Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth

By metalgreymon2

8.5K 101 77

Sonic entered the Cyberspace of EDEN for the first time. However, he ends up draged into the core of EDEN, Ko... More

Deep into EDEN! The Digital Monster program!
The Black Monster of EDEN!
Cyber body? The Kuremy Detective Agency!
Welcome to Hudie!
EDEN Syndrome!
Compassion and Bravery!
Chasing Mephisto!
Armor Digivolution!
The Black Winged One!
Roar! MetalGreymon!
Dark Reflection!
Sayo, the Night Claw of the Digital World!
Light of Hope!
Avalon Server!
K's Invitation!
Disapearing people!
Storm of flames, Vritramon!
Demons, Judes, and Evolutions!
Gold Miracles! Perfect Bonds Awaken!
The Noble of Darkness!
Raidiant Moon, Crescemon!
Team Dreamin!
Burning Courage, Fladramon!
Roaring Passion, Dynasmon!
The Sistermon Sister's Gym!
Security Hack
Hybrid Digimon!
Jogress! Shakkoumon!
Violet Moon, Dianamon!
Matrix Evolution!
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Deep into the Digital Sea!
Light of Life, Ofanimon!
Flame Dragons! KaiserGreymon!
Speed of Light, MagnaGarurumon!
Seven Hells, BlackSeraphimon!
Take Dive, MetalSeadramon!
Idol or not? Fly, AncientIrismon!
Protect the future, KaiserKnightmon!
Break into the Secret Room!
Warp Ultimate! Nokia's Decision!
Account Server!
The Tenth DigiDestinated!
The Final Presage
Akari's Decision! Awaken Rosemon!
VS Zaxon! The Holy Knight, Omegamon!
Beyond Ultimate! Burst Mode!
The Digital Wave Trap!
Kishibe's Secret! VS LordKnightmon!
The Paradise Lost Plan!
Rescue Yuuko! The Dimensional Door!
Chaos, War, and Arkadimon!
Lost Digimon!
Trap Ryuji!
Memory Bug! Burst Mode of Honor!
The Truth of The Eaters!
Hackmon's Ordeal!
Arata's Betrayal!
Yuuko's Decision! Rise, Siriusmon!
Knight of Avalon! Craniummon!
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The Eater Network!
Gluttonous Case!
Parallel World! VS Barbamon!
Dragon's Island! VS Examon!
Gulus Realm Burst!
Tower of Digital Waves!
Chasing Ryuji!
Cut the Heavens, SlashAngemon!
Awaken! The Imperial Dragon!
Hudie to the Rescue!
Hudiemon, awaken the dreams!
Long Lost Memories!
LordKnightmon's Final Stand!
Infiltrate the Metropolitan Building!
Digital Hazard! Dukemon!
Defeat Duftmon! DigiDestinated United!
The Will of Yggdrasil!
Into the Digital World!
The Mother Eater!
The Ture Enemy! Ragnamon!
The Final Miracle! Lunardramon!
From the New World!

A Determinated Battle!

107 1 1
By metalgreymon2

Opening - Mikakunin Hikousen

Oh yeah! Tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Oozora kidou wo koero

Osaekirenai maenomeri na speed
Miraneta machi ga diorama ni naru

Futoumei na sora tsukinukerunda

Nayami toka fuman toka futtobashite

Manual doori no tabi nanka irane
Mayottemo furuetemo koudo agete

Oh yeah! Igigatte shikujitte tatchiagatte
Kimi to mitsumeru michi naru chiheisen

Saa tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Asu wo terasu taiyou mejirushi ni shitesa

Tonde ike jiyuu na GLORIOUS WORLD!

Episode 7 - A Determinated Battle!

«MAY 9, 2018, 10:12AM»

We're in Shibuya. Ryuji and Chitose were there to report what just happened with Shiga's account, after the monster apeared in Under Kowloon. The girl they were reporting everything to was Fei, Zaxon's second-in-command.

