Ben 10 Alien Girls x male rea...

By gentelmanbeast

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Series of oneshots including alien females from Ben 10 series. More

Princess Looma Red Wind x male reader
Lucy Mann x male reader
Female Rook Blonko x male reader
EightEight x male reader
Luhley x male reader
Looma Red Wind x male reader part 2 Wedding
Female Albedo(Ultimate Alien)x male reader
Attea x male reader
Attea x male reader part 2
Looma x male reader x Attea part 1
Looma x male reader x Attea part 2
Female Z's Skayr x male reader
Attea x male reader x Eight Eight
Myaxx x male reader
Female Bounty Hunters x male reader
Female Waybads x Male reader
Female Nosedeenian x male reader
Suemungosaur x male reader
Kraken x male reader
Female Malware x male reader
Tini x Male reader
Female Ultimate Albedo x male reader
Ship x male reader
Attea x Male reader part 3
Looma Redwind x Male Reader part 3
Monkey Gwen x Male reader
Female Dragon x Male Reader
Female Detrovite x Male reader x Female Pickaxe Aliens
Subdora x Male reader
Young Verdona x Male Reader
Female Transylian x Male Reader
Yetta x Male Reader
Xylene x Male Reader
K8-E x Male Rader
Tetramand Overlordess x Male Reader
Rook Shim&Rook Shi x Male Reader
Female Piscciss Volann prisoner x Male Reader
Rook Shar x Male Reader
Zed x Male Wolf Reader
T8-M X male reader
Ester x Male Reader
Valentine day
Cicely x Male Reader
Female Zaroffian x Male Reader
Female Heatbat x Male Reader
Camille Mann x Male Reader
Isosceles Right Triangle Vreedle x Smart Male Reader
Female Vulpimancer x Male Reader
Female Pyronite x Male Reader
Female Lepidopteran prisoner x Male Reader
Female Splixon x Male Reader Chapter 50
Female Celestialsapien x Male Reader
Queen Voratia Rumbletum x Male Reader
Female Appoplexian x Male Reader
Female Polymorph x Male Reader
Female Arburian Pelarota x Male Reader
Female Orishan x Male Reader
Female Cerebrocrustacean x Male Reader
Female Methanosian x Male Reader
Myaxx x Male Reader Part 2
Female Loboans x Male Reader
Female Segmentasapien x Male Reader
Thep Khufan harem x Male Reader
Female Opticoid x Male Reader
Female Geochelone Aerio x Male Reader
Female Limax x Male Reader
Female Highbreed&DNAliens x Male Reader
Female Rust bucket x Male Reader
Female Conductoid x Male Reader
Female Vladat x Male Reader
Tiny's mother x Male Reader
Todd's Female Pig x Male Reader
Female Ultimate Panuncian x Male Reader
Female Mutant Crab x Male Reader
Serena x Male Reader
Marry Christmass
Female Omnitrix x Male Reader
Female Nemetrix x Male Reader
Female Ormerowon x Male Reader
Young Ma Vreedle x Male Reader
Sunny Tenynson x Male Reader
Arachnachimp harem x Male Reader
Female Revonnahgander x Male Reader
Anthro Zon x Male Reader
Anur Transyl harem x Male Reader
Female Vulpimancer x Male Reader part 2
Female Liam's species x Male Reader
Kraaho harem x Male Reader

Female Vilgax x Male Reader

2.6K 32 13
By gentelmanbeast

Author:(I know she looks strange but she was supposed to look like a little girl regardless of her age.I think there's a word for that but I can't remember it.Probably something in german.Anyway the beginning will be a little strange but just keep reading,Im trying something new.And to clarify,this is female version of Vilgax,not a third Myaxx story.)

Planet Earth is seen from the vast emptiness of space.Suddenly something dark begins to aproach it.The Chimeran hammer,the legendary vessel of Vilgax the conqueror.Inside of it,sat the very warlord himself,upon his throne.

Vilgax:More power to the engines.The sooner I get to Earth,the sooner will I get my revenge on Y/N Tennyson.

He slammed his fist against the armrest of his throne but something strange hapened.A white and green portal opened up before him.

Vilgax:What is this?!

Suddenly,a small bosy was tossed out the potal with a faminine yelp.Another bigger figure then stepped out,radiating cockiness.It was sixteen year old female version of Ben Tennyson with Omnitrix.Basically Omniverse Bene 10.

