The Truth Untold

By Redtailedhero

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Ki Yuri and Lee Rang stumble upon a female in danger but she's more than she knows. Parings: Lee Rang x F. OC... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 9

678 35 0
By Redtailedhero

There was a festival of sorts that Lee Rang invited Eun-ji to go to with him. Unfortunately, the wolf had to watch the hospital as Shin-Joo and Yuri had a "meeting" together. The canine was pretty sure it was more of a one sided date. Yuri seemed somewhat interested in her boss but also guarded, meanwhile Shin-Joo was excited for them to get together. He stated it was a thank you lunch for Yuri helping the stray puppy and wanted to get her to adopt the pooch. 

Eun-ji just nodded her head and let him believe what he wanted, plus maybe Yuri would be more into him after talking with him. The wolf wasn't blind Shin-Joo was not only a good man but handsome as well. If she had met him at a different time at life, maybe she would have flirted with him - but she was loyal to the man she thought she loved.

She sat at her desk, still switching the charts from paper files to electronic charts. There were no appointments today but she wanted to finish the charts in the next two shifts so she decided to dedicate a whole day to it. She probably would be having more fun with Lee Rang but she knew he also had some business to take care of at the festival. He was searching for a particular item but wouldn't tell her what it was exactly. He didn’t seem to want her to know his personal business and so she didn’t want to be caught in it. She had left him that morning in front of the coffee shop with a shy kiss on his cheek.

There had been a lot going on that week - true to his word Lee Rang started to find more about that man that Kyong was talking about. Yuri and her started doing some gentle yoga daily to start getting into better shape, not that Yuri needed it - she was as fit as could be. However, it was what Eun-ji needed to do before starting to train for self defense. She knew some basic things but Lee Rang wanted her to have some more advanced skill sets. Eun-ji slept better this week than any other week in her life, Rang was pressed against her back, nose in the crook of her neck and his arm hooked over her waist keeping her close. 

A whining noise sounded out from below her tearing her out of her thoughts. Pushing her chair back she peeked under her desk to the pooch curled at her feet. She couldn’t help the grin that appeared on her lips. "Hey pup, do you need a potty break?”

The puppy lifted his head from her shoes and tilted it to the side while the quick and loud thumping of a tail wagging could be heard. He made a little “yip” sound when she just stared at him for an extra moment. 

The wolf laughed at him. "Okay, let's go for a short walk."


Yuri stayed outside in her car waiting for Eun-ji to leave work, she had just gotten done with her meeting with Shin Joo. It went well, not that she would ever admit that. The food was great and he did most of the talking but she enjoyed listening to him. The fox turned her attention to the front doors of the Veterinary Hospital as her dear wolf friend stepped out. 

“Hurry up, you’re taking forever.” The vixen complained at the female who had turned her attention back to inside the hospital. 

“One moment.” She had yelled out before bending down and petting the yellow puppy goodbye. She ran her fingers through his fur and pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. “Good night little one.” She turned back to the car to see Yuri giving her an unamused look. “What? He wanted some love before I left.” 

“There is someone else who could probably have used that kiss, his name is Lee Rang, you may have heard of him.” Yuri replied as Eun-ji stepped into the car. 

“Yuri!!” The canine felt a blush rise up her neck to her cheeks. “Shhhhhh, knock it off.”

“Don’t try to hide it. You guys are so into each other.” 

The wolf mumbled under her breath, looking extremely flustered. 

“What was that about ‘kiss’?” Yuri’s fox hearing caught a word or two from the wolf. 

Eun-ji buried her face in her hands. “We haven’t even kissed properly yet.” 

Yuri’s brows furrowed. “What does that even mean? Properly kissed? Spill the beans girl.”

The wolf sighed and looked over at her friend, peeking between a few fingers. "Well exactly how I said it. We haven’t properly kissed. You know, lips on lips.”

“Wait, what?” Yuri was confused. “How is that even possible? That man had left more than enough hickies on you before you decided to stop pushing him away and you haven't pressed your lips together? How does one skip that?”

