A Journey for Six | TMF Fanta...

By Amnyttendi

1.5K 59 17

A group of young teenagers are told to go on a quest to stop a bad king from conquering the villages and the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Small Update
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

94 5 2
By Amnyttendi

(Platonic Sean x Hailey anyone? 💙🖤)

Back with the others on the island, The poor hybrid woke up when he started to hurt near his chest and stomach. The pain felt hard and it was around moderate. He tries not to let his friends realize so he did his best to shake it off.

Sean tried to get up but every time he shifted, the pain would get worse as he started to groan, but very quietly but Hailey knew right away.

"Sean? Are you okay?" She asked

"Oh I'm fine, must have slept in the wrong position" He makes a lie, avoiding her vision

"Sean, I know you, where does it hurt?" Hailey began to inspect Sean's legs to see where the pain was but tried her best to not make Sean uncomfortable because he had a baby girl already.

"Hailey, it's okay! Really!"

"Are you sure? I can tell Zander to make you some medicine to ease the pain."

"I'm positive, no need to worry about me."

Hailey sighed but decided to let Sean handle himself. She still has some suspicions of him after what happened, but she'll worry about that later. It was a pretty sunny day and Jake had his hand above his forehead.

"God this sun is blinding me!"

Zander was checking up on Luke's arm to see if he was okay. "Are you sure you will be fine?" He asked

"Yeah, I think it's healing very well." Luke replies as he glanced at his shoulder

"Okay! But please tell me if something is wrong with you. I don't want to see you get hurt again!"

"You know I will Zander.."

"Guys look I see something over there!" Jake blurted

The others went where Jake was to see what he was looking at and to their luck, it was a boat.

"Well, we found our ticket off here." Hailey said

"Yeah, but how are we gonna reach it?" Her brother raised an eyebrow


"I guess that's one way to get their attention..." Luke spoke

"Yea but I don't think they can hear us, Jake, try to scream louder."

"Oh Jesus Christ..."

"Wait, I have an idea, but I need something that is reflective." Sean told his friends

"Here he goes again, the only one with a brain here." Zander being sarcastic

"Try either Jake's or Hailey's sword, they are made of metal and reflective." Luke replied

"Ah, perfect! Jake, can you hand me your sword?"

"Yea, of course!"

Jake lended Sean his sword as he lifted up the sword towards the sun at a specific angle as the light of the sun reflected from the sun, shining towards the boat.

"Well, that works..." Zander let out

"Look, it's coming towards us!" Hailey pointed

The boat started to sail towards the island as the teens screamed over the boat. When the boat arrived on the island, it turned out the person driving the boat was... Hailey and Zander's dad, Micheal!
(I don't know if you realize this, but in this au, Hailey and Zander are actually siblings, not step-siblings. You'll see why soon)

"DAD?!" Hailey and Zander exclaimed in unison

"Kids?! It's you!" Micheal notices his children

"Dad!" Hailey jumped into her father's arms

"What are you kids doing here?! You guys seem tired, quick get on!" The teens got onto the cog ship as Micheal steers it back to the "mainland"

"I don't get it! How long have you been driving this boat dad?" Zander asked

"I have been driving it for about 4 days. Rosy hasn't been answering my letters, so I was worried that you two were in danger. I decided to check on you guys myself until I heard that you guys were gone." Micheal responded

"Dang 4 days?! Are we that far from the mainland?!" Jake in shocked

"Yeah, it didn't even feel like it." Luke agreed

Hailey turned her around and saw Sean was at the edge of the wooden sides of the boat glimpsing across the sea alone. She noticed this and walked towards Sean standing next to him.

"Hey, Sean."

"Oh Hey Hailey..."

Right after Sean replied, there was an awkward and uncomforting silence between them. Hailey soon glanced at the seat, seeing how peaceful it actually is, making her start a conservation.

"The sea is beautiful when you are on a boat, isn't it?"

