Norman's Last Days

By twinkyscollection

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The world as man knows it is not exactly what it seems and two best friends in the city of Ukwa are caught in... More

Introduction (RECISED)
chapter 1: Peets' Confusion
Chapter 2: Tragedy Unfolds
Chapter 3: Beets' Condition
Chapter 4: Norman
Chapter 5: My friend, My brother
Chapter 6: Her Silent Voice
Chapter 7: The Non-believers in love
Chapter 8: Runaway
PART 1; Chapter 1: How We Got Here
Chapter 2: Able Hands
Chapter 3: Who am I
Chapter 4: Crushed Hopes
Chapter 5: Norman is dead
Chapter 6: Before she left
Chapter 7: Emma
Chapter 8: GLOBAPOL
Chapter 9: Don Antonio
Part 2 : prologue
Chapter 11: Zakar's first move
Chapter 12: Minerva
Chapter 13: Dack
Chapter 14: The Root's Server
Chapter 15: Assault on the Lost Bunker
Chapter 16: Norman is Alive
Chapter 17: Zakar's Experiments
Chapter 18: Traitors Among Us
Chapter 19: The Archive
Chapter 20: Norman's Last Days
Part 3: Chapter 21: The Duchess

Chapter 10: Zakarpat

29 8 0
By twinkyscollection

"Hello" Ronnie Anne said as she answered her phone. "Ronnie, I think you might want to sit down for this" Amara said in a very calm and apologetic tone. "What's wrong?, did something happen?" Ronnie Anne asked. "Yeah, there's no easy way to say this but about a week ago, Don was taken from Twickenham by Zakar's men. He and Covis were attacked and only covis made it out safely" Amara said. "So what are the operations in motion to recover him?" Ronnie Anne asked. "My dear child, once one is in the hands if Zakar there is no coming out, and we just received message that Zakar couldn't take a chance with the world's most brilliant mind, so he got rid of him." Ronnie Anne acted shocked, "So he finally decided to kill his own son, that monster Zakarpat, what the hell could he be planning this time, its hard to te..." At this point Ronnie noticed Beets eavesdropping on her phone call conversation. She then called out to her and Beets ran away. "Sorry that was Beets, kids." She said as she shook her head. "Thanks for reminding me what I'm fighting for Beets, I won't let you destroy my family Zakar, not again" Anne said with conviction. "Good, don't be distracted, the bombs are still our top priority. Covis will join you in the field to replace Don, Good luck" Amara concluded.

Amara, Dack and Peets were still on their tour when Emma and her team arrived back at HQ, they met as Emma was going back to her workshop. "Good job out there Emma, This is our first big win against Zakar's technology since We lost Don" Dack congratulated her. "Thank you, sir" she answered. "No one told me you were coming" she turned to Peets. "Yeah..., Dack had his agenda and he wasn't taking no for an answer" Peets said as he looked sternly in Dack's direction. "Yeah, I know how that feels, these two are more alike than they know" she said teasingly. "Since you're back Emma why don't you give the orientation speech this time around?", Amara asked her. "Really" she said surprised. "Maxim normally does that" Dack stated. "I'm sure she'll be glad to have it taken off her hands this time, so? Do you want to?" Amara asked. "Yeah, sure" Emma answered. "You should attend also, boy. You might just take away a little from it" Amara suggested to Peets.

"Good day New recruits, I am Emma Wood, and I would like to welcome you all to GLOBAPOL. You have all been selected because of the abilities you possess that make you assets to the world. Here at GLOBAPOL, we are tasked with identifying, containing and eliminating threats to world peace and stability. As you were informed at the screening tests, everything GLOBAPOL is classified so be warned. This is an organization of hierarchy, meaning there is a chain of authority. You move up that chain with old fashion hard work. Information is key, he who has information in this organization has it all. So let me share some with you right now as it is the key piece of information a staff at GLOBAPOL must have. The cause of both World War was directly influenced by a man named Zakarpat. This is not his official name but one that this organization gave to him. This man has existed for a long time, no one really knows but he might be about a thousand years old or older. Due to modern researches, we were able to find out that his DNA is not structured the way ours is. It has allowed him to live for as long as he has but the study also shows that he's definitely dying. This man has been linked with major world events since the 1200s, The Founding families of this organization were the first to identity him as a threat in the early 1500s, with the limited influence they had at the time, they knew that to defeat someone like Zakarpat they needed to expand their influence.

This organization was created in 1944 by two prominent families, the Helsing and the Duchess Families. Just before the end of World War II, after Hitler's death, the organization coaxed Hitler’s successor, Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz to start peace negotiations. After the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the organization made it its priority to bring the war to an immediate end. It then also coaxed the Soviet Union to declare war on Japan. After US General Douglas MacArthur accepted Japan’s formal surrender aboard the US battleship Missouri. It then pulled all its resources together and organized a summit of 50 countries who then formed the base countries of the United Nations." At this point in her speech one of the recruits raised her hand. "I'm sorry to point this out but there were no such families like Helsing and Duchess in the 1900s or any period before" the young woman said boldly. "Just because they were not in the history books doesn't mean they didn't exist, the world as you know it is basically what organizations like this want you to know. A lot goes on in the world that is not on the daily news" Emma responded, then she continued, "Most operations in this organization is about neutralizing this guy and saving the world. We have reason to believe that he currently has all he needs to put his final plans in motion. This is a man that has left trails of bodies in his wake, just from the turn of the century to now, 85% of disappearances have been directly or indirectly linked to him. He is also the one responsible for the Sound Quakes that devastated the world a couple of years ago. Yes, we do have all the countries in this modern day directly under us. Yes, our resources are beyond measure. If the whole world were to go to war with us they would definitely lose but this man, Zakarpat has at least three times the resources we have. With people planted everywhere in the world, even inside this very organization. So keep your eyes peeled people and work hard. The fate of the world as we know it rest in your diligent hands."

"That was an amazing speech, Emma" Peets complimented her. "Thank you, Peets" she said flattered. "Hey Peets, since you're here now. I've got news, Beets, Booman, Booman and Norman are alive" she said joyfully. "WHAT!?" Peets said shocked to his very core.

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