Fei: ... I see. I'll look into the monster that attacked Shiga in the end.

Ryuji: Do you know what it is? It didn't look like a Digimon to me.

Fei: We've never seen such thing. We've heard the same information from other hackers. We're gathering information as we speak.

Chitose: Hey, is it ok to leave Shiga on his own? Maybe he fakes the error on his account to run off.

Fei: It's pointless to go after a small fry like that any further. There was someone behind the scenes pulling the stings on Shiga, and other hackers that were raiding accounts lately.

Ryuji: So there's a mastermind in the middle, huh?

Fei: If we don't beat down that guy, we'll never stop the wave of account raides!

Ryuji: So the next case is to track down the string-puller, I presume.

Fei: Looks like you got it. I'll leave it to you. I don't care how you do it, but reat assured... you better not go easy on them. Anyone who crosses Zaxon's is gonna pay... and pay big time!

??: Well, what do you know, the gang is all here!

The three of them looked over to see a black haired boy with a blue outfit aproching them. The three of them knew him to well. It was Sanada Arata, and Ryuji was not pleased with his presence.

Ryuji: You...

Fei: Well, look who it is! If it isn't Arata from that called hacker team, Judes!

Arata: You're Fei, Zaxon's second-in-command, if I remember correctly. I herd a few rumours... It's been quite a while.

Ryuji: You got some nerves showing your face in front of us, Sanada.

Chitose: Hey, Ryuji, knock it off!

Ryuji: Here to apologize after all this time?

Arata: That again? Let it go already. The past is the past.

Ryuji: What did you say?

Chitose: Seriously, Fei's here to! Think about where you are, right now!

Fei: Don't mind me! Go on with it! In fact, now that I think of it, you two were both in Judes, weren't you? Even if you broke up, old friends should have a chat! I have a report to give to Yuugo. (leaves)

Arata: ...Zaxon, huh? Guess you guys are all buddy-buddy right now. So, what's going on with EDEN hackers? Those guys have been running amok lately. Zaxon's claims to be upholding peace, but that's not what I see.

Ryuji: ...

Arata: It wasn't like this back in our day. We were more free back then, weren't we, Ryuji!

Ryuji: Shut up. Don't talk like you know anything!

Arata: ...!

Ryuji: This has nothing to do with you... you were the one who ran away, after all. (leaves)

Chitose: Ryuji! (goes after Ryuji)

Arata: ... Ran away, huh... can't argue with that one.

Ryuji and Chitose went back to Hudie. Ryuji was remembering what happened that day. Chitose placed a hand on his shoulder, to call his friend's attention.

Chitose: Come on! It's not like he ran away! He had his own stuff going on to, you know!

Ryuji: ...Sorry.

Chitose: ... Well, what's done is done. Just don't go back to Hudie with tht face, specially in front of the little lady, and the newbies.

Ryuji: Of course. I'm the leader, after all.

Ryuji's Alliance: Call from Akari. (Ryuji picks up)

Akari: Ryuji-san,  I got a clew on a new hacker that's been raiding accounts lately!

Ryuji: Who is it?

Akari: His name is Mephisto, and my Accound could be within the accounts he raided lately!

Ryuji: Very well. We'll return as soon as possible. (call ends)

Chitose: Funny she mentioning this Mephisto right now! There's actually a new case from the Zaxon mentioning Mephisto!

The two of them returned to the shop. Inside, Shadow just heard the call that Akari made with Ryuji, telling about Mephisto. With that, he got a mesage saying that Ryuji to meet in the meeting room. 

Shadow: Sounds like she doesn't want them to know about K.

Picodevimon: What do you think?

Shadow: Let's keep a close eye out for her. There's something else going on. For now, let's go meet the others.

Shadow went to the meeting room. Back with Sonic, he was walking around Nankano, geting to know the place, and getting used to his cyborg body. He was on the third floor of the building.

Sonic: This thing feels weird!

Gaossmon: Not used of being made of data?

