Mafia Wife (Mafia Series Book...

By megan-blake

6.1K 149 139

A contractual marriage turned Gabriella Conti into Gabriella De Luca. What was meant to be an easy way out be... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 17

162 3 6
By megan-blake

For fuck's sake.

Was he dead? Did he die?

Niccolo could not even take a full breath; everything was painful. All of his ribs were broken, they had to be. It should not hurt this much to breathe. Niccolo succeeded in cracking an eye open, pinching his lips together to withhold the grunts of pain.

As everything around him went from blurry to clear, he took in his surroundings. This was not his dark-ass cell. This was not the Devil's hideout. He remembered a fight and a lot of pain. Blood, a lot of blood.

He freed himself, though he sliced his skin open doing so. His first reflex was to sit up rapidly, but unfortunately - or rather, fortunately - his broken body didn't listen to him and all he managed was to lift his head.

Thank god. That was fucking excruciating enough on its own.

He moved his fingers, feeling how swollen they were, and flinched when he touched something that felt like hair. Gabriella. He'd know that head of hair anywhere. One quick glance was enough to see she had fallen asleep while sitting on a chair next to him. He was... free?

Niccolo looked around at everything else, concluding he was at Lucas'. He knew this place. Though Lucas didn't use it often. But it did mean he kept his promise. A wave of relief washed over him as he allowed his head to drop back down.

He had been on alert, in case he had to be, but now, he could feel the pain as he was not in any immediate danger. Though, it did beg the question. What did they do? He was free and if there was one thing Niccolo knew was that freedom wasn't free.

Who helped him?

Gabriella and Lucas hadn't pulled this off on their own. No way. He was helped by someone who was in the Devil's little army. That required power.

"I tried to stop her."

Niccolo turned his head to the side in time to see Lucas walking toward him.

"She's stubborn. How you feeling?"

"Like I fucking died," he croaked out.

"They did give you back in a body bag. I think she almost had a heart attack."

"Is she hurt?"

Lucas shook his head. "She's been here. I got her pretty quickly, and managed to get out without any issues."


Lucas chuckled as he rubbed one of the bruises on his left cheek. "That came from something else. She had me retrieve something."

"A journal?"

He tilted his head to the side. "You know about that?"


"Does she know you know?"

Niccolo shook his head. "Let's keep it that way."

"You're the boss."

Niccolo scoffed. "The boss of what? What's left?"

"Not a lot."

Lucas didn't lie, he didn't sugarcoat. Honestly, Niccolo hadn't needed his confirmation. He knew there would be nothing left for him. They hadn't taken him thinking he would ever leave - at least not alive.

All this and now... he had nothing left...

"How long she been there?" he asked, pointing at Gabriella.

"She hasn't left your side since I dumped you in that cot. You need to lose weight."

"Let me put that on my long list of shit to do. At the bottom."

Niccolo had made the right call when he left her behind, in safety - her decoy was dead. She would have been dead or taken. Then again, maybe not dead. The Devil wanted her. He would have been careful. In this case, though, it would have been better for her to be dead than captured.

He didn't like to think about what the Devil was planning for her.

"Don't..." Lucas began before shoving his hands in his pockets. "Don't be too harsh on her, alright?"

Niccolo's eyes narrowed. "What did she do exactly?"

Lucas shook his head. "Nope. I'm gonna let her tell you. But... don't be too harsh. She was really worried about you."

"Yeah, well, if she did something stupid, then it kinda ruins the whole fucking thing doesn't it?"

He had let himself be in danger so that she wouldn't be. If she put herself in danger to free him, then what the fuck was the point of all this bullshit, torture, and pain?

"She meant well."

"She always does."

It didn't matter what her intentions were. If it fucked shit up, it fucked shit up. Even if she meant well. Anyways, he didn't know what she had done yet and Lucas didn't want to tell him. He could press for answers, but he wasn't in the mood for it.

"Maybe she learned from you."

