Dimples - [BKDK] | MHA

By heyitz_aira

53.3K 1.4K 3.3K

For years, Katsuki forced himself not to smile, or laugh. All just cause of a small, simple reason. He didn't... More

This Is Why I Don't Socialize
You're Such a Deku
You're Too Obvious
Plan BakuDeku
He Likes Milkshakes
I'm Practicing
I Was Bird Watching!
What The Hell Did You Say!?
I Didn't Mean What I Said
Is It Easy To Say?
The Worst "Crush" He's Ever Had
That Was a Kiss! A Kiss!

Dimples. (Final)

4.2K 175 500
By heyitz_aira

Oh man, thank goodness you're here. There's a lot happening today.

First, both the males had woken up earlier than they usually would. Katsuki found himself staring at his phone till his usual morning alarm, as he wanted to wait till The greenette had woken up, so they could jog together. It's funny how in the beginning of the year, he found this nerd annoying, and even tried to avoid him at some point- but now, look at him. Never did he think he'd actually wait till it was the right time for him to get up. Counting every minute, every second, to keep track of when he'd see him. And he, well- uh, he..

He loved him. He loved Izuku. He knew it. As much as he didn't wanna admit to anyone, even himself, he had to at some point. But he promised himself he wouldn't tell anyone, because it's weird, it's a weird feeling, love is weird.

Well, until today.

Yeah, so basically, Katsuki Bakugou was actually re-thinking his thoughts and opinions about Mina's little plan on helping him confess. This, could go two ways.

One, the unlikely one as he liked to call it, Izuku actually returns his feelings, and falls head over heels for this blond man the moment he smiles, and discovers his dimples. And they all live happily ever after, they graduate, go to college, get jobs, marri—

Okay, Katsuki, too far.

Two, the more likely one as he liked to call it, but of course his friends have to disagree, they don't ever listen to them, so why would they? Anyway, ending two! Izuku never actually saw him or felt anything like how Katsuki felt around this greenette. He turns him down, Izuku moves on to a another guy or girl, he didn't know who he preferred better, graduate, go to college, get jobs, marri—

Okay, too far again, Katsuki.

But ending two is okay, because if the at ever happened, he could threaten the person Izuku loved and tell him to treat him the fuck properly, or they'll have their faces met with his fist in no time. Another thing he could do, was ignore Izuku until one of them died so these feelings would die. Ah, that's a bit harsh.

He impatiently tapped his foot on the floor, with the tapping synchronizing with the seconds as they went by. Why the hell are 2 minutes so damn long!? He asked himself. He invented minutes anyway? Why did they have to have 60 damn seconds? Couldn't they cut it in half?

What the blond wasn't aware of, was the fact that Izuku was also awake.

Izuku stared at his Allmight themed alarm clock, chuckling to himself as he remembered one of their memories together, how Katsuki was complaining about all the Allmights staring down into his soul once when he was over at his dorm. That was sweet. He's funny.

He whispered the seconds to himself, he couldn't see the seconds on his clock, but he started counting from 1-60 the moment he saw the last number change in the time. Sometimes he'd count to slow, which he felt was good, because if he counted slow, it made him feel like the time was going faster, but when he'd count too fast, he found himself sighing, waiting a few seconds before the number changed again.

Finally, it was time for both of them to get up, and do their usual routine. Both their alarms beeped at the same time, with them simultaneously switching it off, and continuing on with their day with smiles on their faces. This was one of those times where Katsuki allowed himself to smile, opening his door, dressed up in his dry fit clothes, and heading over to the elevator, pressing the floor the common room was. Before he could curse the elevator out for being so slow, he noticed that it had stopped on the second floor.

"What the hell, I need to see—"

"Me?" Izuku finished, smiling wide, chuckling a little. He could hear Katsuki's cursing from outside the elevator box, and automatically new it was him. Katsuki froze, he was caught off guard.

"Uh.. Buh..." he mumbled. "No, I need to see the damn sky. Trees. Nature. I already see enough of you." He told him, rolling his red eyes. Izuku couldn't help but laugh a little more, "Yeah right, Kacchan." He let out a smile. "Just admit it, you wanted to see me."