Vilgax:What is the meaning of this?!
Bene:The meaning is that Im tired of that pipsqueak and youre coming with me.


She smirked and turned into a stronger female Fourarms before grabbing him the collar of his armor.

Fourarms:Youre coming with me big boy.

She tossed him into the portal and waved the ship with two fingers before jumping into the portal that closed behind her.Meanwhile,the small figure stood up on its feet and rubbed its head in pain.

???:Ugh,what happened.

When the figure stepped into the light,it was show to be a smaller,or rather tinier female member of Vilgaxs species,Chimera Sui Generis.

???:This looks like my ship but somethings different.

Soon enough,the doors at the end of the room opened up as several walking Vilgax mechadroids entered the room.

Mechadroid:Master,we heard a strange noise.Did something happened?

???:Why do you all look different?And how many times did I told you to call me Mistress Vilgia?!

Mechanoid:Pretender!Catch her!

They began firing lasers after her as she ducked behind the throne.

Vilgia:Whats wrong with those bolt buckets?!That wreched Bene mustve sent me to a alternate dimension!

Soon the drones showed up and started firing as well.With options getting more ad more limited,Vilgia teared the throne from the ground and tossed it at the mechanoids and drones and ran.

Vilgia:I have to get to the escape pods!

She ran through the hallways,dodging multiple attacks of her male counterpart's minions.She managed to buy herself some time by ripping of the liquid coolness destributor out of the wall.She made it somewhat safely to a escape pod and punched in the coordinates for the any nearest planet possible.The drones made it to the pod and start fitting at it just as it was propelled in the outer space,taking some of the drones out in the process.She soon began hurtling at the nearest planet,which was of course Earth,in a flaming ball.Meanwhile on Earth,Y/N was enjoying his second summer with Omnitrix.He was along with his cousin and grandfather,eating picnic by the lake.

Y/N:Shame Ben didn't wanna join us.

Gwen:You know him.School's out so he's going to spend time with his girlfriend as much as possible.Bleh!

Max:Now Gwen,be nice.You're going to get to your boy crazy phase soon enough.

Gwen:Not me.My career plan doesn't have any space for dating.

Y/N:C'mon cus,live a little.You tried doing it by the schedule last summer and it didn't work.

Gwen:This summer didn't get crazy yet.So let me keep my hopes up for this.

Y/N:OK.But I really miss the crazy.This thing's turning into decoration.

He said waving his arm that held the Omnitrix.

Max:Sometimes an enemy doesn't exist until you go looking for one.

Y/N:I know.But it could work the other way around.I just have to wait for them to make the first move.Then Im the enemy theyre looking for.

In the moment of his post speech enthusiasm,Gwen placed an arm on his shoulder and shooke her heaad.

Gwen:Youre spending way too much time with Ben.

All three share a laugh,blissfully ignorant of whats about to happen.Vilgias escape pd was heating up and was about to pass through the Earths atmosphere and into the biosphere.An invisible layer around the planet that can support life.She was coming in fast and the landing was to happen in a all too familiar forest.As the Tennysons were eating their picnic,they felt a loud thud and vibrations on the ground.The line of smoke coming from the woods was also a dead giveaway.

Y/N:What was that?

Max:I dont know.But I dont like the look of it.You two better stay here.

Y/N:And miss all the fun?Yeah right.

Gwen:Well Im coming too.Last time you left us alone,those Vilgax drones attacked us in the woods.

Y/N:And we both have powers now.What ever it is,we can take.As a family.

Max:Alright,but stay behind me and keep quiet.

The stood up from their picnic blanket and headed into the woods.Y/N got close to Gwen to ask her in a whisper:

Y/N:Do you think the powers part convinced him or the family?
She just sighed and rolled her eyes before walked further ahead.So Y/N was left on the back of the line,left to wonder what did he say.After a while of walking,they found a large crater with something metal berried in the middle.

Gwen:What is that thing?

Y/N:Dont know.But fingers crossed that its a nother alien to add to the Omnitrix.


He motions for them to followed him but slowly.They lowered themselves into the crater and made their way to the unidentified metal object sticking out of the ground.Max crouched down to press him hand against the object as the sudden realization hit him.


The objects lid flew opened as Max fell on his back in surprise.


They ran to hid aid and tried lifting him by the arms.

