Adult romance [lady D x Nell...

By kate_kurochaya

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This is a two-women story, with slow progress and healing things. Nell went to the village to pay her friend... More

1. New visitor
2. Village
3. Miranda
4. Cassandra
5.1 The daughters
5.2 The daughters
6.1 The Lady
6.2 The Lady
7. delightful breakfast time
8. Cassandra sweety
X. Bela's secret
9. Baking time
10. Little lady
11. Morning talk
12. Massage
13. Buttons
14. Loving mothers
15. Under the willow
16. Emotional
17. Mother of four
18. The blonde young lady
19. Interruption
20. Want some magic?
21. Princess and the Prince
22. Dani the bookworm
23. secret space
24. Mystery?
25. dumb dumb
26. Being a family
27. A date Part.1
28. A date Part. 2
29. A date Part. 3
31. After a stressful day Part. 1
32. After a stressful day Part. 2
33. Karl
34. Asking

30. A date Part. 4

180 7 4
By kate_kurochaya

Author's note: hope whoever reads this could find a little fluffy and comfort, that's all the reason I write, except for self-indulging of course.

The two women took a slow trot on the meadow in a content mood. With soft chatting flowing between them, the time was almost forgotten. Not too long later, the lady tugged the rein to stop the horses, and she smirked at the witch’s surprising gasp.
They stood beside a pond along with a steel gazebo. The pool was beautifully surrounded by flowers and willows, the water in it was serene, gleaming in green and reflecting the floating clouds, only a few waves were created when the wind blew through its surface.
The pavilion looked like a giant birdcage painted white, just without that many bars, and had some shield on the top as some sort of a roof. Depending on the golden patterns and decorations of the small building, it was obvious who it belonged to, and that acknowledgment made the witch smile softly.
She narrowed her eyes and raised a hand to block the sunlight and glanced further into the little building. A table made of the same material as the white cage was located at the center, with some chairs disposed around. A fine-laced cloth covered the counter, a rattan basket, a bucket with a bottle of wine and a vase with flowers were neatly laid out. While in their casual strolling, Nell had thought about what would the lady prepare for them, and an afternoon tea did come to her mind, but the view before them was way more delicate than she thought it would be.
Nell couldn’t help her widened eyes and a beaming face as she turned to the tall woman, only to win herself deep chuckles from the countess.
“Depending on your expression, I assume you like what you see, no?”
“Absolutely! I like the pond, the willow, the gazebo and …… is that afternoon tea on the table?” A nod from the lady confirmed the witch.
She smiled and chimed, “ That’s wonderful! How thoughtful you are, thank you.”
The cheerful face of her made the lady chuckle again.
“A little correction, the treats on the table were set by the maids. All I did is requestion.”
“But they only did that because you asked, so technically, it was prepared by you.” The witch winked at the tall woman, who shook her head softly with a smile.
“My, quiet a silver tongue you are, darling. You got a point that I can’t argue with, now can I?”
“No, you can’t and shouldn’t. There’s no need to cover the kindness of you.” The witch grinned a little proudly, resulting a rich laughing from the lady, and a faint rosy tone coming across her porcelain cheeks.
After getting a bit closer to the giant cage, the two women slid down from their mares and loosened the bridles on them, letting the horses go for rest or eat freely. Then they made their way into the gazebo, where Nell pulled out a chair for the countess to sit. The noble one took the offer gladly with a smile, and in return, she popped the bottle open and poured each of them a cup with a healthy amount. While the lady prepared the wine, Nell opened the basket, finding a box of pies, some buns and croissants wrapped in cloth, glass containers filled with jam and butter, a kettle, a stack of tissues, and finally, a plate of cookies that looked a little irregular in shapes but delight in the smell.
When the witch pulled the plate out from the basket and presented it to the lady with a grin, the said woman chuckled in realization. A fond expression on her face.
“My, my little bugs never fail to surprise me.” The countess hummed softly and took one chip from the plate, looking at it with adoration. The witch lowered the container on the table and picked one with chocolate beans. As she took a bite, the shreds of bitter dark chocolate melted on her tongue, and the sweet crispy flake of cookie filled her mouth with a rich butter aroma. A surprising smile spread from her lips and a low rumbling in her chest.
“They did quite a great job, the taste of it is amazing!”
Looking across the table at the woman who was still admiring her daughters’ handwork, the blond one grabbed another chip from the plate and smirked playfully, “Kindly remind, If you keep examining that delightful little piece of art, I might eat the rest of them in a split second.”
The countess raised a perfectly arched brow and held her hand a bit over the plate, the large palm of the lady completely covered it, and a pleased chuckle released from her lips at the witch’s shocked unbelieving expression. “Hm, or I can keep them all to myself.”
The lady smirked evilly at Nell and took a bite of the cookie in her other hand, soon closing her eyes with a soft humming.
“Indeed they are splendid. My girls really learned something from a wonderful teacher. Thank you, dear.” She generously took her hand back from the plate with sweets and nodded at the witch with a soft smile, which made Nell blush slightly.
Flustered, the witch cleared her throat, “I might teach them once or twice, but the credit didn’t go to me. The girls are all quick learners. I’m surprised at how good they could bake by now.” Nell looked at the countess and answered sheepishly, before turning away and taking another chip, shoveling it into her mouth with her cheeks reddened deeper.
