The Switch (JakeHoon&HeeJake)


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"Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret" - Jake "Opportunities only knock once, take risk"... More

End of Book 1
Hi Guys!!!
The Little Royals


524 37 23


It is chaos right now. After what happened to Hanbin hyung, I know we're not opting for as peaceful as less blood shed as possible but with what they did to Hanbin, that option is no more. They are clearly wanting us to strike first and I won't let that. We may be thirsty for war right now but attacking first is no use because I for sure know that they are waiting for us.

I am in Jay's room as I watch him pack his bags. He will take over K hyung in Zequiero because now way in hell will I let K hyung be mentally tortured. The more he stays there, the more he will be desperate to avenge Hanbin hyung and the more he will feel weak because of the fact that Hanbin hyung is gone.

I ordered for him to come here for Jay to take his place and also because I want K hyung to have a break. To at least mourn. The first time he has ever love someone turns this way and I can't even imagine how much pain he is in.

"I will take my leave. The helicopter just landed, I think K hyung arrived as well. I'll make sure to bring you information as soon as possible. Take care and do not make rash decisions"

"I won't. . . take care over there. . "

"You know, you're mean, you sent your brother to Segovia and you're sending me away too. .  what happened to our trio?"

"Yah it's for the best . . plus, since when did you care about our trio? It is always Sunoo who insist . ."

"I'm kidding. .  I'll get going .  the earlier I get there, the better. ."

We exit the palace and into the front yard where the helicopter is currently parked. K hyung slowly stepped out of the vehicle before Jay and I immediately rushed to his aid. Just as he held onto us, his sobs that were kept for days broke out.

I can't help but let my tears slide down. He's always so strong and seeing him like this makes me want to kill that empire more. Of course I won't do that because there are also innocent citizens in there. And I bet that empire had a whole ass media ready for when we attack first. in that way, they can paint us the bad ones who attack first. Then the whole world will be on our tail.

Not gonna happen.

"Everything will fall into place . . ."

"Please . . allow me on the front line your Majesty"

Jay and I glanced at each other after his statement. K has always been behind the front line because Jay and I does not allow him in the front line just in case the war got nasty, we still have reserved strength in the army but now, his equest to be in the front line is clear that he is thirsty for blood. He needs to cool down first.

"You can have the front line . . but, just like every other warrior, you need to pass by the head of the warriors. . and I know you will do it . . . but for now, Jay will be away, when he is back, we will talk about it. ."

If after he cools down and he still wants to be in the front line, I will allow it. But I trust K hyung that he will make a decision that is best for him and the people.

The helicopter flew away before K and I walked back in the palace.

"Prince Jake seems to be doing well in gathering himself. . ."

"That's good news then. . I know Heeseung can manage. ."

"Sunghoon. . . Zequiero's captive. . I am positive it is him. . my brother. ."

"Hyung, are you sure you can handle?"

"I have to . . I failed Hanbin and now he's gone.  .I can't fail my brother this time. . I have searched so long for him and now, I found him. . . I cannot let this chance pass. . I don't want to loose someone again. . . "

"What about his claim? He keeps saying he's a member of Segovia's royal family. . ."

"Because he is . . . the king didn't have one concubine. .  he had multiple. It just so happened that he loved one of them the most and didn't bother about the others, including my mom. . . so my half brother is indeed half royal. . . "

Excuse me?

"How old is your brother?"

"He's born in 2005. . . he just turned 17. ."

Why didn't he tell me sooner? Why didn't he tell me his mom was impregnated by the king?

My concern right now will be the fact that Hetheria must have known about his identity that's why they took him, to prevent Segovia's rise.

This could not only endanger Riki even more but also K's brother.

"Hyung . . . I found the prince. . . he's the son of the concubine you mentioned before and he's currently training in secret. . and I think the reason they held your brother captive for years is because they knew about his real identity. They knew he's the prince"

"They made me want to kill them even more.  . "

"Hyung . .  why didn't you tell me in the first place that your brother is a prince?"

"Because I know how much Segovia mean to you and how much it means to you reviving it. . . I know my brother is not the prince you're looking for and I don't want you to have false hopes so I just helped find the real heir instead.  . and also, I want you to find the heir sooner to revive my hometown"

"Yes, reviving Segovia means so much to me but you could've thought about your brother first. He's your brother. . we could've rescued him earlier. . Jake didn't tell me about Hanbin's kidnap . . and you didn't tell me about your brother being a prince . . . hyung, we couldn't move on more quickly if we have details missing and if we have gaps that continuously appear. . . hyung, we will not loose and as your prince, I assure you that no one, and I mean no one will die again. . if someone really has to, I'll make sure it would be me and not anyone else. . . K hyung, I'm your prince but I'm also your friend, you can trust me as I trust you . . "

"I'm sorry your highness. . . it won't happen again. ."

"I know . . . for now, let us think of ways to make Hetheria and the rest to fall into their own trap. I don't wanna attack first but it is hard to not shed blood. An asshole of a king like Hetheria's wouldn't care for civilians so when we think of something, include the citizens. . . if a war will take place, I want every citizen in Zeviera, Zequiero and Segovia to be fully protected, take that into account as well"

"Of course. . . "

"Go to sleep hyung. . . you came back to rest and heal, . do just that"

K hyung went back to his room when my phone rang and it is Jake so I immediately answered it.

