Karma Kara

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A creepypasta story. Not a fanfic about who she ends up with no it's about how she became a creepypasta and w... Más

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - part one
Chapter 6 - part two
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter one - karma kara

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i was walking home from school. mum and dad was expecting me back as soon as possible. something about dad's job. i didn't know why that involved me but apparently it did. so here i was walking through the streets of my town in the cold. it was only September but it was freezing already. i shove my hand in my grey leather jacket and from under my hood. no one was really around but you still didn't want to let your guard down. strange disappearances had been happening. my dad said i should always be careful in case someone was around. it scares me slightly but the thought of kidnapping makes me not want to think about it. i push it to the back of my head but stay on high alert. my brother should be home from the movies by now. i was late because i had to stay back and help with the school year book. i had so much editing to do. so by time i had left school it was getting dark. and right now it was pitch black. the only light came from the street lamps. but then i saw it. my house. ( encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/image... ) the two story house made out of stones with a small roof at the front hiding steps to the house. all the lights was off which is strange. i walk up the steps and unlock the door. i step in and turn the lights on. i look around but find no one. where is everyone? i hang my bag up and walk into the living but find no one there. next the kitchen that was next to the stairs. i open the door but find no one. i come to the dining room but get a bad feeling all of sudden. i turn the metal handle and push it open. i nearly scream at the sight before me. my mum was tied up in a chair. her brown hair all messy probably from fighting. her brown eyes widen and look at me with sad eyes. i turn to my dad who looked just like mum. his black hair though was fine but his blue eyes look at me as if to say run. but i couldn't i come to my brother last. his brown hair falling in front of his blue eyes. a strand of black hair falls in front of my blue eyes as i stare at them speechless and shocked. what is going on?
"i see she's finally arrived" a rough voice says from the corner. my eyes land on the corner near the window and see a man with blonde hair and brown eyes staring out of the window. my heart started to beat hard inside my chest. who was this man? he looked around dads age but i don't know him.
"who are you?" i ask just above a whisper.
"me my dear am your daddy's partner" so that's what he meant when he says work related.
"why are you here?" i ask your voicing coming out louder.
"your a talkative one aren't you?" he chuckles and starts to walk over to me but stops at dads chair.
"just answer the question!" i spit. fear was making its way into my head but i couldn't help this new found braveness when i saw my family tied up helpless.
"i am here dear because you dad thought it would be funny to double cross me and so i am here for revenge" his eyes land on me with a cold stare. i gulp realising he was here to my family.
"what did he do?" i ask whispering not wanting to hear this.
"me and your dad have been working on a special building and when it was done i turned my back one minute and he had taken credit for the whole thing. so here i am waiting to torture you all" he explains. i freeze when he pulls out some rope. was he going to tie me up to?
"sit down my dear" he gestures to the chair. i shake my head and he sighs.
"why does everyone pick the hard way" he grumbles. he walks over to me with long strides. my mind tells me to instantly run and get help but i couldn't move. my body was frozen in place as he got closer and closer to me. only four more steps and he would be able to reach me. my instincts kick in and i let out a ear piercing scream. the man covers his ears and ducks into his chest. i take the chance and run out of the room and towards the kitchen. i nearly slip but i don't have time to worry as i search the draws for a knife. my hand clenches something cold and heavy. it felt so strange in my hand. it fitted my palm perfectly. my fingers wrap around it as the man barges in the room. i back up against to sink as he makes his way over to me. i raise the knife in front of me with shaking hands. he stops seeing the knife. but he to my surprise he starts to laugh.
"as if a girl your size could beat me!" he bends over and laughs harder. i stare at him with a new found anger. he called me small! i'm seventeen and five foot five! that is a normal size!
"don't come to me with that crap when you only look around five foot nine that's not even average for a man" a smirk makes its way to my lips as he stops laughing and looks at me with wide eyes.
"you'll pay for that my dear" he walks over to me with angry eyes. my own eyes widen and i bolt out of the kitchen. i run back to the dining room. i slam the door and pull a long unit in front of it. hoping that would buy me some time i run over to my dad and cut his rope.
"untie your legs!" i instruct and move onto my mums. she nods and unties herself and removes the cloth in her mouth. i slice my brothers rope to and he does the same as mum and dad. i couldn't help but feel a serge of protectiveness rise in me as i look at my thirteen year old brother. how could that man do this? the door bangs and bangs. my heart beat fastens and i head to the window. but before i could do anything the door burst open and the man came in with a knife of his own. i gulp and push my brother, Alex, behind me. he looks up at me with scared eyes.
"trying to be a hero Kara?" he chuckles that sent shivers down my spine.
"you don't dare touch them!" my dad stands in front of all of us.
"why can't i?" the man asks with a frown. but his eyes scan my body. it made me want to throw up. pervert.
"because they have nothing to do with this!" my dad shouts. the man just laughs.
