Catch The Stars

By chaenjen

91.4K 4.6K 410

When Jennie's doctor advices her to take a break from everything due to her insomnia, she defers the next sem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 11

1.6K 99 5
By chaenjen

And you can't tell grandma cause her heart can't take it:



"Please tell me you're joking," Jennie stammers, looking at the bright coloured lake in front of them.

"Nope," Y/n says, a shit eating smile on her face as she lowers herself to sit down on the massive rock. "A kid even got bitten like, two years ago. It was just a kind of water snake, though. Their poison isn't strong enough to kill humans so no need to be scared."

"Wow. I feel so reassured now. Let me just jump right in there and befriend them!" Jennie huffs.

"What is this place? Why are there so many wild animals here?"

"Because we are in the wild?" Y/n snorts, her eyes squinted cutely as she looks up at Jennie. "Stop being such a baby. We swim in there all the time."

Jennie crouches down to touch the water. It's not as cold as she expected it to be.

"Also, it's been a while since I last saw a snake. I don't think there are any around, right now," Y/n continues speaking, watching Jennie play with the water. "They must've been scared away by your ugly face."

Jennie smirks and splashes some water in Y/n's face, who jumps and closes her eyes against the sudden wetness.

"What are you? Twelve?"

"Don't call me ugly. I'm beautiful."

Y/n snorts, wiping her face with the hem of her shirt.

Jennie rolls her eyes and turns back to to the lake. "So you're saying it's safe to swim in here?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Let's swim then."

"We don't have swim trunks."

"Y/n," Jennie says. "Our bra and panties are essentially swim trunks."

"No, they're not." Y/n scoffs, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes. They're like bikini, what's the difference?"

"they gets fucking see-through when it's wet." Y/n says. "And I don't want to see your body."

Jennie sighs and gets up to remove her shirt. "Fucking buzzkill."

She glances at Y/n after stepping out of her jeans, trying not to smile when she sees the girl pointedly looking the other way.

The water might've felt warm enough on her hand but once it touches her torso Jennie really regrets this whole going-for-a-swim idea. She lets out an whine, much to Y/n's amusement.


"No." Jennie snaps, hearing Y/n cackle behind her.

She wades further into the water, the waterfall a few feet away sprinkling water on her arms and decides to stay here where her feet can still touch the rocks beneath. Jennie lowers herself until only her eyes are peeking out of the surface and stares at Y/n like a crocodile eyeing it's prey.

"You look stupid." Y/n dryly comments, but there's a curl to her lips, like she's trying not to smile.

Jennie ignores the what she hopes is a half hearted insult. "Can I ask you something?"

"You would ask even if I said no."

Jennie grins. "So... Namjoon might've said something about both your families wanting you two to get married."

Y/n's eyes flash with bitter annoyance and she tilts her head back with a roll of her eyes. "Why would he tell you that?"

"What? Is it not true?"

"No. I mean, yeah, I guess." Y/n sighs. "They always pull that sort of crap with everyone. It's complete bullshit."

Jennie hums. "I'm glad to hear you don't support that kind of mindset."

"Of course I don't." Y/n frowns at her. "If anyone tried to force Taehyung into something like that I'd teach them a fucking lesson."

"Good to hear." Jennie's smile turns genuine. She didn't peg Y/n as an asshole anyway but she was a little worried she might support that sort of thinking since she grew up here and doesn't really know anything else. "Namjoon seems like a nice guy, though."

She's definitely not sneakily trying to figure out Y/n's type.

It makes Y/n raise an eyebrow at her. "He's off limits."

Jennie laughs. "Don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm not hitting on him."

"I'm just saying." Y/n shrugs. "She already has someone, anyway."

"Really? Who?"

Y/n hesitates and looks like she regrets giving away that piece of information. "Uh, not from here."

Jennie nods, feeling like Y/n wants to change the subject. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you have someone?" Jennie asks, trying to sound casual even though she's not sure if she wants to hear the answer.

