Acotar One-Shots

By linien_laeufer

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Just a few little stories to acotar. Some fluff, smut, sometimes unordinary shippings, whatever comes out xD... More

New Experiment(but still a chapter)
new book✨️
Cassian×Rhysand (Part 2)


4.8K 15 6
By linien_laeufer

This wasn't a request, but I had the idea and just had to write it, see it as my Christmas present! 🎄✨️

This takes place many years after acosf when Nyx is already around eighty years old. (It has a happy end even though the tws sound cruel)

(Y/n)= your name
(Y/nn)= your nickname
(Y/ec)= your eyecolor
(Y/hc)= your haircolor

TW: traumatic past, mental health problems, mentioned death

Nyx Pov.

I'll visit a few more cities, cause here's this myth about a famous thief that I want to see. When I found this person I'll start my way back home.

See you soon mum, tell dad and the others my wishes. (Even though uncle Az probably already knows.)

And with that I winnowed the letter into the riverhouse, to my family, home.

Right now I was hundreds of miles away from home. I was exploring other parts of our world. At this point I was somewhere in the middle of the continent.

I'm regularly going further through the countries, around here rumors about a thief can be heard. But the rumors are pretty different. Some of them say that the thief is a tall male with thin limbs, able to move like smoke. Others say that it's a woman and that she is a serial killer as well. The rumors about this killing are strange too, because some say the person murders for fun, others say that they're an assassin, murdering for whatever you are willing to sacrifice.

Somehow I made it my mission to find this person and figure out what was true about the rumors. If anything was true, then this probably wasn't the best idea, but I just hope it will work out in the end.

I was walking down a street in a little town, the houses were old but beautiful. Everything seemed pretty peaceful till a scream broke through.

Men and women were running around, everybody searching for something and trying to be as fast as possible while looking terrified. I couldn't even comprehend what was happening until I was in the flow myself.

I quickly winnowed onto a roof, trying to find the cause of this panic.

Suddenly someone caught my eye. It was a dark figure, moving trough different allies and doing a good job at being unnoticed by everybody else.

The person made their way out of the town and wandered off into the forest. Hope bloomed inside of me that it was the one I was searching for. I followed quietly, uncle Az's training paying of once more.

This chase went on for several minutes. When the figure was about to cross a clearing they suddenly went still, no movement left, they stood like a statue. I waited, but even after two more minutes nothing happened. I blinked and from one second to the other - they were gone. What?!

"How long do plan on following me?", a raspy voice whispered into my ear. A jolt went trough me, the shock so big that I fell down from the branch.

When I hit the ground my head was pounding, everything was fuzzy, but then the figure with the black coat stepped back into my view. They knelt down to me.

"Who are you? I've never seen you around here before.", they said. I couldn't make out their face, cause it was covered with a cloth. The voice became softer, the raspiness was probably from unuse.

I couldn't answer, everything blurred more and the last thing I saw before I lost consciousness were two bright blue lights. Somehow these lights were soothing, sending calm trough my body as they got closer.


My head was pounding like crazy and my sense of orientation wasn't working. I had no clue where I was or what had happened in the first place, but I what I noticed was a song. A beautiful song sung by a soft voice, one that I had heard before.

Little flashes that seemed to be memories crashed into my mind, I abruptly sat up and opened my eyes. I was frantically looking around the room, well cave, I didn't notice the voice going quiet.

When I turned around though I saw a woman sitting near the fire on the ground. She was still wearing the dark cloak from earlier, but her face wasn't hidden anymore. Her (y/ec) eyes were staring into mine. Her (y/hc) locks were falling around here face softly and the flames illuminated her nose and lips. She looked like a stranded angel.

"You're awake.", she stated. I only gave a nod. My body frozen, still comprehending the situation. As I realized that we were in a cave I started wondering.

"I brought you here after you passed out.", she explained as she noticed my gaze.

"Thanks.", I muttered. "Who are you?", I asked the first thing that came to my mind.

"I could ask you the same thing.", she smirked. It was a feline one, warning but oh so intriguing.

"But I asked first.", I said against all my instincts. I knew damn well that this woman would be able to kill me in a matter of seconds, but I wasn't scared. The only thing I wanted was to cross the distance between us and learn as much about her as possible.

"I'm (y/n).", she said after a short moment. "Why are you here? It's an unusual region for visitors and it's even more unusual that people notice me. And are dump enough to follow me if I might add.", that grin came back.