Sonic: Not really! How is it to be made of data, buddy?

Gaossmon: You'll get used to it!

Sonic: Thanks for the advise. (spots two girls) Hold on, are those? Hanon, Nokia!

Hanon: Hm? (turns around) Sonic! You made it out, after all! We never got news from you after loging out from EDEN!

Sonic: I was supposed to be back in Station Square. I guess something went wrong with the log out. Still, I'm back in one piece! How are Arata and Sonia?

Hanon: Arata-san's back in Shibuya, and Sonia took a moment to rest!

Nokia: Hanon take a look! It's Jimiken's new album!

Hanon: Oh no, this again.

Terriermon: Nokia-san's obsessed with this.

Sonic: Jimiken?

Hanon: A rock'n'roll dude. I'm honestly not a big fan of him.

She then showed Sonic an image of that man. Sonic slightly creeped out. However, he noticed something about his face. He had his face painted, and the design on it ressembeled the mask of those hackers from the other day.

Sonic: Ok, I'm not discussing this.

Gaossmon: Neither am I.

Sonic: I gotta go back to the agency. Kyoko-san must have something to work on.

Hanon: Agency?

Sonic: The Kuremi Detective Agency! I'm doing some jobs as Kyoko-san's assistant. In exchange, she's helping me getting to the bottom of the creature that attacked us in Kowloon.

Hanon: Ok. See you.

Sonic left the girls alone, and went back to the agency. When he got there, there was a girl with black hair inside the office. She turned around, and saw the hedgehog there. Sonic recognised her. But chose not to say anything. 

Sonic: I was about to ask if we had any case to work on.

Kyoko: You arrived just in time, Sonic. Please, ma'am sit down. 

Yuuko went to the client couch, and Kyoko sat on the other one. Sonic stood besides the sofa Kyoko was sitting on. Yuuko looked very nervous. She took a deep breath, and looked at them.

Kyoko: So, to fill you in, Yamashima Yuuko-san came in with an urgent case. We've been waiting for you to hear the details.

Sonic: Oh. Sorry if I caused any delay, Yamashima-san. Please, fill in the details.

Yuuko: Uh...  My father... has disapeared.

Kyoko: Disapeared?

Yuuko: He's gone missing. I'd like to ask a detective to seek out and find my missing father, Yamashima Makoto.

Kyoko: Hmm... Do you have any info on your father?

Yuuko: Yes. The basic data is all here. I'll send it to you. (sends the data to Sonic)

Sonic: I got everything here.

Yuuko: Unfortuatly the only clew I have would be the EDEN account info he used. When you query the account info it says it's still activated, but...

Kyoko: There's no response when you call?

Yuuko: None whatsoever.

Sonic: Judging by that last part, your father's account was raided. The work of a hacker. 

Yuuko: ... Please, find my father.

Kyoko: I understand. We'll take on the case.

Yuuko: I... Thank you very much!

Sonic: Shall we get started, boss?

Kyoko: We will. I'll let you know, whenever we get any development. Would you mind giving me your contact information?

Yuuko: No... That won't be necessary. I'll come back in a little while. I must be going. Pardon me. (stands up and leaves)

Sonic: You noticed to, right?

Kyoko: I did. Still, if she just came here to give us data on an account raid, we got to track down the responsible.

Sonic: We don't have clues to do that, though! I better take this information to EDEN, and ask around. Someone might know something.

Kyoko: Thinking ahead, aren't we? Very well. Go and gather any kind of data on Yamashima Makoto.

Sonic wasted no more time, and jumped straight to EDEN, in order to gather more information on Yamashima Makoto. Meanwhile, Ryuji and Chitose returned to the shop, and the team met at the meeting room.

Ryuji: Ok, everyone. We'll be going after a mastermind that's been behind a lot of account raid lately. 

Chitose: We got some intel on Zaxon, and on a clue that Akari has, saying that this could be the one that raided her account. Seems like he's been using other hackers to do his dirty work.

