The Empire's Arc (Star Wars a...

By Zilla2000

138K 1.7K 967

Jaune Arc, former leader of Team JNPR and former student of Beacon Academy was devastated, and betrayed due t... More

Prolouge:Arrival to a New Galaxy
Final Vote
True Final Vote
Venom Fleet
Troops pt 1
Troops pt 2
Battle Droids
Ch 1:Years of the Dark Side
Ch 2:A New Path
Ch 3:Return to Remnant
Ch 4:Encounter
Ch 5:Progress
Author note:Sorry
Ch 7:Show of Force
Ch 8:Dance Infiltration
Ch 9:Underground Heist
Ch 10:Shadows no longer
Ch 11:Introductions in order
Ch 12:Making an example of...
13:The Duel

Ch 6:Recruitment

3.6K 67 49
By Zilla2000

Y/N: Hello everyone, got this finished not too long ago. Took a while with work and things in my life. I was gonna put this up the beginning of the month when the Mandalorian came out but had to fix a few things before I can. But now it's done I hope you guys enjoy this.

-Beacon Academy-

"I see. This is concerning." Professor Ozpin says as he reviews the reported incidents and the data he received from Ironwood.

"This is far more advanced and destructive than anything in our arsenal. If it's "Her" than we need to be ready now." Ironwood suggests.

"I understand your concerns James but we can't launch a operation that will caused unnecessary havoc based on rumors." Ozpin explains to the general.

"Than what do you suggest?" Ironwood asks.

"For now we do nothing until they show themselves who they are." Ozpin replies.

"Are you sure this is the wisest decision?" Ironwood asks the headmaster.

"I'm afraid this the only decision we got right now." Ozpin says as Ironwood replies with a sigh.

"Very well. I'll notify you anything new." Ironwood says to him before ending the call.

Ozpin sighs as he looks out at the window. He thought about who is this new group is. They have the technology that surpasses Atlas has, but this is a concern for him.

"Seems we have a new player coming. The only question is....whose side are they on."

-Junior's Club-

In Vale the sounds of music were booming and beating as Junior and his henchmen were in the middle of repairing the club after an incident of a certain blondie who wrecked the place. Right now Junior was stressed out of the cost of the repairs and his idiot henchmen were really being careful with the equipment.

"Careful with that, I'll have your heads if you screw this up!" He shouts as he puts an ice pack on his head.
"What is it now?"

"Uhh boss, there's someone here. He wishes to talk to you." His henchman explains.

"Tell them I'm not in now mood! He gonna have to make an appointment." He said to him.

"Oh really." A voice said out loud.

Once hearing that voice the doors were forced opened as the two henchmen guarding the entrance were sent flying. As the doors opened revealed it to be Darth Raxus with his Death Trooper guards.

"I apologize I'm afraid this can't wait." Raxus said as Junior's men all ran near their boss with their guns aimed at Raxus as his Death Troopers brought their blasters up.

"W-Who are you." He said nervously trying to remain composed.

"Sorry for the rude invitation, but it was matter cannot be delayed any longer. Allow me to introduce myself I am Raxus, Darth Raxus." Raxus introduces himself as he takes a seat.

Junior was confused by his name. He must be a new player that was taking care of the White Fang with their operations came into town.

"Did Cinder sent you to keep an eye on me."

"Cinder?" Raxus thought in his mind.

"I don't know a person you call Cinder. I came on my own terms." He says as he takes a seat with Junior. He notices that these guys aren't around these parts especially far from Atlas and believes him as he motioned his henchmen to lower their guns as they did.

"I see. What is it do you want from me? Information?" He asks him.

"No but I came to make you a proposition." He said as he signals a death trooper to come forward, the death trooper brought out a case that was filled with Lien. He looks in and his eyes widened to see this much.

"What's this?" He asks in confusion.

"A price for your services. From what I heard, your pretty popular in this kingdom. And your pretty good at obtaining information." Raxus explains.

"Well they exaggerate." Junior replies as he takes a sip from his drink.

"Better not be because this is an offer you won't refuse." Raxus tells him.

"What is this offer?" Junior asks the Sith Lord.