Max:I-It cant be.

A green arm was forced out of the submerged object like in so many horror movies,as it clutched onto the ground and pulled out a equally green aromred body.But when it stood up,it wasnt any taller than Y/N or Gwen.


They saw a tiny version of Vilgax with less armor,nothing concealing the face and the said face looking more...faminine.

Y/N:Is that Vilgaxs daughter?


She jumped in the air and she would have landed on Max,if Gwen hadnt casted a spell that made a blue ring which suspended Vilgia in the air.

Vligia:Ugh!What is this contaption?

Gwen:Is looks like Vilgax.Kind of.

Y/N:It sounds enough like him.

Max:Thats not Vilgax.

Vilgia:Why does everyone keep calling me that?!Im Vilgia!The most power warlordess in the galaxy!Where is Bennette?!


Max:Your bothersome granddaughter.The wielder of the Omnitrix!

Y/N:You mean...

He stepped out from behind His grandpa who stood up,and showed off his weapon.

Vilgia:Then this truly is an alternative reality.Hand over the Omnitrix child and let me down from here!

Gwen:And why would we do that?

Vilgia:Beacue Im the most feared creature in the entire galaxy!

Y/N:Your galaxy.You in this one is three times bigger and I beat him over three times already.

Vilgia:I fought against an Omnitrix wearer much older than you.There is nothing you can do to surprise me.Woah!

Gwen let her fall to the ground before trapping her hand in magic cuffs.

Gwen:So what do we do with her?

Max:We need to get her to a plumber facility to contain her.The problem is,the only secure one enough is on the other side of the continent.Itll take most us most of the summer to get there.

Gwen:Aw cmon!You mean we have to waste our free time babysitting this pest.

Vilgia:I am not an infant and wont be treated as such!

Y/N:Aw,shes kind of cute when shes mad.

He said petting her bald,squishy head until she growled and bit his finger.

Y/N:Ow!She bit me!

Gwen:Shouldnt have touched,you dont know wheres been.Hahaha!

Growling again,Vilgia rammed into Gwen with her head which made her fall on the ground.Then Vilgia jumped and tried to slam Gwen down,but she raised her hand as Vilgias cuff glowed.She stopped midair and was forced down to the ground.

Vilgia:Ugh!What sorcery is this!?


Max:Im afraid theres no other way around it.We should pack up and head out as soon as possible.

Y/N:Live it to me.

He slammed down on the Omnitrix and transformed into alien speedster Kinecelaran that Y/N named:

Y/N:XLR8!Ill go ahead and get the Rust bucket ready.See you in a bit.

With that he ran off ahead,leaving his family and hoostage in the wind.


Max,Gwen and Vilgia were getting closer to the Rust bucket when they heard honking.Since Y/N got tired of waiting for them,he turned into Upgrade and asimilated the Rust bucket to frive to them and save some time.

Upgrade:What are you waiting for,come in.

He parked himself and opened the door before turning to normal.As they got in,Max saw him sitting in a drivers seat and gave him a stern look.Y/N understood it and gout out before walking over to the boot with Gwen.

Gwen:So where does she stays?In the bathroom?

Vilgia:Let me down this instant!

She was seen hanging in the air,since her cuff were glued to the ceiling.

Y/N:Why not just stick her in the other booth?Even for her that seems a but cruel.Who know's,maybe she's nicer than our Vilgax.

Vilgia:I'm going to crush your bones into dust.

Y/N:...I have been known to be wrong before.

Gwen:That's the understatement of the year.

She lowered Vilgia into the next booth and connected her cuffs to a chain sruck to the table.She tried to yank herself free but to no avail.

Gwen:Don't waste your breath.I had an entire year to perfect my magic.

Vilgia:I will get free of this if it's the last thing I do!

Max turned the engine on and started the Rust bucket.Soon enough,they were on the highway.Y/N opened up the fridge and took out the picnic leftovers before setting a sandwich before their "prisoner".

Vilgia:I don't need your pity.

Y/N:It's not pity.Everyone has right for a meal.Nobody wants you to die.Well,at least not everybody.

She glared at him with her ever present glare before picking up a sandwich,turning away from him and ripping out a bite out of it.Y/N just left her be and sat back across Gwen.Who,as soon as he sat flicked him on the forehead.

Y/N:Ow!What was that for?

She pulled him by the collar of his shirt so she properly yell at him while whispering.