"You're asking me if I have a boyfriend?"

"No, I'm asking if you have a girlfriend." Jennie snorts, her heart skipping a beat at the sharp look Y/n sends her way.

Yeah, she needs to shut the hell up.

"I don't." Y/n answers, leaning back on her palms and looking down at her jeans.

"Why not?"

"What do you mean why not?"

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?"

"That's a stupid thing to ask."

"Is it?"

Y/n rolls her eyes. "What the fuck do you mean? I just haven't met anyone I'm interested in. It's not rocket science."

Jennie studies her face for a moment, thinking about Namjoon's words from yesterday. "Well, I imagine meeting new people up here is kinda hard, isn't it? Maybe you just need to go out more. I mean, go to the city or something."

There's a brief moment of silence where Y/n just stares at her own lap, the waterfall rushing in the background and birds singing in the trees above them.

"Maybe." Y/n mumbles and finally looks at her with her sharp eyes. Jennie tries not to flinch even though the eye contact makes her feel extremely giddy. "I'm guessing you don't have one either. You probably wouldn't shut up about him if you did."

Jennie shrugs her shoulders. "True."

They both stare for a moment before their lips tug up into smiles at the same time, Jennie's heart lurching in her chest right as Y/n swiftly turns to hide her face.

And that doesn't sit well with her. Jennie definitely doesn't need constant attention, unless it's from an object of her affection which Jennie can't help but start to think Y/n is turning into.

So she does the only thing that comes to her mind. She yells "Fuck!" and Y/n's head immediately snaps in her direction.

Jennie tries no to grin smugly. Got her.

"What?" Y/n asks, eyebrows knitting together in the middle.

Jennie screws her eyes shut in feigned pain, stumbling back in the water. "Y/n, something bit me!"

Something like concern flashes in Y/n's eyes but she tries to mask it with a smirk. "You expect me to fall for that?"

"No, seriously." Jennie whimpers, which makes Y/n still and the grin fade from her face. "Y/n, something fucking bit me- you said there were no snakes!"

Y/n frowns and sits up straight, her face completely serious. "Jennie? Are you joking?"


"Come here." Y/n gets on her knees, reaching her hand out. "They're not dangerous, it probably wasn't even a snake. Let me have a look at it."

"I can't move." Jennie tries not to burst out laughing. She feels bad, she really does because Y/n looks genuinely worried but Jennie is an asshole and she wants to have fun a little longer. "Am I going to die?"

"Of course not, you moron! Just- come here! What do you mean you can't move?"

"I don't know! Stop yelling at me!" Jennie whines and acts like she's in serious pain, hissing and stumbling on her feet. "Y/n, it hurts."

Y/n groans, looking conflicted for a second before she curses under her breath and gets up to start pulling off her shirt. Jennie loses her balance at the unexpected sight and slips on the stones, and swallows water, choking and gasping for air, which is probably her punishment for screwing with Y/n.

She just wanted to prank her, okay? She really didn't need to see Y/n half naked in her bra and panties, her broad shoulders and chest, and where the fuck does Y/n get those muscles from?

Y/n gets into the water without even blinking an eye when her skin touches the cool lake, wading her way over to Jennie and trying to get a look at her nonexistent wound. There are droplets of water clinging to her neck and her skin looks even more tanned up close, like the sun literally took it's time and kissed every inch of it. "Where did it bite you?" Y/n asks, reaching out to grip Jennie's arm.

Jennie tries to come up with an answer but she ends up laughing instead.

Y/n looks confused for a second, face still contorted in concern, but she connects the dots soon enough, letting go of Jennie's arm and pushing her away a little in annoyance. "Fucking brat."

"I'm sorry." Jennie tries to stop laughing, especially when Y/n starts to turn away from her. It happens on instinct, really, Jennie's hand reaching out to curl around Y/n's to stop her from leaving. "Please, Y/n, I'm sorry. It was funny, right? You totally fell for it."

