Meet a real King of the Monst...

Af Tomeo17

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(Godzilla x Kaiju Girls crossover) He was a monster. Even among monsters, he was the most dangerous creature... Mere

Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: The King meets the Kaiju Girls Part 1: First Impressions
Chapter 3: Godzilla vs the Empire Part 1
Chapter 4: Godzilla vs the Empire Part 2
Chapter 5: The Pandora Raiders
Chapter 6: Godzilla vs the Empire Round Two Part 1
Chapter 7: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 2 Part 2
Chapter 8: The God of Destruction
Chapter 9: A couple of Bats helps the Rebels' Prison Break
Chapter 10: The Trap Part 1: Battle at Two Fronts
Chapter 11: The Trap Part 2 The Plans and the Traitors
Chapter 12: The Trap Finale: The Pit
Chapter 13: The King meets the Kaiju Girls 2: 2nd Impressions and introductions.
Chapter 14: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 3 Part 1
Chapter 15: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 3 Part 2
Chap 16: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 3 Pt 3-Godzilla vs Megatron
Chapter 17: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 3 Pt 4
Chapter 18: I Am Tired
Chapter 19: Clash of Titans
Chapter 20: Long Live The King
AMV-I'm So Sorry

Prologue: Something is rising

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Af Tomeo17

November 5th, 2022

0800 hours

It's fitting that it's hear, Captain Douglas Gordon thought to himself as he stood on top of the USS Gotengo. Where was here, you may ask? Bikini Atoll. 

The crisp blue waters, the sun-bleached sands and the elegant green palms swaying in the winds made it a perfect get-away vacation spot. It must have looked like this all those years ago. A small stretch of islands that no one had paid much attention to. Until one day. When man unleashed something extraordinary and terrifying all at once. That's why it was fitting in Captain Gordon's eyes. This is where it all began and now, it would be where it all ended.

On each of the tiny islands stretched out before him were several artillery batteries, loaded wit high explosive ordinance. Between the islands, ships from every nation and corner of the globe were present. America, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, Wakanda and Japan, a handful were from the organization S.H.I.E.L.D, Stark Industries, Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp.

The battleships and artillery were loaded with TOW missiles, cruise missiles, radar-guided, heat-seekers, Hell even old Stark Industries weapons like the Jericho warheads and freezing weapons made by the criminal Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze. Whatever they could carry. The carriers sported a similar armament with their bombers and jets. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier was had every air attack vehicle out, ready to use.

Ultimately though, none of them really mattered. It wasn't an insult to any of them, it was a fact. They were all here to keep the target off balance and lead him where they wanted him to go.

There was only one weapon that less conventional and could be seen on the island the Gotengo was on and Captain Gordon took another glance at it. Among the trees was a massive gun. It was bigger than anything on the nearby ships. It didn't fire any special rockets or bombs however. It fired dark energy. A power terrible enough to literally rip through time and space. At least that's what he was briefed. Dr. Victor Von Doom, Dr. Reed Richards, Princess Shuri, Dr. Hank Pym, Lucius Fox, Tony Stark, Lex Luthor and Dr. Bruce Banner had built it but it was never fired. Not even as a test fire. How ironic given their current surroundings and what happened here all those years ago.

They called it "Dimension Tide." Captain Gordon just called it what it was. A Black Hole Gun. Gordon was a simple man and he preferred simple titles over fanciful comic book names. The weapon would be considered excessive but not in this situation. It was pretty much their last shot at this point.

Almost seventy years ago, in 1954 on this very spot, the Americans detonated the very first Hydrogen Bomb. Up to that date, it had been the most powerful weapon ever created in history. No one could have predicted the consequences when they dropped it. It wasn't until much later  when the cold reality hit them. The American's desire to claim victory in the Cold War of the 50's had awakened. . . something. A creature of such immense raw natural power that man's greatest war machines were powerless against it.

There was no clear theory of what he was. A survivor of the Age of Dinosaurs altered by radiation? An ancient monster brought to life by the H-Bomb's detonation? All they knew was that the bomb had brought him into existence and the world was never the same since.

For that was the day, Godzilla, King of the Monsters, had begun his reign.

Over the decades since, Godzilla had rampaged across the Earth. His need for destruction seemed insatiable. Relentless and most peculiar of all was that it seemed directed. Godzilla attacked power plants, nation capitals and military bases. To any outsider observer, the attacks seemed strategic in nature. Not random. It was as if Godzilla was picking his targets, choosing which held priority over the other. The idea that this prehistoric monster was a thinking one was disturbing for many.