"I'm here to learn something about the region and I heard rumors about someone nobody really knows. A thief...or serial killer, assassin maybe? I don't know.", I rubbed my eyes with by hands.

"Why would you want to find such a person? You don't seem like you're this stupid.", a look of confusion crossed her face.

"There isn't really a reason.", I admitted. "I'm Nyx by the way."

"Well, hello Nyx. You should leave as soon as possible. It's not safe around here.", she said. I could have sworn that she mumbled "around me" at the end of her sentence, but I wouldn't want to push her even though leaving was the last thing I planned on doing.

"What? Why? I-"

"Stop. You'll understand eventually, but if you're still here at this point it will already be too late.", she told me death serious. "Sleep now. Its late. Tomorrow you will go.", with that she stood up. Her softness from earlier was gone, she seemed cold now, almost emotionless. It switched from one second to the next and I couldn't help but panic again.

"Wait! We're not done!", I sprung up from the floor. "I have so many questions and-", she once again interrupted me.

"Ask me in the morning, leave afterwards.", she deadpanned.

"Will-will you be here? I mean, when I wake up. Promise you won't go earlier?", I asked. I was terrified she'd leave me, like I'd need her physically close and my whole being depended on it.

"I don't make promises, but I'll try.", she said, her eyes softened a little bit as she looked at me. Then she took a frist step towards me, strating to cross the cave. Everything was so slow.

Then there was a flash of blue and she stood right in front me, her right hand grabbed my chin between her fingers. And there they were - those two blue lights, her eyes.

I was stunned.

The next moment my knees gave out and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

(Y/n) Pov.

After he fell asleep I put him back onto the blanket he was sleeping on earlier. I have no clue how this man managed to stumble into my life.

Nyx. The most beautiful creature I had ever seen. Obviously a fae though. And that was just the first problem as I am a human. Or at least was till this shit twenty three years ago happened. That was the second problem - my powers. Way to dangerous. The third one was probably that he didn't notice how the bond snapped.

A matingbond. The one thing I always wished for, every night when I looked up at the stars and waited for a shootingstar that would hear me out.

Till one night. I was sixteen, my family was with me, my little sister(If you don't have one just imagine some sibling) happily chatting on about her day and my parents listening as I layed in the grass besides the terrace.

I thought a star would come to listen to my dearest wish, but I was naive. Naive and stupid. Cause stars that listened to you didn't exist. They only ruined your life. Just like this one was about to do, a meteor. One that came crashing down on us rapidly. I was frozen in place while my parents and sister started running away and screaming my name. But I couldn't move. I just kept staring. And then the crash came.

The meteor wasn't even that big, not like a planet or something, maybe like a little house, but the explosion ripped everything apart.

I thought I was dead, my whole body tingling. When I opened my eyes though I laid in the same spot as before the crash. The only difference being that everything was devastated. I got up, not one bit of pain could be felt. I felt like a ghost, everything so surreal.

Then I spotted three corpses. Or what was left of them at least.

What I wished for was a mate, but what I got were the loss of my family and some strange powers that made my life a living hell.

I absorbed the meteor. I could move as fast as light with that never ending energy, all my senses were heightened. This energy kept me alive, humans shouldn't be able to live that long, but my body only altered around two more years and since then I've been completely the same. The material of the meteor was absorbed too, making my bones unbreakable. My skin feels normal, but when I get hit it hardens in that exact spot for the time of danger, making me unhurtable.

I noticed that would be a never ending story after a few attempts of ending this shit. Unluckily I couldn't die. Not by time and not by harm.

And now, after twenty three years, my mate stumbles into my life. Now when I don't need him. When I can't allow myself to have him. Cause I tried to find other people, the thought of being alone hunting me all the time. But no one ever survived with me. My powers are to dangerous, the humans couldn't handle me so I moved to the fae territory. Here I live in the shadows, cause even the fae are scared of me. My powers are too strong, I could easily rip down towns. Mountains shudder under my anger and people flee from me whenever I loose control.

My mate wouldn't be safe. And I don't want to see him abandon me.

I told him I would try to be with him when he woke up, but it was better like this. The sun was rising and the danger of the night was over. He will wake up in a few minutes and when he does, I will already be miles away.

I grabbed my few belongings and pulled my hood back on. Before I left the cave I turned around and I couldn't help myself but return to his side one last time. I've sat besides him the whole night, trying to remember him as best as possible, but I wanted to remember something else.

After a short moment of debatation I leaned down and pressed my lips to his in a soft kiss. A feeling I never want to forget again even though I was able to experience it only once.