"That payment is only a tiny portion of what your about to receive. I can give you an amount that you can only dream of. That's not all, I can give you resources and manpower that you can to make your operations to flourish in this kingdom maybe two more kingdoms. This is more than what "Cinder" has given you." Raxus explains.

Junior was so surprised by this offer, he can be the most powerful crime boss this town had ever seen should he chose to accept. But during his time in this business he knows there's always a catch.

"What's the catch?" Junior asks.

"I only need your services. I need eyes and ears on these streets, one that the government can't reach or wont say. Your absolute loyalty to me, I wouldn't give this offer out so easily." Raxus explains.

He thought about it. If he joins him he can have access to unlimited Resources, he can become the most powerful man in town. But the thing is he'll have to be loyal to him for good.

"So what do you say?" Raxus asks as he extends his hand out.

"Very well. I'm in." Junior says as he accepts his hand.

As of now he's in services of Darth Raxus.

"Welcome to the Galactic Empire."


-One week later-

In the city of Vale, things were escalating, as many Faunus in Grimm masks were gathered in a recruit meeting in a hidden warehouse. The White Fang needs fresh new recruits for their long Revolution against the humans. But after the attacks from the 'Men in White' they have been declining, this meeting was lucky to have this much recruits. Amongst the crowd were a certain cat and monkey Faunus who were infiltrating to find answers.

"Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours! I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!" One of the white fang Lieutenant shouted.

Just then two figure walks up on the stage as it grabbed the attention of everyone in the room. When joining the White Fang you'll be known to have a hatred of humans and will do whatever it takes to bring them on their knees, this occasion is different because up on the stage is human. It was none other than Roman Torchwick, and next to him is his partner-in-crime, Neopolitan.

"Thank you, thank you!" Roman said while mockingly wave to the crowd.
"Please, hold your applause!"

"What's a "human" doing here?!" A deer Faunus shouted.

"I'm glad you asked, "Deerie"! Now, I'll be the first to admit, humans... are the worst. Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or, better yet, killed!" Roman explains.

"So, is he going somewhere with this?" Sun asks Blake.

"But, before the claws come out, I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy: the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms!" Roman continues on, as his speech is starting to turn their tunes as they started to agree with him. With that he continues on with his speech,
"Government, military, even the schools: they're all to blame for your lot in life! And they're all pests that need to be dealt with! Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around... No offense to any rodents in the room."

He snaps his fingers and behind him the curtains fell which revealed it to be a giant mech that bared the White Fang Emblem on its shoulder.

The Atlesian Paladin 290. Atlas's newest mechanized weapon.

"Whoa, that's a big robot..." Sun exclaims in shock

"How did he get that?" Blake asks.

"As some of you may have heard, this right Atlas' newest defense against all the scary things in the world. And thanks to my "employer", we've managed to snag a few before they, uh, "hit the shelves". Now, many of your brothers have already moved down to our new operation in the southeast. If you'd rather stay within the city, that's fine... But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions?" Roman finishes. Everyone in the crowd cheers and applauses him.

"We should get out of here." She tells Sun who agrees with her.

"Will all new recruits, please come forward!" A WF Lieutenant tells the crowd

Before they can get out of the line behind all came up full force. Seeing they can't fight the crowd's strength they have to move along with them.


Unknown to both of them, a female wolf Faunus from all the way in the back saw the whole thing, walked to corner and brought out a comlink.

"It's me, Target is here. Bring them in." The spy informs through the Comlink as she leaves the meeting undetected.

Outside in the streets multiple hooded figures are outside the building. Killing the guards they now have a the chance go in as the lead figure brought a holo communicator.

"The Target is sighted in the building. Eliminated all that stand your way but Lord Raxus wants targets alive." General Qatar orders, before signing out.

With it the operation begins.


-Junior's Club-

"I don't know!" Junior says.

"How can you not know?" Yang asks him.

"I haven't talked to him! I haven't even seen him since the night you first came in here. He paid up front, I lent him my men, and none of them ever. Came. Back." Junior explains.

"So where did they go?" Neptune asks suspiciously as he came by Yang.

Junior was dumbfounded by his question. He explained it to them, but guess that went over his head.

"What kind of stupid question is that? They never came back!" He explains to him again before turning back to Yang,
"Who is this guy?"