"What does that mean?"

"Come on, Nico."

"Come on what? I'm in a lot of fucking pain right now, so I'm not following your stupid logic."

"You let the Devil get you. Wasn't that fucking stupid? And then you ask what stupid thing she did?"

He pursed his lips. "That ain't the same. I gotta protect, that's my job."

Lucas let out a chuckle. What the fuck did he find so fucking funny? There was nothing funny about that. People followed him not because they liked him or anything else. Well, some did. But, that wasn't the point.

Money, protection, power. That was the exchange.

"Funny, cause to me it feels like the only person and thing that protected was... your wife."

"No, all it did was prevent the Devil from getting what he wanted. And yeah I'd die for that. Not for someone."

He didn't sacrifice his whole entire existence for her. It was... a gesture, for everyone. If the Devil got his way, if he got cockier, if he aligned himself with the Mancini through this kind of bond... there was no telling how much he would expand, what he would do.

Niccolo couldn't let that happen.

He wasn't stupid. He knew his line of work... didn't involve considering other people but... the Devil had crushed his ego over and over again. And if the way Niccolo's legacy lived was through him taking down the Devil...

So be it.

It wasn't like he would have any other kind of legacies right now.

He hadn't finished establishing himself. His marriage wasn't real and he didn't have kids. So, that was it.

"If you say so."

"I fucking do."

He didn't need to defend his actions. He did what he had to do. Not only that but, he'd married her, he had to protect her. She had no chance of making it out of this mess. The Devil would have destroyed her.

Niccolo was different. And he had put plans in motion to ensure his survival. And hers. No, there was a variable he hadn't considered but... That was Gabriella. He should have known she wouldn't have stayed put...

"There's something else."

Great as if he needed another bad news. Already he didn't know how he would recover from this fast enough to act swiftly. Then he had to consider whatever bad deal Gabriella made... what the fuck else?

"Her grandpa died."

Oh. Fuck.

"They saw its natural cause but..."


"That's what I think. I think they're using the funerals to draw her out... or her family. But... She's not gonna go."

He quirked an eyebrow. "She's fine with that."

"I don't think so. She didn't argue, but I'm not you. So, that could be why. She kinda poured all her energy into getting you back and... watching over as we waited for you to wake up."

He would have expected her to do something foolish and try to say goodbye to her grandpa anyway. Maybe even she couldn't deny what a fucking lousy trap it was. Fuck. The old man was dead.

Niccolo had hoped to ask him more questions, maybe find out a few weaknesses concerning the Devil. That plan was out the fucking window.

Hopefully, Gabriella didn't have secret agenda and wasn't about to pull some dumb shit so she could go without telling anyone. He looked down at her, sighing. His head was fucking killing him, and Gabriella was asleep. What was the point of waking her?

"Here take these," Lucas said as he put two pills in his hand.

"Do I wanna know what I'm taking?"

"It'll take care of the pain."

"That's all I need to know."

There was nothing he could do right now, especially in this state. He would rest a little more and then, he would have a talk with Gabriella. Eventually, he would figure out what the fuck his next step was.

Nowhere to go.

No one to lead.

Everything had fallen apart a lot faster than he anticipated and now, he was stuck.

He refused to live this kind of life.

Niccolo had to figure it out.


So cold.

Why was she so cold?

Gabriella slapped a hand on her face, dragging herself out of her slumber. She didn't even remember falling asleep. The last thing she remembered was...


She sat up straight, her sore back hating her for it, and she began tapping at the bedding in front of her. Nothing. Panic seized her heart and she jumped to her feet, looking around. This place wasn't that big.

By the time she turned around, she was met with puzzled looks. Niccolo and Lucas were sitting at the table, and they were looking at her with arched eyebrows. Gabriella pointed at Niccolo, her jaw clenching.

"Why are you out of bed!?"

"Because I'm fine."

