My Obsessive Stalker (werewol...

By jamilah1125

395K 12K 1.2K

UNEDITED/poorly written when I was younger (needs severe editing) "Becky, I'm scared! Someone's following me... More

All Rights Reserved & Other Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
New story!!!
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Everything's Lost!!!
Chaper 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
IMPORTANT A/N- Impacts You!
Chapter 30
A/N You Guys Voted For Option.....
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Important A/N-Wattpad Glitch!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 7

12.1K 362 57
By jamilah1125

Katherine's POV

I am sitting on the sofa with my favourite mug filled with hot chocolate, and a blanket is placed over me.

It's Sunday afternoon and its been raining all day. I've decide to stay in my pyjamas because I wasn't going anywhere so what was de point in changing right?

Knowing, if mum was here she'd cone out of the kitchen, spoon in hand, an tell me to go right upstairs and change into a clean pair of clothes.

I smiled as I remembered the day I got a B+ on a surprise history test, but was hoping for a A.

Falshback-Katherine POV

"I can't believe I got a B+ on that damn test! Stupid Mr Wholesworth! He so gave it to me in purpose; let's face it, I'm not exactly an angel.

I bet he set the whole thing up! Just to get back at me for speaking back to him after I corrected him when he had got something wrong. I mean come on! Everyone knows that it was Charles the first made the deal with the Scots to start the second civil war in 1648! Not in 1650! It's a wonder how he is a History teacher when he doesn't even get his facts right!

And then theres the fact I put super glue on his chair so when he sat down the chair was stuck on his butt and couldn't get up.

But did I really deserve a B+!

I swear in class, when we were all seated he looked straight at me and said there would be a History test on everything. And I mean everything! Everything we had learnt in the whole year.

Mind me, but I did get the highest mark in the whole class, but still! He knows how much my marks mean to me in order for me to go to the perfect college!

I was supposed to get an A but nooooooo; he just had to get his stupid revenge! That dimwit!" I mumble to myself as I sit in my bed at 10am in the morning.

'U know what? I'm not even going to change today. Might as well mope around in my pyjamas' I thought to myself.

I walked over to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and made my way down.

Hopefully mum wouldn't say anything. Or, even better yet, wouldn't notice.

"Honey, go upstairs and change right now! I don't care what grade your teacher gave you and how miserable you are about it! A woman should always be neat and tidy. Bow go upstairs and change into anything, but make sure it's clean" she lectured me as I stood in front of her.

I knew it would have been asking too much for her not to notice. But come on! The least she could've done is not say anything.

"But muuuuuuuuuuuuuuum" I whined.

"Don't 'muuuuuuuuuuuuuuum' me. Go upstairs and change".

I was about to say something but dad interrupted me. Really dad, really!?

"Oh, leave her be Sarah. She's not going anywhere so there is no point is there?" He said.

Never mind dad! Say anything you like. In fact interrupt us whenever you like...just as long as your taking my side.

Mum glared at dad and I stifled my laughter.

She then turned to look at me and I gave her the puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. There is no way she can say no to this!

Her eyes softened and I knew I had her. Yes!

"Fine! Stay in your pyjamas but only for today" she said sternly, making me bod and allowing her to go back into the kitchen to continue making the chocolate chip pancakes.

I walked over to the dining table, where dad was sitting, and I took my seat.

We looked at each other for about 5 seconds before bursting out laughing.

We knew mum would never say no to the puppy dog face and pouty lips.

"I can hear you!" Mum said in a irritated voice from the kitchen, making us stop laughing abruptly.

Then we both burst out laughing again.

I could just imagine mum rolling her eyes at us, in the kitchen, at our childishness.

(End of flashback)
(Still Katherine's POV)

I smiled to myself as I remembered mum and dad. God I miss them so much.

I shook my head as nostalgia took over me for a couple of minutes.

After a while, I start thinking about what has happened to me in the past week and it is absolutely crazy!

So far this is all that has happened to me:

1. Someone has been following me everywhere.

2. Someone has been watching everything I do.

3. Someone was practically chasing me on my way from work.

4. Someone was in my house when I got home. Not only were they in my bedroom but in my house, where I'm supposed to feel safe. If one person could break in then anyone could break in. And by anyone I mean specifically the person that has been following me.

5. And I still don't know what a rogue or Alpha is. And to find out I'll have to ask Becky, but something tells me she'll completely deny it and act like she doesn't know what I'm talking about, when the words came right out her mouth.

I sighed in a distressed manner as I thought everything through.

Why is this happening to me!? What had I done to deserve all of this!? I mean seriously can't a girl live in peace!?

As I sat there thinking everything through I felt a pair of eyes on me again and the uneasiness settles in the pit of my stomach once more.

I looked to my left where my big patio windows and sliding glass doors, which lead to my backyard, are.

I make my over to the patio doors, peak outside and see nothing but rain and the dark, misty forest a couple of kilometres away.

I make sure the patio doors are locked, look outside one last time, before making my way back to sit on the sofa I was sitting on before.

Just as I was about to sit down, there was a knock at my door. Who could that be?

I make my way over to the door, still feeling a pair of eyes on me, before hesitantly and slowly unlock and open the door.

There stood Becky with a small smile on her face, which I immediately returned.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her, stepping to the side so she could get in.

