Catch The Stars

By chaenjen

84.2K 4.2K 328

When Jennie's doctor advices her to take a break from everything due to her insomnia, she defers the next sem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 32

1.6K 91 23
By chaenjen

They're sitting on her bed again, having brushed their teeth and Y/n wearing a pair of Jennie's shorts so she doesn't have to sit around in those sinfully tight jeans anymore (not that Jennie was complaining, she didn't even know Y/n had an ass. Like, of course she does, but it's like... kind of perky. Small and cute. The more you know.).

Jennie quickly explains everything that happens in the second movie since that one is the definition of boring, and they continue watching part three, Y/n grumbling out comments here and there that have Jennie cracking up.

By the time Jennie starts the fourth part, Y/n is invested, no matter how much she tries to bash Kristen Steward's acting or Edward's dead expressions. Jennie can tell by the way her eyes never leave the screen, the small quirk of her lips when something mildly funny happens.

They're sitting against the headboard, pillows against their backs with the laptop between them on the bed, forming an unwanted but necessary barrier since it started to toast the skin of Jennie's thigh.

While Jennie wanted Y/n to watch the movie earlier, she now feels rather annoyed at the lack of attention Y/n is giving her, instead completely focused on the honey moon scenes of Edward and Bella on the screen.

"Y/n," Jennie mumbles, drawing out the word like an annoying kid.

"Hm?" Y/n doesn't even turn her head away from the screen, barely listening to her.

"Are you enjoying the movie?"

Y/n looks as if she's about to answer but then they show the island and the house and Y/n's eyes widen in fascination. "Woah! Look at that place. It's so pretty, Jennie!"

Jennie smiles at that, no longer annoyed. "Our waterfall is better."

This finally gains her Y/n's attention, who turns to look at her with a grin on her face. "It is, huh?"

Jennie wants to kiss her so bad. It physically pains her not to, an invisible force tugging at the pit of her stomach, her skin prickling with the urge to be closer to the older.

The next few minutes are... weird.

When Jennie said Bella was going to have a vampire baby, she kind of forgot about the baby making part, so once those scenes come up, both Jennie and Y/n just kind of. Freeze.

You know how when you're watching a movie with your parents and a sex scene comes up and it's just so fucking awkward you want to cry?

It's not exactly that.

Because while she couldn't care less about two straight people (one of them being a vampire) getting it on the screen, her mind suddenly fabricates very vivid images of Y/n and her doing... things.

And she doesn't know what Y/n is thinking, but she's kind of trying not to look at the screen until those scenes are over, shifting in her seat like she's uncomfortable, and Jennie doesn't know if she finds it cute or concerning.

Jennie wonders what Y/n would do if Jennie initiated something more than kissing.

She doesn't think the outcome would be that good, given how Y/n reacted when Jennie kissed her for the first time.

And Jennie is fine with it, she really is. She doesn't need to go any further with Y/n because what they have right now is more than enough, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to.

She does want to. She wants Y/n's hands to touch her, wants Y/n to kiss other parts of her body, wants to be closer to her physically.

Jennie sighs and leans back, closing her eyes to clear her mind and stop thinking about those things.

"Are you sleepy?" Y/n asks a moment later, her voice quiet as if not to disturb the movie playing on the laptop.

Jennie opens her eyes and turns to look at her. "You know the answer to that is always going to be yes, right?"

A laugh rumbles through Y/n's chest and again, Jennie wants to be closer, to feel the warmth and softness of Y/n's skin under her fingers. "Right. Sorry."

Their eyes are on each other, Jennie taking in the small details about Y/n; the dip of her collarbones showing above the collar of her shirt, the fading bruise on her cheekbone, the sheen of spit on her bottom lip when her tongue darts out to wet the skin.

Jennie flicks her eyes back to Y/n's, her heart jumping when she finds that Y/n never looked away to begin with, how intense her eyes are. She shifts, clearing her throat, trying to get the tension to leave her body.

Y/n starts smiling and Jennie feels like she gets smacked upside the head, completely mesmerized by the curl of Y/n's lips, the tiny glint in her eyes, how soft and inviting the gesture is.

"What?" Jennie wants to know.

Y/n's smile only grows wider until Jennie physically can't stop herself from smiling along. She turns her face to hide it in her pillow, groaning when Y/n chuckles at her. "What are you acting so shy for?"

"It's not my fault! Stop smiling at me like that."



"You sound like a five year old right now."

Jennie feels something like frustration bubble beneath her skin; the same feeling she had earlier this evening when she was cooking for Y/n.

The rational part of her knows that Y/n is just joking, that she's teasing her.