He wasn't fine. Even she could tell he wasn't fine. His face was still all swollen and busted up, he was wincing when he talked... He shouldn't be out and about. Why was he so fucking stubborn and oh lord he was alive.

Alive and being a jerk.

At least she knew he was not near death.

"I was worried about you, you ass," she settled on answering as she loosened her muscles, her shoulders dropping back down. "You should be laying down."

"And you shouldn't be making stupid deals."

Immediately, her eyes went to Lucas. Did he tell him? Lucas seemed to understand the look in her eyes because he shook his head.

"I didn't say anything."

"He doesn't need to," Niccolo before sighing. "Freedom ain't cheap and that asshole wouldn't have let me go without knowing where you are. It leaves one option, you made a stupid deal with a stupid cost."

Gabriella had been worried about him. And she had been right to be - he was beaten up pretty good. But even all that wasn't enough to shake off his attitude. "Is that how you say thank you Gabby for saving my life?"

"I am not thankful. I do not like having debts. Especially when I didn't decide the terms."

"Yeah, well at least your dumbass is alive to hate it."

"You know... I think we need some food. How about I let the two of you... deal with whatever this is," Lucas began as he gestured at the both of them. "And I'll be back."

Smart and lucky.

Normal Niccolo could be a lot to deal with - pissed off, injured Niccolo? He was already giving her a headache. She had been worried about him, she had put her livelihood on the line and he was pissed?

She turned her head away from Lucas, who was walking out and focused her attention back on Niccolo. "You didn't include me in your plans, you didn't tell me anything. I had no say. Now you complain because the same thing happened to you? Pot calling the kettle, wouldn't you say?"

He waggled a finger at her. "Not the same thing. I didn't have time to explain anything. I had to get you the fuck out before that fucker got to you."

"I didn't have time to explain anything because you were a prisoner somewhere, and I had no way of contacting you. How's that any different?"

"I knew what I was doing."

She snorted. "So, getting tortured, beat up, and possibly killed was your doing and you knew what you were doing?" she asked as she put her hands on her hips.

Stubborn motherfucker. Was he fucking kidding her?

"Why do you have to be like this?"

"Like what?"

"An asshole!"

"I was trying to protect you."


Niccolo jumped to his feet, gripping the table. The motion was sudden, and she could tell it was painful. His jaw was tight, his knuckles turning white and he was holding back a groan of pain. He could show weakness, but no.

"So you wanted him to get to you? You wanted him to fucking beat you, rape you... keep you as his little pet?"

"That's not what I said."

"That's what would have happened. Even you should know that by now."

"And what I'm saying is that you always make the calls for me. You always decide. I never get to make any fucking decision."

"Because this isn't your fucking world."

Motherfucker. "REALLY? Because someone tried to kill my brother, take my mother and take me. They murdered my grandfather and everyone is out to get me. So it sure as fuck feels like it's my fucking world."

She might not have been part of it for a long time, but the ties ran deep and she couldn't escape them. Maybe she could have avoided all this if she hadn't gone looking for shit that didn't concern her but... the way this was out of control?

Maybe all she did was speed up something inevitable.

Could she have truly stayed hidden forever?

"It's not. If it were, you wouldn't have made a stupid ass deal. You wouldn't have been led by your emotions."

"My emotions? You killed some innocent girl and got yourself captured so I wouldn't be? That's not emotions?"

Gabriella wasn't stupid enough to think she was the top priority on his list, but she refused to believe this had been some rational plan, void of any emotions. It didn't make sense and she refused to accept the bullshit he was spewing.

Niccolo slammed his fist down on the table, the wood giving under the pressure. She watched as splinters of wood broke apart, some jammed in his hand. Blood surface through the blue battered skin.


"No, it's not."

"Why are you so full of shit?"

"Why did you make a deal with Sebastien?"

Lucas said he hadn't said anything... "H-how do you know?"

"Come on, who else would it be?"

"It wasn't him."