Humanity had only ever succeeded in driving him off. It was the best they could do. Nothing seemed capable of killing him. Not even the superheroes that had risen. The Avengers, the Justice League, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and Justice Society with the Power Rangers. Even the young heroes couldn't match him.

Hell, the God of Thunder, Thor and the Amazon heroine Wonder Woman had said that it was rumored among the Asgardians and Amazons that Godzilla, or another like him had killed the Olympian gods in the ancient past. The anti-hero, Ghost Rider had once said that he and his other Riders went to  Hell because Godzilla himself was killing every demon and devil there. Whether this was true or not is not confirmed nor denied. 

Nor even the other giant monsters that had risen after him could stop him. From time to time, these Kaiju focused Godzilla's rage away from humanity. Sometimes it even felt like he was protecting the Earth from them or establishing his dominance over the other Kaiju. The battles between Kaiju had repeatedly destroyed many great cities around the world, killing countless lives. 

Earth now considered it to be a normal Tuesday to be rebuilding its cities from the ground up at this point

After so many decades of battles, speculation on his origins and objective, (if he had any) whether he was protecting the Earth or not, the governments of the world came to one conclusion. They have had enough. Godzilla was simply far too dangerous to remain here. Too much of a menace for all the times he 'saved' the Earth to pardon him any longer. He had escaped Monster Island too often. Other methods of containment had failed. They didn't want the King of Monsters captured anymore. They wanted him gone.

So began Operation: Dethrone the King. The final plan of a world that decided that they were done tolerating this "overgrown lizard." They needed to kill him. End this reign of terror he had gripped the planet for so long.

They would lure Godzilla to position and then fire Dimension Tide. If the weapon worked, it would create a singularity that would tear Godzilla from the very fabric of reality. Nothing could survive that.

There were some protests. A handful were from the superheroes themselves. That may not make sense but to Gordon it did. At one point or another, Godzilla had fought alongside the heroes against the Kaiju. Or against threats from the stars. Loki, Brainiac, Thanos, Darkseid, Kang the Conqueror, Galactus and Rita Repulsa had come to Earth time and time again and were almost always driven off by the combined alliance of heroes and the King of Monsters. It was even theorized that Godzilla even bested Trigon and Mephisto, two powerful demon lords of Hell, when he had entered Hell and exited. 

Gordon could understand their reluctance to get rid of a creature that had allied with them in the past.

The other protests were the King's legion of fans. Some crazy religion that had grown among the population that believed that Godzilla and the other Kaiju were gods of old, or divine creatures of Mother Gaia. Gordon didn't give a damn. To these people, Godzilla was a force of nature. Any attempt to kill him would only make him more angry. Some even said that the use of Dimension Tide would end with the destruction of everyone nearby and culminate with the end of humanity.

The last protest was more practical and less dramatic. No one really knew what the Black Hole Gun would really do. There's a difference between what you say a gun does and what it really does to a person. It could kill Godzilla or unleash something worse. That was the small fear that Gordon had.

But there was no arguing now at this point. The decision had been made. His orders were given.

It was time to end the King's reign.

Warning alarms sounded across the fleet of ships, including the Gotengo. After entering the bridge, Gordon looked back towards the terminals around him. On the screen, he saw it. A large blip was approaching from the sky. Instantly, Gordon knew what that was and what it meant.

"Battle stations, everyone." He said before grabbing a mic to carry the order. "Repeat. Everyone, battle stations." Everyone rushed to obey, preparing for the inevitable. Guns trained towards the direction the air contact was approaching, for they knew what was going following close behind.

There was a blast of blue light off in the distant and something exploded in the heavens above. Black smoke pooled as the object grew bigger and wider as it careened from the sky towards the Atoll. A nearby battery of men ran for cover as the object crashed down on top of them. Gordon glanced up at the camera monitor along with a Mutant soldier, Ensign Ozaki.

Lying in a smoking heap of what little remained of the artillery position was a large metallic silver saurian machine. The Americans called this robot MechaGodzilla but the Japanese Anti-Megalosaurs Force (AMF) had called him Kiryu. (Machine Dragon.)

Kiryu was a unique robot. No matter what Lex Luthor would say. He was created using the bones of a dead Godzilla, with his DNA computers made from his own DNA. This, of course, led to bringing the dead Godzilla back alive. The cyborg had successfully driven Godzilla several times from Japanese shores. He was their most successful weapon against him, now he was scrap.