But the other part, the one that's so head over heels for Y/n it wants nothing more than prove the older wrong. Prove to her that she isn't just a moody bitch, or someone younger she needs to tease and fret over.

It's that part that makes Jennie slam her laptop shut and push it out of the way so she can move and pin Y/n down on the mattress.

Y/n's eyes widen at the sudden action and she blinks up at Jennie cluelessly, her fingers curling and uncurling from where Jennie is pressing her wrists into the bed. "What are you doing?"

"Stop treating me like a kid," Jennie says, swinging her legs over Y/n's waist so she's straddling her.

"Like a kid?" Y/n furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "I don't treat you like a kid."

"You keep calling me a brat and bitch. And cute and stuff."

"Because you are," Y/n says, a ghost of a smile appearing on her face. "Both of those things."

"Yeah but it's like-" Jennie huffs in frustration, relaxing her hold on Y/n's wrists and leaning back until she's sitting on Y/n's thighs. "I can be other things, too."

Y/n brings a hand up to card it through the back of Jennie's hair, humming quietly. "Like what?"

"Dunno. Like... Mature. Serious." Jennie stops for a moment, her cheeks burning as she thinks about Roseanne who would smack her with a pillow if she heard her right now. "And sexy."

Y/n stares at her blankly and Jennie watches in horror how her lips curl up in amusement. She's not taking Jennie seriously, at all. "Sexy," She repeats with a flat voice.

"Yes." Jennie nods her head.

"You," Y/n adds, still with that annoyingly monotone voice.

"What-" Jennie splutters, a frown taking over her face. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Jennie." Y/n tries not to laugh, her body shaking under Jennie's. "Jennie you tripped the other day while you were standing still."

"Because a bee was attacking me!" Jennie tries to defend herself. Her plan just completely backfired. Y/n has tears in her eyes from how hard she's smiling up at Jennie right now. "Y/n I can be sexy! Stop- Stop laughing!"

"You're so cute," Y/n says, still grinning widely and starts cooing when her eyes flicker to Jennie's pout. "I'm sorry for laughing. I just can't imagine you being se-"

Jennie quickly leans down and presses their lips together, kissing the rest of the words right from Y/n's lips. The older girl freezes up for half a second before completely melting against the bed. Jennie's hold on Y/n's wrists has loosened up at this point, too distracted by the softness of and warmth of Y/n's lips moving against her own, and the older easily slips them from Jennie's grasp, her hands coming up to rest on Jennie's hips instead, holding her carefully.

Jennie traces her tongue over the seam of Y/n's lips, gently and prodding, and Y/n parts them after a moment, letting their tongues touch. The wet heat has Jennie shuddering, chasing Y/n's lips when the older pulls back after a while as if she's worried about going too far.

"Are you trying to prove a point?" Y/n asks, sounding a bit breathless. "I was joking before, Jennie. You are- You know... You're sexy. You don't have to do this-"

Jennie shakes her head and feels the tips of Y/n's fingers dip beneath her shirt, touching her heated skin. "I want to. I want to kiss you. All the time. I've been thinking-" Jennie stops herself before she can go too far.

She's been holding back with Y/n, for the older's sake, because she cares so much about her, her feelings.

But at the end of the day, Jennie is just a girl in her early twenties, and she hasn't gotten laid in a long time

And Y/n is staring up at her with dark eyes, her fingers tightening on Jennie's hips, so no one can blame her for getting a bit too excited here. "Yeah? Thinking what?"

Y/n pulls her in, slowly and barely noticeable, but their clothes rustle and Jennie's heart starts racing at the proximity, the look in Y/n's eyes.

"This," Jennie answers. "You... you pinning me down and marking me up."

Y/n sucks in a breath, her fingers digging into Jennie's sides for a moment before relaxing again. "You want that?"

Jennie nods. "Want you."

She moves slowly, Y/n seemingly holding her breath as her eyes follow Jennie's ever movement, the air crackling around them, and then Jennie settles down right on top of Y/n's crotch.

Y/n takes a deep breath, licks her lips and brings a hand up to curl it around Jennie's neck to pull her into another kiss.

It's like a switch was turned, because suddenly, kissing Y/n doesn't feel like it's enough anymore.

"Y/n," Jennie breathes, suppressing a groan when Y/n shifts again under her, the action making her hips press up into Jennie's. They're both panting a little, skin heated, the air in the room suddenly snug and slightly stuffy.

Y/n pulls back. "Sorry."

"No," Jennie is quick to say. Jennie takes Y/n's hands and moves them back to her thighs, trying to will away her flush of embarrassment. "Please."