Yang pushes Neptune out of the way with one hand as she continues.

"Don't worry about him; worry about me if I don't find out what I want!" She threatens.

"I already told you everything! Torchwick hired my boys, and I guess he wasn't happy with them, which is something I can relate to!" He shouts at his men, who all grumbled and walk away in response.

"Come on, Neptune." She said to him and walks away."

"If you're going after Roman I'd advise you go against it." He tells her, which made her stop her tracks.

"Why's that?" She asks.

"Let's say your not the only one after him. And if you do, you better know what you're getting into." Junior  advises her.

"Is that a threat?" She said as she clenched her fists, ready for anything.

"A warning. Giving you a heads up before going off." Junior explains before she headed to the door.

"We get everything we need?" Neptune asks.

"Well, we got everything we can. Hopefully the rest of the team is having better luck." Yang said as they leave the club.

As they left Junior snaps his fingers, signaling one of his men to come to him.


"Get me in contact Lord Raxus. Tell him he needs to sent his plan out now." Junior orders his men.


Back at the recruit gathering all the Faunus are still cheering loudly at these new toys. As they recruits move up so too did Blake and Sun.

"What are we going to do?!" Sun whispers to Blake.

"I'm thinking..." Blake says, trying to find a way out.

Sun looks up at Roman as he was smoking his cigar and talking to girl and frowns as he notices the two in the crowd.

"He sees us..." Sun tells her, trying to act natural by smiling and waving at Roman.

Seeing they were both running out of time she had to think fast. She then notices a junction box not far from them on the wall.

"He can't se-" Blake was about say before getting cut off.

"Hey! Stand back in the line!" A White Fang guard shouts at a hooded figure in front who behind were more hooded figures around at least 19 of them. The lead figure continues to walk forward as they pushed the recruits pass by, getting close to the boundary.

"Are you deaf I said stand back." He warns. But the lead figure wasn't unfazed and continues to walk.

"I'm warning you to stand back." He warns as he was about hit the figure. But before he can land a strike the figure got a hold of his arm.

The guard managed to use his other arm and grabbed the hood to take it off. Revealed it be a drone, or should I say Droid. This droid is not imperial however it's a deadly and dangerous of its time, These droids were the most dangerous and agile droids that made them the elite guard of the late droid General Grievous.

This is a the IG-100 Magnaguard

(A/N:it has a cloak over it)

"What the-" he was gonna say before it's hand grabbed him by the face and throws him across the room.

Everyone noticed the commotion as one of the guards was about attack but the Magnaguard brought out its electrostaff and electrocutes him.

The other hooded figures dropped their disguises as they reveal themselves to be two more Magnaguards and behind them were another unique Battle Droid, these were by the elite droids of their time, though outdated still are effective in Raxus's army to this day. These are BX-series Commando Droids.

"Their Atlas drones!" One of the guards shouted before getting shot. All the commando droids opened fire upon the White Fang guards. The guards that armed with guns returned fire.

The commando droids dodged most of the shots and took a few but got back right up. Using their speed and agility they flipped and jumped around as they kill the guards without mercy.

With that everyone was running in panic trying to find a way out or taking cover from the firefight. However some of them were caught in the crossfire as some were shot by both sides. Blake eyes widened at this Carnage, so many Faunus were getting killed in front of her. She had to do something.

"Blake we need to go. Now!" Sun shouts to her

She looks back at the attack. She wanted to stay and help her fellow Faunus to get out, but seeing this ain't ending anytime soon, she had no choice but to run and make their escape. She fired a gravity dust and broke through the wall which gave them the chance to escape.

Roman was hiding behind the Paladin's foot as he noticed Blake and Sun escaping. Wanting to settle a score with those two he was about to go after them but a commando droid jumped in front of him and it was about to shoot but was kicked at the side by Neo. The commando Droid got back up and brought out a vibrosword and swings to the right but she dodge it to the left and slashed it a couple of times at the side which send it flying.

Just then the three Magnaguards jumped up the stage with their electro-staves and in battle stances.

"Well so much for selling this merchandise." Roman says as he and Neo readied themselves.