"then lets sort it out" my dad eyes him suspiciously. he takes a step forward cautiously which makes the man laugh louder. he grabs my dad and turns his around to us so his knife was pressed against his throat. he pulls dad into a chair and tied his back up. while my dad was trying to fight him with all his might.
"why don't you watch the show" he laughs like a madman. he steps over to me but my mum steps in front. he laughs more and grabs her hair. she screams but he pushes her to the floor. he presses down on her chest making her gasp out in pain. i whimper at the sight in front of me.
"please stop" my dad whimpers.
the man's other foot goes to her wrist and stomps on it three times. i hear a crack and almost puke. my mum screams in pain. i cover Alex's ears. he doesn't need to hear this. next he takes the knife to her stomach and slashes it open. another scream and another laugh from the psychotic man. tears ran down my families faces. then to end it he plunges the knife into her chest right where her heart is.
"your turn Michael" he turns to my dad. "i think its only fair your son and daughter get to see how weak you are before they die" he laughs again and bends down in front of dad. he smiles and raises the knife to his face. he stabs the knife in the side of his cheek and sends it through to the other side of his face. i scream seeing the awful sight in front of me. the man only chuckles and moves to his arms. he drags the arm down his arm leaving a red bloody mark on his arm. he repeated this on his other arm and his legs. the screams my dad makes me numb. he does the same he did to mums stomach then with one last laugh he turned around and left him. he turns to me and my brother with a crazed smile. i push Alex farther behind me and raise the knife.
"you think you can stop me?" he asks laughing. while he wasn't looking i kick him in the balls and make a run for it. my hand grabbing Alex's and making a run for it. but something pulled me back and i felt Alex's hand slip from my grasp. i turn around to find the man holding a crying Alex with a knife to his throat.
"i was going to kill you first so you didn't have to see this but" he raises the knife and just as i was about to run and stop him he stabs the knife into my brothers head. i stand there shocked as his body falls to the ground. my body slowly starts to work and i let out a scream. the only thing i wanted to keep safe is gone. my beloved brother is dead on the floor. he will never breath again. i will never get to play on the xbox with him ever again. i'll never hear his play his guitar again.
a tear falls down my cheek. he killed my mum, my brother and possibly my dad from all his wounds he'll soon die of blood loss. a anger builds up in me. he thinks its okay to kill my family? and get away with it? he killed the only thing i loved- beside my laptop -and thinks its okay! my grip on the knife tightens turning my knuckles white. i think its time this man learned a lesson. while he was having a stupid laughing fit i walk over quietly not making a sound. i could hear his heartbeat which shocked me since i never sue to be able to hear that good before. i shrug it off and go back to the prey in front of me.
"you said you came here for revenge yes?" you ask making him stop laughing at stare at you.
"yes" he nods. a smirk appears on your lips.
"you should know that revenge is stupid" i start to stalk over to him.
"why is that?" he asks.
"because karma is a bitch!" i scream and ponce on him. he falls to floor startled. i take this opportunity and take his knife and pin him down. i place the knife on his neck before he could do anything else.
"karma is worse than revenge" i whisper in his ear. he shivers making me smile. i take my knife and stroke his cheek wondering what to do to him. just then a howl is heard from the woods next to my house. i smile knowing what to do.
"are you afraid of wolves?" you ask.
"n-no" the stutter was small but i caught it. i smirked knowing he was lying.
"you shouldn't be afraid of the wolf" i whisper.
i take the other knife and and start to cut his face so it looked like a huge dog had scratched him. he let out a loud scream which was music to my ears. blood dripping down his face and onto the floor. next i moved onto his ears. i leaned down and whisper "karma's a bitch" and cut his left ear off. his scream echoes through the room. it brings a smile to my lips. i do the same to the next one and he screams again. i take the knife from his throat and raise them both above his chest. a rage in me had taken over and all i wanted was his blood. he took what i loved now i was going to take his life. i plunge the knifes in the corners of his chest and drag them along diagonally making a cross. he screams out fit pain. i smile and finish my work by stabbing him in the heart. the smile never left my lips as i watch his eyes roll back and his life drain from him. it was beautiful. i hear a grunt behind me and i spin around to see my dad watching the whole show.
"dad!" i shout climbing off the man and run over to my dad.
"dad i'm sorry i should of stopped him before i was just scared-" i was cut off my dad trying to speak.
"y-you d-did r-right n-now t-take t-that k-k-knife a-and p-plunge it i-into m-my h-heart" he croaks out coughing up blood. i stare at him in shock.
"i can't" i admit.
"p-please" my dad looks at me with pleading eyes. you nod hesitantly.
"i'm sorry dad and i love you" i say tearing rolling down my cheeks.
"i l-love y-you t-too" he uses his last energy to smile.
i take a deep breath and take the knife in my hand. my dad closes his eyes waiting with tears rolling down his own cheeks. i take a shaky breath and plunge it into his heart. i could hear his heartbeat stop.
a tear rolls down my cheek. the sight around me was horrifying but the sight of the man's lifeless body made a smile crawl onto my lips. i felt this urge to kill someone else but i try and push it to the back of my mind. i drag the man's body towards the wall and place him against it so he was sitting against it. i dip my hand in his blood and start to write on the wall. 'karma is a bitch' and bellow i point an arrow to his head. i smile and grab my knifes. i walk over to the front door and grab my bag. i open the front door and flea into the woods.


pic is of kara when she was human!

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