Eun-ji was fiddling with the necklace Lee Rang gave her, twirling the pendant between two fingers. “I don’t know, it just hasn’t happened. I feel like it’s something more intimate, I’m not sure I’m ready for that step.” 

“Wait, you think kissing is more intimate than someone literally sucking and biting your neck? Is it more intimate than sex too?”

“YURI!!” Eun-ji screeched. “Oh my - woman can you not? Of course sex is more intimate than kissing, it’s just there is something different about sharing the same breath as someone.”

“Well how long are you gonna make him wait?” Yuri teased. 

Unfortunately, the wolf didn’t take it as teasing - she was already embarrassed. “Well, it’s not like he has tried to kiss me yet.” 

“He’s probably waiting for you to make a move. How long was it before you kissed Kyong?” Yuri’s eyes widened once she realized what she said, her gaze snapped over to the wolf who was frozen in the passenger seat. “Eun-ji, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I asked that. I- I…”

“He kissed me first. It wasn’t even something I wanted when it happened.” She kept her gaze to the glove compartment, she couldn’t look over at her friend if she was going to get this out. She needed to start talking about these things with someone, why not her best friend?

“Eun-ji you don’t hav-”

“He was drinking a lot at the bar, and I was having a good time dancing. Another guy came over and started to dance with me, Kyong was angry. He swooped in and wrapped me up in his arms and just planted one on me. It wasn’t romantically planned, one moment I was having a fun time and the next he was shoving his tongue in my mouth. He tasted like gin - it was gross. The other guy backed off and left me with him. I was confused but when he pulled back I thought he was looking at me lovingly and so I forgave him instantly assuming our relationship had officially changed into something more. Now looking back I can tell it wasn’t love in his eyes it was possession.”

The car was silent for a few moments. “I’m so sorry.” Yuri frowned and moved her hand from the steering wheel to her friend’s leg. 

“It’s not your fault. You didn’t know. It’s not like I told anyone either, but I think that’s why I find kisses more sacred. Both people should be ready and willing for it to happen.” She dropped the necklace from her fingers and placed her hand over Yuri’s. “Anyway, where are we going?” 

“To meet Lee Rang, he’s having a drink, ironically. I figured we could join him. If not, that’s okay too.”

“Sounds good.”


When Yuri pulled up to the establishment, she put the car in park and turned toward the canine. “Eonni, I’m sorry for all the things you have gone through. I know the road has not been an easy one but it led you to us and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you here.”

“Yuri,” Eun-ji whispered. “Why are you trying to make me cry?” She felt the tears starting to well in her eyes. 

“I’m not trying to - I just want you to know just how much we enjoy having you around, even Shin-Joo cares very much about you. He brought you up quite a few times today - all great things.”

“Thank you Yuri.” The wolf felt warm and pulled down the visor to look in the mirror. “Ugh, now I’m going to have to fix myself in the bathroom, my face is all red. I’ll meet you at the counter.” The wolf exited the car, not ready for more emotional talks at the moment. 

Yuri turned the car off and walked into the building shortly after. She spotted her fellow fox sitting at the bar with a drink. She headed toward his direction and turned her attention to the bartender. “I want a cola.” She took the seat next to Rang and turned her attention to him. 

“Why cola?” He asked as he looked at her. 

“Last time I got drunk, I ate all the pigeons in the neighborhood, so I’ve been trying to control myself. I suffered enteritis at that time.” She confessed. 

“Then, maybe the pigeons at the front door of my house were also?”

She was about to take a sip of her drink before stopping. “I even went all the way there? I don’t remember.”

“It’s not like you’re a stray cat.” He mused. 

“Were you not able to find it?” She asked, changing the subject. 

Rang turned toward his dress jacket on the chair next to him and reached into the pocket. He grabbed the glasses and tossed them onto the bar before lifting his glass again.

“So this is the tiger’s brow.” Yuri picked them up and looked them over. They looked like regular simple black framed glasses. “So if you wear this, you can see your past life, right?” 