In an effort to enrage Godzilla to follow it to the firing line, Kiryu's crew, among a few heroes, flown off earlier in the morning. They were to engage Godzilla and force him to follow them to Bikini Atoll. From the looks of his scorched, broken and battered chassis, busted eye, broken tail, missing arm and crushed jaw, Gordon knew that Kiryu had put up a magnificent fight. But it was clear now that Godzilla had grown tired of the robot doppelganger and had decided to end him for good.

May his soul find peace, the Captain thought giving a salute. Hopefully his pilot, Lieutenant Akane Yashiro, was alright.

"Look!" Ozaki exclaimed. The camera moved towards the ocean. There, out past the shallows were the remains of a Jaeger called Gypsy Danger and the Power Rangers' Megazord with dead giant sea monsters that only Atlantis would know about. 

Mere moments later, an explosion of water erupted closer to the coast of the Atoll. A pillar of blue foam shot up from the sea.

"He's here." Captain Gordon growled with a glare.

A big, grey, reptilian head jutted out of the deep. Piercing yellow eyes burning with rage stared down the assorted fleet of ships. A massive mouth full of teeth the size of city buses snarled at the crew. From here, Gordon saw the demi-god Hercules in the jaws, bloody and unmoving.

Bristling fins, still shining neon blue from using his famous weapon, swayed back and forth as the monster shook the water off his body. His nostrils flared at the sight of the guns surrounding him. The gigantic claws of his left hand bawling themselves into a fist. Then a huge tail the size of a thousand California redwood trees tied together rose out of the water. The scaly and spiky appendage swished in the air as if Godzilla was thinking of where to send it crashing down first.

Gordon saw a long, metallic, silver tail held in Godzilla's other hand. No doubt the Dragon Zord. He glanced back to Godzilla's face. He had seen the Kaiju before but never looking this enraged before. There were still fresh cuts and blows visible along the Kaiju's massive body. Kiryu and the others had, at least, left a few marks but not enough to stem the beast's anger.

Rearing his head up, breathing in the air all around him, Godzilla lurched forward, jaw opened wide and letting out a terrible, deafening roar. Hercules dropped from Godzilla's jaws and fell into the sea.


It shook and then shattered the glass of the assembled fleet's windows. Forced every man and woman to clutch their ears and even experienced sailors and soldiers to fall down from the sheer force of the sound. 

With that, the monster then tossed the battered and smoking Dragon Zord towards the Atoll and began walking forward, creating miniature tidal waves as he stomped through the surf, towards the islands. All at once, every gun and plane in the air opened up and unleashed Hell.

Shells, missiles, bombs, you name it. They all crashed down onto Godzilla as he forced his way forward. He didn't even seem to be annoyed by the attacks. The battle with Kiryu, Gypsy and the Dragon Zord may have injured him a little, but he wasn't even tired. He was acting on pure unbridled rage now. Nothing but the destruction of this fleet and the foolish humans that dared attack him.

As a squad of jets flew over him, delivering their payload, Godzilla fired out a blast of Atomic Breath. A blue beam of radioactive fire shot of his mouth and cut a swath through the air. The squad of jets were obliterated in the blink of an eye.

A cruise missile crashed into Godzilla's face next. Followed by a Jericho warhead striking on his back. Instantly, Godzilla turned his head to where the missiles had come from. A battleship just a few feet away from him. He reached down and grabbed the vessel with his giant hand and picked it up as if it was a child's toy. Even from the monitor screen, Captain Gordon could see men fall from the deck and into the water below. Godzilla soon chucked the ship into the air, and it landed on another battleship, crushing it and twisting them both into a mangled mess of metal.

Two maser beams hit Godzilla, followed by missiles. He turned his head up and saw the Geruda I, Super X, Super X II and Super X III. He narrowed his eyes as he saw the Gotengo fly behind the four ships.

"Fire missiles!" Gordon ordered. "Fire everything you got!" With that the five flying ships fired missiles and rockets towards the Kaiju King.

Godzilla roared as he tanked all the hits before he fired his Atomic Breath in response. Super X II opened its Fire Mirror while Gotengo activated a force shield barrier around it and the other two ships moved to evade the beam of certain death.

The Super X II's Fire Mirror absorbed the Atomic Breath and reflected the beam back while the Gotengo fired its Phaser cannon. Godzilla gritted his teeth as his own beam hit him square in the chest along with the Phaser while the other Super Xs fired at him from the sides along with the Wakandan airships.

