Reruns (Elizabeth Olsen Fanfi...

By AnnaVilog

72.5K 3.7K 583

(Book 2 of Photograph) It's been 2 years since Elizabeth and Shannon's relationship faded into nothing and wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Author's Note

Chapter 4

1K 44 8
By AnnaVilog

"So, where are we heading?" I asked as soon as I turned on the engine of my car with Scarlett on the passenger side. Never in my life did I imagine something like this would happen to me like I have the Scarlett Johansson in my passenger seat and that is fucking insane. If I tell this to Zoe she's going to flip out. Speaking of Zoe, I really need to shoot her up a text that I might be going home late tonight. She worries too much every time I'm out with my car since the day she found out about the accident.

Scarlett gives me the address and I was a bit concern of her choice of restaurant because its quite expensive but I'll work it out, its a good thing I have my credit card on me right now. The ride was silent and it was ringing in my ears and I really can't stand it. There is still tension between us so I decided to put on some tunes just to ease up a bit and distract me. She doesn't say a thing and just looks around my car.

"Are you okay? Should I stop the music?" I say making head snap at me at the sudden sound of my voice.

"No, keep it on its good." She smiles before looking around once again. "Your car, its cool." She adds.

"Thanks, she is very pretty." I really appreciate her effort on making small talks just so we can fade the tension away but its too strong for it to just disappear.

"She?" I let out a chuckle as I look at the questionable looks she's giving me. She must be thinking I treat my car as a girl because I like girls and that is not the point.

"Yea, are all cars females? Do you know that?" She shrugs and smiles at me. A genuine smile this time and that made me feel less awkward around her but still there is some tension hovering above us.

"So what's her name?" I smile at the question remembering how I really love her name. It came up to me in a dream after I saw it when I came back here in LA and it really fits her.

"Chase" Her smile grew wider this time before releasing a giggle. So I'm guessing she likes it. " Yea, I'd like to think that she's fast and cool and I think that just fits her." She looked at me again but this time studying my face like she's trying to figure out if I'm being serious or having a laugh. I kept my eyes on the road and think of something or anything to take her attention away from my face because I'm starting to get awkward again.

"Where were you these past few years. Haven't seen you around. It's like you disappeared into thin air." She whispers slowly and I can hear the sad tone lingering in her voice and it makes me wonder, is she and I were like close? But how the fuck did I got to be friends with her? It doesn't make sense to me at all.

"I'm in Dallas and then the pandemic started so I was stuck there for quite some time. I just got back actually December last year because I got a call from my manager about my job at Marvel that I didn't know how I even got it. Do you?" I glanced at her and she is still looking at me with that look on her face so I looked away and just kept my eyes on the road. We're pretty close to the restaurant and I can already feel my guts wrenching inside of my body.

"You really don't remember a single thing?" She asks and I just shake my head in response. "Apart from Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan giving me the same look you had when you saw me.-"

"Right so you've met them?"

"Yea, and I just went with it hoping it would make them feel better. I really don't want to make them feel bad if I told them I couldn't recall a single memory that I've met them before and then it happened again with the cast of Eternals, Shang Chi and Loki. It was starting to become a routine even Dani was quite entertained by it. But yours was the biggest reaction so far so I'm guessing we had a close relationship, I guess. I really have no idea." She sits back on her seat with a huge sigh and I felt heavy on my chest as she does this. I pulled over to the parking lot near the restaurant and turned off the engine before glancing at her. She's still in deep thought. She has her eyes stuck on the front compartment while running her fingers on her lips.

"We're here" I say and she jumps slightly before turning to me. I offered an apologetic smile before I grab my things and get off the car. I jogged towards her side and opened the door for her helping her out making sure she's secure.

"Thanks" She smiles. I close the door and locked the car before turning towards her with a thought that just popped right into my head making me quite nervous. I nearly forgot I'm with a celebrity.

"Scarlett?" She hums in response looking up to me as we start walking.

"Whatever happens, please stay close to me. I mean- the paparazzi, if ever they jump out of the blue. I know you hate those people, I guess." I say nervously and I really don't know why but this makes her smile in an odd way though. She's still in deep thought.

And just what I thought, as soon as we got on the street I hear and flashes of camera and their voices tangled up to each other making it hard to understand what the hell they are saying. Scarlett stayed close to me and my hand slightly touches her back shielding her from them.

Stay close, sweetheart.