A moment passed with no response causing Yuri to turn her gaze back to him. “Why does your face look sad?” 

“It’s not sad, it’s angry.”


“Because there are still remnants of a pathetic human’s heart inside of me. Is it because my blood is dirty?”

“Ah, You said your mother was human, right? Did you mom hug and carry you? Did she catch a chicken and place the meat in your bowl?” Yuri was interested to possibly learn a little more about Rang. 

He, however, slammed the glass down on the bar and looked over at her. “You’re making me lose my taste for alcohol.” He breathed out heavily from his nose. 

“I’m just curious… what it’s like to be loved.” She frowned, was love something that she would be able to experience one day?

“Love?” He questioned and he thought back to his mother walking him through the cursed forest, how she left and abandoned him there. He would have been eaten up by those creatures. “Humans, you see, can easily prey on you. Those who are loved more become prey.”

“I hate that. I’d rather be hunting and eating the prey.” She replied looking unpleased with the response.

Rang turned to her, watching closely - intrigued. “Is it Shin-Joo?” That got her to look at him. “How did he shake up our Yuri, so that this innocent animal is speaking like a human?”

“I’m never wavering. Even if the skies fall, an enemy of yours is an enemy of mine.”

He looked at her. “Even if they are friends with Eun-ji’?” He watched her eyes widen for a second but he didn’t give her a moment to answer. “Leave. I want to be alone.”

Yuri looked conflicted but grabbed her things and slid off the chair without a word. She bumped into Eun-ji just as she was about to round the corner and into the room. “Hey, he actually already headed out.” Yuri wasn’t sure why she didn’t tell Eun-ji the truth that Rang wanted to be left alone. Maybe she thought the wolf would march in there anyway and start asking questions. She didn’t want the wolf to be in his line of fire right now.  

“Oh, okay. Want to get ice cream instead?” The canine smiled with the suggestion. 

“Sure, sounds delicious.”


Eun-ji let Rang sleep in late the next day, he got home late smelling like alcohol. She could tell something was bothering him but he didn’t seem to want to talk. Instead he changed out of his clothes and into something more comfortable before crawling into her nest, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. "Sorry I'm late, wolf." He whispered before he nipped her neck, pressing a kiss behind her ear before falling into a deep slumber. 

The wolf didn’t have work so she chose to go on a walk. She was enjoying the city when a small child bumped into her. The small being landed harshly on his bottom and started wailing at the impact. “Oh no, are you okay?” She bent down to aid him. 

The boy stopped sobbing, sniffing twice before he looked at her closely. He picked up a pair of glasses that had fallen on the floor and placed them over his eyes. “Neugdae!” The boy laughed and clapped his hands. 

Eun-ji froze at the sudden word. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“Neugdae.” The boy repeated. “Are you a good wolf or a big bad wolf?”

“What do you mean?” She asked the boy. 

"I think you're a good wolf." He took the glasses off and placed them over her eyes. Suddenly there wasn’t a boy in front of her but a small black dog instead. She jumped back, shocked. She pulled the glasses off her face and the boy was there again. She placed them back over her eyes again, hello puppy. She repeated this two more times before taking the glasses off completely and staring at them. They were regular plain black rimmed glasses, a little big for the child - more for an adult to wear. 

The boy was laughing and clapping his hands at her. “It’s fun, yes?” The boy asked as he nodded his head. 

Did the glasses change people to look like animals? She placed them over her eyes again and looked over to the shops, catching her reflection in the windows. She expected to see herself as a wolf but that was not the case. She was dressed in a traditional hanbok, and upon her head were a set of gray ears, wolf ears to be exact, that quickly faded from her head. Something happened in that moment, flashes of a life came to her too quickly for her to compute. She ripped the glasses off and looked at the young child. “W-who are you?”

“I’m Kim Soo-oh!” He stated proudly. “Can I have my glasses back?” 

"Can I try them on one more time?" 

He frowned but nodded. "Only if you promise to give them back."