"Yeah it is..." He thought if he should tell her what's really been going on, then he decided that he will tell her

"Hailey, can I tell you something that's private?" He questioned

"Yea, what is it?" She answered back

"Come, we can go below deck.."



The two opened the door that led downstairs of the boat, making sure the others didn't notice which they didn't due to them being busy talking to Micheal. The two made it to an underground room of the boat where they can now talk in private.

"I feel really bad about leaving everyone up there, but I just wanted to talk to you about something alone..."

"Well we are alone now, it's okay to talk now Sean. But if you are not comfortable, we can talk another time if you want."

"No it's fine..."

"Are you sure? If you are not comfortable I can just-"

"No no, please stay. I need to get this off my chest and you are one of the most understanding people I have met. I feel like I can trust you..."

Sean took a deep breath "When I tell you this, you can't tell anyone..."

"Alright... I promise not to tell anyone Sean... you can trust me..."

"Remember what happened last night? With the spear and everything...?"

"Yea... wait, don't tell me you didn't get any sleep..."

"No, it's not that..."

Sean got the confidence to show Hailey something. He slowly pulled up his shirt, showing his back wound, which she saw was in a bad condition.
Hailey gasped at the back wound, the wound was starting to turn into a blackish color and purple cracks were appearing around the wound.

"Sean! Your wound...!" She looked at Sean who was avoiding her eye contact in shock and worried.

"Sean... you should have told me before... We can't keep this a secret, We have to tell the others."

"No, you guys may have healed me, but I'm afraid that the spear has some kind of toxic poison, causing my wound to look like this. You cannot tell them, it will only cause panic..."

"But Sean! If we don't tell the others, you could die! Plus... your wound doesn't seem to be infected with a toxic poison... It looks worse than that. You must have been hit with one of those lead soldiers... it seemed like that spear must have corrupted magic on it."

"Corrupted... magic..?" Sean was confused

"Corrupted magic could cause the host to have horrible hallucinations, cause terrible nightmares and other bad things. Sean if we don't cure this. You might get sick or even worse..."

"Hailey, we can't right now..."

"What do you mean not right now! Sean, this is serious!" She slightly getting upset with him as he kinda twitched from the loud yelling

"I know! ButI heard that the ingredients for the cure are very rare and hard to find. I should be fine- *cough cough*"

"Sean! Sean! Are you okay?!" She noticed he was coughing like he couldn't control it and trying to breathe

"Yeah, *cough* I'm fine..."

"Sean! We have to tell them or else-!"

"There you two are! What are you doing here?! Sean?! Don't tell me you are hitting on my sister!" Zander busted in

"N-No!! I'm not! I would never!"

"You better not! Now what are you talking about?! And tell us what exactly?"

"It's not important, honest..!"

"Sean..." Hailey whispered to Sean

Zander blinked a little before shrugging
"Well whatever, Dad was asking me where were you two so you should come back up here."

"Oh, of course, we'll be right there..." Sean said with a smile as Zander went back upstairs leaving Hailey and Sean alone again.

"Sean... are you sure you don't wanna tell them?" She asked

"I'm sure, I can tell them later, just not now, we don't have time to afford it..."

"Alright fine, but if it gets worse, I'm telling them myself.."

"Okay, I'll accept that..."


Hailey and Sean went upstairs where the others were at and met up with them. Michael had a worried look on his face along with the others leaving Sean and Micheal confused.

"What is going on-!" Sean speaks up

Heavy blackened clouds slowly swill into view like a cat's paws touch the ground, subtle. Then all of a sudden a tremendous roar rings their ears and light streaks their sight. Thunder started to erupt from the sky and the intense rain spurted as the waters started to become more and more intense

"We must have run into a storm.!" Luke responded back to Sean

"Woah! This boat is rocking very hard right now!"

Michael tried his best to steer the boat into balance as the waves started to get more and more intense rocking the boat side by side while the teens were having a hard time to stay in place instead of falling off.