"Are you sure this is-" Y/n has that look in her eyes again, that mixture between fear and want, the same one that was there when Jennie kissed her for the first time. "Is this okay?"

Jennie feels her heart ache somewhere through the haze of lust and she slowly leans down to press their foreheads together. "What?"

"I don't know if we should."


"It's just- Kissing is one thing but- but this..." Y/n trails off and Jennie feels the world like a blow to her stomach.

"Oh," She mutters quietly, gulping. "Okay. It's okay if you don't want to." Jennie begins to pull back, tries to mask her disappointment, but she sees panic flare in Y/n's eyes, the older buy not letting her move away.

"That's not it, Jennie."

"Then what?"

Y/n averts her eyes. "We- I mean- I'm not like others."

"What do you mean?"

"I- I have a penis. I know it sounds so weird but it's how I'm. I'm an intersex and- maybe it's not what you thought bout me when we first met but-"

"Y/n," Jennie interrupts before more of those hurtful words can leave Y/n's lips. "It's okay Y/n. I don't see you as a different person cause of the way you are. It's okay to be an Intersex. I will still like you the way I have liked you from the very first."

Y/n nods and kisses her cheek, her arms pulling Jennie closer until their chests are pressed together and she continues to brush her lips along Jennie's skin, little open mouthed kisses that nearly drive Jennie mad with want.

She's moaning softly when Y/n starts nipping on her neck and her hips roll down on instinct. She can feel Y/n through her sweats press right up against her, where blood is slowly starting to rush together.

Jennie does it again, hips dragging against Y/n's, and Y/n shudders underneath her, and okay.

This is happening.

It's quiet in the bedroom save for the sounds of crickets from outside, so quiet Jennie can hear Y/n breathing a little faster than normal, can hear Kuma moving about the house somewhere, the muted sound of fabric rustling whenever she moves.

Y/n's fingers are trembling against Jennie's hips now and Jennie can't tell if it's from nicotine withdrawal or from nerves. Jennie leans her weight forward so she can balance herself with her hands on the either side of Y/n's shoulders, her eyes never leaving Y/n's, looking for any signs of discomfort, and moves her hips again, down and then forward, hears the hitch in Y/n's breath.

The air heats up between them, the fabric of Jennie's shorts crinkling up between Y/n's fingers where the older is starting to fist it.

She rocks her hips again, feels Y/n push up against her on instinct, a low sound cut off in her throat, her lips lips parting when there centre drag against each other. Y/n visibly twitches in her underwear and Jennie bites down her lips on the growing bulge against her, pleasure slowly sparking her nerves alive.

She could feel her throbbing in her shorts, and Jennie's heart flutters when Y/n's eyes drop to the where Jennie's women hood is, her hands moving to Jennie's thighs, gripping tight.

"Fuck," Y/n breathes, running one of her hands down until she can slide her fingers under Jennie's shorts and touch bare skin, the other moving back up to Jennie's hips, using it to pull Jennie's hips down as she fucks up into her.

Jennie's completely wet at this point, and she tilts her head back, a moan escaping her lips when she moves her hips again because the pressure feels so good on her aching centre, in her shorts and she can feel Y/n rocking against her, can feel her throbbing at every rock of her hips.

Y/n's chest is heaving a little and she keeps swallowing down those pretty moans that are supposed to leave her mouth and Jennie almost comes on the spot at the sight of her; she's looking at Jennie like she's the only thing that matters, her cheeks flushed, her whole face slack with pleasure.

But Jennie wants to hear her; Jennie wants to pull those low, wrecked moans from Y/n's lips, so she stops moving her hips and reaches down between them to press her palm down on Y/n's erection.

It has the girl's hips bucking up, a choked off moan escaping her pink lips, and Jennie shudders at how Y/n closes her eyes and arches a little under the pressure of Jennie's hand.

Y/n curses, fingers digging into Jennie's skin. There's a sheen of sweat already clinging to her collarbones and Jennie has this sudden urge to run her tongue over the delicate bones. Instead she curls her fingers around Y/n's hard dick through her pants, feels it twitch in her hold, and that on it's own almost has her eyes rolling back. She's still humping Y/n's thigh like a desperate teen and everything is so hot and sticky and full of Y/n's scent, the heat of her skin, her moans-

Jennie slips her hand inside without thinking, fingers brushing over the velvety skin of Y/n's dick. They both shudder at the touch and Y/n groans low in her throat when Jennie presses her thumb down on her slit, rubbing circles into the head there until Y/n finally lets out those wrecked moans.

