Hello There, Sunshine! (Sun/M...

By UnusedNameHere

22.1K 495 328

This indeed a Fem! Reader Book, sorry to all the male simps but I had too... More

Hello Sunshine~! (Part 1- Meeting New People)
Hello Sunshine~! (Part 2- Hello Twilight)
Separation Anxiety (Part 1- Lullabies)
Separation Anxiety (Part 2- After Hours)
Separation Anxiety (Part 3- Jealously)
Separation Anxiety(Part 4- Peace and Quiet)
Broken Pieces
So Sensitive
Rises the Moon
Jealousy is a Disease
Something Different (Under the Eclypse Pt.1)
Can't Take the Heat (Under the Eclypse Pt.2)
Story Rewrite Under Construction!!!

Finally, You're Mine (Under The Eclipse) [Smut Ver.]

1.6K 35 19
By UnusedNameHere

This is the smut version to the last chapter because I'm not staring a WHOLE knew base chapter when this is already 3000+ words..
Okay, have fun ;)

This chapter is for female anatomy, but if all you masculine people want male anatomy I'm working on that one as well :)

(Also, this is my first time PUBLISHING smut so please tell me if I'm doing this right-)
Okay bye-

You felt Eclipse's cold, metal hands on your back as he held you close. He dug his head into the crook of your neck, you could feel their crazed smile as they held you closer to him. Almost crushing you trying to keep themself together.

He was getting carried away, a bit too carried away for comfort. Eclipse's fan was going haywire, simulating the feeling of breath on your neck. Eclipse groaned due to shaking too much, their voices alternating between the Sun's and Moon's.

"Were you serious?" Eclipse purred, trying to wait long enough for your permission.

"Can-- Can I? Pleeeeeease?" His voice started cracking at the last word, you were nearly speechless from fear, and Eclipse nearly crushing you. Your hands were on his palms, trying to pry them off of you. Eclipse almost sounded... desperate, and that was an emotion you never thought either of them had.

You could barely think straight with Eclipse nearly crushing you, and the only thing you could think of was "Ow, ow, ow, damn it." Every time you were able to let out a whimper of pain, Eclipse's smile would get wider. You felt something cold on your outer thigh. With Eclipse's head on your neck you couldn't look down but when Eclipse started chuckling you realized.

He had his hand on your legs, and they were moving up extremely fast. That snapped you back to reality, really quick. Your face burned from the intimate contact, you never thought you would ever feel like this for... anyone actually, let alone Sun and Moon but you had half a mind to just let them continue.

And after all, this was an off day anyway...

You gripped Eclipse's hand, pushing it off of your thigh and resting your available hand of the back of  one of Eclipse's rays. The groan that emitted from them was almost too much, but you tried to keep a confident facade.
You grip their hand, pushing their hand off your thigh and using your available hand to smooth out one of their rays. Eclipse's head finally turned away, letting you move your neck. Their face seemed hesitant, theu didn't know what he should do next until your voice broke the silence.

"I know what your doing, Eclipse" You mutter, your hand still rubbing the back of Eclipse's rays. They keens to your touch, only nodding to show they heard you. After a few seconds, you continued. "And are you sure you want t-"

"Yes! Yes,yes,yes,yesyesyes." Eclipse repeated, clutching at the hand you held them with. You gently tugged on a sunray, the jolt calming them down so you could speak again. "I mean, do you know what you're doing?" You emphasis, your tone slightly more forceful than before. Eclipse looked up at you, looking nervous and confused before finally dipping their head down and shaking his head slowly.

"N-no, I don't really. But I know I want it.. really bad." The shaking had returned as they finished their sentence,  making them look vulnerable. You gave their hand a squeeze, smiling softly down at them.

"Then, how about I help you?" You grin, watching Eclipse's eyes widen in realization.  They nod quickly, You giggle and use your free hand to pull them closer and nuzzle your nose against theirs. They gasped loudly, the sounds coming out muffled and high pitched from their voice box. Eclipse leaned into you, holding onto your body desperately. You knew they liked it when you touched them, and this time you're using it to your advantage.

You already know they didn't have anything down there. You massaging their rays was the closest thing to erotica feeling they've ever felt, so you would have to improvise this time.

You pulled their head from your neck, gently rubbing the place you pulled as you planted a kiss on their cheek, Eclipse's grip on you getting tighter as he tried his best to keep himself together. You peppered kisses across their face, kissing every square inch of their now heated metal. They made soft noises, the noise growing quieter with each passing second. It was almost painful to stop, but you quickly brought their attention back to you as you stopped.

"Open wide." You whispered, keeping a confident voice despite your demeanor. Eclipse tilted their head to the side, confused. You sighed through your nose before giving a annoyed look, just believeable enough to get Eclipse to shutter. You let go of their head, swiping your thumb on their cheek before placing your pointer and middle finger on their bottom lip, Eclipse's startled face was almost too adorable.