She nodded her head and looked at herself in the windows again. She was normal until putting the glasses back on. Another set of images came to her before she ripped them off her face again. She handed them to the small boy. “Where did you get those glasses?”

“I found them after I saved the man.”

“What man?” 

“The grumpy man. He said he didn’t like Spiderman but that’s okay, I decided he can still be my friend.”

Eun-ji didn’t understand what the boy was talking about but her head was racing and she couldn’t be there anymore, another fragment of someone’s life flashed in her mind. She wanted to take the glasses with her. “Can I trade you something for the glasses?” 

“Thanks, but I’m not done playing with them yet.” He waved and started to run off. “Bye.”

“Wait!” She called out to him but there was no use, another vision played in her brain and she held her hand to her head. Why did that person look so familiar? She tried to focus on the image in her head. It started to become more and more clear. Finally…. Him? Was it really him?


When Lee Rang woke up, he was alone in bed. There was a note from Eun-ji on the nightstand that she had gone for a morning walk and would be back soon.  The fox rolled from bed, tired and slightly pained in the head. He found his jacket from the previous night just sitting on the ground, he cursed himself for being so careless, Eun-ji could have stepped on it - or himself. He reached into the pocket only for it to be empty. He patted the fabric down, maybe his pants pockets? He moved to the bathroom where he had changed and checked them. Nope, nothing. He tried to think back with his fuzzy mind to where he definitely has them last. 

He dressed quickly and decided to retrace his footsteps. Getting into the car he drove to where he remembered getting pushed by a small child. He must have dropped them there. Anxiously he drove, hoping to find them quickly. 

His luck was not so good. There were no glasses on the ground and he realized he had a follower, Shin-Joo. He didn’t have time to worry about that just yet - instead he pulled his phone out and called Yuri as he noticed the camera pointed in his direction. “Find the glasses. Find them by any means.” He hung up the phone quickly and rushed back to his car. 

Thankfully, Yuri is quick to find things. She had texted him to meet her in the parking garage of the department store so she could show him who found and took the glasses. Lee Rang did so, checking his rear view mirror to see the car following him. He frowned but turned into the parking garage. Rang watched Shin-Joo pull his car up close to the corner, pathetically trying to stay hidden. 

It wasn’t a moment later that Yuri was entering his car with a phone in hand. “I found the person who picked up the glasses.” She was overly cheerful as she turned toward him. 

“Who is it?”

“It’s a little kid.” She turned her screen toward him, revealing a small kid with the glasses on his face.

“A little kid?” Rang questioned at the same moment. 

“You drank too much yesterday, didn’t you?”

He had no comment but instead got details of where the child found the Tiger's brow. Yuri exited his car shortly after, ready to find the child’s exact location and Rang made his move toward Shin-Joo’s car. He couldn’t have the fox follow him to the glasses. He would have to deal with him now. 

The Veterinarian seemed to be distracted so Lee Rang took his moment to make his presence known, punching the window so it shattered easily. He then looked into the car with a sinister smile. “You thought I didn’t notice, didn’t you?” He reached in and grabbed the vet by his shirt. "Let's go for a walk."

He moved Shin-Joo to a more private location for further questioning. The back alleyway was a perfect spot for what he had in mind. It didn’t take more than a moment before Lee Ran’s fist met Shin-Joo’s flesh. He tossed the humble fox around. “Why did you follow me? Why did Lee Yeon stick you to me?” 

He was met with silence and it angered him more “You…” He grabbed the fox by the hair. “Do you think I’m the same runny-nosed kid who used to follow Lee Yeon way back then?”

Shin- Joo finally looked at him. “I know you’re not. I know you can kill me here and now without any creature knowing.”

“Then tell me. Why did you follow me?”

“That… you should know better.” 

Rang scoffed. “This punk is trying to play hide and seek with me.”

“I have lived for Lee Yeon. I am alive thanks to Lee Yeon. Even if I die here, you can’t harm him.”

Rang stood up and started beating on the fox again. He’d get his message across. Stepping down on Shin-Joo’s chest and looking at him. “Is that loyalty or compassion? Or are you just dumb?”

