the room.

"Ah... morning, Trey." Ace sweatdropped and looked away from the mess on the floor. He was still trying to calm his coughing down.

"Sigh... You'd better clean that up, before Riddle sees that." The third year sighed at the freshman.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Don't wanna lose my head now, do I? Ack-!" Ace said, crouching down to pick up the glass shards. He then hissed loudly when accidentally cutting one of his fingers.

"What about losing your head? Huh- what's this mess?!" Riddle came right in that moment, immediately raging at the sight before him.

"It's still early in the morning and you've already broken something! And why don't you have your tie on?!" The short-tempered housewarden scolded the first year as his vice tried to calm him down.

Right, Ace had run out of his room so quickly that he forgot his tie. He grumbled under his breath.

"Yeah, I got it! I'll get the tie once I'm done with- Ow!" He got another cut, on a different finger, this time.

"Aw, come on!"


"Damn lucky potion! What a way to start the day." Ace said in a pissed off way as he walked out of the dorm. His throat still hurt from all that coughing.

"Ah, careful there!" Cater's voice rang out but wasn't enough to warn the other redhead.

"Wh-?!" A bucket of red paint wobbled on the top of the ladder on which the third year was. The object fell, pouring all its content right on the first year.

"Damn it!" The latter cried out as he tried to shake off some of the liquid that was dripping from his hair, collar and sleeves.

"Ah ah... sorry 'bout that Acey. You can still clean up before-"

"ARGHH- IT GOT INTO MY EYES!" Cater was cut off by the screams of his dorm mate.



"Shoot, shoot, shoot-" Ace cursed under his breath as he made a run for his classroom. The bell had already rang, which ment the history test had started as well.

He wasted time when trying to clean off the paint. The shower wouldn't turn on at first, only after he had gotten in, he noticed his shampoo bottle was empty. He went to get Deuce's (slipping in the process, but he'll never admit it) and after washing off, he found the hair dryer's cord all tangled... sigh...

"Ah... Sorry, I'm ah... late! Professor..." He gasped for air as he finally entered the classroom. Everyone turned to look at him as the professor sent a glare.

"How kind of you to finally show up, Trappola." Professor Trein narrowed his eyes at the wheezing student.

"You'd better start your test immediately as you won't have the possibility to redo it." He said while petting his cat, Lucius.

"Yes, sir." Ace responded, having caught his breath. He sat behind you and Deuce as you both and Grim looked at him before exchanging glances.

"We'll get over this later, first let me do this te-" After barely two answers, the bell rang. You swear you saw the red haired boy lose all colors. He paled and stiffened before groaning loudly and slamming his forehead against the desk.

"Weirdo." Grim mumbled and you patted the boy on the shoulder.

"Rosehearts-senpai isn't going to like this..." The other Heartslabyul student said, he then shook his head and changed the subject.

"I saw you this early morning at the dorm! How come you got here so late?" Deuce sounded quite confused.

"I'll tell you at lunch break." Ace murmured with a tired face.

"Why not now?" The blue haired boy asked.

"Trappola, please stay behind for a word." Trein said, not really making it sound like a request but more like an order.

"... 'Cause of that." The ginger groaned and got up to walk toward the teacher.

"Knowing professor Trein, that's going to take a while." You looked over your classmate in pity. Deuce somberly nodding beside you.

Once it was time for lunch break, you all met up at the cafeteria. All Ace's favorite foods were already sold out and a student had even bumped onto him, accidentally spilling juice on his uniform.

After many complaints from the ginger, your group sat on a free table and he began to explain: about the potion, the warning Sam gave him, the fact that it was in the fridge this morning and all the misfortunes he had gone through ever since he drank it. He still left out the most embarrassing ones, you know, for his pride.

That led to the conversation you were having at the start.


"So now I'm apparently the unluckiest dude to ever live and I have no idea how much longer this will last!" Ace said in frustration as he pulled on his messy hair.

"And I still have club activities! How am I gonna play basketball in this conditions?!" He continued, slowly sliding down on his seat. Moving his hands from his head to his face.

"Maybe, it'd be better if one of us stayed with you... Should I come with?" You asked, a little unsure.

"Aww prefect, are you worried about me- ARGH-!" The ginger's tone started off as teasing but soon changed when something got in his eye. He screamed and covered it with his palm.

"Grim!" You scolded.

"I just wanted some lemon on ma' food! Not my fault it sprayed on his face!" The cat-like creature retorted, not even a hint of regret in his voice, as he held the half cutted lemon.

You sighed and dampened a tissue with some water, leaning over the table, toward Ace, whom was sitting across from you, you grabbed his hand and moved it from his face.

"Let me see, you idiot." You said without any kind of malevolence.

He groaned as you softly dabbed the tissue against his eyelid and then lightly blowed on it. "There, better?" You asked.

He blushed profusely and pouted, averting his eyes from you. "Whatever... Thanks." He mumbled.

"I guess you could come with." He crossed his arms and looked to the side, trying to play it off as unbothered.


Expectedly, club activities were a disaster.

You lost count of how many times Ace had tripped or bumped against his teammates during the game and not once had the basketball gotten in the hoop.

"Ya know, crabby. At first it was funny, but now 'is just sad." Floyd, who had been laughing like a maniac ever since the start of the game, now looked at the ginger on the floor with a look between pity and disgust.

"What do you say to stepping out for today and getting some rest?" Jamil sweatdropped as he watched Ace getting off the ground for the nth time today.

"I think that'd be good." The latter groaned as he dragged his feet toward the bleachers, where you were sitting.

You passed him a water bottle and, barely a sip in, he began to chock on it. You immediately started patting his back as he tried to calm down his coughing.

"Cough, cough- damn it!" He cursed between his staggered breaths.

"How about we go relax a little in the courtyard?" You proposed as he huffed out and nodded.

You waited a bit for him to clean up and changing his clothes before heading out.

As you walked, Ace kept grumbling and complaining, looking at the bandages on his fingers that had only increased after exiting the gym.

You took one of his hands and held it while keeping your pace. He looked at you, surprised and flustered, but didn't protest. Showing a sweet smile you then squeezed it slightly.

"How about we sit down under that tree?" You asked the ginger as he simply nodded, still blushing with a grumpy look.

"Alright, careful not to- waah-!" You were cut off when Ace, once again, tripped on air. Dragging you down with him, this time.

"Ow..." You softly groaned and lowered your gaze on the boy laying on your torso and stomach.

He made a move to get off you but just plopped back down. "Are you okay?" You asked and gently patted his head.

"I was thinking that maybe the potion finally wore off." He murmured with his cheek squished against you. He shifted a bit and circled his arms around your waist.

"What's with you?" You chuckled and combed his messy hair with your fingers.

"What? I'm your boyfriend anyway." He mumbled with a particularly childish pout and tightened his hold a little.

"... you're heavy." You joked after a bit of silence and he scrambled up, glaring at you.

You laughed and leaned over while you both sat on the grass. You softly kissed him, still grinning, and he quietly accepted it.

He kept staring at you and you tilted your head with an amused smile.

"Yeah. I really think it wore off..." He said as he went for another kiss.


Please help. I have no ideas for the missing characters :,)
Especially Cater and Trey.

Feel free to leave some suggestions!

Thank you for reading. ♡

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