Y/n turns to scowl at her, her eyes briefly flickering down to their joined hands and Jennie hopes she doesn't just imagine the way Y/n tightens her grip on Jennie's hand. "You know the story about the boy who cried wolf, right?"

Jennie gives her a wide smile, willing her heart not to go crazy when she feels their fingers slide together under water, Jennie's own almost slipping into the gaps between Y/n's.

And for some reason, Y/n isn't pulling away.

Jennie really tries not to read into it. "I won't do it again. I'm not actually that much of a brat, I promise."

"I'll be the judge of that." Y/n says and pulls her hand away, swimming back to the rock so she can pull herself up. Jennie watches her sit there, her feet dangling in the water, and can't decide if Y/n is unfairly cute or incredibly hot or just both. "Are you going to stay in there?"

Jennie shakes her head and walks over to her, running a palm over her face, her eyes glued to Y/n who's watching her carefully.

And she knows she shouldn't. She knows she's been pushing it but... but fuck, it's been so long since Jennie has been interested in anyone, really, can't even remember any instance she's felt drawn to someone the way she feels with Y/n.

Plus, Jennie is just an absolute moron.

So she moves closer, stops short of the V of Y/n's legs, both their gazes locked.

Y/n tries to look guarded but Jennie can almost feel the confusion radiating off of her, the inner conflict she's having, the way her eyes move around nervously before they hesitatingly come to focus on Jennie again.

It's heartbreaking to watch and Jennie decides that her own feelings are just not worth seeing Y/n so uncomfortable. Who the hell is Jennie to come here and act like these things she wants are okay when they could get Y/n in more trouble than Jennie could even begin to imagine?

Her mood drops almost instantly once she shakes herself awake, and she's about to step to the side and climb up on the rock to put on her clothes when Y/n suddenly reaches out and makes her freeze.

Jennie holds her breath, feels Y/n's thumb touch her forehead and gently rub over the space between her eyebrows. "You need to stop furrowing your eyebrows so much. You've got a crease here."

She smooths the pad of her thumb over Jennie's skin again and Jennie wants to pull away from the touch because it makes her feel way too much but at the same time, she has force herself not to lean into the contact to get more of it. "I can't help it. My eyes- uh, you know. The light hurts."

"That insomnia is giving you a real hard time, huh?" Y/n smiles weakly, she pulls her hand back. Her knuckles brush Jennie's cheek and Jennie kind of feels like she wants to cry because of how nice the touch feels.

It's probably all she's ever going to get.

"Well, I have you now, don't I?" Jennie tries to go for casual, puts on a smirk even though her chest kind of hurts. "You work better than all that stuff my doctor prescribed me before."

Y/n looks a bit embarrassed and scrunches up her nose. She's so cute Jennie wants to slap herself. "I'm glad I'm good for one thing, at least."

And Jennie wants to protest, ask her what the fuck she's talking about. Y/n is probably the most selfless and hard working person she's ever met and Jennie thinks it's because of the flare of anger in her chest that she has the sudden urge to lean up and press her lips against Y/n's plump mouth-

Jennie snaps her head away and moves to pull herself up next to Y/n.


She seriously needs to get a grip before she does something incredibly stupid.

She sits there like that for a moment, next to Y/n, both their legs in the water and their elbows brushing faintly between them as the waterfall rushes in the background. Y/n's hands are trembling and she clenches her fingers around the edge of the rock and it's only then that Jennie realizes that Y/n hasn't smoked in hours.

"Wanna head back?" Y/n asks quietly, turning to glance at Jennie.

But Jennie can't bring herself to look at Y/n, so she just nods her head and gets up to pick up her clothes.

Needless to say, she only manages to sleep a little over an hour that night, and spends the rest running until her legs feel like they're made of fire.
New story maybe will be out in a week💀 along this one-

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