“The same reason why you’re so fretful but you can’t eat your brother alive. Because we like Lee Yeon.”

Lee Rang was utterly sick of him; the vet just had to be involved with all his contacts, Lee Yeon, Yuri and even Eun-ji. Though the veterinarian had no idea of the connection between the wolf and him yet. He punched the fox out, moved the vet's car to the alleyway before setting him in the vehicle. Rang then took some photos of the bloodied fox before sending them to Lee Yeon’s phone. He knew it wouldn’t take long for Lee Yeon to show. So he waited in the back alley where he instructed his brother to go.

He was right, not even 15 minutes later his brother showed. “You’re here.”

“Where is Shin-Joo?”

“He’s still breathing.”

“Don’t take it out on someone innocent. If you have something to say, say it directly to me.” 

Rang felt sickened by the concern his brother had for someone not related to him. “It seems you cherish him a lot.”

“Compared to the younger brother who has been going through puberty since the Joseon dynasty, a whole lot more.”

Lee Rang got up from his seat. “Why are you having me followed?”

“Because I’m not the kind of person who beats around the bush. Why Imugi?”

Lee Rang was delighted. “So you finally know.”

“There are probably countless ways to hurt me. Why of all ways does it have to be Imugi?”

“I was wondering how it would be if your past was reenacted. I’m kind of artistic.” 

“Does that mean you have a weakness?” Lee Yeon watched Rang frown. “There is.” 

“Technically it’s a contract because we had something to give and take.”

Lee Yeon was disappointed in his brother. “Listen to me. In the world, there are people you should never make a deal with.”

Rang rolled his eyes, it was too late for that. “I also need to make a living.”

“Take your hands off even now. If not, you will be paying a huge price later.”

“You… if I was in this situation… if my life were really in danger, would you come save me?” Rang didn’t know why he wanted so badly to hear Lee Yeon say yes. 

“You save yourself.” Lee Yeon replied. 

Rang nodded his head. “It seems like you are having fun with your first love. But then if that woman knew what happened in her prior life, would she still be sticking by your side?”

Yeon recognized the threat. “If you mess with her, then I will really kill you this time.”

Lee Rang’s phone started to ring and he answered it. Yuri had good news on the other side. “I will gladly die.” He responded to his brother before walking away. 

“Give me Shin-Joo.”

Lee Rang motioned in a direction. “His life is your debt to me.” He was slightly wounded, he didn't know why he hoped his brother would change his thoughts about him. 


Yeon opened the door to the veterinary office with some struggle as he held Shin-Joo against himself so the younger fox wouldn't fall. As he entered the building he was met with a loud gasp and his eyes snapped up to see Mae Eun-ji standing at the desk. 

The wolf rushed over, whimsical ears popping up from her head. "Shin-Joo…" She whimpered. "What happened?" She started to help Yeon carry the weight of the fox toward the couch. 

"My brother, he isn't the kindest person." Yeon responded as the woman started looking over all the cuts and bruises on her boss. 

"You're brother? I didn't know you had one." She replied knowing that this wasn't the time for family history. "Shin-Joo, can you hear me?" She was cradling his face with her hands. 

The younger fox made a noise of discomfort as he nodded his head gently. 

"Thank goodness. I will get some things together to patch him up." Eun-ji said before rushing off and around the hospital, collecting supplies as she went. Once she returned she stepped up to the Veterinarian that made Yeon step back and out of the way. “Shin-Joo, I’m going to clean your cuts, I’m sorry if this stings.” She whispered softly before each form of treatment, letting her boss know each step before she did them. She continued this even when Shin-Joo slipped from consciousness. 

Yeon watched closely, happy that the wolf was there to help him. He could tell something was on her mind, something she wanted to talk about but instead she continued focusing on Shin-Joo. Finally, he watched her grab a thin blanket and placed it over Shin-Joo. She looked at him and motioned for him to follow. 

They were in a back room, Eun-ji was tossing bloodied bandage material and wipes into the garbage. “Who are you?” She asked after a moment.