Y/n's hand clamps down over her own to press it down harder, hips rolling up into Jennie's palm, working herself against her hand, and god, it has to be the hottest thing Jennie's seen in the twenty-one years of her lesbian life. "Oh- Oh fuck. Jennie."

"Want you so bad," Jennie whispers. "Want you....inside" And okay, she didn't mean to say that out loud. Her hips stutter and she tries to catch her breath, trying to apologize, but suddenly Y/n swears underneath her again and flips them around expertly so she's on top, Jennie's breath knocked out of her lungs at the sudden action.

Y/n slides into the space between Jennie's thighs, her hands placed on either sides of Jennie's shoulders, chest heaving as she stares down at Jennie. "You're going to be the death of me," She breathes, hips falling down and slotting against Jennie's again.

She can feel the hard line of Y/n's centre right up against her centre and it has her whining in pleasure.

Y/n kisses her, which turns into a mess of panting into each other's mouth when she start rubbing her cock against Jennie's centre, Jennie shuddering violently at the deep pleasure that wracks her body. One of Y/n's hands drag down over her hips to her thigh, pulling it up and hooking Jennie's leg around her waist to get a better angel to thrust inside her.

"Y/n-" Jennie starts but Y/n push her rock hard against her and in a way that has pleasure shooting all the way to the tips of Jennie's fingers, her voice cracking and a whimper catching in her throat. "Does it feel good?"

What a stupid question. Y/n seems to agree because she lets out a breathless laugh before dropping her head against Jennie's neck, panting against the skin, pressing her lips against Jennie's fluttering pulse. Her hips are moving so languidly Jennie can't help but wonder how many times she's done this before. "So good. You feel so good."

Y/n drags her lips over Jennie's skin, the juncture of her neck, and Jennie tangles her fingers in Y/n's hair, trying to pull her closer, her thighs clamping together around the girl's hips as the pleasure starts to build up until she can't think beyond the muffled sounds Y/n makes and the mind numbing friction on on her centre.

"I'm close," Jennie weakly says, her hips pressing up against Y/n's harder.

"Oh fuck- fuck, Y/n, please, I'm so close- Are you-"

"Yeah, yeah, me too." Y/n presses a shaky kiss against Jennie's neck, hips speeding up. She can tell Y/n is getting close, releasing those beautiful breathy, rough moans like she's not holding back anymore.

Jennie squeezes her eyes shut when her orgasm hits her, head dropping back into the pillow and thighs trembling around Y/n's hips as she spurts against Y/n's, hot and sticky and so hard it feels like she's going to pass out. Y/n breathes her name, kisses her lips, and Jennie comes back, moaning weakly, pleasure still running through her veins.

She grabs Y/n's hips and pulls her down against her, pressing kisses against her slack mouth until Y/n's hips start to stutter and press down hard on Jennie as she comes. She lets out the most beautiful, wrecked moans Jennie has ever heard, the front of her boxers hot and sticky against Jennie's own, and ajennie feels dirty in the best way possible.

A few moments pass, filled with their frantic breathing and the pleasure thrumming in Jennie's body slowly ebbing away. Jennie holds Y/n against her, her heart racing and skin coated in a sheen of sweat and feels the older kiss her neck a few times before she pulls away.

Y/n looks down at her, her cheeks flushed and hair mussed from Jennie's hands. "I take it back," is the first thing she says, and the words make Jennie's heart sink a little.


"About you not being sexy," Y/n quietly says, smiling weakly at the relief washing over Jennie's face. Y/n pull up her pants and help Jennie to do hers.

Jennie whines, Y/n chuckles and kisses her cheek, and there goes her plan of her trying to make Y/n stop treating her like a kid.

Maybe she just has to accept the fact that she is a brat, but who cares?

Y/n just kind of dry humped her into another dimension.

Nothing could ruin her mood right now.

Y/n leans down and kisses whatever words were about to leave Jennie's lips away, both of them smiling despite the sticky state of their bedsheet. Jennie tangles her hand into Y/n's hair, sighing at the groan that leaves Y/n's plush lips where their brushing against her own, slow and soft.

And when she leans away, her forearms braced on either side of Jennie's head, caging her in and making her feel safe and wanted, Jennie needs a moment to take this whole moment in.

How Y/n looks right now, so real, like she's completely carefree for once and letting Jennie see each and every emotion she's feeling.

Jennie brushes her thumb over Y/n's eyebrow and watches the older lean into the touch, like a kitten, humming under her breath, and Jennie's heart swells in size, feeling too big for her chest.

She's so in love with Y/n it hurts.

