The Big Eight: Stardom (offic...

By nocturnal_demigod

114K 4.5K 543

Welcome to the wonderful Los Angeles. The hone of Hollywood. And the home of our four protagonists, Elsa and... More

The Girls
The Boys
Night at The Winters Mansion
Music Video
The Guardians
Can't Think Straight.... Because of You
Nothin' To Do
Song Battle
Song Battle *Part 2*
Crush On You
Sick in Bed
Stay Sick
Getting the Gifts
The Day Before The Party
Happy Birthday Anna!!!
So Fast
Author's Note
Riff-off 2
Let The Anna Rage On
Winters Resort
Beaten Up
Cheer Up
Not Again
Tell The Truth
A New Guests
Update if A/N
The Old Band
Fist to Fist!
Reunion Show Planning
The Plan of The Guardians
Easter Eggs
The Reunion Show!
VIP Passes!
Blank Chapter
Gala Night: Night Of Our Lives
Gala Night: Broken Hearts
Cold Shoulder
The Favor
Author's IMPORTANT Note
Elsa and Rapunzel
Be My Brother
Book Ending: Whatever It Takes
Book 2!!!

Boys <3 Girls

2.5K 110 19
By nocturnal_demigod

Flynn pov

Well after the shopping, we dropped the girls to their respective houses. Then the next day, today I am shooting with Blondie. She seems to be not that angry with me today.

"Umm heh Eug, Why did you put that note in the paper bag again?" She asked. I remembered, the note. Oh man.

"Umm heh nothin" I said nervously.

"Your sweet" she said.

"I'm sorry Blondie but I am not sw-" I got cut off by the director.

"Okay people back to scene 25 . C'mon Flynn and Rap, on the set in 3-2-1 action!" we did as said. This scene was the I see the light song. It was recorded so we lip sync.

Rapunzel: All those years, watching from a window
All those years, outside looking in
All that time, never even knowing
Just how blind I've been

Well usually I am emotionless when hearing the recording but know in this. I fell...... I think...... I know. I am falling. Literally, we are shooting in the park lake at dawn. Just at 1:00 A.M. and this boat is wobbly. But I am falling for her.

Rapunzel: And at last I see the light
And its like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And its like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you

Eugene: All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

And at last I see the light
Eugene: And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
Rapunzel: And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything is different
Now that I see you

We leaned in closer and closer. I felt my cheeks burning but I had to act. I stopped and looked at the distance.

"Eugene is there something wrong?" she said.

"Uh uh nothing. Umm will you excuse me" I said and rowed the boat to shore.

"And cut! okah very well done. That is a rap people time to rest." our director said. yes! I mean no. We walked back to land.

"Nice acting back there" she said looking at me.

"oh uh tnx" I said.

"There is something I want to do to you" she said.

"What?" I asked with that smoulder in the movie. Then she banged my head with a frying pan.

"Oww was thay the prop?" I asked.

"Nope" she said. Oww girl. Just oww

Jack pov

I just got home from the recording studio. Just as we were about to start rehearsing, our manager said that our tour will be next month. Good. I plopped my
self down on the sofa and lazily turned on the tv.

"Aren't you going to the recprding studio?" Emma came in from her room.

"No our tour is next month. Our manager nust told us" I said.

"Well since you have nothing to do" she stopped and sat on a nearby chair.

"I watched the video of you and seven other people singing" she said.

"Did you actually watched that video?" I said.

"Yes and looked at the comments. And I was wondering.... Are you dating with Elsa? I mean Flynn and Rapunzel are in an upcoming movie together, I heard Kristoff and Anna are in a Tree Top ride together. I dont know about Mer and Hic. she is single and he is dating. And Elsa's platinum blonde hair matches your white dyed hair" she said.

"No no no no" I said.

"Mhhmm. You are lying to me bro" She said. Danh it she is good.

"NO I am not OK sis. Its just those comments that they posted" I said.

"Jack I am not an idiot" she said.

"FINE you caught me. I like her I like her not. My inside voices are fighting about it" I said.

"OK then, tell me more" she said with a smirk. This sister of mine is..... unexpectedly...... I forgot the word.

Kristoff pov

Hah. Now this is what I call fun. Anna and I have been going to this Tree Top Adventure with lots of rides. Canopy rides, trecking, skywalk, funicular ride, silver surfer ride, tree drop adventure and my favorite and Anna's biggest nightmare, Superman! Its like ziplining in different kinds of ways. We we're already on our last canopy ride and back on ground we go.

"Hey Kristoff!" Anna shouted from the other lane of the ride.

"I had never been so frightened and so happy at the same time before!" She continued. I laughed at her statement.

"I know. And I never had been so sick to my stomach in the Superman ride!" I answered.

"That is so scary. Super high!" She said. "Oh look. Its almost over!"

"Too bad" I said. We went back to the starting point were we get to pay for the ride. The employees of here helped us down and took a selfie with us. Oh man. FAndom.

"Thanks for the wonderful ride Kristopher" she said.

"Kristoff!" I answered. She just rolled her eyes.

"Oh next time can we go rock climbing!" She said jumping up and down.

"Yes. And as you know I am an expert rock climber" I said boastfully.

"Pfft yeah right" she said and kissed my cheek. I blushed.

"You are fun to hang out with. I can't wait for next time" she said and we went back to the car. I love her.

Hiccup pov

I was driving to Elsa and Anna's mansion because Merida said she is hanging out with Elsa there. I parked my car infront of the gate. I went in and saw Merida and Elsa lazing around in the living room.

"So what's shakin Bacon?" I said.

"Oh hey Hic, do you have anythinh to do today?" Merida asked.

"Yeah. I just dropped by here to give something to you and be on my way to the studio" I SAID.

"YEAH WHAT IS IT" Merida asked.

"Here" I can closer and gave her a locket.

"Wow Hiccup" she looked at it. It was heart shaped with a bow and arrow print on it. And inside is a picture of me and her.

"Aww you two are sweet. How come you haven't done this in public?" Elsa asked. I kissed her forehead and exited to my car. But I was surprised to see Astrid standing beside my car.

"Oh Astrid, funny seeing you here" I said.

"Hey babe. WHataare you doing here?" She asked.

"Well you see I was-" I got cut off by her.

"Whag is about the recent trending video. And why was Merida there?" She asked.

"Listen, Astrid. I am going to be late soon so" She cut me off by kissing me on the lips.

Merida pov

I was outside the house behind the gate. I saw Hiccup and Astrid making out. Sighs. I don't think this relationship is gonna turn out good. Should I. No Merida. I was looking at the picture inside the locket. I know he still loves me. Its just that, everything seems complicated right now. I went back to the house and saw Elsa watching Pitch Perfect. She was singing along to the songs.

"May I join you?" I asked. She nodded. Atleast I still have my friends.



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