The golden eyes traced the movement of the witch’s tongue as it darted out unintentionally to lick away the tiny scattered pieces on her pink lips, hooking at the place where it was retrieved. Her own one sensually ran through her plump lips, wetting them. Her body leaned in slightly, a low groan muffled in her throat which the blonde never heard. “Delicious.”
The desire to capture the witch’s lips at this instant rose fiercely inside her. But she must not, no, not now, it would be too improper and rude, even offensive toward the witch. She deserved better than that. The countess shifted her eyes away from the unaware woman, taking the goblet in hand and sipping from it. The liquor calmed her nerves down efficiently. She took another sip with a little more quantity. Then the countess turned to the bread and jam, the smell of baked wheat could hardly distract her, but she must do something to prevent herself from putting the unholy thought into action.
For a while, both of the two women had their meals in silence, one was busily disturbing herself, and the other was just enjoying the food.
The witch hummed at the taste of the smoky grilled meat with a hint of herbs and dried tomato. The flavor of it worked up the witch’s appetite, just perfect for a summer picnic.
“Would you like some of the pies? The meat stuffing was really good. I wonder how the cook prepared it.”
“Is that so? I must try then.” After almost drying her glass, the glowing eyes of the countess softly landed on Nell, the tall woman smiled, taking a piece of said food as her words and consuming it with utter elegance. The large fingers of hers easily nipped up the pie, which seemed much smaller between her digits, and then those nimble fingers sent it into those plump crimson lips. Nell’s eyes followed each swift movement of the lady’s fingers, waving in the air, which made her mouth go dry. Oh, how she wanted to kiss the knuckles of them to worship their owner. The witch swallowed hard before grabbing the thermos from the rattan basket.
“Hm, their cooking skills did improve, very well.” The smell of food in the countess’s nostrils decreased the faint scent of the witch, which smelled like the forest, fresh air and warm dried grass that kept triggering the thin thread of her sanity. And the steaming smell of the hot tea that was just poured for them helped too. At least the lady could keep her mind at bay with less strength.
Sipping from the cup, the witch’s face coated with a faint tone of rose, then she looked up from the porcelain, smiling at the lady.
“The stevia and mint blend with green tea is rather good, and I think the herbs are from Cassandra’s little garden.” She put a set of teacup before the tall woman, then sipped again from the cup in her hand.
“In that case, I shall thank you yet again.” The countess pleasantly lifted the corners of her lips before taking her own cup of tea. “Hm, wonderful.”
Nell smiled with her eyes curving in arches, “Glad you like it. And please, no need for another thank you, Cassy is a kid with green thumb, I only taught her how to turn herbs into tea. Isn’t that something a grandma would teach her grandkid?” She chuckled at her own words, the crow’s feet spread frankly beside her eyes.
The countess looked at her softly, before an evil smirk found its way to her face. She leaned in toward the witch, decreasing the distance between their faces until there were only a few inches away. Her gloved hand found the witch’s, holding still on it above the fine cloth of the table. The witch’s breath hitched as their hands contacted, her eyes darted to Alcina and her face grew warmer and warmer in the lady’s gaze.
The golden eyes of the lady shimmered in mischief, and her crimson lips parted. “Oh, I believe instead of the grandma, my daughters would much rather you be their the other mother. Miranda takes that position well, and it is enough for them.”
The witch fell to silence, and the red hue on her face grew even deeper, climbing up to the tips of her ears. Eyelashes trembling, Nell speechlessly glanced at the countess, biting her lower lip. A broad smirk revealed on the lady’s lips, and her thumb gently stroked the back of Nell’s hand. A series of neural currents were sent to the witch from that touched skin, making her spine shiver and her heart beat harder.
“Is cat got your tongue?” The countess teased, eagle-like eyes hooked on Nell and devoured the shy witch, refusing to let go of any of her expression change.
Nell took a deep breath, the woman before her would be the end of her life, but she was willing to devote it. She closed her eyes for just a short moment, then she smiled, azure eyes looked directly into Alcina’s. The rosy tone on her face remained, but the shy expression turned into a playful one, which the towering woman arched an eyebrow about.
“Although I am a cat person, I am afraid that this time someone more gorgeous than those furry creatures has got it first. Care to know who I reference?”
Her smile widened as the lady snorted, the honey-like eyes drifted away for a while with a hint of rosy tone across her pale cheeks, then Alcina shook her head with an amused expression on her face, a deep humming rumbling its way out from her chest. She looked back at the witch fondly.
“The answer is crystal clear, so no need to waste time on explanation, no?”
The witch replied with a chuckle and nodded, “Yes, I think it is.”
“Very well then. Would you like to have more of the dessert, or would you prefer to depart now?” The lady released Nell’s hand and brought her tea up, asking from the brim of the cup after sipping.
The lost contact and warmness made Nell’s heart flinch a bit, unwilling to let go just yet. But nonetheless, she answered the countess by her motion, taking a croissant in hand, “I feel like more food is called by my stomach. Can’t let your surprise and the hard effort of the cooks go wasted, right?” She winked and threw the food inside her mouth, chewing it with smiled-arching eyes.
The lady leaned back and chuckled heartedly, “Indeed. There’s no point in squandering, and the riding session takes more energy than I imagine.”

