Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

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Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... More



1.7K 65 4
By LettyTK

When Taehyung woke up to an empty bed,he panicked.Jungkook wouldn't just leave without telling him.Unless he was very upset.Maybe the omega had gone to rant to his mother about last night.At the same time he realized that he was getting late for work.He hopped into the shower and dressed in a hurry.When he was done he went downstairs to search for Jungkook.

Relief brought him to his knees when he found the omega in the kitchen.He was making breakfast with a smile but the dark circles around his eyes couldn't be ignored.


"Tae you are up"the omega's face lit up.

"Why are you up early.You should be resting"the alpha said

"I had enough rest.Trust me.I'm sick of it"

"How was your night?"the older asked

"Good and yours?"

"Don't lie"

"I'm not.."

"I'm sorry"Taehyung said lowly

"Huh?Why would you be"Jungkook's tone was flat

Taehyung walked behind the counter and held the omega from behind.Jungkook turned around to face the alpha.

"Are you pouting?"the older asked

"I'm not.Tell me.You were saying something?"

"What I'm saying is...I shouldn't have let things go that far...I'm sorry.I can be so narrow minded you know"

"But yesterday you weren't.I was the one being a jerk"the omega said

"Just let me apologize will you?"

"I don't want you to"Jungkook said

"But i.."

Jungkook immediately kissed Taehyung,shutting him up.The older then moved his hands from the omega's waist to his ass.

Taehyung kissed Jungkook back,hard and tightened the grip on the smaller's ass.

"I love you"the alpha whispered as his lips and tongue made their way down from the smaller's mouth to his neck.This action sent jolts of excitement all over Jungkook's skin.He ran his fingers through the alpha's hair as he enjoyed the sensation of Taehyung's lips on his skin.A soft moan escaped his mouth and Taehyung realized that he was getting carried away.He slowly detached himself from the omega.

"I'm running late for work"he glanced at his wristwatch

"But you can spare time for the breakfast i made for you right?"the smaller asked

Jungkook looked hopeful and Taehyung didn't want to hurt his feelings by turning down the food,which the omega had put so much effort into .

"Sure baby"

"Sit"the omega smiled

Taehyung did as he was told while the omega served breakfast.

"So what are you doing today?"the alpha asked

"I have to be at the agency.Before and after that I'm not sure"

"Where is your baby?"

"Tae Junior?He is still at my parents.He seems comfortable there.I will go and get him someday"

"You aren't obsessed with him as you were that day"Taehyung remarked

"A bunny isn't something to be tied down.If you can't put a leash on it then just let it roam free.I believe in freedom"

"All sorts of freedom?"Taehyung asked

Jungkook shrugged"I don't know what that means but yeah"

"I will miss you"Taehyung said out of the blue


"Why what?Did i say something wrong?"the older asked

"That's so random.You aren't going to work for the first time."Jungkook said

"Better get used to it"

"Well you don't have to miss me for long.Today i will be dropping off at your office"the omega announced

"Any special reason?"

"I want to take my fiance out on a picnic like normal people.The ones indoors were never fun"Jungkook said

"Do you know what that means baby.Are you sure about this"

"Tae I'm not afraid of anyone okay.I no longer have anything to hide.The world should know that we belong together"

"Fair enough.What matters is that you are comfortable and you aren't just doing this for me"Taehyung took hold of the omega's hands and kissed his knuckles.

"Sometimes i really wonder what i did to deserve a man like you.You love me unconditionally and always put up with my immaturity"

"Let's not go there.I'm not perfect and you aren't so bad either"the alpha said with a smile.

"Anyways I packed lunch for your friend Jimin"Jungkook said

"Why?"Taehyung was taken aback.

"Because you told me that he likes my cooking"

"So where is mine?"the alpha raised a brow.

"I told you that we are having lunch together right"

"What about tomorrow?"Taehyung asked

"I will make lunch for you.You can share with him"

"Not for Jimin.For me.He doesn't deserve it"

"Come on"

"Don't tell me you are hoping that he ends up with your brother.Is that what you are up t?"Taehyung asked

"Not with him.I was hoping he would get hooked with Yoongi hyung but whatever.We will see how things turn out"

"But I'm really pissed about you making lunch for Jimin"the alpha pouted

"Do you think i didnt notice.I Know you all too well tiger but he is your bestfriend"

"But that doesn't mean I should share my privileges with him"

"Tae go to work.I don't want to argue with you anymore.You are going to get late.We will talk when you get back home in the evening.Love you."

"Love you more"

Taehyung had his breakfast and eventually left for work.

"What did i miss.I can't remember what i put in and what i did.I guess i have to start all over again"Jungkook sighed with his hands on his waist

Jungkook had went to the agency to ask Jin what he should put in the picnic basket for his date he had planned with Taehyung.