"Well, can't let them have all the fun," Director Nick Fury remarked before ordering, "Deploy all jets, lock onto his signature and fire all cannons at Godzilla." Maria Hill nodded her head in response. Shortly after, the jets on the Hellicarrier flew off the deck and towards the battle as the Hellicarrier's cannons aimed down to the giant monster.

Godzilla reached to knock Super X II into the Gotengo with his hand before swinging his tail to knock the other Super X's aside and snap the Wakandan ships in half. He then lifted his massive right foot into the air and stomped it back down so hard that it created a tidal wave to a group of destroyers. The ships were engulfed by the wave. One of their captains had managed to turn the ship fast enough to break through the wave with their nose. The other two weren't so lucky and were capsized by the wall of water.

Godzilla glared at the destruction briefly before turning to the skies. The SHIELD jets were closing in with fighter bombers. Ready to hit him with their ordinance. Godzilla simply raised his tail and whipped it into the sky. This forced them to break their run. Two weren't fast enough and became two balls of fire. Godzilla spun around and slammed his tail down onto another battleship, snapping it in two.

The Kaiju then let loose another blast of Atomic Breath. The blue pillar of fiery death shot across the battlefield and sliced into a carrier at the center of one of the American groups. It exploded into a ball of flame, its flight deck being ripped clean off as the blast tore it from underneath. Godzilla didn't cease fire however. He dragged his breath across the length of the American fleet, cutting into the Chinese and Russian flotillas. A sea of fire lashed out across the Bikini Atoll coast, sending dozens of boats and countless sailors to their watery graves.

However, the plan was still working despite all this carnage. The attacks weren't killing him but driving him closer to the Atoll. The missiles and bombs from the planes and ships were forcing him to advance towards the trap. Gordon was impressed at how accurate the military strategists  were about the monster's reaction.

Godzilla was a fighter first and foremost. In every conflict, be it with Kaiju, the armies or superheroes, he only fled when his energy was spent or he thought it wasn't worth it.

That was the theory anyway. You can't really tell what a Kaiju was thinking unless you read minds like Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Raven, and Miki Saegusa.

After Kiryu and the other mech's attack however, Godzilla was running on rage. This was the first time Kiryu had been used offensively against the monster. As predicted, Godzilla saw this as encroachment on his territory and decided to end the threat completely. That meant wiping out the source of the attack, like a bear going after an aggressive pack of wolves in their den.

And that was just what we are planning on, Gordon thought as the Gotengo flew towards the Black Hole gun.

Godzilla now stomped onto the beach of the first island in his path. The artillery guns started opening fire at this point, what little good it did. The missile barrages did nothing, the larger, concentrated energy cannons and beams from Japan and Wakanda worked better. In the end, Godzilla crushed the nearest artillery position with his foot and then fired his Atomic Breath at the nearest two islands to destroy the attackers there.

The Japanese fleet, closest to Dimension Tide with the Gotengo, now renewed their attack with vigor. The other ships lessened their assault in response. Firing enough to keep Godzilla forward but not enough to take his attention off the Japanese fleet. 

Gordon activated the main intercom. "Concentrate all fire on the head!" he ordered his men and crew. "Make him come to us!"

The gunners did as instructed, hitting Godzilla in the head hard. The giant monster growled and roared in anger. Shaking his head to get the smoke from the explosions out of his eyes. With all the explosions and fire erupting all around his face, the Saurian Kaiju stomped back into the surf. He turned towards the offending Japanese fleet and bellowed before pushing towards the fleet that had always confronted him in the past.

Just as predicted.

When the titanic dinosaur closed the distance, the tree cover around Dimension Tide gave away. The weapon, which looked like a cross between a jet turbine and futuristic cannon, began to glow bright violet. As the inner mechanisms began to whirl, Godzilla's attention was turned to the weapon. 

He cocked his head like a cat, confused as to what was he looking at. He then roared loudly and reared his head back, his spines glowing neon blue again. It was clear. Whatever this thing was, he was going to destroy it. 

Captain Gordon raced to activate the commlink again. "FIRE! Fire all guns! Fire at the head!" He ordered in a frantic pace.

"You heard the man, fire everything you got!" Fury barked in the Hellicarrier.

Gunners opened up. Cruise missiles crashed into Godzilla's head, just as he unleashed his Atomic Breath. The beam failed to hit dead on, grazing the base of Dimension Tide. Sparks and flames shot out of the weapon's side where the beam hit it, but the gun kept charging. Once the weapon had started cycling, nothing could stop it from discharging. Gordon wasn't really concerned about the damage. There wasn't anything they could do.