"Dad! What do we do?!" Hailey asks her father in panic

"Everyone calm down and remain where you are! The waves are getting more and more intense!"

"How are we supposed to remain where we are if we keep leaning side to side?!" Zander keeping his balance

"Uh guys... watch out for lighting!" Luke glances up to see a bad sign

Lighting started to strike down beside the boat as the rough waves almost made the boat flew. Micheal was steering and turning, trying his best to make the ends meet.

"Everyone get down to the lower deck! I will take care of this!" Micheal told the teens

"Dad you can't!"

"But Dad, what about you? We don't want to see you get hurt!"

"I will be fine, just go now!"


The panicked teens listened to his orders and ran towards the door of the boat as one by one they all went downstairs, hoping and praying that Michael will be fine and get them out of this storm.

"I'm worried that he won't make it..." Luke said

"Guys don't worry, I'm sure Michael has handled these many times... he is a brave warrior just like his two kids." Jake complimented

Hailey blushed a little as Zander coughed in embarrassment.

"I suppose you're right..." Luke grinned at Zander.

"Psk... whatever but I'm worried about dad." Zander spoke as he dodged Luke

"Me too... I hope we don't lose him... he is the only one we have left..." Hailey began to break out as Zander comforted his sister.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, I believe that he'll be just fine..." Jake put his hand on her shoulder

Jake and Zander were comforting Hailey as Sean looked upstairs. He was worried Michael was not going so well as the sounds of waves and thunder were bounding around. Until, The boat suddenly hit a rocky turn, making everyone jump.

"What was that?!" Jake getting terrified

"Father!" Zander calls his dad

"Did we crash?!"

"Sean! Where are you going!" Luke saw Sean leaving


Sean ran up the stairs and opened the door to the upper deck of the boat and there was Michael who collapsed on the floor of the boat. Sean immediately saw the steering wheel spinning out of control, so he jumped into action and ran towards the steering wheel and started to steer the boat.

"Sean what the hell are you doing?!" Zander yelled

"Father! He is in trouble!"

The waves were getting worse as Hailey and Zander ran up the stairs to see their father on the ground, which made Hailey scream. Sean was trying his best to steer the boat but the waves were too rough for him. Jake and Luke soon entered in and helped Sean steer the boat as Zander and Hailey checked up on their father.

"You two take your dad downstairs while we take care the *cough* *cough* b-boat!" Sean told Hailey and Zander, sounding like he could pass out at anytime

"LUKE! Turn to the right!" Jake signaled Luke to turn

"Come on Zander! Let's take father down stairs!"

"You don't have to tell me twice!" 

Hailey and Zander both brought their dad downstairs, watching their step cause the stairs were very wet and damp. Jake, Sean and Luke were on the surface trying their best to steer the boat. Lighting started to crash upon the surface of the boat, being powerful that caused the boys to let go of the steering wheel.

"S**T! The wheel!" Jake grunted

"We need to grab it..!" Sean did his best to get up despite his little strength from his wound. Thankfully, he managed to grab the wheel and steered it.

"We need to go back inside!" Jake informed

"Yea but the wheel!" Luke pointed to the wheel

"You guys go, I can handle this!"

"Sean, no! You are hurt! Let us- AH!" Lighting struck on the surface of the boat as Jake and Luke rushed downstairs.

"Guess I'm alone *cough* cough*"

Sean tried his best to steer but his mind was getting fuzzy as the waves crashed onto the surface, making everything wet. Sean was doing good so far until BAM! Lighting struck Sean at a side flash which caused him to lose balance and fall overboard into the sea!

"SEAN!" Luke rushed upstairs and towards Sean who was crashing in the water.

Luke at first wanted to get the others to help him, but that would be wrong since that would give Sean a higher chance to die, so he thought of another idea.

"I have to save him!" Luke jumped in the water to try to swim towards Sean but he was too far to reach and the waves were crashing him back.