"Open. Wide." You whispered again, Eclipse nervously obliged, slowly opening their mouth just enough for your fingers to slip though. Eclipse's fans were running hot from all the stimulation, the air simulating breath on your fingers.
You felt the soft silicone of a false tongue, not long enough to stick out. Eclipse looked down at you pleadingly, enjoying the feeling but wanting more.  You smiled, letting them lick your fingers, enjoying the sound of their fans going crazy. They were so eager for you, the shaking begun again. You could just imagine what was going on in their head right now. Sun is probably trying his best to stop Moon from just breaking down and taking you already, but you wanted them to break down. You wanted to watch their self control down to its last leg .

You used your available hand to slide your fingers under Eclipse's chin, tilting their head down again, them not letting go of your fingers.

"You want to help me, right?" You whisper, your breath brushing against their cheeks. They slowly nodded, letting out a soft groan as they tried to suppress the pleasure coursing through their entire being. You slide your fingers out of Eclipse's mouth and lean up to Eclipse's face, seeing them twitch with excitement.

"Help me with these pants then." Eclipse's adorable stuttering conformed that Sun is keeping Moon at bay, them trying to back away from you as the shaking continued. Eclipse gently reached his hand for your pant waistband, watching your eyes for permission before you nod. He pulls your jeans down just enough to reveal your underwear. You can't help the smile on your face seeing the conflict in Eclipse's eyes as they see your bare legs,  the heat that was starting to rise rising with every moment Eclipse stares at your legs.

They looked at you for instruction, whimpering  as you took your hand to grip his. You never truly realized how huge Eclipse's hands were, they could incase your whole fist.  You squeezed their hand lightly before stering it downward, Eclipse's glowing eyes burning holes in you as they return to your lower stomach.  You could feel their hands shaking as they gently ran their thumb over your belly button in an attempt to comfort you. You instruct them to take off your underwear as well, them looking at you before gripping the helm with one finger and ripping them off.

"Eclipse, what the-"

"I.. I'm sorry, I guess I..."  You shook your head, smiling at their confusion. Taking their hand, you pulled their pointer finger up and returned their shaking hand to your groin. Eclipse watched closely as you opened your legs, wrapping them around his now shaking knees.

"W-watch me." You stutter, your nervousness finally showing as you pulled Eclipse's finger closer you your entrance. Eclipse's gaze on you becoming even heavier as they watched the trembling of your hips and thighs. They seemed to catch on and slowly pushed their digit into you, your face contorting from suprise. You tried your best to keep your confidence, fighting off the shivers racing through your body. Eclipse froze as you spoke, your moan causing their hands to tremble harder. "There ya go, you.. you got it." You tried to reassure then, their smile quickly returning as you sighed, grabbing their hand again. You slowly draged their digit out, almost all the way before slamming it back into you, Eclipse repeating your motion.

"Good job, g-good." You stutter, squeezing Eclipse's wrist as your eyes clamped shut. He repeats the motion again, relishing in your small sounds.  Your breaths began to grow erratic as Eclipse continued their movements. You were losing control of yourself and Eclipse could tell. Eclipse's voice became staticy as they tried to fight off the intense urge to break you, but it was clear they were losing. They knew how strong they were, hell, they could wrap their hands around your waist if they wanted. They didn't want to lose themselves in you, but with ever muffled whine it gets harder and harder to resist. Eclipse's digit finally hit the spot, that spot that made your toes curl in esctasy. Your back arched slightly in the chair, Making the animatronic above you worry.

"Hah- G..Good boy, good-" Your praise was stopped by Eclipse's breathy moan, their voices glitch in between Sun and Moon's as they try to regain composure. Eclipse's motions stilled, his body shaking once again. "Y/n? Please, please stay still." They begged, their hand tightening around yours. You opened your eyes to find Eclipse, wide eyed and trembling above you. His eyes flashed between blue and red continuously as a light yellow substance trailed the edges of their erratic smile, resembling drool. Their fans blew hard, trying to calm his smoldering metal above you.

You did it... You got them to crack.

You were so close, you could feel it. You slowly gripped their hand, feeling them buckle from the contact. "Eclipse.. I'm cl- I.." You could barely make out the words as you felt their finger slowly move again.

You bit your lip to prevent any noises escaping from you, knowing how much they wanted to hear you moan again. Eclipse's voice box glitches before their voice returned, only higher and whiner. "Call me that again, please... please call me that" Eclipse's head ducked down to your chest, him pleading for you as you felt the yellow substance onto your shirt. Your mind went numb as you watched him beg for you. Your heart was pounding as you placed your hand on their back, feeling them shake even more.
"Such a good boy, both of you, my good boys." You whispered, almost hearing the snap in their self control before they started pounding 8nto you, adding another digit as soon as they heard you gasp, their face buried in your chest.
You heard Eclipse soft muttering, whispering 'I'm good.' over and over as if it was a mantra. Oh, you could just hear the restraint Sun has to put on Moon, poor guy. He must be trying to keep himself together too. Eclipse felt your legs shake, your moans becoming higher  pitched as your walls tightened around them.