"I'm so sorry.", I mumbled, then I stood up and left without throwing him another glance.


I was wandering through the forest for hours. By now I had to be in a completely different country. Nyx wouldn't leave my mind, I wanted to go back so bad. Everything in me screamed to turn around, run there as fast as possible, tackle him with a hug and explain everything so he'd never leave me again. But that wasn't possible. That was a dream. A wish. And I learned from my past. Wishes aren't good.

Suddenly I heard something. Like a flap of wings? I went utterly still and listened, but nothing more came. I looked around, tried to see something in the trees, but there was nothing. Absolutely nothing and-

"Aow! What the-", I was tackled to the ground, my attacker coming from above me. How was that even possible?

I wiggled around which resoluted in me being pressed further into the ground with my hands on my back.

"Stop that! Why the hell are you fleeing from me?!", a strong voice roared above me.

My body slumped down, I gave up on fighting him.

"Nyx?", I mumbled as I recognized the voice. His scent suddenly hit me as well, reassuring me that I was right with my guess.

"If I let you sit up, can we talk? This time really?", he asked, his voice a bit broken at the end.

"Yes.", I whispered after a short moment.

"Promise?", he whispered back.

"I promise.", I stated, my voice a little shaky. With that he pulled me up and let my hands go so that we could sit across from each other on the forest ground.

The first thing I noticed were his....wings?

"Where the heck did those come from?!", I exclaimed in shock. That shouldn't be possible! Right?!

"I'm partly Illyrian.", he mumbled, spreading his wings a bit and tucking them back in behind him.

"Like- like in Prythian? I heard that before. But they can't make they're wings vanish and reappear like they please.", I scrunched my nose up in confusion, trying to remember everything I heard about them.

"Yes, but my powers are quiet strong and make that possible.", he explained quietly. "You know much about such strong powers yourself, right?", he then asked while mustering me.

His eyes wandered back up and met mine, after a short moment I nodded.

"Did you leave because of them?", he then asked.

My eyes widened, "How do you know?", nobody understood my issue before, always thinking I was just imaginig things or even making them up.

"My aunt used to not like her powers at first, but then my uncle showed her how to make it work. I thought maybe you have similar problems."

"I know how to make them work. That's the problem.", I mumbled even though I had no clue where this sentence of honesty came from. He looked at me like a lost puppy, like he was about to break down. "I'm sorry for leaving."

"You know it, don't you? You already knew yesterday, that's why you even stayed that long, right?", he asked out of the blue. I knew exactly that he meant the bond, but I couldn't answer, to shocked that he knew.

"I-i don't know wha-", I wanted to give an excuse.

"Please don't lie.", he begged, his beautiful purple eyes now a bit shiny. So I just nodded, not able to form an excuse that'd be worth it.

"It's better like this.", I told him what I've been telling myself all the time as the silence became deafening.

"Why would you say that? You don't know me, I get that. But there has to be a reason for that bond.", his breathing quickened. "There has to be a chance for us.", he carefully took my face into his hands and made me look at him. "Why do you push me away before it even started?", he murmurs, his voice now as shaky as mine.

I didn't know what to do, how to react. I can't just explain everything, I never talked about it. Noone ever wanted to hear it.

But he did. Nyx found me again and instead of being angry, he wants to hear my story. Understand me.

I didn't trust my words, I just stared into those otherworldly orbs and let my memories flow. He could see everything that happened. He saw how I got those powers, how much damage they made and how much I hated them. And he kept holding my face trough all of it.

He didn't let go as tears flooded my face and I reached out to wipe his cheeks as his eyes released tears themselves.

"You don't have to go through that on your own. You shouldn't have had to before either.", he chokes out after several minutes.

"You do-don't understand!", I pulled away and tried to stand up. What I was so scared of happened, I opened up, but he didn't understand. My legs were to wobbly and I broke right back down. Nyx caught me in his arms and pressed me against his chest. "I'll hurt you. I always hurt people.", I sobbed, trying to wiggle out of his embrace.

He only held me tighter. "Don't you see that all of those people hurt you first? That they wanted to hurt you? That they didn't even try? It wasn't your fault, they just told you that.", he reassured me.

"But it were my powers. And they're dangerous for you too. There's nothing that can withstand them.", I tried to quiet my sobs down.

"You showed me all of it, let me show you sonething in return.", he tried, but I didn't react. "(Y/n), look at me.", he turned my face so my gaze met his again. And then I could see something too. His memories, his life.