“What do you mean?” Yeon was confused. “I’m Lee Yeon, best friend of Shin-Joo. You know this.”

“Yes, I know your name. Who are you though? Why do I keep seeing you in my head?”

He looked surprised at her. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you.” She snapped her eyes toward him. “You’re always wearing traditional clothing when you appear in these flashes.”

“Eun-ji, I want to help.”

A terrible thought came to her and she took two steps back, hitting the garbage pail and stumbling. Yeon reached out for her, concerned, but she yelled out. “Stay back!” The wolf began to panic, her breathing increasing to a faster rate. “It’s you. You’re the one Kyong was talking about. You took my memories, didn’t you?!”

Yeon held his hands up to show he meant no harm. “Mae Eun-ji, please. I don’t know what you’re talking about but I want to help you. Let’s sit down and talk. I think there is a bigger conversation about to happen that you’re expecting.” He has taken slow, calculated steps toward her before offering a hand. “Please let me help.” He offered one hand out to her. 

She stared at him hesitantly as she searched his eyes. They were sincere and slightly worried. She placed her hand in his and let him guide her out of the corner she had backed herself in. “Okay, but I swear any funny business and I will put up a fight.”


Eun-ji made a cup of tea for both of them and sat at the table in the break room. She noted how calm Yeon was and started to feel more at ease as well. She took a seat across from him and took the first sip of her tea, it was hot but not enough to make her wince in pain. "I've had some pretty strange… let's call them memories, for a few hours now. I have seen you several times in these memories. Always dressed in traditional clothing. I am as well. But I'm also different. I have canine ears that appear upon my head but then they also disappear. The visions I have show us walking in the woods a lot. It honestly doesn't make sense to me, but I feel like you're the answer or will at least help me find the answer I'm looking for."

Yeon sighed gently. "As you know I'm Lee Yeon. What you don't know is that I used to be the mountain God of Baekdudaegan. That was a very long time ago, now I carry out missions for Afterlife Immigration. I am a nine tailed fox, and so is Shin-Joo."

Eun-ji stared at him in disbelief. She could feel anger crawling up her skin, making her hot and bothered. "What are you trying to pull? Do you think I'm stupid or gullible?" She pushed her seat back to stand up. "I know I don't feel the most comfortable around you but I thought that maybe we had enough respect for each other to be able to talk truthfully to each other."

"Mae Eun-ji, please, I'm not lying."

The female was on her feet. "How can you sit there and just spit out ridiculous stories and then try to tie Shin-Joo in them?"

"We have been trying to keep an eye on you and keep you safe. We wanted to figure out who you are. You truly -" 

Eun-ji scoffed and pushed her chair back in. "I'm leaving, take care of Shin-Joo. Tell him I'll be back when you're not here anymore." She went to storm past him but he stopped her with his hand on her wrist. 

"Wolf, stop." 

Suddenly it was almost like the world shifted. Eun-ji's stomach lurched like she was going to be sick as colors of the room swirled around her. 

"Wolf, stop." The fox spoke to her. "You can find safety on my mountain but I can't not just give it to you freely."

"I wasn't planning on taking advantage of you." She replied, sounding a little offended that he thought so lowly of her. 

He chuckled. "You're young but fierce, aren't you? It's been a long time since a wolf has been in these parts. You might just survive to live a very long life."

“That’s the plan anyway.” She blinked up at him. “You truly will let me stay?” 

“Of course, how can I turn away a wolf? I just ask for when you’re powerful enough, that you look after the land and all those who live on it when I’m off the area.”

“That I can do. Thank you, I won’t let you down.”

He placed a hand on her head and rubbed one of her ears. “Very well pup, but you have many years to go before that will be your responsibility.”

When her eyesight cleared, Eun-ji was sitting on the floor, her face cradled by Lee Yeon as he tried to get her to look at him. His lips kept moving but it took a few moments for her to process that he was calling her name and asking if she was alright. “Eun-ji, answer me.”