Sean couldn't hear Luke very well due to the sounds occurring around him, but he did everything he could to reach Luke with any energy.

Luke kept trying to swim to Sean until he saw something huge and rushing behind Sean that was a wave which looked like it could drown him at any point.

"SEAN! SEAN!" Luke quickly warns him, but it is too late. Eventually, Sean lost all of his strength and the wave made him fall down below the water, falling unconscious from the amount of pressure.

End of Chapter 6


Bonus: Sean's POV right after he fell overboard

💭It all happened so fast. Once I was steering the boat, then I felt a burning heat feeling around my body after something was strong. Next thing I know, I was in the water, being thrown side to side by the waves. This couldn't be going on. 💭

After I opened my eyes and recognized where I was, I quickly swam up to the surface to catch my breath as best I could. I was panting and grunting and groaning trying to keep myself afloat. As for being in the ocean, I completely forgot how salt water can help you float better, but apparently it wasn't really helping me.

The amount of pressure from the waves made me constantly go far away from the boat which was still moving side by side. I tried to call for my friends for help but they couldn't hear me from my energy loss.

I didn't realize there was a medium sized wave coming straight for me. I tried to swim away from it but I couldn't, which made me go under again. Being tossed or turned many times as I tried to swim up, but I noticed something was wrong.

I was very close to the surface until I didn't feel my gold necklace around my neck. I had that necklace for years, my mother gave it to me for her love and it was precious to me. It was an old necklace and it was very rare that it couldn't be replaced. I looked around for it in the dark blue water until I saw my necklace floating down below me.

Half of me wanted to resurface and then go for it, but the other half was telling me I should go ahead and get it. If I wanted to go to the surface, then my necklace would be further down and possibly be gone forever. I can't let my mom down, she promised me that I would keep my necklace until I have kids or I die. I can't! I just can't! I have to get it for my mother!

I forced myself to swim down for my necklace. I was gradually running out of air, but I still didn't give up. I was getting closer, and closer, and closer, and closed until...

I grabbed it!

I immediately swam up as fast as I could to the surface. I slightly started to panic because if I didn't make it on time, I would drown without my friends knowing. All of a sudden, I accidentally swallowed some water. I stopped swimming to cover my mouth with all of the strength I had left to prevent any more water from coming in. This was when I figured out this was a sign of drowning.

At that point, I kept swimming as quickly as I could while I was still functioning. My lungs were burning a lot, but I had to keep going. I was about to give up and accept my watery grave here, but somehow I made it? Yeah, I made it to the surface on time!

I desperately and I mean, DESPERATELY huffed and puffed for air as my lungs stopped burning. The storm was still not going well and I almost passed out due to lack of energy after what I just did. I still can't believe that I risked my life over an old necklace, but I have no words to say that it was worth it.

I still looked for the boat until I thought I heard a noise. It was probably nothing since I must be experiencing hallucinations that Hailey mentioned before, but no! I could've sworn I heard something. If I was hallucinating, I would have heard Zander's voice. It turns out it was someone's voice that I knew, and it was Luke!

I saw Luke in the distance who was swimming at me. I was relieved to see him thinking that I'm finally about to get saved. I did my best to swim toward him but the waves were like mountains and they were frequently pushing us backwards.

Then, I heard Luke call my name twice like he was warning me, but I wasn't sure since I couldn't hear him very well. I had the urge to turn around and saw probably the biggest wave I have ever seen, and you guessed it, it was coming for me, again...great...

After seeing that wave crashing onto me, I didn't have any more energy left that I just went unconscious like my body had enough with the water. I don't blame it at all...

End of Bonus

A/N: I'm actually proud on how this turned out, especially Sean's POV. Not gonna lie, Hailey would be a good person to Sean if he wasn't taken, but don't worry. Hailey is involved with someone else 😏.

If I'm sure, I should be able to publish Chapter 7 before either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

Thank you guys for all the support with around 300 reads and the amazing rankings! I love you very much! 🥰❤️

3296 words

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