"Your po-powers are-", another sob broke out of me as my view was blurred by tears.

"...equal to yours.", he finished my sentence. "How it's supposed to be with mates. Equals in every way.", he smiled down at me.

I slung my arms around his neck and pulled us even closer together. I was now full on sobbing into his shoulder. My powers were running wild inside me, singing to his, but it wasn't dangerous. It was a beautiful match how my light met his darkness and I couldn't help but slump further against him.

Nyx carefully cradled me in his arms till our sobs ebbed away.

"Promise you'll really give me chance?", he mumbled into my hair and even though I could hear the smile in his voice I was able to hear a bit of insecurity too.

"If you promise to give me one as well.", I answered and looked into his eyes with a smile on my face.

My right arm started tingling from my wirst to my shoulder, but it was gone as fast as it came.

I looked at my arm and back to Nyx with confusion.

"Sorry, I forgot to mention that bargains are marked with tattoos were I come from.", he grinned apologetic.

"Tattos?", at his nod I quickly pulled up my sleeve. Graceful swirls with starts between them covered my arm. "Wow.", I mumbled.

He pulled up his sleeve as well, a matching tatto covered his arm.

"Oh my god.", I looked at him with shock.

"If you don't like it I'm sure we can remove it somehow and-", he started rambling in slight panic, already holding onto my hands like I'd start running away at any moment.

I pressed my lips to his in a short kiss. At his now openly shocked face a giggle left my mouth.

"I love it! That's so cool! You know, I always wanted a tattoo!", I stared at our arms with fascination. When I looked back up he looked at me lovingly.

"And now?", I asked. "What are we doing now?", cause I had no clue how we would continue.

"Well, I have an idea.", he told me proudly.

"Then tell me!", I sat up on my knees to be on one eye level with him. He grabbed my face in his hands and crashed our lips together once more. This time it was a real kiss, soft and testing, filled with adoration and hope.

When we pulled apart I stared at him.

"What?", he asked me. "I can't let you get away with two of this hasty kisses and not one real one.", he grinned.

"You noticed that?!", I stared at him in shock and embarrassment.

"Yeah, I think that's what made me realize the bond. Unluckily a bit late so I had to chase you till here.", he explained.

"I've never been happier about having acted on my emotions.", I breathed out. "Thinking about this conversation and all not being real already stresses me out.", I shuddered.

"Don't worry, you won't be able to get rid of me that easily now.", he smirked and gave me another short kiss.

"As if I'd want to.", I smiled and pulled him in for a longer one.

When we broke apart he puts his forehead against mine. "And now?"

"I don't know. Where do you want to go?", I asked in return.

"Why me? I asked you first."

"But I don't care where we go. I'll follow to wherever you lead me."

"Really?", he asks now, a bit of disbelief in his eyes. "Even home? To my family?"

"I hadn't had a family in a long time. I'd never hold you back from yours, but you don't have to introduce me.", the issue could be big, maybe they won't like me.

"I want to introduce you.", he states.

"But-", I want to tell him about my doubts.

"There's no need for doubts, (Y/n). Your my mate. I won't ever let you hide away because you think you don't fit in. I'll stand with you. Against everyone if that's needed. You hear me?", he gives me a kiss on the nose. I take a deep breath and allow a smile to bloom on my lips while nodding.

"Great. How about we explore a bit more of this continent and return home when we're ready?"

"Sounds good.", I smiled. He smiled back.

Then he stands up and lifts me with his hands under my back and under my knees.

"What-", I'm interrupted as we're lifted from the ground by his strong wings and soar up till we're far above the trees. That's gonna be interesting...

Extra scene(about six weeks after the actual os):

Nyx Pov.

"Are you nervous?", I asked as I lead (Y/n) trough the streets of velaris.

"No, I'm shaking for fun.", she grumbles back and galres at me.

"(Y/nn), you don't have to worry. I'm with you, everything will be fine.", I hold her beautiful face in my hands and kiss her on the nose. We made that our little ritual whenever she was worried.

Her eyes were shining bright blue as she opened them back up, a sign that she was alright. In the last weeks she came so far that she let's her eyes in a for her natural colour whenever she's relaxed enough to do so.

"Okay. I trust you.", she smiles at me.

I still feel her smile when I give her a kiss. As we walk further down the sidra she keeps holding my hand.

When we approach the riverhouse and I open the door her eyes change back to (y/ec). She's nervous, but it's still progress and the fact she's here with me means so much that I couldn't wish for anything else.

