Crimes of the Island City (A...

By PhantomKing46

766 34 14

Season 1 of Crimes of the Island City After landing a job at the KFP branch in the island city, Takano, wher... More

Chapter 1: Starting on a Monday
Chapter 2: Errands! Errands! Errands!
Chapter 3: A new place
Chapter 4: It's been a week
Chapter 5: Identity revealed
Chapter 6: The Mission
Chapter 7: Investigating the auction
Chapter 8: Conclusion to the auction
Chapter 9: Two sides of the coin
Chapter 11: The side job
Chapter 12: The Reaper and the Healer
Chapter 13: This is war

Chapter 10: Agent discovered

41 2 0
By PhantomKing46

"So you know about me," I uttered.

"Why wouldn't I know about the infamous murderer of Godmother Sangonomiya?" The guy replied.

"She had it coming. Extorting banks to cover her flesh in gold, and murdering more people than the previous godfather," I defended myself. "It was only right she got crucified on that silver cross in your backyard."

"You did more than that. It's the reason why we locked her casket shut," the guy said. "Why murder in such methods?"

"Don't ask..." I uttered.

The guy scoffed.

"So now you're here to murder a member of the family again?" The guy asked.

"You'll be amongst the bodies if you don't tell me what I need to know," I threatened.

"What if I refuse to give you, despite the threat?" The guy scoffed.

"Drink your last drink. Any more questions, I'll gouge your eye out," I threatened him again.

I heard the sound of guns cocking behind my head. It seems like he didn't come alone. They never do.

"Watch your words carefully, kid," the guy threatened as he pulled out a gun on me as well. "You'll never find him. And I'll never give away his location."

I downed my entire drink before setting the glass down.

"Say hi to the godmother for me," I uttered as I stabbed my glass into his eye. The fact that there was still ice in the glass made it much worse.

His goons began shooting but the bullets just bounced off my skin like rubber. Some of the customers and staff had fled the scene when the sound of gunfire rang out.

I slapped one of the goons and delivered a roundhouse kick to another.

The goons realized that bullets weren't doing anything. So they made the awful decision to face me in close quarters. They dropped their guns and charged at me from both front and back.

I stepped aside and pushed the one behind me to the other goon so they would both collide with one another.

After the collision of the two goons, there were more standing. They had broken bottles and glasses as weapons. A few had some pipes and crowbars. It seems none of them learned anything from the guys who shot me.

I charged at the crowd and began beating them up one after the other. It almost felt like forever because after I'd take care of one, another would appear.

"Maybe a beating isn't enough," I said in my mind.

As the next goon came in with a crowbar, I disarmed him and kicked him in the gut, causing him to fall on all fours. I then smashed the crowbar on his head so hard that the crowbar went in for a bit.

"I guess I can put an end to this loop." I remarked in my head.

I began bashing and slicing through the goons with the crowbar. I even began disembowling a few with the sharp hooked edge. I was beginning to feel I was making progress in lowering their numbers.

Seeing this, some of the goons had fear written all over their faces. Some even took off at insurmountable speeds. But I wasn't gonna let all of them escape.

I used the crowbar's hooked edge and began pulling and tripping a few goons who were trying to escape. I would then finish them off with a brutal smash from the crowbar's blunt side.

Everytime I'd finish off goons with the crowbar, blood splatters on my face, body, and clothes. Though, the blood would fall off after a few seconds on my clothes.

I eventually grew tired of the crowbar and threw it aside. There was a huge bottle of wine next to me. It was pretty heavy since there was wine in it. But I wasn't feeling parched, I was feeling creative.

A goon approached with a pipe in his hands. I held the bottle by its neck and threw it at the goon's foot with great power. This caused the goon to trip over and fall face-first onto the pipe he was holding. I heard a little crack coming from the back of his neck. Blood also trickled down on the middle part of the pipe.

Just to make sure he was really dead, I stepped on the back of his neck to bend it further. Another goon tried to attack me, but I dug my fingers deep into his side and ripped it wide open, causing his guts to fall on the floor.

"How about we light things up?" I said to myself. I raised both my hands in the air, close to each other. A small ball of green energy formed in between my hands.

The goons made another awful decision of staying and watching the events unfold. In no time, the ball of energy began growing larger and brighter.

"Heal..." I uttered as I closed my eyes and released the ball of energy in a swift motion of my hands departing from one another. The ball of energy, which began as a small ball, grew brighter at an insurmountable rate.

The blinding green light had illuminated the bar's interior. The light had also sent shockwaves that sent the goons flying in all sorts of directions.

After a few seconds, the light began dissipating quickly. I was surrounded before. But after that attack, there was a lot of space. The cold wooden floor, riddled with bodies—both dead and unconcious.

I also realized that the informant was gone. I already had him, if not for his men. I'll get him next time. I turned to the bodies and began searching for the unconcious ones, so I could just finish them off.