She reached up and wrapped her hand around one of his wrists. “I’m okay. I need to go.” She tried to stand up but the male in front of her moved his hands to her shoulders and gently held her down. “You should stay and take a few moments at least.” 

She nodded her head and made no movement to get up, so the male stayed sitting on the floor with her. “I’m sorry for before. I don’t know if I can believe what you said, but can you tell me a little more… just about foxes and wolves.” 


Time had passed all too quickly but also too slowly, Eun-ji was sitting at the table again with some help from Yeon. If everything he said was true then he was a fox. He was a mountain God who looked over his land and cared for the creatures and beings who lived on it. He has his own reasons for why he is no longer the mountain God but wouldn’t go into it. Shin-Joo was also a fox; one that Yeon saved and helped build a better life for, Her boss had promised to repay his debt for life long - a fox’s promise or deal was binding until fulfilled.  

Shin-Joo shifted on the couch and called Yeon’s name as his eyes parted open. 

Yeon was already sitting on the couch, giving Eun-ji some quiet time while she processed what he had told her.  He leaned forward at the call of his name from the other fox. 

“Water.” Shin-Joo requested. 

The older fox jumped up to grab him one from the kitchen. He returned to hand it to the younger fox, glancing back quickly at the wolf sitting at the table. Her tea was still untouched and her head still sat between her hands. He frowned and turned his attention back to his friend. 

Shin-Joo looked at the bottle and then Yeon. “The lid.” He almost laughed that Yeon went right to open it. He wanted to see what he could get away with and so he opened his mouth for Yeon to give him a sip. 

Eun-ji was trying to process what Yeon told her about wolves. One, wolves are basically extinct, it’s not likely she would meet another one anytime soon. When she came for the job with Shin-Joo, the two foxes immediately knew she was a wolf and felt the need to keep her close and keep her safe. 

“Wolves are meant to be protected these days as there are not many left. Less than 100 I would say. Wolves are mostly healers but have very powerful magic. For some examples, they can cast protection auras, destroy and absorb spirits, heal other beings, animals and the land and most died giving up their life force to bring back recently lost souls. An entire wolf tribe gave up their lives to save victims of war - a whole village was wiped out but brought back. If the wrong being got a hold of a wolf, then it wouldn’t be very good. That’s why Shin-Joo and I wanted to find out who you were and protect you. I’m sorry about Kyong and all he did to you. We feel like that is on us.”

While he talked to her, she would sometimes get another flash of a memory, a word or sentence from his lips would send her the images at rapid fire. The sixth time it happened he told her it was time for a break. They had plenty of time to talk and figure things out now that she was aware of what type of being she was. 

Eun-ji’s head was pounding; there was no way she was this wolf that Yeon was talking about, right? And why did it seem like he didn’t know exactly who she was when he was appearing in her memories? She just wanted to go home and curl up with Lee Rang. Her whole body froze up at the thought of him. Oh no, what was she going to do about Lee Rang? She whined suddenly catching the attention of both foxes in the room. 

"Eun-ji, are you okay?" Shin-Joo asked. 

Her eyes snapped up from the table to his. "Y-yeah, thank you. I think I'm going to head out." 

"Are you sure? I know there is more you want to talk about." Yeon questioned her as he watched her collect herself and stand at the table.

The wolf nodded her head. "I'm glad to see you awake Shin-Joo. Please take care and feel better."


Lee Rang opened the door to find the air sour with worry. He safely placed the Tiger’s brow in his jacket pocket before hanging it up and wandering through the house to find the wolf. He was surprised to see her and his room empty of her. Instead he found her in the kitchen, sitting at the island with a bowl of ice cream in front of her. Half of it was melted already and the spoon rested gently against her lower lip as she stared into the nothingness in front of her. 

He grew concerned when he approached her in her peripheral view and she didn’t realize he was there. “Eun-ji…” He called out to her but she kept staring. “Wolf…” Again with no response. He placed a hand on her shoulder and it made her jump suddenly as a yelp escaped her lips. “Sorry darling, I called your name first.” 