She was wearing a black, wooly sweater that hugged her body, but not in a sluttish way where its really tight on her body.
She had black skinny jeans with it and some black and white converses.
Her hair was done in a high pony tail and she wore a little make-up, giving her a natural look.

She stepped inside, closing her umbrella and setting it down near my door as I closed it.

"Well, there are a lot of reasons why I'm here:
1. I thought you'de need company
2. After yesturday, when you called me running for your life, I wanted to see you.
3. You don't seem bothered at all and act like nothing's happening, like the fact that someone's following you. That worried me and has me absolutely terrified.
4. And finally, I've mossed ya",
She said pulling me into a hug, making me laugh.

That's Becky for you, serious yet bright and I love that about her.

She let me go and we both made our way to the living room and sat down on one of the sofas, while adjusting ourselves o we were facing each other.

"Do you want anything to drink" I asked her.

"No, thank you. I just really want to talk to you, you know? About what happened. I didn't tell the Alp...I mean Jason about someone watching and chasing you, but I did tell him about someone breaking in", she says quickly, trying to cover up she was going to say something else other than Jason.

Was she going to say Alpha again?

"Um, sure Becky. But we might need to do it privately at your place maybe so were not overheard" I said to her more quietly, as I looked over at the patio doors from where I sat.

(Becky's POV)

She looked to her left and I followed her gaze. She was looking at the patio doors from where she sat.

"You can feel the eyes in you can't you?" I ask her quietly already knowing the answer, and also knowing the person who was watching could be what I am, so I was speaking only loud enough, hoping, only she could hear.

She slowly nodded, her eyes fixed on the patio doors as she continues to gaze outside them.

I sniffed a little, using my senses, to see if I could catch a scent but I couldn't.

Damn this rain! I can't smell anything with all this rain covering up all scents.

I had to keep Katherine safe. She is my best friend and she is the only one I can actually tell everything to. Apart from the fact of what I am of course.

She's like a sister to me. The sister I never had but always wanted.

Looking at her bow you could see the small bags under her eyes, most likely from lack of sleep, and she looked paler.

But what really caught you of guard was that there is no emotion on her face as she continued to stare out the patio doors, but you could see the emotion in her eyes. Fear. That's all you could see in her forest green eyes. Fear.

This is the first time I'm actually seeing her scared since the day of her parents' funeral.


Flashback (Becky's POV)

"Becky, I'm scared. What's going to happen to me? I can't do this. They were the strong ones not me. They were my rock Becky, and without them I'm nothing. I'm scared that now they're gone everything will change. That everyone will leave me. They were the ones who stood by me since the day they found me Becky. I'm scared that I won't be happy without them. I'm scared that I'll never have love in my love again. That everyone...including you...that they would..." she says before her sobs get louder.

"That they will why honey?" I ask Katherine while putting a stray hair behind her ear.

We were sitting on her bed and he was crying hysterically. I've never seen her so scared in my life. It broke my heart to see her like this. She's so innocent. Why did this have to happen to her? She's like a baby bird; without guidance from someone she'll fall when she tries to fly.

"That...that they'll leave me by myself" she whimpered, after controlling her sobs, her voice cracking at the end and a stray tear escape from her watery eyes.

She looked down at her hands, where he was holding a beautiful pendent her mum gave to her when she was only one. If you opened it you could see a picture inside of her, her mum and dad.

I was heartbroken the day I heard the news. They were like my second parents.

I pulled her into a hug and straight away she let it all out again.

"Honey, you listen and you listen good okay?" I whispered to her, my voice cracking a little at the end, pulling away from her and placing my hands on her shoulders.

"You're the most string and brave girl I've ever met in my whole life. You need to stay string and keep your head held high. Your parents are prou of you. They love you. I love you. Everyone loves you. No one, and I mean no one, is going to leave you. We are all here for you no matter what. We will stick by you and take care of you. Remember you are never alone because you have me and all the support in the world. Don't ever think you're not strong and that everyone will pick ip and leave because honey, news flash, it's not easy to get away from a person as kind hearted as you. And if anyone ever thinks they can leave you then they are complete idiots and don't deserve to be in your life. So honey, wipe away your tears and don't think anyone will leave you because we won't; we're here for good. You are brave and we are going to go down there and make you parents, prouder than they already are, that you are going to be at their funeral. Don't think of it as saying good bye forever, think of it as if you're saying 'see you later' because they are alway in your heart" I say as I start tearing up and pull her into a hug.

"Thank you Becky. You're the best I love you" I hear her whisper into the crook of my neck.

"You're welcome. You know I'm always here for you right?" I ask.

"I know" I hear her say as I feel her smile against my beck.

(End of flashback)


(Still Becky's POV)

She was always strong and invincible no matter what, but seeing her now...she didn't look string or invincible. She didn't look like my best friend and it worries me. She looks innocent, vulnerable and mostly scared.

I have to find out who is following her no matter what.

If the person is what I am he or he is playing around with her because that person could have easily caught her when they were chasing her yesterday or could've broke into her house by now.

She's one of my best friends and I can' I won't let anyone or anything hurt her.


So what are your thoughts on this chapter?

I wanted to give you guys some insight into Becky's mind an I also wanted to show you guys things from the past, so how did I do?

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!!




Jamilah1125 xx

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