She used to think her insomnia was a fucking curse when it kept her awake for endless nights, but right now, with Y/n looking at her like she's the only thing she wants to look at, Jennie feels like it's a blessing more than anything.

"What are you thinking?" Y/n asks.

Jennie blinks at her, her pillowy lips, her dark eyes and cute nose, and feels like bawling like a baby. Instead she smiles, as brightly as she can, watches how Y/n's gaze turns impossibly fond and how the older leans in to steal a kiss, gentle and loving. "I'm thinking..."


"We should do it again."

Y/n freezes, and then she drops her head on Jennie's chest, and they both start laughing, and has Jennie mentioned that she's in love?

She is.

She's in so deep not even Lisa will be able to drag her stupid ass out of this one.



There's a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently, and Jennie tries to burrow deeper into the blankets, not wanting to wake up yet.

"Hey, Jennie, I need to go," Y/n whispers, her fingers running through Jennie's hair, making her body naturally press into the touch. "Your grandma is back."

Jennie's eyebrows furrow, her sleep clouded mind barely able to register what's going on. The window is open, she can feel the cool morning breeze on her heated, sweaty skin. The birds aren't chirping yet though, so it must be very early in the morning.

She blinks her eyes open and can't help but smile when she's met with Y/n looming over her, their faces close.

Y/n looks stressed but her eyes soften at the smile Jennie gives her. "Jen."

"Are you leaving?"

Y/n gives a curt nod and brushes Jennie's sweaty bangs out of her eyes. "Your grandma is already back."



Jennie frowns and rubs at her eyes, unable to comprehend what Y/n is saying. Until she properly takes in Y/n's face, the worried crease between her eyes, the tension in her shoulders, the words that just left her lips.

Grandma is back.

Jennie sucks in a breath and sits up, her hand shooting out to touch Y/n's cheek. "Did she-"

Y/n nods, and she lets out a shaky breath, turning her head to press a kiss to Jennie's palm, soft and lingering. She looks soft and cuddly and Jennie wants nothing more than pull her back into the bed and pretend everything is okay and not potentially about to go to shit in the blink of an eye.

"It's my fault. I should've left earlier. I'm sorry, Jennie, I really didn't think-"

Jennie shushes her by moving her hand to press her palm over Y/n's mouth. "Don't. It's okay. Grandma isn't- There's nothing wrong with two girls sharing a bed. You do it with the others all the time."

Y/n looks at Jennie, her chest falling and rising gently as she lowers Jennie's hand, tangling their fingers together, and a sad smile appears on her face, her eyes impossibly fond, and Jennie's heart aches at the sight. "But I don't hold them the way I held you."

"Don't be scared," Jennie says despite Y/n's words sending heat rushing to her cheeks. "I'll talk to her. I'll make up an excuse. I'm sure she didn't even see anything, okay? Please don't-"

"Hey, Jen," Y/n interrupts her and leans in to place her hand on Jennie's neck, pulling her closer so their foreheads can touch. Jennie's heart is racing. She closes her eyes and tries to calm down, focuses on Y/n's warmth, her touch, her sweet scent. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine as long as you are. Okay? And you'll be fine. You're right. She didn't see anything suspicious."

Jennie hesitates as she looks into Y/n's eyes and nods. "Okay."

Y/n gives her a tiny smile and Jennie wants to kiss her. "I have to leave now but... uhm. Last night was-" Y/n starts blushing and Jennie bites down on her tongue before she can say those three words that keep bubbling in the back of her throat out loud. "It was kind of the best night of my life. I mean. Fuck I'm sorry. That came out too cheesy but it's true. You, uhm. I really, you know-"

Jennie kisses her, her heartbeat furious behind her ears, and Y/n sags against her, melting into the kiss for a moment before both of them remember where they are and pull back.

Y/n's eyes convey all the words she fails to say out loud and Jennie honestly doesn't know what she did in another live to deserve being looked at like that.

"I'll see you, yeah?"

Jennie nods and rubs at her eyes again, smiling to herself when Y/n leans in to kiss her forehead before she gets up to grab her phone and wallet. "See you, Y/n."

Y/n turns to shoot her a smile over her shoulders and leaves.

She hears her say goodbye to her grandmother quietly, hears her equally quiet voice say something back, and Jennie's heart starts feeling heavy.

There's a knock on the door, and Jennie slowly lifts her head, the wind from the open window ruffling through her bangs.

"Jennie?" Her grandmothers' soft voice echoes in the hallway.

Jennie takes a deep breath and makes her decision.
I have changed the smut yes and also they hv changed their bedsheets dw🧍🏻

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