
By 1-800-suck-my-P

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When a guy is forced into finding the next heir to his mafia by his dad, he impregnates a random girl he met... More



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By 1-800-suck-my-P

I woke up from my eleven-hour sleep somehow still exhausted.

It's been a week since I found out about my daughter's double life and I still haven't confronted the people who've betrayed me. I do plan on doing it today though, just to get it out of the way. It's been draining me since I found out and I can't go on without hearing their reasoning.

That doesn't mean I'm talking to Angelo or Matteo though. No, I refuse to talk to them. Lori and I have this mutual understanding that we won't go near them until we're ready. We didn't discuss it, it's just a cousin thing.

I'm mad at Angelo for obvious reasons and I won't talk to Matteo because he was a dick to Lori for over eighteen miserable years.

Lori said she'd just go hang out with Marianne for the day because she's a lawyer and could probably help discuss what's best for Lori right now in her relationship with Matteo. She already left actually, she left me a note on the kitchen counter saying she'd be back late.

I haven't talked to Dahlia and Nairobi either. I just don't know what to say to them or if I could even trust them. What they did hurt, especially the fact they chose Angelo over their best friend. But I've also realized it wasn't only Angelo they chose, they chose their husband and wife and their families over me and I can't blame them. For Lori, Ria, and Sy, I'd do the same thing.

Anyway, after I woke up I did my usual morning routine then went downstairs for some breakfast- avocado toast and a cup of tea- before heading out to my car and driving to Angelo's house.

Seriyah sent me the address because for one, the house is in the middle of nowhere, and two, I'm not just about to memorize a place I've only been to once.

Speaking of Seriyah, she and Maria are already there. She thought it'd be best to give Lori and me some peace and quiet to think for a while. I haven't seen my perfect baby in a week, she said when I grew the balls to confront the betrayals of the past, she'd be there waiting for me.

I arrived at the big home around ten minutes ago and have been struggling to find my way around the place. I need to get to anyone I'm supposed to confront but they're nowhere to be found.

Suddenly and thankfully, I start to hear noises coming from a door down the hall. I got closer to it and place my ear against the wood to hear what was going on inside.

"He literally scared off some girl at a Halloween party a few months ago." A familiar voice says.

Wait... that's Vince.

"I'm surprised she didn't call the cops, Dominic sucks with his women." Vince sounds amused.

Dominic has always been this way, he still hasn't found a wife sadly. I wish I got to know him better back then but I guess I have a whole lot of time to do that now.

"Why'd you even bring him out?" Nai! That's Nai's voice!

"I dared him to." This voice was easy to remember. The carefree tone, is soft but rough at the same time. It's Carlo Gambino.

"What bet did you lose?" Nai asks.

I knock on the door cutting off whatever Vince's answer was about to be. Vince opens the door for me and grins. "Alana! You're back-"

I slap him.

That wasn't the plan but all I could think of was how much it would hurt if I just slapped him then and there. Not only physically, but mentally as well. I didn't think I'd hit him but I guess it all just got to me the second I saw his face.

When I walk into the room, the rest of them- Carlo, Alessandro, Dahlia, and Nairobi- back up a step, hearing that slap loud and clear.

Carlo scratches his neck then mutters, "Damn."

I glare at him because apparently, he wants some next.

Okay, Lana. Where is this anger coming from? You aren't a violent person. Let's be nicer and try to hear these people out.

"Okay. I'm going to sit here calmly and you're all going to tell me what the fuck is going on." I try to speak evenly because if I raise my voice even a little, it won't come back down. And stress isn't good for women my age.

I sit in what looks like a common room where they come to chill and relax. There are bookshelves on most of the walls and the couches are so soft and bouncy. The lighting isn't low but not bright either, it's just right.

Carlo sits on the couch across from me with Nai on his lap and Dahlia sandwiched between them and Alessandro. Vince sits on an armchair to my right and begins talking first. "Okay, I'm sure you've heard the majority of it."

"I want to hear your side of the story."

"Well, I'll start." Nai sits up straighter from her slouched position on Carlo. "I met Carlo the day you gave birth. We'd been dating for a while before you saw me that day and brought me to the hospital." Nai bites her lip and looks down, it never gets easy for her to tell that part of her story. Being a celebrity, she likes to be open with her fans so that part of her history isn't a secret.

"Anyway, by that time we were married with a child. I got pregnant a year after you did and Carlo and I decided the baby should live with him. He didn't know my reasons back then, you and Lori were the first to find out." She explains. "The lies started building up but I already had a life so I couldn't tell you anything or I'd betray my husband, it hurt to hurt you though, I'm just happy you know now."

"Well, I think you know my story." Carlo shrugs. "Ang assigned us to keep a close eye on you because you were growing his heir inside of you, then you caught us and we went away but that doesn't mean we stopped watching. Now we're here."

"I and Ana have been dating for ages, and we got married and adopted a blonde child who is beautiful." Dahl smiles, thinking of Liana. "I died my hair blonde for her." Dahl snorts.