"Never in a million years."

"So you did want to see me."

"I never said that, idiot."

"You just agreed that you didn't wanna admit it, but you never denied the fact that you wanted to see me."

"When the hell did you get so smart?"

"Aren't I a nerd?"

Katsuki wanted to chuckle, he just met this man this morning, and he was already having a good time. He needs to watch out, though. The day has barely even started and yet he's already starting to feel his cheeks get all hot. "Whatever. Look, it's open. Let's just go."

"First one to get out there wins!" Izuku pushed Katsuki behind him, and started sprinting ahead. "Oi, Deku! That's cheating! Hey your nerdy ass back here!" Katsuki started running after the shorter male. It didn't take him long to catch up.

Katsuki grabbed the other's wrist instead of going ahead of the greenette, and tugged on it as gently as he could as he didn't wanna hurt him. Izuku turned around, just like in one of those slow dances. They met each other with one of their intertwined, the greenette's free hand on the man's shoulder. While Katsuki's free hand was one the other's waist.

Green met red, their eyes met each other.

"I caught you." The blond whispered, his breath met Izuku's face, it was like it was fanning him. "You sure did." Izuku smiled.


"Man, get a room guys, not here too." Denki rubbed one of his eyes.

"Kaminari! You're up early!" Izuku froze, his hands still on the taller male.

"What the hell are you doing outside the building?"

"I just wanted to check on you guys, isn't this usually the time you're out to jog?" Denki yawned.

"It is." Izuku answered.

"Mm, well, this sure doesn't look like you're jogging." Denki smirked at the scene in front of him. "Prom is still a long way ahead, are you guys practicing already?" He added, laughing.

"Go the fuck back to bed."

Izuku just started back and forth between the males, and got Katsuki's hand off him, stopped holding his hand, and basically jogged off. He couldn't stand there anyone, Katsuki would surely notice how red his face had gotten.

"His face was all red." Kaminari winked sleepily, "I know you're too dense to notice that, though. So you're welcome."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes, jogging after Izuku, who travelled quite a distance now.

Katsuki allowed himself to think about what he was thinking about earlier this morning, again. No, it's not Izuku— I mean, it is, but I meant the confessing his feelings idea. Day by day, his friends just seemed to be convincing him, more and more than Izuku did like him back. There was still a part of him that didn't want to tell him, the part that was terrfied something might happen to their friendship, he didn't wanna lose him over just some stupid feelings, y'know? But there was always this tiny part of hope in his body, that had grown to give him so much hope, that at this point, he's considering telling him everything.

Izuku was a really, really great guy. He was perfect. He was kind, determined, funny, smart, cute, had an absolutely soothing voice, soft touch. Everything about this man was great. So would someone like someone like Katsuki? Wouldn't his be more like... that half n' half bastard? Pink cheeks, maybe? They seem nice. Why couldn't Katsuki be nice to him? Ah, but that would ruin his reputation. Katsuki wasn't known to be nice. It didn't fit his character. Everyone would think he's weird or something. He can't just change sides like that. He—

"Kacchan!" Izuku finally caught the blond's attention. "Finally, I've been called your name four times already." Izuku sighed, he had finally caught up to the blond's pace, running beside him. "Oh." Was all Katsuki said. "Oh? Are you okay? You spaced out for a bit there, and kinda looked serious."

"M' fine, nerd. Jus— stop." He stopped the other male by placing his arm in front of him. Izuku looked down to see a crack he's fell because of from before. He then pouted, "I kinda wish I fell, though." He mumbled to himself. "What'd you say?" Katsuki raised a brow. "Nothing, thanks, Kacchan." Izuku actually only liked tripping because he knew the blond would catch him. It's like he falls for him, even the ground agrees.

The rest of the jog was relatively quiet. It felt awkward too, as Katsuki kept spacing out about the idea Mina suggested yesterday, and Izuku- well, he just, he was just there. He did appreciate the fact that he could stare at the blond beside him and he wouldn't notice, as his mind was somewhere else.