Jet: So there was a puppetmaster pulling the strings on Shiga all this time?

Ryuji: Correct. His name is Mephisto.

Silver: Mephisto, huh? So, is there any specific location that pointed any location?

Ryuji: No. The transmission between him and Shiga was encripted. We need to find a way to get in contact with Mephisto. Erika, Tails, Wave, you doing on the net.

Erika: Got it.

Ryuji: Chitose, Silver, Shadow, you do it on the real world.

Chitose: With pleasure!

Ryuji: Jet, Knuckles, Akari, we'll log into EDEN, and find anything connected to Mephisto.

As they were about to start of, something came in. Ryuji looked at it. It was a case from Sonia the Hedgehog, who requested help to find a wild Digimon that's been causing chaos on Kowloon.

Ryuji: Drats. Now of all moments!

Chitose: A Digimon that's been causing chaos?

Erika (thoughts): Another Digimon acting on its own...

Tails: It's no problem, Ryuji-san! Me and Wave can take the case!

Ryuji: You sure?

Wave: Yep! Besides, we got Strabimon and Tinkermon with us!

She and Tails raised their Digivices. Ryuji looked slightly surprised. However, he agreed. Tails and Wave went to two computers to take the case. Ryuji had to swich the plans for this case.

Ryuji: Ok, change of plans. Shadow, you go with Erika and look on the net. Jet, join Chitose and Silver.

Jet: Got it!

Shadow: Let's get this over with.

With that, they proceeded with the mission. Knuckles, Akari and Ryuji loged into EDEN. Chitose, Silver and Knuckles proceeded to look on the real world. Erika and Shadow went to Erika's room to search online. Wormmon noticed them enter. 

Wormmon: Erika, you're back!

Shadow: Who's the worm?

Erika: Wormmon, my Digimon. 

Shadow: I didn't know you had a partner.

Picodevimon: I think I've heard about him! He used to be a clumsy Digimon, who'd get into lots of trouble!

Shadow: Not to be rude, but why did you capture him.

Erika: He's lost. So I took him in, untill I find a way for him to return to the Digital World!

Shadow: Ok, let's get going. We got to find any data on Mephisto!

Wormmon: Mephisto... that's a weird name.

Erika: It's an alias. If you ask me, your name's weird.

Wormmon: My name's not weird! And if it is, Erika is a weird name to!

Shadow: Is he always like this?

Picodevimon: Looks like it.

Shadow and Erika proceeeded to look at the data they could find. Back on EDEN, Knuckles, Akari and Ryuji went to Uner Kowloon, and planed their next move.

Ryuji: We're looking for hacker teams that might know anything on Mephisto.

Knuckles: Hacker teams like ours?

Ryuji: Exactly. We still have to go down lowers, where two hacker teams are, the Black Silver and the Nankano Stripers.

Knuckles: You think one of them might have any info at all?

Akari: We won't know until we talk to them. 

Ryuji: We might have to do down to Lv. 2 of Under Kowloon.

Akari: Let's get going! There's no time to lose!

They proceeded to the elevator that would take them to Under Kowloon. Meanwhile, Chitose, Silver and Jet were on the real world looking for anykind of information. Silver, however, went to a alleway, and noticed something. He took a picture of it, and regrouped with Chitose and Jet.

Chitose: Any of you got something?

Silver: I think I have. Take a look. (shows the picture)

Chitose: Well, The Steam Dealers.

Jet: Are they a hacker team?

Chitose: Pretty much. And there's an extra. I hear a rumour that lately they've been moving arroung with a huge amount of influence. The rumour says that they found a cash cow of a client.

Silver: You know where to find them?

Chitose: I don't. But Erika does.

Meanwhile, in Under Kowloon Lv.2, Ryuji, Akari and Knuckles started asking around on Mephisto. However, neither the hackers from the Black Silver or the Nankano Stripers knew anything. They had some battles against the Nankano Stripers, but thanks to Togemon, Cyberdramon and Flamon, they managed to win.