"We're sorry, though." Alessandro apologizes. "We were just doing our job and didn't expect to like you so much."

"Ouch," I comment. "You're not very good at apologizing."

But their explanations were alright and I already know who the source is so what's the point in being mad any longer? Hatred only weighs you down, I'm in a forgiving mood today.

Maybe it's those eleven hours of sleep paying off.

"Will you forgive us? I swear I'll never lie to you again!" Dahl puts her hands together and gets on her knees.

"Please, Dahl." I grimace. "I think the only person who wants to see you on your knees is Ana."

Dahl gasps.

"You're all forgiven," I state. "Now, let's talk about your kids. They're so cute, Vince I met Roman and Venetia."

"They grew up too fast." He sighs.

"Are you still with Iris?" I ask. "And Al, are you still single?"

"Yes, and yes," Vince answers. "Al can't pull for the life of him."

"Not true! I just choose not to, I'm interested in someone else." He folds his arms and glares at Vince.

"Please, he's been saying that for years." Dahl rolls her eyes.

"Dahlia, how's Liana? Did you guys seriously merge your names together to make your daughter's name? That's literally what Sole and Mari did with Marisol."

"Yes. And they copied us." She straightens. "I think it was smart. We took the ending Lia out of my name and took Adriana's nickname and made Liana."

"Which is a French name," Nai adds.

"Shut up, you're literally named after a country. How basic is that?" Dahl gives Nai a disgusted look.

"You're an Arab who married a half Italian half black woman and gave their daughter a French name." Nai raises a brow. "Kind of weird."

"Well Carina isn't exactly the best name out there, and you're married to an idiot who made that his fake name!" Dahl snorts.

"Hey!" Carlo shouts. "I'm not a part of this, leave me out. I made my name that in honor of my daughter."

I forget these three dressed up as triplets and women just to keep an eye on me. Why'd I forgive them so quickly?

I'll get my payback.

"Alright well, I have other people to confront." I stand from the amazing couch. "Bye!"

They give me goodbyes as I leave the room and go to find my next victim. I find her downstairs in an armoury playing with daggers. She looks up when I approach and gasps.

"Hello, Mariah."

"You aren't about to try to kill me, right? I know you and Lori started using the training your uncle has been paying for but I doubt you'd win this fight." She says.

I blink. "Okay, I'm just here to talk things out. I'm starting a new thing where I forgive but it has to be a worthy apology so get to talking."

"Alana, Angelo is my brother." She states the obvious. "I can't betray him, you'll grow to like him once you get to know him. He's a great guy. I'm sorry for all the lies, you were a great friend and I agree, you never deserved that. Please forgive me."

"You Italians suck at apologies." I roll my eyes.

"It's probably the mafia in us." She shrugs. "We're not used to apologizing."

I sigh. "Be happy because if this were twenty-year-old Lana or even twenty-five, I'd slap you and move on and forever despise you but you're lucky I'm in a good mood. You're forgiven."

"Yes!" She jumps and claps.

"Alright, tell me all about this Valentino I keep hearing of!"

"He's the sweetest." She smiles lovingly. "He calls me inamorata. We have a daughter named Tira, she says she met you and she loves you-" obviously, how could she not? "- but lately he's been really tense, I don't know what it is. Sergio used to accuse him of some pretty understandable things that everyone just shrugged off until eventually Sergio stopped caring and started focussing on Azalea."

"Oh no, he's hiding something big." I shake my head. "He's probably sorry about it and doesn't want to hurt you but it's probably a lie that's been with him since the day he met you."

"Oh please." Riyah raises a brow. "Not everyone is like Matteo."

"Unless they have a pretty good reason to be," I add. "It's a possibility, if this Sergio guy has never trusted him, he's probably untrustworthy. And I know it seems small right now but I'm sure when you find out what it is, you'll realize I was right this whole time."

She sighs. "Maybe. He always gets these weird letters and takes random calls late. But he's probably our best hacker, he finds everything on our threats so easily."

"Maybe that's because he's on the inside and that's his lie!" I accuse.

She gives me a blank stare. "Clearly, you need some closure with Matteo."

I slump on the wall. "Maybe you're right."

She walks up to me and engulfs me in a comforting hug. The corners of my lips tilt up in a small smile and her flowery scent fills my senses. I've missed her, she was an amazing friend to have.

"Thank you, Riyah." I pull away. "Let me get to my next victim, I have to find Sole and Marianne."

"Oh, I saw them in the kitchen."

I nod and walk off. For some reason, it felt like that hug was more for her than for me. I'll make sure to hug her more often.

After I confront Sole and Marianne, I'll move on to Kara then I'm done for the day. Having all the answers I need and being able to rest peacefully without worrying about running into them and having to talk to them. I got it out of the way. Seriyah and Ria are coming home tonight and we'll be a family once again.

I reach the kitchen and make my big entrance. "I hate Segreto's."

Sole Segreto and Marianne Zara Segreto turn and gasp, shocked by what I said. "Take that back!"

"Apologize." I glare at her.