In my last letter I told my parents when I would come home, but left the fact out that I'd bring someone. We wanted it to be a surprise.

Due to her powers and her experience (Y/n) was able to go unnoticed by my family and their powers which made it even more exciting. Knowing that uncle Az would be as surprised as everybody else gave me special thrill, cause it's almost impossible to surprise him.

I haven't seen them for almost half a year myself, so when we stood in front of the door to the livingroom, where they would be waiting for me, I took a last glance at (Y/n). My mate.

I was about to walk in there with my mate, that's something I first had to let sink in. I expected much from this journey, but not that I'd find the one person that everybody waits for. I've only known her for six weeks, but I'd never want to loose her ever again.

She smiles at me, her eyes flash blue to reassure me, I smile back and open the door.

"Nyx! You're ho-", my dad stops mid-sentence when he notices that I'm bringing someone else into the room.

"Hello.", (Y/n) gives a little smile. I squeeze her hand a bit tighter.

"By the cauldron.", my mother drops her glass.

"That's (Y/n).", I introduce her. "My-"

"Mate!", Cassian jumps up and screams. In the blink of an eye he traps me in a bone crushing hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks.", I mumble due to my lack of air. He drops me.

"Welcome little lady!", he exclaims and tries to scoop (Y/n) up as well.

"No! Wait!", I scream, but it's already to late.

Cassian lies on the ground as my mates reflexes kicked in and she twisted him over.

"Oh my-, I'm so sorry, I didn't want to-, really! Are you alright? And-", she pulled him up with her strength in the blink of an eye and flashes now around him, checking if he's hurt. Her rambling is interrupted when he breaks out in laugher and lays his hand on her shoulder.

She looks so terrified that I can't help but laugh too. Soon everybody joins in.

"Thanks for your concern, I'm fine though. And quiet impressed. How did you that?", Cassian goes into training mode really fast, eager to learn something.

"How about we first go on with the introductions and then you can talk about training and stuff?", my mum suggests.

We nod even though Cass seems a bit disappointed. After the last weeks I'm not used to seeing (Y/n) so quiet and shy. I got used to the bubbly and fearless version.

"I'm Feyre, Nyx' mother. Welcome to the family, my dear.", my mum greets her and walks up to her. "Can I hug you or..?", she looks at Cassian.

"No, I mean yeah, that was, I didn't mean to and-. I'm sorry.", (Y/n) looks down in embarrassment, she covers it up, but I feel the hurt trough the bond.

I already want to grab her hand, but my mum beats me to it.

"It's fine. Even we are sometimes scared when Cassian catches us in one of his bear hugs and your reflexes are really good.", she gives her a warm smile and pulls her into a soft hug.

(Y/n) throws me a look of panic and confusion so I quickly lift my arms and move like I would hug someone. She luckily understands and hugs my mum back.

My dad steps up next. "I'm Rhysand, you can call me Rhys.", they shake hands.

"So formal, my dear cousin.", Mor elbows him in the ribs. "Welcome to the family! I'm Morrigan, but call me Mor please.", she raps her up in a hug as well.

"Azriel.", he offers his gloved hand. She shakes his hand. Az stares her down a bit, something in her awakes and she stares right back, turning this into a little staring fight. That's obviously about the sneaking in that's nagging on my uncles' pride. Unfortunately he doesn't know that that she can go completely without blinking if she wants to due to her powers.

"Why aren't you blinking?", Az asks after several minutes, his eyes already teary and hand still clutching hers.

"Why are you staring at me?", she asks back.

"You sneaked in."

"And your the watch dog that's now hurt in his pride or what?", she snaps. Azriel blinks in surprise, maybe even shock.

"I see loads of fun coming your way.", I clap both my uncles on the shoulders and snag (Y/n) away in a little hug. With a spin I place her down by the rest of the family so that they can say hello.

After everybody introduced themselves we sat down on the couches. (Y/n) sat down besides me and I tucked her into my side with an arm around her waist. She smiled up at me, her eyes suddenly switching back to blue.

"What- Where did this came from now!?", my dad jumps to his feet, everybody ready to go into action.

"That are my powers.", she mumbles besides me, clutching my hand as the light burns out once more.

"I think you two have much to explain.", Mor chimes in. "Wine?", she offers us glasses.

So we start telling them how we met. Meeting your mate in rare situations seems to be the specialty of my family. But I wouldn't want in any other way. No matter how weird the situation was, the woman that I met was even more perfect.

~ 4912 words

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