By the time the students had started walking to the school building, Katsuki's head had been playing all the ways his confession could go wrong, or right. His friends started to encourage him even more once they realized that Katsuki was considering their idea an option.

"He likes you bro!"

"Yes, yes! Do it!"

"I just have a question." Katsuki stopped them. His friends looked at him. "Do you think he likes dimples?"

Everyone exchanged confused looks. "Dimples? Where'd you get dimples from?" Mina asked, how was this related to what was going on?

"I'm just asking. Do you think he likes people with dimples?"

"Why does it matter?" Denki asked, "It's not like anybody from our group has dimples."

"Just answer my damn question, you idiots."

"I dunno about him, but I think dimples are pretty manly, I like dimples." Kirishima grinned, Shitty Hair was being suspicious... he looked like he knew something. But whatever it was, his words made the blond feel slightly better about himself. But he still needed to know if the greenette liked them.

While Katsuki was distracted with his own thoughts for a second, Kirishima looked at them, assuring them that he knew what was going on, he mouthed the words "honest opinions" and the group nodded.

"I love dimples, dimples are really cute!" Mina smiled sweetly. But that's the point, it's cute. It doesn't suit me.

"Dimples are really cool, I'm sure Midoriya would like them too." Sero nodded. Denki agreed. "Yeah! He's really nice!"

"Okay." Katsuki responded. Somehow, none of them bothered to relate that to Katsuki, and that's good. His friends somehow don't know how to put two and two together. But Kirishima did, somehow.

"Bakubro? What was that this morning?" Kirishima met with him in the boys bathroom, he found him staring at himself in the mirror, thankfully, the bathroom was empty. "I don't know what you mean, Shitty Hair."

"Ah, I know you do. The dimples. Bakubro, you have them?"

"Where the hell did you get that from?" Katsuki shot. "Calm down! I just had a hunch. You wouldn't just ask something as random as that outta nowhere. You seemed to be spaced out too, so you probably were thinking about that. And! And, I've never seen you smile. I've heard you laugh, but you always end up covering it. So... am I right?"

Katsuki just stared at the male. "Fuck, if you figured it out, then I'm sure everyone would have too, even that damn nerd." The blond pushed his hair back. "I didn't tell the others anything. And Midoriya, well, he probably doesn't know either, because I could only get confident about this when you asked if he liked dimples." Kirishima leaned against the wall.

"Look, Bakubro, I'm gonna be completely honest. I don't know what happened before, but we're not what you think. We're not like that. Midobro isn't like that. Trust me. Is that why you haven't openly smiled so far?"

Katsuki nodded the slightest bit. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"Well, in my opinion, I suggest you still tell him about your feelings. It's the manly thing to do. He's probably gonna make you feel a lot better than I did. But like I've said before, I think dimples are manly. And you don't look any less manly as you did before, you're the just- better, now! Even more manlier. Am I making sense right now?"

"Sort of."

"Do I sound inspirational?"


"Eh, I tried. But really, go for it, man. You can tell the others later too, if ya want." Katsuki nodded. "Why're you trynna act all smart today?"

"Hey, I am smart! Just not that book smart."

"Whatever, Shitty hair." He rolled his eyes.

"No smile?" Ejiro raised a brow.

Katsuki shook his head. "Izuku gets the first one." And with that, Kirishima grinned wide. "Yeah! That's the spirit! Let's go! Tell him everything!" He gestured a thumbs up.

The two walked out the bathroom, to find the rest of their friend group talking to each other, once they saw the two walk out, they immediately rushed over to the pair.

"Are you confident!? Are you ready!? C'mon Bakubabe! Show him!" Mina encouraged. "Yeah man! Did Ej convince you into telling him??" Denki asked. Katsuki looked at them for a moment. "I guess you all sorta did." He answered. Hearing that, they all went into a tiny, mini victory cheer. He rolled his eyes. "Where is he?" He asked the four. They shrugged. "He wasn't at the lunch table." Sero answered. Katsuki thought about it for a moment, then get an idea. "I think I know where he is." He told them, and started to walk off in a direction. "Don't follow me!" He yelled from a distance. "We'll be with you later for emotional support!"