Knuckles: Doesn't look like there's something else here. 

Flamon: I've tried to get some info from the Digimon, but doesn't look like they know anything at all.

Ryuji: We're out of options here.

Ryuji's Alliance: Call From Erika. (Ryuji picks up)

Erika: Oni-chan, Chitose sent some intel. Silver found a few hackers from the Steam Dealers. Chitose heard a rumor that they have been having a very big influence lately. Plus, they might have found a "cash cow" client.

Ryuji: Where are they?

Erika: I got the link to their server! 

Ryuji: Excellent! (call ends) Ryuji. Hudie, we're off to the Steam Dealers' server.

Taking the link that Erika found, Ryuji, Knuckles, Akari and the Digimon took off to the Cyberspace, where the Steam Dealers were located, a gray and black cyber space. Flamon and Knuckles looked around.

Flamon: Over there!

Knuckles: One of them must be the leader!

Ryuji: We mostly likely will have to face them. Knuckles, you might wanna back off.

Knuckles: Oh no way, Mishima! I didn't sing up for this for nothing! For as long as Flamon can fight, I to will continue!

Flamon: So will I! I refuse to give up!

Knuckles and Flamon's determination got mixed. This caused Knuckles' Digimon Capture Program was ejected from his Alliance, and turned into a Digivice.

Ryuji: A Digivice?

Knuckles: Let's get going!

Knuckles took the Digivice, and the eix of them went to the Steam Dealers. The leader looked at the team from Hudie, as they aproched them. NOTE: SD Short for Steam Dealers.

SD Leader: *hrrrk* *kssssh*... Who the hell're you? Why do you *hrrr* know this URL?

Ryuji: You're the leader of this bunch, aren't you? Let's cut the case. We want information. Tell us what you know about Mephisto. You're doing buisness with him, ain't you?

SD Leader: *hrrrrrr* Where *kssssssh* did you hear that?

Knuckles: He didn't even tried to said he's not doing buisness!

SD Leader: I *hrrrr* have no obligation to give you any *ksssssssh* information. Now get out of here or, we'll end your poluted lives *hrrr* down to the last man...

Knuckles: No way I'm leting that happened! (raises his Digivice) Flamon!

«Them song - Be the Winners»

Flamon: Right back atcha!


Flamon grew into a humanoid Digimon clad in a black body-suit and red armor. It draws deeply from its namesake, the fire god Agni, with its control over flames, while also associating with the legendary salamander and the elemental fire that folklore ascribes to it. It is equipped with the Flame Shoulder pauldrons and bears the Fire Spirit Mark on its mask and belt.


SD Leader: If that's how it's gonna be! (materializes Sangloupmon)

Ryuji: Sangloupmon. (Akari brings out her Analyzer)

Alliance: «Sangloupmon, a Demon Beast Digimon. Adult Level. It is a considerably old species of Digimon, and is said to have survived since the Genesis of the Digital World. With his special attack, Sticker Blades, he hurls thousands of tiny blades.»

Knuckles: Fine by me! Agnimon, let's get him!

Agnimon: With pleasure!

SC Leader: Sticker Blades!

Sangloupmon jumped and started hurlong thouhands od tiny blades. Agnimon called out his flames, and started spinning, in a tornado. He charged at Sangloupmon, kicking him.


Sangloupmon ended up getting kicked away. However, he managed to stand back up, even if he was stugeling. Knuckles grinned, as the SC Leader shivered.

SC Leader: H-How did you *ksssssh*

Knuckles: Checkmate. So, where's Mephisto?

SC Leader: *hrrrrr* I'm no... *kssssssh* telling anything!

Akari: Maybe we need something more convencing. (raises her Digivice)

Palmon: PALMON SINKA... 

Palmon started to change. From one small plant, to a big cactus like Digimon. Not only that, the Digimon had boxing gloves on his hands.