"Ten seconds to discharge!" Came a warning over the radio.

"All hands," Gordon called to his men, "Brace yourselves!"

A moment later, Dimension Tide fired a giant black and purple ball of energy from its barrel in a blinding flash of light. Trees, dirt, rocks and water were pulled into the singularity as it sped through the air. The discharge also sent out a booming shockwave that blew the leaves off nearby palm trees and created giant waves as it hit the water. The Gotengo and Hellicarrier rocked in the air. It was a miracle that none of them were blown out of the air.

The singularity sliced through the air, heading straight at Godzilla. The Kaiju had just recovered from the blow he had taken to his head and spotted the ball of energy heading for him. Godzilla just stared the incoming black hole down with a glare and snarl. True to his Wakandan name, Fearless Dragon, he didn't back down. He roared loudly at the object and shot his Atomic Breath at the incoming singularity. 

The blue breath just seemed to be pulled inside but Godzilla refused to relent. Finally the black energy slammed into Godzilla, engulfing him entirely. The Kaiju let out one final roar before he was abruptly silenced by a massive explosion of energy.

Then, everything vanished in a flash of blinding violet light.

Gordon only raised his head when the light dissipated. He carefully looked up into the center of the Atoll on the monitor and saw. . . nothing. No black ball of energy, no Godzilla, just. . . water.

Everything was silent for a few moments more before a jubilant cry went out across the ship, the fleet and everyone on or around the Atoll itself. It took a moment for Gordon realized that he was cheering himself. 

They had done it! Sixty eight years of terror and destruction, finally ended. Godzilla was gone. It took the combined efforts of nearly every developed Nation on Earth, but they had done what was considered to be the impossible. They had defeated the King of Monsters!

Director Fury looked towards Dimension Tide, the weapon that had given them this victory. And saw it smoking from every orifice and fires erupting from its mouth. Apparently Godzilla's last big shot had done enough damage. He couldn't be sure from looking from the Hellicarrier, but Fury suspected it wouldn't be firing again anytime soon.

Perhaps it was for the best. A weapon of that kind of power was too great for just one nation or organization to control. It had played its role. No sense in someone else besides Godzilla being on its business end.

It wasn't the time to feel down at that loss though. Though, maybe Stark and the ones who put so much effort to build it would be angry and a little sad about their machine being broken. This was a great victory for the world. Godzilla, King of the Monsters, was dead. There would be no more fear of the Kaiju's roar, his Atomic Breath, his massive footsteps. He would trouble them no more. He did feel annoyed at thinking of the World Security Council. General Ross was bound to be smug and declare that Thor and Wonder Woman were wrong: Godzilla was no god killer. Tell the Ghost Rider that Godzilla will go to Hell and stay there. His throng of worshippers who thought him to be a literal god had turned out to be wrong after all. He wasn't a force of nature at all. He was just an animal. One that needed that needed a really big gun to put down but nothing more.

However, in the back of his mind, Fury wondered a thought. A doubtful thought. A disturbing thought. A doubtful, disturbing thought. Godzilla had survived everything they threw at him, why not this? It wasn't like they could confirm the death. No body after all.

So what if Godzilla wasn't dead? What if something else happened? What if he had been transported to the future? Or the past or another dimension?

Fury tried to put the inward debate out of his mind as he look towards the sky on the deck of the Hellicarrier. Surely such thoughts were just the creeping paranoia he was known for. Disbelief at the accomplishment he had witnessed. Now was the time to look to a great future. With one less monster in the world. They could all start living again.


Bat-computer entry 4053-2234

November 5th, 2022

Subject: The King's Reign is Over

At 0900 hours, the United Nations had attacked Godzilla in a joint operation and used the weapon codenamed Dimension Tide to kill the Kaiju at Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific.

I feel. . . guilty as my fellow members of the JLA for allowing the operation to commence. Godzilla had battled by our side along with the Avengers and the other superhero teams when the situation called for it. From Jean Grey and Professor Xavier, we had learned his origins and his motives.

He had viewed our race to be arrogant and destructive. Greedy and selfish parasites and that we thought we owned our piece of land do everything we could and ignore the consequences. Captain Rogers, Diana, Peter Parker, Thor and Clark had set out to change his perspective. To show that not all humans were what he thought.