"Sunghoon. . . . I need your help"

"What is it?"

"I want to do something against Hetheria . . . and I need your help"

"What? Jake please take your time . . . "

"No . . I'm fine . . . Heeseung was right, every prince has their breaking point . . . and I had mine but I won't show them that they won from what they want . . I will connect us with Jaeyun ..  Heeseung is here . . . "

A few seconds later, Jaeyun's face appeared on screen.

"So, what's up?"

"I plan to go to Hetheria . . . "

Series of what was heard before Jake even continue.

"Listen the two of you . . Jake is not done"

Heeseung spoke making Jaeyun and I shut up.

"Before I continue, Jaeyun, I need you to pretend to be me again"

I don't know if Jaeyun froze or if his phone/Internet lagged because he's literally not moving.

"Jaeyun, did you hear me?"

"Loud and clear Jake, loud and clear ..  "

Jaeyun replied making me more intrigued of the plan.



I am so pumped up with Jake's plan because it is so genius in my opinion, totally not biased because I love him. He consulted it with Jay right after the warrior landed making Jungwon sulky because he missed a moment with his man.

Now, I am with Jay as he lead the whole army with such authority that I can't imagine was tamed by a bunny looking cat.

He instructed them with precise and specific instructions without disclosing the plan. He sneakily told them to prepare just in case an attack happen. He also taught them how to position in a battle to not get easily ambushed. Come to think of it, if they will really attack, they are at a disadvantage because they're in a stranger's territory.

Sunghoon and K will take care of the other kingdom and after we relayed the plan to Riki, he immediately agreed and that kid has Nicholas and Fuma by his side. After Jake told his plan to Riki and Sunoo, the bubbly prince then devised his own plan in connection to Jake's plan and trust me, it is genius.

Jungwon on the other hand will serve as our eyes and ears on this operation. He will watch over all of us to make sure everyone is in their right places and that the plan is going well.

How will he do it? Well, after the crisis broke out, he found ways to still keep in touch without actually doing it. He taught himself how to work a drone, a spy camera, microphone and of course, computers. Can you believe it?

Well, that's a secret he just shared after we all say yes to the plan.



Everyone is busy working, planing, training and I am still here, cooking. As time passed by without peace, I am slowly feeling like my worth in this palace is slowly fading. Sooner or later, they will throw me out because I am useless.

Well, I know they won't throw me out but you can't blame me. They are all knowledgeable with fighting and saving the kingdom while I know nothing but stoves and pans.

I am currently at Nicholas' room because he's at Segovia and I am here feasting on his wines, I just finished my second bottle.

Come to think of it, my presence in here really has nothing to do with them. Even a traitor like Taki has at least a purpose while I have been here for a long time and I still don't see my worth.

"Well this is not a sight I'm expecting to see upon my return ."

I raised my head meeting the eyes of the person who spoke and immediately in my mind, I know that at least someone can care for me. But then, I remembered how we're not in good terms because of my stupidity again.

"Nicho? How are you here? I thought you have an assignment. ."

My head is spinning, I now noticed it.

"The prince called me because apparently, he sensed your heavy thoughts.  . . you know Sunghoon can see right through everyone. . . he won't help you if you won't tell him what's bothering you . . . "

"It's nothing, he should bother more about the kingdom . . ."

"you're literally his friend . . . how can he not worry?"

"I just want to help but I can't because I know nothing but the kitchen"

"You're helping. . ."

"No I'm not"

"Euijoo you can really be stupid at times. . . what do you think keeps a man from starving? Food. . . ."

"so what? I just make them"

"That's the help they need from you . . . every person can offer help in different ways. If everyone is a warrior, how can they eat if no one cooks? Don't over think things because that's what hurts you over and over again. . ."

"I'm not useless?"

"You never were . . . ."

"You're not mad at me then?"

"I'm still mad at you . . . but you need assurance right now so that's what I'm here for . . I can lecture you when you're sober . . ."

"Thank you. . ."

Is it just me or is he looking more handsome today? Is it because of alcohol? Or because I haven't seen him in months? Or because he changed his hair?

"Enough with the alcohol. . . come on, sleep. You're lucky Riki is a fast learner I got here in no time. . "

"Hetheria made me think I'm useless. . . they called me and promised me that I'll be more useful in their side. . . I began to think and because I can't gather my thoughts I came here . . . "

"So you almost betrayed Sunghoon?"

"Yes . . ."

"Sleep. . . tell him everything tomorrow ok? It will help with his work . . . and please don't let anyone dictate your worth, especially when that someone is a stranger"

If I decided to side with them, I will be more useless. So if they managed to brainwash me and contact me, there's a chance that they will do that with the others.

"Nicho. . . if they managed to almost get me. . do you think they also could infiltrate the castle? And also brainwash other staff?"

"Probably. . . I will tell Sunghoon immediately"

"I'll come with you"

Despite my head pounding, I ran with Nicholas to the prince who is currently seated on the couch.

"Sunghoon. . someone is spying in this castle. . they could be a warrior or a palace staff. . ."

He look up before holding up the glass of wine in front of him.

"I know but I cannot pinpoint who but I know they're in the kitchen. Ej, you can look into them for me right? I can't bear a sudden death due to poison. . . "

He broke the glass with his hands and indeed, when it spilled on the table, the wood immediately changed color.

Shit! I am in charge of the kitchen what am I thinking?!


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