"Fine, Vincent. Better? Why? Couldn't wait to run back to him? Was that the deal? Divorce me, marry his son?"

Gabriella tilted her head to the side, his words sinking in. She had heard that tone in his voice before, she knew what this was. Jealousy. Was that what all of this was about? His ego was bruised because she rescued him, not the other way around?

His pride was shattered because another man helped her. She went to his competitor for help? This had nothing to do with her making a deal, or getting help and getting herself into a possible mess. This was all about his goddamn pride and jealousy.

They were married on paper but he didn't own her.

"This is what it's about? Your damn ego?" She scoffed, sucking in her left cheek. "I swear to God. I do stupid shit for you, you do things that convince me you have somewhat of a heart and then you let your damn ego get in the fucking way!"

"This isn't about my ego?"

"Then how come the first thing you think about is marriage and Lucas was listing me being bait or prostitute, or cash cow? Huh? Because you know Vincent so much better?"

"Because I know this better than him."

Bullshit, he was bullshitting. "What are you so fucking afraid of, Niccolo? That you'll come apart if you have feelings? You put yourself in danger to protect me... and then you do this. You always do this. You do something nice, and then to make sure no one gets the wrong idea, you turn into a complete jackass. Wouldn't want anyone to think you have feelings like a real goddamn human."

"Maybe I don't have fucking feelings. Maybe I don't do nice stuff, maybe you deluded yourself into thinking I'm something I'm not."

"Trust me, Niccolo. I see you very clearly, and no I don't think you're some prince on a white horse who's gonna save a princess. And guess what? I don't need or want to be saved. I'm a big girl."

"Really? Cause I saved your ass a couple of times, and you sure as fuck seemed grateful."

"Yeah and then I saw what an ass you are if I do the same for you. Why? You let Lucas help you and save you. You trust him."

"Because he owes me."

That was his fucking flawed ass logic? "He owes you more than you owe him? Really? You want me to believe that?"

Gabriella had decided a long time ago that Niccolo was damaged and if he wanted to be fixed, he could fix his own damn self. But sometimes he was so fucking infuriating, she wanted to know what made him this way.

He cared for Lucas. She knew he did.

"I woulda thought by now, you would have realized, no one does anything without a good reason."

Except she did. Maybe he was right, she was a fucking idiot. The worst part? Even if this was the angry, stupid rant she got after helping him, she would do it again. Despite his long, long - long... did she say long? List of flaws...

She would save Niccolo because she didn't think he should die.

He was right; this world was awful, and it was dark. But he set limits, he didn't plunge into the darkness and he stopped those who stooped too low to be redeemed. He found an answer for her when she was basically about to be auctioned off - even if his ego had a lot to do with it.

He bit his tongue when he had to with the Mancini family. He protected her family, he saved her brother...

And he traded his fate for hers by becoming the Devil's prey.

There was good somewhere in there. Unfortunately, he had no interest in digging it up, and she wasn't either. Maybe if he could open his eyes, there would be a better life for him. He could have more, he could do more...

But he was so stubbornly guarded and closed off.

"You're right," she settled on answering.

She had spent so many hours, waiting for him to wake up. Now she was exhausted. "I wasted enough time worrying about you." She pointed at his hand. "You're a big boy, you can take care of your injuries by yourself."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna sleep. Because I was stupid enough to lose sleep over you."

Gabriella turned his back to him, her shoulders tensing. "For the record. The deal I made? It was that I would owe him a favor. I don't know what I owe him, and yes I used Sebastien because that asshole owed me. So I cashed in the favor. And I'm working to get myself out of this jam - without you."

She tilted her head enough to get a glimpse of him. "What are you gonna do when I don't need your help anymore?"

Gabriella walked away before he could say anything because she wasn't interested in the answer. She didn't need one.

It was something he needed to figure out by himself.


Happy Holidays!

FYI: No update next Friday. Gonna be taking some vacation with my husband and the kids :)  

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