After the feast, the two women hopped up onto their horses, leaving the residue in the pavilion for someone to clean afterward. They took a casual trot, still having soft chatting along the way. While the witch secretly admired the yellowish sunlight gracing the strong nose, high cheekbones, sinfully curved lips of the noblewoman, and of course the softest smile lines beside them, the said lady found the affectionate smile on the witch’s face and the pair of eyes flickering stars along with the shining hair like the finest mead soaking her heart to a dizzying state.
Riding, strolling, talking, and laughing, Lady Dimitrescu showed the witch spots of her favorite around the area near the castle. The way leading to the lake and willow tree they once had their picnic with the girls passed by them, and the two arrived at a hill where the whole village could be taken in view, Alcina pointed out the reservoir and the factory of her brothers' residences, but the silent lady’s mansion was nowhere to be found. As Nell’s inquisitive spirit chimed out, the tall woman just returned a smirk and took her further into the wild land. The two mares drilled through a bunch of greenish plants and trees, pushing vines and leaves off their ways as their owners did the same. A few minutes of jungle adventuring later, the four of them finally stood their feet on the edge of a steep cliff.
The lady took off her hat and flicked it, the raven hair slid down beside her cheek as she gave a small smile to the witch, who patted her shoulder and front to clean off the remaining leaves.
“Apologies, darling. My sister lives in a rather…… unnoticeable place. There, see that spire? Her house is right between the wood below it.”
The witch moved her sight with the motion of Alcica’s finger, finding a dark brown peak of a cone that was well hidden in the trees. She nodded nonchalantly and kept looking around, a turbulent stream far down between the cliff where they stood and the other side of the forest, the dark green of cedar trees and the small river were shining under the warm light with soft hues. Birds, or more specifically, crows flitted above the landscapes, cackling and flipping their wings, the sounds of them and the wind brushing through the treetops made the witch smile.
Nell didn’t turn her gaze to the lady, just closing her eyes and murmuring, “Hmm, isn’t it a cool place here? Must be quiet and private. Attractive.” She yawned and stretched her back, taking deep breaths. She completely Bathed in the aroma of the forest, and the warm grace of the sun tamed the witch.
“My sister prefers to withdraw from society. She had a hard time with the crow before, resulting that she adores her doll partners much more than any human being. It is lucky for my daughters and me that we still have her favor.” The countess stared at the far building and said with a slightly sad tone, wearing the softest expression that the witch ever saw on her face. Nell drove her horse toward the countess, the cliff seemed a little small for the two mares and two women, but she managed to make Briza lean beside the dark one. The witch gently took the lady’s hand in herself’s, the other hand gently running through the smooth leather of her glove.
She smiled warmly at the other woman. “I can’t wait to see her, that is if she doesn’t mind.”
The lady’s golden irises landed softly on Nell’s face like a caress gently dancing on her feature. The corners of her lips curled up. “Don’t you worry, my darling. I am sure she will be happy to meet you.” Gently, slowly, her thumb rubbed the witch’s hand, her eyes never leaving the said woman.
“Why thank you. I’m glad to hear that.” The witch grinned, a faint rosy hue across her cheeks as her inside struggled with the urge to lean toward the lady like the two snuggling mares.
The lady’s smile turned into a smirk as she sensed the witch’s speeded-up heartbeat, and she decided to add some firewood.
“No problem. Oh, here’s another piece of evidence that Donna will like you, that is you are one of the family members now. And a possibly stepmother of the three.”  The red on Nell’s cheeks grew furiously as the words flew gracefully from the matriarch’s lips. The witch groaned lowly, slamming her forehead on the front arm of Alcina.
“Stop making me shy, please, Alcina.” She mumbled, refusing to look at the countess as she chuckled full-heartedly.
One gloved hand moved below the jaw of the witch, and ever so gently, Lady Dimitrescu lifted Nell’s face and winked at her.
“You should start to get used to it by now, Nell.”
“I’m trying.” The witch said timidly, scratching the back of her head.
The countess laughed and released her chin. Swiftly, she slid down from the giant beast, making her eyes only one foot and a bit higher than the eye level of Nell.
She smiled fondly and broadly, stroking a lock of hair behind the witch’s cheek, “You are aware that the relationship between you and us four will only get closer and closer. And I don’t see you have any trouble with it, now do you?”