They all charged at the same time and brought their electrostaff down on them but they dodged their attack. Two Magnaguards took on Neo as they swing their staves left and right, but Neo is fast enough to dodge each swing. One Magnaguard took on Roman as he deflects and parries with his cane and attempts to shoot but it kicked him in the chest as it was about to bring its staff down but Roman brought out a a gravity dust out, threw at the droid and shot the dust causing it to explode which sent the Magnaguard flying.

Roman took the chance and got in the paladin and activate it. Once it was activated, the droids stopped at what they were doing and saw the giant mech stand and has its weapons trained on them. Roman opens fire as they dodge the bullets and took cover behind pillars and crates. But two Commando droids weren't so lucky as they were shot down.

Roman grinned as sent them to hide behind cover. At the corner of his eye he noticed Sun and Blake were escaping and starts to give chase with them.

It was time to settle a score.

In the warehouse the Magnaguard and two commando droids saw the big mech following the two huntsman/huntress-in-training. The Magnaguard nods at the commando as it nods back as it brought out a holo communicator to report to General Qatar.

"Inform Lord Raxus, the target is on the move." The commando Droid commander informs.

"Understood, I will report it to Lord Raxus. Retreat to the rendezvous point." General Qatar

"Roger Roger."

"Everyone! If you can hear me, we need back-"


On Darth Raxus's ship heard the whole situation through the hidden communications they installed. He puts on the holopad up to see a recording of the Paladin on the freeway chasing the two Faunus. He observes the whole thing as he saw the heiress used glyph to summon ice on the road, when he got close the mech slipped and fell off the ramp of the freeway, down to the ground where the rest of team RWBY were taking the mech head on.

"They maybe on my list but they certainly have their uses. Send in the Fighters." Raxus orders.

Meanwhile on the ground, Team RWBY were able to destroy the Paladin and attempt to apprehend Roman. Yang was about to punch him but was blocked by his partner-in-crime Neo.

"Ladies, Ice Queen..."

"Hey!" Weiss shouts in offense.

"Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would..." Roman tells them.

The pink-brown haired girl curtsies her enemies with a bow, but Yang will have none of it, she charges forth with fists raised to strike the outlaws, only to break their image as if made out of a mirror and turn just in time to see them escape in a Bullhead. But before they can leave a blast of green bolts hits the back of the aircraft which caused it sent down crashing. The girls were in shocked as they looked up to see two TIE fighters flying by. Ruby saw amongst the wreckage was Neo who was dragging out Roman away from the burned down aircraft. Seeing they were still alive team RWBY were apprehend the criminals but before they could get any closer they heard the screeching roar of the TIE fighter's engine as they see one coming towards them and fired close to the girls which stopped their tracks. The blast caused a line of fire between them and the wreckage. They heard another sound of engines as they see Raxus's ship landing near the wreckage as it opens and brought a squad of Shadow Troopers.

Both Neo and Roman awaken and weaken due to their aura broken as they see Shadow Troopers coming towards them. Neo saw them coming towards her and Roman she tried to grab her umbrella but was stopped by foot stepped on her umbrella. She looks up to see the foot belonged to a Shadow Trooper.

"Night night." The shadow trooper said before he shot a stun to her.

Roman saw the whole as he tried go to her but he was pinned down by the other shadow troopers.

"Neo!!" He shouts to her as he looks at them.
"You Bastard-"

Before he can say more he was stunned by the other trooper. They heard someone coming out of the ship as they stand at attention knowing who it was. Raxus comes down to identify them, just to make sure these weren't imposters. Seeing their identity were confirmed, he now has his prize.

"Put them on board." He orders them as they dragged both of them into the ship.

Before Raxus gets on the ship he sense someone was watching them and turns to his right amongst the flames, and there they are...


In the flesh.

At that moment, he wanted nothing more than take them out right there and now. Make them suffer, the way he did. On the other side, team RWBY saw the Sith Lord on the other side, and for some reason when they saw him, they can only feel a cold in their spines. For some reason they can feel fear within them, even Yang can feel it.

"My Lord. We need to go." The Shadow trooper Captain informs him.

As much as he want too he's right. They need to get out of here before the police arrive. He lets go of his rage and walks up the ramp and into his ship. The ship starts its engines. Team RWBY can only watch the ship leaving and head up the atmosphere. They were still trying to process what just happened. They were so close to figure out what was going on, only to get stopped by someone else.