She whined and turned her body toward him. “Sorry Lee Rang, there is a lot on my mind.” 

He raised a brow and looked her up and down. She seemed exhausted, her whole energy was dampened with anxiety. “My dear, what is wrong?” He asked as his hands cradled her face. 

She found that she couldn’t look away from him. “I’m just having anxiety about who I really am. What if I don’t like what I find? What if you don’t like me when you find out?” She could feel her eyes starting to burn with the threat of tears. 

He moved closer to her, dipping his head into the crook of her neck. “My dear, there is nothing to worry about.” His nose dragged across her skin, tickling her a bit. “Who you were before isn’t the same person you are now.” 

“But it’s all me.” She pulled him closer, her inner thighs brushings against his hips. 

“True, but the person here today is the one I want to focus on. It's the one that matters to me the most.” He nipped her before pressing a kiss to her skin. 

“Rang…” She whispered. “Why are you so good to me?” She questioned rhetorically. 

“You’re important to me.” He simply responded. “Now,” he wrapped his arms around her waist and scooped her into his arms. “Let’s make you feel better. Snuggles on the couch?” He questioned as he started to walk out of the room. 

She clung to him, not because she was worried he was going to drop her but because she wanted to be impossibly closer to him. She breathed in his calming scent of sandalwood and cedarwood, feeling a little more relaxed now that he was there. She didn’t want to think about what Yeon told her. She didn’t want to have these flashing memories. She didn’t want to think about Rang leaving if it was all true. She didn’t want to think at all.

Rang sat down, with her in his lap and turned the television on before pressing a few more kisses to her neck and shoulders, moving the fabric of her shirt out of his way before traveling back up and nipping her chin. He was glad she was starting to relax and was about to let her waist go when she grabbed his face with her hand and put their foreheads together. 

They stayed that way for a few moments, just staring and breathing each other in. He could feel her getting anxious again so he started to rub little circles into the skin of her sides. She slid her hands behind his neck, playing with his hair and then she moved closer. Her lips brushed against his gently for a second before she got embarrassed and started to pull away. 

Before she could pull back all the way, one of his hands grabbed the back of her head and pulled her forward again. The tiny spark Rang felt from her lips originally wasn’t enough. 

He pressed his lips firmly to her, holding her mouth to his for an extra moment. Her hands gripped onto his hair gently. The fox noticed the wolf’s lips were so soft that he almost didn;t want to stop kissing her. Maybe he shouldn’t. He always respected that she didn’t seem to want to kiss him but that tiny brush of her lips made him snap. He needed to stop before this became something uncomfortable for her. Reluctantly, he pulled back and placed two smaller kisses on her lips before she pulled his head back to hers. Thrilled at her choice he nibbled on her lower lip and coaxed her to open for him. 

She complied quickly and he quietly groaned at the taste as he devoured the moans that passed her mouth. Her lips felt like coming home, it felt natural and consuming all in one. He wished they did this sooner but perhaps it was more thrilling since she made the move first. The urge to breathe properly came to his head and while it wanted to ignore it, Eun-ji couldn’t. 

She pulled back enough to break the seal of their lips before resting her forehead against his again. She felt good about her decision, she was right though - kissing was more intense. Eun-ji wasn’t sure if he was going to push her away but his reciprocation changed a lot of thoughts in her head. She licked her lips, still tasting him on her and she pulled her lower lip between her teeth as she pulled back to look at him. 

“Darling, if you don’t want me to devour you then I wouldn’t be biting these lips of yours if I was you.” 

She felt the heat rise to her cheeks and she let the bottom lip slip from her teeth. Her heart was already pounding in her chest but it seemed to speed up even more at his words. 

“So lovely.” He whispered to her before turning his attention back to the television. “Let’s pick out a movie.” He stated, not that he would be watching it anyway, he just wanted background noise while he devoured her anyway.  He put on some action-drama movie before he turned his attention back to her. She was sitting all pretty on his lap, a small smile on her lips. He placed a finger under her chin and led her to his lips again. 

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