I'm not actually mad at Marianne, she's my sister. Sisters forgive each other... well, close sisters forgive each other. Sisters like Taryn and Jude don't have to. I love Jude Duarte. Always and forever.

But anyway, I'm just messing with her. Sole though, yeah I'm pissed off. He pretended not to know me the first time we met just so he could get into my close friend list. He followed me around like a fucking stalker and I just shrugged it off.

I'm tired of hearing explanations and stories though, they all return to the same place. Angelo. I just want an apology and I'll call it a day.

Marianne runs up to me and I'm surrounded by her body heat. "I'm sorry my dear lovely sister whom I love so much. Forgive me for my betrayal and for my sins. I should've put you before my husband and my twin girls. All I ask for is... one-two- three words: I forgive you."

I try to push her off of me, I don't need to be hugged twice in under ten minutes. But Sole comes from behind and I have no choice but to deal with it. "I'm sorry too, you're a great friend and you treat my sister amazingly. We love you, Alana."

"Okay guys, you're forgiven." I struggle to get out from under their arms.

"Three words." Marianne reminds me.

"I forgive you," I say. "Now get off."

She chuckles and gets off of me, Sole follows after.

"What are y'all making?" I peek at the kitchen in a mess.

"Pizza, Sole wanted to be basic Italians for one night... even though I'm Hispanic." She shrugs.

"Ah, Athena makes the best pizza!" I beam. "I should ask her if she could deliver me some."

"Just go to Ferrari, the owner is Italian and she has amazing Italian cuisine," Sole tells me. "I took Mar there last month."

"I'll think about it." I tilt my head to the side. "I've heard of it, it's pretty popular. Restaurants opening all around the world."

"Yeah." Mari nods. "But I do miss Athena, we should schedule a day when we're all free and have sisters, Diya, and Lori day."

"Leo and Sole are always busy, who'd watch the kids?" I ask.

"My sister might be willing, she has no kids to worry about." Sole suggests.

"Ath would've been a great parent." I sigh then I shake my head, "And no, your sister is coming with us, she's our sister-in-law. She counts."

"Alright, Marcus maybe?" Kara shrugs. "And you're right, Ath is the most motherly out of all of us. It sucks she never settled down."

"Yeah." I nod. "Okay guys, I'm off to my last victim."

"Who?" Sole raises a brow.


I leave the room and try to find where Kara could be. I don't know where her bedroom is or if she even has one. I expect she does because Romano is best friends with her husband. Surely, Leonardo's a high-ranking soldier.

I pass by Camilo in the hallways and turn around realizing it's Camilo and he could probably tell me where his mom is. "Milo!"

He turns his head and pauses walking. "Hey, Tia."

"Can you bring me to your mom's room please?" I hold out my hand and he takes it like the perfect gentleman.


It's weird to think this little boy used to be no bigger than my forearm but now he's at least two inches taller than me. He grew up so fast, I love him like a son.

"Hey, Mama." Camilo knocks. "Tia, Lan is here."

"Oh!" I hear footsteps rushing toward the door then it opens and I'm met with my sister with a bunch of product in her hair. "I was just putting on my hair mask, don't mind me."

"Um... okay, we need to talk," I say. "Thank you, Milo. Enjoy the rest of your day."

Kara tenses but leads me to her washroom. "You're probably here for an apology so I'll make it sweet. Also, take down your hair tie, you need some refreshing."

I pull the hair tie out of my hair and she gets to work, spraying it with water before detangling my curls with her brush. "Well, you know when I met Leo so it honestly shouldn't be a surprise that I already knew about all of this before you came along. I'm sorry for betraying you but if I had the choice, I'd do it all over again for the family I have today."

"Camilo is cute." I nod.

"Isn't he!" She beams. "Anyway, do you forgive me? Your cute little sister would really appreciate it if we started fresh with no more lies in the way."

I roll my eyes. "Sure."

"Great!" She grins. "Now why is your hair so damaged? I send you my favorite products every month but it still looks like you don't care about your hair."

"It's probably heat. It's so much easier to manage my hair when it's straight." I shrug. "But I've been chilling out these past years, Seriyah is growing more independent so it gives me more time to take care of my hair properly. I used to straighten every time my hair got curly again but now I've reduced it to every two months."

"Learning to love your curls is very healthy." K states. "I can come over every week if you want some help."

"Yes please." I smile. "Thank you, Kar."

"Don't mention it." She winks. "Your hair isn't as bad as the De Santis's daughters, those girls need help. Adriana and Mariah probably sleep with their straightener."

I chuckle and shake my head. "You know you left half of your hair in a mask and haven't even gotten to the other half?"

"Oh my gosh!"


Word count: 3174

Hey yalllllllllll

How's period three?

You ain't seen anything yet :)

Anyway, heir legacy is definitely happening

Though, I'm an idiot for thinking I'd actually begin releasing Cutely Forbidden by the time heir finished, there's no way I can manage being committed to two books at a time, I can barely focus on heir alone.

I love hopping to other creations you guys haven't even heard about yet.




How are y'all this fine evening/morning/night?

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your whatever

Love uuuuuuuuuuu


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