Yang can only exclaim one sentence...

"Who the heck was that?"


-Unknown Location-

Roman started stirring from his slumber a he felt something tightening on his wrist as he looks down to see clamps as looks around the dark room to get out.

"Had a nice nap." A voice called out in the shadows as he came out to reveal Darth Raxus, who has his helmet off.
"I know it's not the most comfortable place to sit. But it's something."

"W-Who are you?" Roman asks.

"I'm surprised you don't know me. Since your working with the White Fang I thought you'd be familiar with us." Raxus tells him. He looks around till he saw the stormtroopers are in with them, this is where he was putting two and two together.

"Your the so called "Men in White"." Roman exclaims.

"You can say that. I am Darth Raxus's leader of this army of the Galactic Empire. And I have come for you. Before we begin I want both you to hear this." Raxus said as the lights on the other side of the room lit revealing it to be Neo in the same

"Neo!" Roman exclaims in shock.
"What did you do to her?!"

"No need to worry, she was stunned. She'll regain conscious in a little while." He said as he looks at the Unconscious Neo. A few minutes go by and Neo regains consciousness as she looks around to where
"Good now that your both awake now we can get to business."

"Listen, we can work something out, I have plenty of Lien, I can give you all of it, name your price." Roman tells him, hoping he'll let them go.

"Relax, I don't want your money. I have a proposal for you." Raxus explains he brought two cases that were filled with Lien. He then uses the force to release the clamps from their boards and let's them get in a comfortable position.
"Both of you actually."

"I'm listening."

"Roman Torchwick. Your one of the ruthless and sleaziest criminals I have ever seen. You are well known in the black market here in Vale." Raxus says to him.

"And your point?" Roman asks, wondering where this is going.

"I'm in need your services. You have access to many networks of smuggling and stealing stuff from many resources the kingdoms have to offer. From dust to military weapons. I can use someone with that much skills and suppliers." Raxus explains.

"I wish I could but unfortunately Im already employed to another client." Roman tells him.

"Does this client goes by the name 'Cinder'?" Raxus asks. Roman's eyes widened when he heard her name from him. Whoever this guy is knows who he was working for.
"Whatever she has offered you I can give you much more than what she can."

"What is it?"

"Should you join me, I can give more than just money. I can give power, respect, and status that none of your employers gave you. I can give unlimited access to our vault of secrets along with a high rank in the imperial army, you can troops of your own in your operations. I can give you all that on a silver platter. All I need from you is your absolute loyalty."

"And what if I refuse. How much can I lose for doing this?"

"It doesn't matter what you can lose. It's the matter you can gain from this." Raxus finishes.

Roman looks down as he process this deal. He may not know him but he this guy knows far more that he thought. The problem is that if Cinder finds out about his betrayal, she'll come after him and makes sure he stays dead. But he can feel a strong presence coming from Raxus, and let me tell you. It's pretty intimidating, far more than Cinder.

"What do you say? Do we have a deal?" Raxus asks as he brought out his hand with his hat.

Roman looks at the Sith Lord in awe as looking at him in the eyes that meant he was truthful but deceiving, it's something that he can get along with just fine.

"When do we begin?" Roman asks with a smile as he puts on his hat.

This put a smile on Raxus's face.

First Junior Xiong, now Roman Torchwick along with his partner Neopolitan are now officially part of the Galactic Empire.

This is going very well


A/N: And done. Wow didn't it was take that long. Well he got most of the criminal underworld at his back. And let's say this is just getting started.

I saw the Mandalorian episodes and let me tell ya I'm hyped for what's in store, can't wait to see what else will be coming. I also saw the new RWBY volume 9. And I gotta say it's pretty interesting how they made this cool and into like a Alice in Wonderland vibe to it, my best guess is that there's gonna be another final volume when they take on Salem since I feel like this volume is gonna be their journey to head back home.

And I have another story in the works it's getting finished but hopefully I'll be done with it soon. Popped in my head and I hope this sound cool.

Here's a small teaser for what it is.

Coming this spring

Well that's all I had to say till then.

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