I suppose that it is why I feel guilty. We failed to prove him wrong. We will hold a funeral service with the other Hero teams at Monster Island. He was the last of his kind, a relic of a time forgotten, he deserves to be honored like the King he was. I hope that he does not hate us. And I hope that where ever he is, he may finally find peace.

Batman signing off.


The blackness faded and light finally returned. He gazed about the broken, cracked ground and the trees that have been pushed by the explosion. The air felt familiar yet different. He glanced up and saw the moon. Nothing seemed different. He didn't know where the human weapon had sent him but it didn't matter. 

All that mattered was that Godzilla, King of the Monsters had survived yet another feeble attempt by man's machines against his life.

He roared defiantly into the air. To let all know that he was still alive. And those that had attacked him will pay. Any who defied his reign will burn beneath his shadow.


Dark blue eyes shot open as a man collapsed in the middle of a large temple with a gasp. He had a large dark green turtle shell on his back and a carapace on his front underneath a dark green tunic, a pair of tusks on his lower jaw with spikes on his elbows, dark green hair.

Hearing his collapse, a younger woman ran into view. She too had a turtle shell on her back, smaller elbow spikes, matching hair and eyes but no tusks. "Father, what is it?" she asked worriedly. "Are you alright?"

Before Gamera could answer, a woman landed on the ground with barely a sound. She had colorful butterfly wings and insect antenna on her forehead, bright blue eyes and wore a blue kamino. She walked to Gamera with a slightly worried expression. "Did you sense that too, Gamera?" Mothra asked.

"Sense what?" Gamora asked in confusion as she helped her father up. "A disturbance," Gamera replied. "Something is rising."

"What is it?" Gamora asked softly. "Not what," Mothra replied, "who. . . Someone powerful."

The three Kaiju exchanged a glance before the older turtle declared to the moth. "Inform the Queen."


Far away from the Temple of the Guardians of Yamato on the planet Mars. An old Kaiju's blood red eyes shot open as he sat up. He had bone white armor and a forked black reptilian tail with scales on his face and half skulls on his shoulders, black hair with white streaks and small but noticeable horns on his head. He looked around wearily before calling out, "Queen Ghidorah!"

A woman with golden hair, dragon wings on her back and a forked reptilian tail with red eyes. She wore golden robes with matching armor and dragon skulls on her shoulders. She crossed her arms in a annoyed attitude at having her beauty sleep interrupted before she became concerned upon seeing Monster X's expression. "What is it, old man?" she asked.

"When we approach Earth again, we must do with caution," Monster X said. "I've sensed a disturbance there."

Queen Ghidorah rose an eyebrow. "All the way out here?" she asked. "What do you know of it?"

"I don't know," Monster X replied with a shake of his head. ". . . Something-No, someone has. . . awakened. Someone. . . familiar yet different and. . . powerful."

And so it begins. 

Like I said in the summary, this is heavily inspired by AQuickSeriesofWords story. However there are a couple of differences. My Godzilla comes from a world where Marvel and DC exist together with the Power Rangers. His history is a fusion of the Showa, Heisei and Millennium timeline (Except Godzilla's Revenge and GMK.) along with the events of the Rulers of Earth comics, the Marvel Comics and hints to Rage Across Time and Godzilla in Hell. Especially the one where Godzilla killed the Olympian gods.

He is also a fusion of Showa, Heisei and Godzilla Final Wars. I know Showa Godzilla may seem to be weak but there is two videos on YouTube that explains how strong each Godzilla is. I recommend to watch them.  I can't remember what the channel's name is but I do know the first part is Chuck. . . I think.

Now the final part of this chapter was inspired by a scene from The Clone Wars. Where Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker and Master Yoda sense the return of Darth Maul.

"Something is rising. Something sinister."
"Something familiar and. . . sinister."
"Feel the disturbance, do you? From the dead, an old enemy has risen, seeking vengeance."

Gamera and Mothra have sensed Godzilla because a) Mothra is considered to be an avatar of the Earth. B) Gamera can sense the mana of all living things. Death Battle explained what mana is better but mana levels depend on the authority over others and Godzilla's mana levels would be off the charts.

Monster X sensed Godzilla because he's a Keizer. As explained in Final Wars, Keizer's are all powerful super beings so he could sense Godzilla's presence and power. He could recognize it a little because he had met the Female Godzilla but know it's different.

09/05/2023 Edit

I changed the OG Godzilla's design. He now has the design from the upcoming film "Godzilla Minus One."

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