"Midoriya, really, don't you think it's been going on for a while?" Todoroki asked the male. "No.. I'm completely fine this way." Izuku looked walked into a different row of books in the library. "I seriously think you should consider telling him."

"Why are you doing this thing again, Sho?"

"Because they told me to."

"Right. Go on."

"I'm gonna tell him, I need this to work. You two have been pining over each other so much it's obvious it's 'killing me'." Todoroki sounded proud of himself for using the 'funny' phrase Mina did. Izuku's eyes immediately shot wide.


"Midoriya, this is a library. You aren't allowed to yel—"

That's when some person accidentally pushed Shoto to get through the line. And that resulted in Shoto basically Kabedon-ing the greenette to a book shelf.

Yeah, this is where everything goes tumbling down hill, again.

"Ah.." Izuku froze, not knowing what to do. Just a few minutes prior, Katsuki had walked in, looking through all the rows of books for Izuku. If he wasn't at lunch, he would be here. He knew that.

Y'know the phrase Right place, wrong timing? Yeah, keep that in mind.

Katsuki walked into Shoto Kabedon-ing his boyf— sorry, future maybe boyfriend. His eyes shot wide as they exchanged looks with each other. "What the actual fuck is going on." He shot. Izuku, being too nice to push off his close friend, he tried to explain the situation in the same position they were in. "K-Kacchan! I- it's not what it looks like- I-I swear I can explain!" Izuku looked at Shoto, and felt the breath fan over his face. "Breathin— no, u-uh, blowing! A-Air.. uh, crap."

"Midoriya, you breath smells like mint." 

"Shoto! Not the time!" He gestured "cut it out" with one of his hands. "But it's not my fault you're breathing so har—"

"Okay! Enough of this! Kacc— oh." Izuku realized the blond had already started walking away. "I'm sorry, I- I really need to go." He wiggled out of the situation, and immediately ran after him. Shoto shrugged, "I need to tell Uraraka."

Katsuki had walked out the school building at that point. He couldn't believe it. He was right about earlier. That half n' half bastard is really more his type. He didn't know why they were doing such a thing in a library of all places, but he wished he didn't see it. He wanted to erase it out of his mind. And just live his life like it was before. It was a wrong idea, the wrong choice to do this.

Guess ending number was correct, huh? He's gonna have a talk with that bastard later, to make sure he treats him well. Fuck, he couldn't take it though. It made him jealous as hell, just thinking of it made it blood boil, thinking of Izuku in a relationship with someone else. But I guess, he'll have to deal with it now, huh?

"This of all things.. this of all things! Why did he have to see that!?" Izuku mumbled to himself. "Where'd he g— Kacchan!" He found him walking outside, and instantly ran after him.

"Leave me the hell alone, Deku." Was what Katsuki could say, he could hear the greenette yell behind him, and his footsteps. "Kacchan, hear me out! It was a—"

"Go back to that bastard! I'm fine in my own! Why are you here anyway!? I'm not like him, Izuku. Don't I call you names? Make fun of you? Hell, I bet he doesn't do that, does he?" Katsuki turned to the greenette.

Izuku stayed quiet for a moment. "Kacchan, really, What's goi—"

"Tell me! Tell me right now! Why do you put up with me!? Hu—"

"Because I-I LOVE YOU!" Izuku admitted, his eyes closed shut, his hands balled into fists on both his sides. "I love you! You're different, Kacchan! Whatever you do, calling names, teasing, I like it! Cause- cause I know you don't actually mean it... I- I've seen the way you treat your friends, Kacchan. Even if you do that, you still love them, care for them, even if you may not show it. That's one- that's one of the reasons I love you! I like- no, love everything about you... You're- you're amazing, you.. you know that?" Izuku finished. His heart was racing, slipping multiple beats in the process. His head faced the ground, at his shoes, they didn't have the courage to look up at him just yet. But just then, when he heard no reply, and realized he probably messed up, and noticed how cringey and awkward that sounded.

"O-Okay, I uh- I meant love as in- as in friendship! like how two friends get so close to each other they love each other— like best friends! I'm not saying that I don't actually love you, I do! Wait no, I mean, I like you. B-But I'm not saying that I like-like you or anything... Oh! I'm not saying that I don't. It's just..." Before the green-eyes male could say anything else, he heard the blond male let out a laugh.