Togemon startes spinning, and unleashed all of her spikes, at the enemy. Both the hackers, and Sangloupmon coundn't move, as there was a spray of spikes locked on them.

Ryuji: Now, drop the act, before we put an end, both to Sangloupmon and to your accounts!

Knuckles: Agnimon!


Agnimon tossed his Burning Salamander at Sangloupmon, taking him ut of battle. He laied down there, uncoucious. The SC Leader looked at them, and raised his hands.

«Them song ends»

SC Leader: Ok, I'll give you the information! (Togemon stops shooting) We sent a deal to a certain bulletin board. Then they'll tell us where the deal'll take place.

Ryuij: Call him out this second, or else... (Knuckles raises his Shovel Claws)

SC Leader: Eeeeek! I get it! I get it! We got a meeting coming up soon! You can go meet him in the meeting place!

Knuckles: Good. (the Hudie team leaves)

Akari: What do we do about them?

Ryuji: They're just a hacker team that does buisness. We were never told to take them out. We'll give them some kind of malware as a compensation for helping us.

Knuckles: "Yesterday's enemy is today's ally", isn't that the saying?

Ryuji: Precisely.

The Hudie group left the server. Back with Sonic, he didn't get any usefull information on Yamashima Makoto at all. He went to the EDEN Entrance, and there seemed to be a single hacker there,

Sonic: Let's hope he has something usefull. (reaches the hacker) Hey, you! 

Hacker: What's up?

Sonic: You got any intel on any recent account raiding that's been happening lately?

Hacker: Account rading? Tsk. Guess Zaxon did that account raiding. They're just running wild lately.

Sonic: Uh, pardon the ignorance but... who are the Zaxon?

Hacker: Oh, you're a newbi here? Well, the Zaxon claim to be protecting EDEN, but rumours say they've not been doing their job probably. Maybe someone in Kowloon knows something.

Sonic: That's the best thing I've got all day. Thanks, dude!

Sonic then left EDEN, and proceeded to go to Kowloon. He reached teh spot, and released Gaossmon. The two of them went to Galacta Park. There was a hacker there.

Gaossmon: You think he might know something?

Sonic: Let's see. (reaches the hacker) Yo.

Hacker: What is it?

Sonic: You know who the Zaxon are?

Hacker: Zaxon? ... Yeah. I know them. I used to be a member. "Don't refuse those who come, and don't chase those who leave". Their leader is clever, but the policy isn't.

Sonic: You did? Excellent! I'm investigating some account raiding, and a hacker in EDEN called the Zaxon out!

Hacker: I shouldn't be giving you this, but... (shares an URL with Sonic) This is the URL of their Forum. Just don't tell this to anyone.

Sonic: You have my word. Here's 1 000 YEN as a bit of a payment.

Sonic payed the hacker, who thanked him. Sonic called back Gaossmon, an went to a safe place. He then called Kyoko, who picked up in two minuts.

Sonic: Boss, I got something.

Kyoko: You do?

Sonic: A hacker in EDEN pointed out something about the Zaxon being related to the account raiding. I got the URL of their forum.

Kyoko: Well done, my dear Watson. Be sure to look out for anything out of normal.

Sonic: Got it. It's time to visit the Zaxon.


Ending - Twill, New World

Sora wo koete, umi wo koete
Chiisana fuan kibou ni kaete

Arukidashita kono sekai de
Dona deai wo sagashi ni ikou

Omoi kuzuresou demo zawameku kokoro osaeru
Kimi no koe ga tsutsumu saki shinjite

Bokura no tabi wa mada hajimatta bakari
Doredake no yume wo kizuna wo tsunaide ikou

Atsumaru kokoro wa tatakau tsuyosa ni naru yo
Yami wo koeta asu no sono saki e

Next Time...

Hudie moves to the meeting spot to chase down Mephisto. Meanwhile, Sonic enters the Zaxon Forum, where he has to find any information on the account raiding. What he doesn't know, is that he to is after Hudie's targer.

Next time, on Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth: Chasing Mephisto!

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