I walked from one unconcious body to another, delivering a vicious scratch to the back of their heads and their backs. It may have been more work for me, but it was better to assure that Kishita would have lesser men when I encounter them once again.

After hunting and killing the remaining unconcious bodies, I began to laugh. The laugh slowly turns from a chuckle of relief into a maniacal laughter. The sense of achievement and bloodlust was driving me to laugh like some kind of psychopath.

I walked back to the counter and poured myself a shot of whiskey from a broken bottle.

"To the downfall of Kishita..." I toasted to myself before drinking the shot.

I slowly sat down at the bar, next to corpses of lascerated goons. I chuckled one last time before taking a nap. However, a nap is impossible when I hear the sound of police sirens right outside the bar. But since I was covered in blood, I might look like a victim here. Time to test my acting skills.

Watson's POV

We received a report of numerous gunshots coming from this bar. I took my equipment with me as I walked out of the police car. I was taking a few breaths when I saw blood splatter on the window of the bar. This crime scene wasn't gonna be very pretty.

I try to open the doors to the bar, but it seemed quite a task to push it open. It was as if something was blocking it from the inside.

I called over two police guys to help me bust down the door. We ram it a few times before we bust open the door. Unfolded right in front of me was a bloody scene, like it was straight out of a horror movie.

I felt like vomitting right where I stood. The amount of guts I could see. The brutality of this crime scene, plus the smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and blood made things much worse. But I had to hold it in. I've handled stuff like this before.

"The amount of bodies makes it difficult to place markers, detective. Moving the bodies may potentially alter the positions of some evidences. Should we leave the room to you alone?" One of the cops suggested.

"Yeah," I answered. He was right. There are too many bodies to place markers. I guess I'll have to do this alone. I just hope my stomach will be able to hold up with the stench.

The cops left me alone to investigate this massacre myself. I took out my magnifying glass and hovered it over the bodies, looking for some clues. I then took some notes on my phone.

So far, I can only find bullets, and judging by the empty shell casings and bent up bullets, they're 9mm's. Such bullet, however, can't dish out this much damage, unless fired from a high-powered gun. And the only guns here are pistols and SMG's.

I kept investigating the scene. I see a body of someone with their guts out in the open. Whoever did this clearly used a blade or any sharp object. The broken glass shards on the floor can make shallow cuts and deep stab wounds, but disembowelment? That requires a really sharp and strong blade or object.

I kept looking around for a clue to answer my question. However, there was one body I was not expecting to see in this bloody mess. Their body wasn't missing any body parts or had any visible wound at all. But the most shocking part was that I could recognize who it is.

"K-Kyou!? N-no..." I gasped. Seeing Kyou sitting there with blood all over his body, it got me panicking.

I wanted touch Kyou, but the blood could get onto my clothes. I need to make sure he's alive, I can't start jumping to conclusions.

I slowly and shakingly placed two fingers under Kyou's jaw to check for a pulse. I pressed down lightly, and thankfully, I felt a pulse. Kyou was still alive, but he must've been resting from injuries he was hiding.

I took out my phone and took some notes. I placed my fingers on Kyou's neck to feel his pulse again. Then I suddenly heard Kyou groan slightly as I retracted my hand from his neck. I immediately looked him dead in the face.

"K-Kyou! What happened to you!? Are you alright!? Do you need help!?" I fired out a couple of questions in quick succession.

"Go..." Kyou uttered to me in response. I gave him a quizzical look. It wasn't the response I was expecting from the questions I asked.

"Look... I'll meet you back at home. Just go..." Kyou told me. I can't wait to hear what shenanigans Kyou is up to this time.

"Alright." I nodded.

I walked out of the bar and told the police that I had everything I needed.


I pushed the door open to my apartment to see Kyou looking out the window. He turned to face me as soon as I closed the door behind me. The smell of tobacco invades my nostrils as I see a tiny ember of the cigarette in Kyou's hand. I also noticed that Kyou was already clean, or maybe because the lights aren't on.

I turn on the lights and see that Kyou was spotless, not a single stain of blood on his clothing. I sighed and sat down on a nearby chair.

"So... you gonna tell me what happened back there?" I asked.

Kyou stayed silent. He just took a drag at his cigarette and walked over the couch to seat himself.

"So are we gonna stare at each other or what?" I asked Kyou once again. Kyou still remained silent. He took a drag from his cigarette and broke off eye contact with me.

I was starting to get annoyed with his silence. I didn't come back home to listen to Kyou's silence.

"Kyou, answer me!" I slam the table. It doesn't startle Kyou though. He doesn't seem fazed at all.

Kyou then look at me with a predatory gaze and... magically burns off his cigarette? Kyou has magic? There are so many questions going through my mind right now.

"So... What did you do at the bar?" I asked once again.

"I was after someone," Kyou plainly said.

This was going to be a really long night. I'm going to have to mentally prepare myself for what's gonna happen next.

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