The witch tilted her head as she looked deeply into the lady’s eyes, an almost benevolent expression appeared on her face.
“I am aware, and no. truly, I’m looking forward to bonding more with you, I care about you four.”
“So do us.” The countess smirked in pleasure, her eyes narrowing to arches as the crow’s feet beside them widened. The truth that the witch accepted and genuinely like her family made her heart flutter. Her hands slid down from the witch’s cheekbones, resting on her shoulders.
“May I?”
“Of course.” The countess smiled softly, tucking the witch toward herself until the blonde head rested on the crook of her neck and burying her nose into the silky hair, humming softly for the warmness. Nell slipped both of her arms up around the lady’s upper back and neck, hugging her tightly and closing her eyes, smiling when the scent of the countess filled her nostrils.
Both of them enjoyed their intimate moment with each other until the horse under the witch shook her head, intending to get some workout by moving its legs. The witch giggled and loosen her arms from the lady as the horse started to walk. She yelped when the lady’s arm locked around her midsection and lifted her up from the horseback, securing the smaller woman back to her generous embrace.
“I am not yet preparing to let go off you.” The countess murmured under her breath, eyes still closing. One of her hands rested at the back of the witch’s head, gently pushing her face back to her shoulder. Nell hummed and leaned her blushing face against the fabric of the lady’s shirt, hands wrapped around Alcina’s neck once more.
After a while, the lady’s hand finally slid down from Nell’s hair, and the witch pulled away just a little, looking at the lady’s eyes softly as the lady looked back with the same temper.
The witch leaned in, pressing a naive kiss at Alcina’s cheekbone. Her face reddened deeply as the countess’s eyes widened, embarrassingly shifting her eyes away.
“Sorry, I… I didn’t mean to –” She was cut off when a large hand cupped her face, gently turning her head back and making her eyes contact with the lady’s own glowing eyes.
A broad smile laid across Alcina’s face before she cooed, “Darling, don’t apologize. I like it, I like that you show affection to me.” The countess pressed her lips on the witch’s forehead, lingering for some moments before pulling away. A faint rosy hue spread on her cheeks.
“I hope you don’t mind?” Her voice was lower and faint, hiding her uncertainty under the cover.
Nell’s face was red, but she gave up fighting back it and beamed nonetheless. “Not at all. I like you showing me your affection too. It makes me feel… indulging.”
“Good. Cause it did the same to me.” As the last word dropped, the countess buried her face into the crook of the blonde’s neck, purring deeply from her chest.
Nell used her arms to pull herself further into the matriarch’s embrace, her legs wrapping around the said one’s waist nonconsciously. The countess slid her hand under Nell’s butt to support her as the witch’s posture changed. Alcina’s hand didn’t make Nell feel uncomfortable or sensually appealing, just warm and firmly secure. She smiled against the creamy skin of the lady’s neck, which the tall woman surely felt because she chuckled richly and snuggled even deeper into the witch.
They cuddled for a while, Nell couldn’t tell exactly how long they sozzled together, cause the sunlight was still bright yellow, just the same color as it looked at the time they arrived at this little cliff. The sun wouldn’t go down before 8 pm in the summer of Romania afterward. However, the lady seemed to know when the time was as she pressed another kiss on the witch’s cheek and gently let her down to her feet. Straightened back to her full height, the countess adjusted her bower, smiling at Nell pleasantly.
“We should head back now. The dinner will soon begin. I’m afraid we don’t have much time to wash off and get change.”
The witch nodded, holding the lady’s gloved hand and kissing her knuckles before hopping up to her horse and smiling mischievously.
“Well, I suppose the three little bugs will need to bear the smell then.”
The countess laughed out on her giant mare. Oh, how the witch obsessively loved to see her smile. She didn’t know the corners of her lips were tucked up by themself.
Wiping a drop of tears from beside her eyes, the countess smirked at the witch, “Very true, my dear. Though truthfully, the smell of you is blissful to me.” The witch had stopped counting how many times her face went blushed a long time ago, a shy grin was the only thing she gave the lady. Luckily Lady Dimitrescu seemed satisfied with that, tucking the reins connecting to the beasts, the two made their way back to the castle briskly.
And of course, none of the daughters complained about the smell, or rather said, incense, of their mother or the witch, as none of the two older women truly got herself sweaty on their lovely afternoon date.

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