My heart starts pumping in my chest as a scene flashes into my mind the same time flashes starts blinding me. I don't know if its a memory or a dream. Either way, it felt so real. What the hell was that? I got too lost in my thoughts as we continue to make our way in the restaurant. That flashback, it hit me real good.

"Shan?" I snapped out of my daze as I felt a hand on my arm. So I look to my side and saw Scarlett looking at me with confusion and worry in her eyes. I must've zoned since I just realized she's waiting for me so we can go to our table. I gave her a smile and nod and start walking while I shake the thought out of my head.

We were guided to a more secluded area of the restaurant and as I look around. I realized that I'm a bit underdressed for this place but so far no one notices yet. A waiter comes to us and gives us the menu and yup this is expensive but whatever, its just a one time thing. We tell our orders to the waiter and he gladly took it before leaving us alone and I guess to talk.

"You go to this place more often?" I asked cursing myself for that question. To be honest, I'm really stressed right now, my headache is getting worse by the minute so I'm trying my hardest to divert my thoughts because its getting messy up there.

"Sometimes, but mostly on important occasions." She looks at me in a way I couldn't quite get.

"So this is an important occasion?" I let out a soft chuckle as I sip some of my wine. And this is some good wine right here, it figures why this place costs that much.

"You can call it that. This is actually where we first met in the flesh I mean." My brows furrowed upon hearing that. There's something in her eyes that makes me want to believe her but the chances of me affording this kind of shit is fucking zero percent so how on earth did I came to this place and meet her.

"Hmm, I'm sorry to say this but I think you might be confusing me with someone else-"

"What? No I'm not." She shakes her head in disagreement. "Do you have a twin who's name is Shannon Beveridge. If you do then maybe I am confusing you with someone else." She sighs sitting back on her seat looking quite stressed with the situation. That shut me up in an instant. She's scary when she's upset and I felt bad about it really. But what am I suppose to tell her, I'm also confused on about everything right now.

"I'm sorry." She eventually say cutting the silence between us. I gave her a small smile and nod trying to lighten up the situation. Our food came in so we start eating and hell this is so good and I just realized, I haven't had anything on me since this morning and I only ate the sandwich Dani gave to me as a snack while we were on the shoot. This is worth it, worth every penny in my credit card.

"Woah, slow down tiger." I look up to Scarlett with a mouthful of pasta in my mouth and I must've look like some homeless girl who haven't eaten anything for the past couple of days because then she giggles in her seat before taking a bite of her own food. I feel my blood rush to my cheeks as I chew and swallow my food before sitting up straight and start to eat slowly. I've been embarrassing myself since this morning, what's with today anyway.

"You alright?" She giggles again and I can't help but to join her at how I probably look like earlier.

"I'm sorry, I'm just hungry and this is so good." She gives me a proper smile this time. We continue to eat our food in silence which is fine by me, but I can't help but to think if this is it. She knows something about me that I don't know and I can feel her holding back but at the same time I don't want to push her in some way. But God, this is so stressful. Do I tell her? about the accident? Maybe then she would understand. Why didn't I thought of that earlier.

"Uh Scarlett?" I start and she hums in response looking up from her half eaten meal and gives me a smile. "Yea, uh- I'm sorry if I can't remember you. Really, I am.-"

"Shan, What happened? Why can't you remember a single thing. I really am so lost right now and clueless on what is happening because its just two years. You can't forget someone that easily unless something happened"

"Yea, something did happen." I mutter, almost to myself. I really don't like talking about the accident even though I didn't actually know what happened but whenever I get to talk about it, I feel something heavy inside of me and it doesn't feel so good. I really can't explain it, but its there.

"I had an accident two years ago, car accident" I hear her gasp but I continued anyway. "I don't really know what happened. My family didn't mentioned it to me. I wake up in a hospital bed with no memory of what happened before and during the crash. I have dreams and flashbacks but I don't really know if they're my memories. I'm really sorry, I should've told you this earlier but I panicked and somehow forgot about it." By the time I was finished, Scarlett has her hands over her mouth in shock trying to process everything I just said to her. So I wait patiently, cautiously staring at the small amount of left over pasta that I've been dying to put into my mouth. At the same time not wanting to make her feel like I'm unbothered by the situation and the sudden confession I made. I'm just that hungry

"I'm sorry, It makes more sense to me now." She eventually say maybe after a few minutes or so making me look up to her. "Oh my God, so you don't-" I shake my head knowing what's next to that. I watch as she suddenly takes her wine glass and drank all the contents of it. Damn this woman.