Oh god, they were about to make you...

A loud groan escaped you as you felt your  insides contract, your hands shaking as Eclipse pumped their fingers faster. Goddamn it, you should have asked them to do this month's ago.  You felt the pressure building behind your walls, making you squeeze Eclipse's hand tightly as you felt yourself start to come undone.  Your arms wrapped tighter around Eclipse's waist, pulling their body flush against yours as the cord finally snapped. Your body relaxed in the chair as you moaned, Eclipse's eyes trained on your limp body. His body trembled, his head buzzed. He didn't know what was wrong, but he needed it to stop, his entire body felt hot, too hot. Eclipse whined as you held onto him, trying to ground yourself as you return to reality.

"Starlight, I.. I think I need you.. p-please." Eclipse wrapped his arm around your body, refusing to move his other hand out of you. He hugged you tight, trying to get some form of relief, some stimulation, something. He continued to plead, squeezing your body into his as he kept his head buried into your chest.
"Please Y/N, I cant... my body is aching, just.. please-"
The sound of his pleas made you weak, your legs shaking more than before. You gripped the sides of his face, pulling them eye level to you. You gently rub their ray before kissing their forehead.

"It's okay, you were such a good boy for me." You soothed.

And like that, he snapped.

A wave of heat hit Eclipse, him falling to his knees as the buzzing feeling overtook him, nearly loosing form from the heat filled his body. His body twitching uncontrollably as he let out a high pitched snarl sounding noise that sounded more animalistic and inhuman than anything else. Your eyes widened as his fingers finally left you and his arms fell limp onto your lap, the only thing you able to process was the fact that Eclipse was coming undone in front of you. You kept your hands on Eclipse's face, watching his drunk expression as yellow drool strung on the sides of his lopsided smile.  You felt your own cheeks begin to burn as you smiled softly, admiring him.  His eyelids were fluttering rapidly as his limbs twitched, repeating 'I'm a good boy' under his breath in a feeble attempt to make the feeling last longer. A deep chuckle escaped you as you leaned closer to him, your lips barely touching when Eclipse suddenly grabbed your face, crushing his mouth against yours.

He knew he couldn't do anything back, but he needed to feel you right now.  Needed to feel your skin against his metal, needed to feel you beneath him. You broke the kiss, hearing a fevered whine from the animatronic. But you were confused about what just happened, you needed some answers.

"Eclipse.. what just.. happened?" You questioned, Eclipse falling back onto his knees, still having that esctasy-drunk face.

"I don't kn--- know... My body.. feels... hot, and fuzzy." He mummbled, drool hitting the hands you have on his face.

"Fuzzy?" You repeated curiously, your face turning pale as a sudden realization hit you. Can robot contract Heatstroke?! Eclipse saw the fear on your face and tried his best to elaborate.

"Felt.. good.. so good.... I'm a good boy, imagoodboy..." Eclipse felt like he just contracted a computer virus, his whole body was buzzy and he could barely think. All he knew is that he loved feeling your hands on his face, a slant smile finally apearing on their face with a giggle.
"You're silly." You chuckled, resting your head onto their shoulder. "Well... I guess we're done here, hmm?" You teased, watching Eclipse try to stand up again but failed, instead collapsing back onto the floor. "Yes...we should.. hah" Eclipse breathed, still dizzy.

"Can we cuddle?" Eclipse pleaded, wanting nothing more but for you to hug him again and never let him go. "Right here?" You questioned, mildly twisting the swivel chair to remind him where he is. Eclipse's back finally gave out as he let his head fall onto your abdomen. A small 'mhmm' was all you got as a response before watching Eclipse 's eyes flutter closed, a small purr coming out their voice box as they drifted to sleep.  You chuckled at their actions, running your hand on their head as you stared at the ceiling.

The front doors have already locked, so it wasn't like you could leave them anyway. Maybe you can just stay here for the night.

Did I just update a story after 5 months?
You bet your robot simping ass I did!

You guys: So you made a smut on Eclipse.

Me: Yup!

You guys: And most stories give them a dick.

Me: Yup!

You guys: Eclipse is a character we haven't known for most of the book, so you can do pretty much anything you want with them. And if that's the case, then you must have given them a proper way to cum.

Me: That makes sense to me.

You guys: So they have a dick?

Me: sO tHeY HaVe A dIcK??? Yeah, okay Fairy Godmother lmao

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