And it wasn't covered this time.

An actual, genuine, happy laugh. At first it sounded like the taller male was trying to hold it in, but eventually gave in. It wasn't a tiny snicker, chuckle or anything, an actual laugh. And it sounded beautiful, to Izuku's ears. Dammit, Kacchan. Out of all the things I did, this is what made you laugh that hard!?

Whatever, it was worth it to Izuku, though. It was worth hearing it again.

The greenette looked at the blond, with wide eyes, cheeks as red as Kirishima's hair, stomach erupting with butterflies on the inside, and his heart feeling like it was nearly about to stop.

For a man who hasn't laughed much, it sure sounded beautiful. (Or maybe it was just Izuku's head messing with him again) And so did the view in front of him. The sunset seemed to perfectly illuminate the blond's features. It glew a part of the blond's face, which happened to include one of his eyes, the red in them glistened, the orange and gold like flecks around the pupil shining too. Those perfectly sculpted lips. How was this guy still single? Well, at least that's what Izuku knew. Hot people like him always were taken.

Woah, wait a minute. Are those... dimples?

Just when Izuku thought this couldn't get any better, the blond proved him wrong. Katsuki looked so much better when he smiled, when he truly smiled, laughed, and not hide it with his hand. Those dimples, they suited him perfectly. They were light, and if you looked closed enough, you could see that they had a pink hue to them.

"Woah, I-I.. I think I might have fallen in love.. with you. Like, actually." He spoke, his eyes never left the male. Katsuki had stopped laughing by now, realizing what the man had said.

Oh, so this wasn't a joke. The whole time Izuku had confessed, Katsuki felt as if this was a dream, but he knew he was awake, he even pinched himself. So he thought that it must've been a joke. No matter how cringey it sounded, he liked it. He liked this joke. It was sweet, cute, even. So he laughed. But man, that's when he realized Izuku might've seen them. The holes.

"..I didn't think this far, shit." He mumbled to himself. He immediately covered his mouth a second later when he hit a realization. "Wait- fuck, you saw.. didn't you?" He looked away, his hand over his lips, clenching his hand into a fist with his other.  This isn't how it was supposed to go! According to ending 1, he was supposed to show them after he confessed, making Izuku fall head over heels for him. Instead, he messed it up. Shit.

"See what? The dimples? Wait- Kacchan!" The greenette rushed a few steps forward, "Don't.. do that." He slowly took the taller male's hand off of his face. "And why? Don't you think it's weird? They're like.. holes, dents drilled into my cheeks. They don't suit me." Katsuki frowned. "Wha- what? Of course they suit you, it's perfect- you're perfect!" Izuku argued, realizing that Katsuki was insecure about them.

"You look beautiful, with them." The greenette's lips turned upwards into a soft smile. Katsuki's heart squeezed, blood rushed to his cheeks, making them red. "Beautiful? That's new. It's a first." He told him. "It's true." Izuku added, "Tch, what the hell Deku... don't, say shit like that to my face. If anything, these holes belong in your face, not mine. You're cute, I'm sure you'll actually put good use to them." Katsuki, felt heat rush to his cheeks more, it was obvious he was blushing, something that had been happening a lot now. Izuku's heart skipped a beat at the word 'cute'

Kacchan thinks I'm cute.

"Hah, as much as I would love too, I'm much more happier that you have them. It suits you more than you think. I personally think you pull them off perfectly either way. I promise!" Izuku encouraged the taller male.

"You don't think it's girly?"

"No, why would I? Who told you that?"

"Long ass story."

"We have the entire evening."

"Tsk, just some shits from school before. They used to think it was girly and stuff, they used to tease me about it, so I just.. kinda stopped." Katsuki didn't look back at the male, though he knew the other was staring.

"Smile for me."


"Smile for me, Kacchan."

"What? why the hell would I-"

"Just do it- don't make this awkward, I'm trynna make this work here."

Confused, both the corners of Katsuki's lips ascended once more into a small smile, making the dimples appear once more.