"What the fuck?" She whisper yells in complete disbelief. "I'm sorry." She whispers sadly and I wonder how close are we for her to react this way. She's too affected by it. Am I really friends with celebrities two years ago?

"Its alright, that was two years ago." I gave her a reassuring smile and finally taking this chance to finish off my food. "But I'm really curious though, how did we meet? Because last thing I remember when I woke up was being heart broken by my ex girlfriend Cari who fucking treated me like crap 2 months ago when in reality that was almost a year ago so in what time of that year did we meet?"

"Uh- yea, that was the last thing you remember.Hmm " She mumbles to herself quite deep in thought so I wait again taking a sip of my wine cleaning my palette before looking at her. I watch as her brows furrow while she takes her phone out of her bag and for some reason, my heart starts pumping in my chest. I don't know why does it do that but I have a feeling I will discover something tonight and I don't know if my mind could take it or not.

"Here, have you seen this show?" She faced her phone to me and I see a picture of Elizabeth Olsen and the words written on the side 'Sorry For Your Loss'. It felt familiar in some way but I haven't seen it yet. I try so hard to remember it but nope.

"No, haven't heard of it." I shake my head and she lets out a deep shaky breath which made me so confuse on what she's trying to say. "Did we watch Sorry For Your Loss together?" I say and she shakes her head.

"You directed that." She says and I felt my heart stopped in that moment. I'm not quite sure if I heard that correctly so I say,

"Come again? did you just say I directed a show?" She nods her head but still, I'm not convinced on what she just told me so my eyes squinted at her and she rolls her eyes and starts to type on her phone again. She mumbles something under her breath but I didn't quite get what she was saying.

"Here." She shows me the list of the whole production team and under directors there was me. 'Shannon Beveridge (Head Director)' with a picture of me on the side. I read the words over and over again trying to make myself believe that this is real, I was a head director. I can feel my heart pumping through my ears and my hands starts to sweat. Why didn't my parents tell me about this even Casey. What the hell.

"Do you believe me now?" I hear Scarlett says snapping me out of my daze as she takes her phone away from my face.

"When was that?" I whispered clearly shocked by that.


"The same year." I whispered to myself. Now, I'm trying to recall if there were flashbacks that came to me before that will support that fact. But I got nothing.

"Shan are you okay, maybe we should-"

"No, you still haven't answered my question." It came out in a more serious tone this time not being able to control my emotions right now. My head is all over the place. She sighs in hesitation looking at me with worried eyes but looks down on her phone and types in again. I wait again. But this time, I wait impatiently. My leg starts bouncing from the floor in a rapid way as I felt the pasta in my stomach spinning too fast at the anxiety building up inside me.

After what seems like an hour but in reality it was just 5 seconds, she looks up to me. Her brows curve with sympathy and her eyes were hesitant so I raised my brows and give her a nod. She lets out a sigh before facing her phone towards me.

"Do you know her?" She asks sadly and my eyes furrow in confusion as my eyes set on a picture of Elizabeth Olsen.

"Yea, its Elizabeth Olsen. How can somebody not know her? She's that fucking famous and one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen and that includes you too"She smiles at the compliment but that smile only lasted for a few seconds before she looks at me in defeat and that made me more confuse. "Scarlett can you just tell me how did we meet? because the suspense you're giving me is actually killing me right now. I don't even understand why you are showing me Elizabeth Olsen's picture." She lets out a sigh before letting out a huge breath.

"How do I put this. its very complicated. I mean-"

"Just tell me, please." I begged and she sighs in defeat leaning closer to the table and starts to talk.

"So as I said earlier, you directed the show Sorry For Your Loss so that only means you've worked with Lizzie." Right, I remember she was on the picture so surely I might've worked with her and how I wish I know how that felt like. That must've felt like a dream.

"So there was one time I was having dinner with her and I think you we're in Canada because of a wedding or something and you called her quite intoxicated as she said." Did I just heard her right?

"Woah, wait." She stops and look at me with raised brows as I let out a soft chuckle. "Remind me why I have Elizabeth Olsen's number and why the fuck am I calling her intoxicated while I was in a wedding?" Just saying that out loud still doesn't make sense to me.

"I think that was the time you were getting closer to each other." My brows furrowed at that. She was saying this like there was a lot more to it and my heart agrees with me.

"What do you mean? I don't, did we become best friends or something." I chuckled slightly but she just stares at me hesitantly.


"Uh-More like in a relationship. You two were a couple."

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