"Pregnant brain"Jin remarked

"This picnic has to be perfect hyung.I want to make it up to him.I feel terrible about the things i said last night.No terrible is an understatemt"

"It's good that you realized your mistake and you are willing to make ammends.That's what is important"the older omega said

"Looking back on last night i sounded like a slut who was desperate for dick.I don't know what he must think about me right now.It's so embarrassing"Jungkook hid his face in his palms

"When was the last time you had dick?Please don't mind me asking"

"Probably when i got pregnant"Jungkook said thoughtfully

"So you didn't do anything for the week you stayed with him after your break up.I don't believe it"

"We didn't do anything.I was ill most of the time.Pregnancy was screwing me up.Plus it's not a good idea to sleep with your ex"

"Just be patient and walk through this with him.He needs your support more than anything"Jin said

"Thanks hyung"

"So have you explored his options.Like how can he over come this condition?"the older asked

"The thing is i really don't want to rush him.I don't want to make the same mistake twice.We will go at his pace.That's what a supportive partner does.We don't have to push each other"


"I should go.It will be lunch soon.I don't want to waste even a second"

"You should get security with you"the manager said

"Hyung no.I can't bring guards to our date.What will Taehyung think.It won't be a date at all"

"If he really cares for you then he will understand you"

"Hyung"the younger whined

"I'm your manager so you have to do as i say.The date is important and so is your safety.We aren't taking any risks"


"I will send them to the hospital for you"

"Thank you"

Jungkook carried his basket and drove to the hospital.As soon as he got out of his car all eyes on him.He could hear all the whispers but he ignored them.All that mattered to him was the fact that he was happy living his life and he wasn't hurting anyone.

When he got into Taehyung's office he pulled a smile.

"I'm here"he beamed

"Why didn't you wear your mask.What if someone recognizes you?"Taehyung asked as soon as he set his eyes on the omega

"Baby have you forgotten that we are no longer hiding our relationship anymore.We are over that"Jungkook smiled

"How could i forget.I can't believe it happened already"

"Are you scared?"Jungkook asked

"Just anxious"

"You really don't have to be.We are together aren't we.We are each other's strength are we not?"

"You are right my love.Come here"Taehyung patted his thigh

"I don't want to"


"Kim don't use that tone on me.You aren't my dad"Jungkook frowned

"I'm your daddy"the alpha smirked

"Taehyung you know what.Screw yourself"

"Why would i screw myself when i can screw you"

Jungkook rolled his eyes"Even if you wanted to you can't.You are disabled at the moment and i hope it stays that way.No one deserves to be tortured by something that huge"

"Says the person who ..."

"Don't you dare finish that.If you do I won't show up at the wedding alter"Jungkook said quickly and loudly

"Fine"Taehyung laughed

"Did you give Jimin his lunch?"

"Why would I?What made you think i was going to give it to him when I had nothing"

"How could you?"

"I really wanted to give it to him but he started bragging about it the second i gave it to him.I had to do something about it"Taehyung said playfully

"You took it from him and ate it ?"

"He didn't have any rights on it anyways.Don't get worked up.It will upset my baby"the alpha pouted

"It's not a baby yet?"

"Now you know more than the doctor?"Taehyung asked


"I missed you"

"I know.Let's go out for lunch?"


"Don't tell me you are scared of being seen outside with me.Is that really the truth?"Jungkook asked

"Of course not baby.You know i love you  lot"

"Let's go on a picnic for lunch.We never did it here in Seoul right?Now there is nothing stopping us so we should go"

"Let's go"Taehyung smiled

The couple walked out hand in hand,their fingers intertwined

To their horror and surprise they found media and reporters outside the hospital.They were blocking the entrance.Without a doubt someone had told them that Jungkook had walked inside the hospital.

"What now?"Taehyung asked

"Are you ready to show the world who owns Jeon Jungkook's heart"

"Don't be cheesy baby"

"Seriously is this the time.Why can't you just go with the flow.You are really no fun"the omega snorted

"I was ready the moment i asked you out.I was prepared for everything"Taehyung smiled and squeezed their intertwined fingers.

"I want to believe you but I'm quite nervous"Jungkook bit his lower lip.

"Don't be nervous.I'm here.I got you.Just hold my hand and everything will be okay"

"I have heard those lines from somewhere.Now who is being cheesy now Dr Kim"Jungkook grinned

Suddenly a group of ten men dressed in black pushed through the crowd and got to Jungkook.

"We are here to escort you"

"Well thank you.You guys are such life savers"Jungkook sighed loudly

"I didn't know you came prepared"Taehyung said

"Jin hyung told me to bring them.Maybe he probably knew that something like this would happen"

"He has foresight.They really came in handy"Taehyung said

The bodyguards formed a circle and shielded Jungkook and Taehyung from the cameras.They escorted them safely to the car.

"That was nerve wrecking.I can't ever get used to this.Maybe i should quit being a celebrity.It's a lot of work"

"Are you serious.I know how much you love music.No one or anything can make you quit"Taehyung said

"But I'm not so sure anymore"

"Don't be silly.Tell me where we are going"

Jungkook typed in the address into the GSP of his car.He sat back down and Taehyung drove them there.

The location was at a secluded area away from the city.Taehyung didn't even know that the place existed.They would get some peace and it would only be the two of them.

"Nice spot"

"Let's unpack"


They laid a mat on the soft lawn.Jungkook even took two pillows from the trunk of the car while Taehyung unpacked the the basket.There were hot dogs,burgers,fruits and drinks.

"I'm really happy that we are going together to Jeju.I feel at ease knowing that you will be there"the omega said

"Were you scared  about meeting both of our parents on your own?"Taehyung asked

"I was anxious"

"They aren't the type to get on each other's throats.Even if they don't like each other they don't have a say in whether we get married or not.It's only up to us."

"We don't have to worry about them not liking each other.What matters is that we love each other right?"Jungkook asked

"You are right baby but don't worry.For the sake of their grandchild they will have to get along.Or at least pretend to"


When the picnic ended Jungkook found out that Taehyung didn't have to go to work after lunch.He took the chance to drag the alpha to the vegetable market with him.He had told him that there was nothing for him to cook at home and Taehyung believed him.

What he didn't understand was the omega only wanted to show off his man and he succeeded.By the end of the day pictures of them shopping made rounds on the internet.

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