"Screw them, Kacchan." He finally responded to the blond's  earlier explanation. "They're different. We're not like them. Your friends aren't like them, I'm not like them. They just sound like really immature people- They don't know a thing, whoever they are. Their opinion doesn't matter, it won't matter. And..." Izuku's cheeks grew redder as he leaned closer to the other's face, he had to slightly stand on the tip of his toes, his hands on the other's shoulders for support. That's when he did something Katsuki would have never expected.

Izuku kissed the right dimple first, which caused the other's heart to stop, he swore he couldn't hear or feel it beat anymore. The smile grew shakier and shakier, but it was still there, the butterflies had started fluttering their wings, causing Katsuki to feel his stomach turn in weird ways. Izuku ended with a kiss to the left dimple.

"—I personally love them. You just hung out with the wrong people." That was one of the sweetest smiles Katsuki had ever seen in his entire lifetime. That's it, he couldn't take it anymore. He needed his lips on that smile.

Though Izuku make seem cool and collected on the outside, he was freaking out, panicking at twist he had just done.


Smile. Just smile. No one's gonna know. He repeated the sentence to calm himself down.

Just when Izuku thought this day couldn't get any better, the universe only threw another curveball at him.

He was met his Katsuki's soft, warm lips on his own, his green eyes widened before melting at the touch, Katsuki's hands slid up to the male's face, hesitantly cupping it, unsure of what Izuku would think. Izuku placed his hands over the other's, as a way to assure him that it was okay, before he curved the corners of his lips up, into a sweet, happy smile as the two kissed.

"Where are they!? I need to see if everything's okay! We told him we'd be there for emotional support!" Mina looked around, outside with both Izuku's and Katsuki's friends.

"There!" Mina finally spotted them, pointing a finger. "Quick, hide before they recognize us!" The group set off to find places to hide in. Most of them hid behind a bush, or the building. That's when they saw the pair kiss.

"They grow up so fast.." Mina grinned proudly, the rest of them agreed. "The Plan BakuDeku has been successfully completed."

"What the hell, shitty extras!" The distant figure of Katsuki yelled, turning towards them. "I was having a moment here!"

"We thought you needed emotional support!" Kirishima yelled back.

"I told you to not follow me! I'm old enough to do it on my own!"

"Congratulations both of you! Now you can be two idiots dating each other! You've upgraded!" Denki yelled at the pair happily.

"Idiots!? Speak for yourself, Dunce face! Now fuck off before I kick you guys to the sun!" They all laughed.

"So, you like me too, right?" Izuku asked, fidgeting with his fingers, he couldn't pull away much more since Katsuki's hands had now fell to his other's waist, with a firm grip. "So the whole kissing thing, was that not enough proof? Are you that stupid?" Katsuki asked, raising one of his eyebrows.

Izuku reddened, waving his hands in front of him. "I-It is! I just- wanted to hear it from you..." his voice grew quieter as he spoke, in embarrassment.

"Deku, you 'fell in love' with me when you've literally never seen me smile, at all. Only idiots fall for people like that when they haven't even seen them fucking smile."

"Hey, I've heard you laugh! And.. I guess I am an idiot then, huh?" He smiled awkwardly, man. He really did fall for this guy even if he's never seen him smile before.

"Tch," Kacchan rolled his eyes, leaned closer to the male so it would be more of a hug, which caused the other to immediately wrap his arms around him. Katsuki kissed the shorter male's forehead before he spoke. "Yeah, my idiot now. I guess."

Izuku's eyes widened, "What?.."

"Goddamn, do you want me to spell it out for you? I'm in love with you too, dumbass."

Izuku smiled the widest he has in a while.

And Katsuki, well, Izuku saw those dimples again. He smiled back.

"Oh, and I won the challenge. Again."

"Ah fuck, is it too late to add another rule?"

"Too late."

The End.

author's note:

hey! thanks so much for reading this story, it's my favorite so far, and i really hope you like it as much as i do :]

word count for the entire story (does not include my author notes, lol): 37,353 words. (37.3k)

this did not feel like a short story 💀

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