Gwen:What do you think you're doing?!Did you forget whos dimensional counterpart she is?!

Y/N:I know but look at her.Doesnt she look kind of cute.

Gwen:One word Y/N,one word-tentakles.Tentakles!And if thats not enough,here are two more.Green skin!

Y/N:OK,OK,I can hear you.Im not deaf.But next to you,thats a miracle.

Gwen:Dont start with me.We were getting along more than usual and we were going to have a normal summer.Now she came along and ruined it!

Vilgia:The limited space of this confinemnet really defeats the purpose of whispering child.

Gwen:Dont call me a child.Im taller than you for at least a head.

Vilgia:Heights got nothing to do with it.My species ages slower that your ape like kind.

Y/N:Then how old are?Hundred years or so.

Vilgia:...Sixteen of your Earth years.

Gwen:What?!Thats only five years older than us and you look like a big toddler.

Author:(For those that didnt follow,this is the second summer.Meaning,theyre eleven year olds now.)

Vilgia:I will not sit here and be insulted!

Gwen:Then by all means,go.

They were staring each other down in pure hatred and rage as the entire Rust bucket filled with uneasiness.Y/N gulped and stood up to get between them.

Y/N:OK girls,calm down.We have a long way to go and if this continues,its gonna be worse for everyone.Now shake on it.

Vilgia raised her cuffed hands to show her inabilty to leave her booth.So he looked in Gwens direction who just sighed annoyingly and left to sit in the co drivers seat.

Y/N:OK then.A problem to tackle for another day.

He shrugged his shoulders in defeat and sat back in the booth.They were all left in silence as the drove off out of the forest.Up in the front,Gwen leaned in to her grandfather.

Gwen:Why are we doing this?Couldnt you just call some Plumber.

Max:Gwen,Im retired.

Gwen:Exactly.Someone else should do it.

Max:Once we retire,they dont like us bothering them.Plumbers dont take days off and work around the clock.I served my duty and cemented my legacy when I sent Vilgax to space.After Y/N left him stuck in the Null void,I dont have one.So this is going to be my new legacy.Shes still a Vilgax,even is from another reality.

Gwen:Grandpa,you dont have to prove anything.

Max:I know Gwen.But this is something I just need to do.Not for the Plumbers,but for me.For a sense of closure.

They drove for most of the day,Y/N kept getting her food and water.Not that she apreciated any of it.When the night fell,grandpa Max drove the Rust bucket to a secluded spot of the road so they could prepare for the night.He slept on the free booth while Gwen and Y/N had their bunk beds.

Gwen:I cant sleep.

Y/N:Then put on your ear plugs like last year.

Gwen:I dont mean grandpas snoring.I cant sleep with her here.

Y/N:She sitting at the booth with her back turned to you.She cant even see you.

Gwen:But shes still there.

Y/N:For all we know,shes a sleep.

Gwen:And what if shes not?What is my magic wears off while Im a sleep?

Y/N:So youre gonna stay awake until we get her to the super secret plumber prison?Youre just going to be tired,miserable,cranky-er and you mighty lose the focus so the magic would wear off either way.

Gwen:So what do you propose I do?

Y/N:Im proposing you get some rest.I can always track her down as Wildmutt or Y/Nwolf,but we cant risk you getting a nervous brakedown.


Y/N:No but-s.Im not telling you this as your cousin,Im telling you as a friend.Rest up and well pick it up tommorow.Good night.

Gwen:Good night Y/N.

They each layed back down and turned to the side most comfortable with them before finally going to sleep.

Vilgia:(Listen to them.Those isecurities,relying on others to feel safe,talking about their problems and comforting each other.How pathetically adorab-weak!Pathetically weak!Not adorable!They cant keep me like this forever.Im going to break free eventually.And when I do,theyre all going to pay.And the boy will,gaf!What with me?!The sooner I escape,the sooner I can find a way back home.Then I can find him and-stop it already!I better just go to sleep.)

Timekip tommorow

After waking up and changing in the bathroom,they all got ready for breakfast.Unfortunetley,it was one of Maxs specials.He just left a bowl of something they hoped just resembles worms,on the table that was a part of Vilgias booth prison.

Max:Here you go.Look after her,I have to see if theres a good mechanic in the town.The engine has been making a funny sound yesterday.

With that he left the Rust bucket and went into the town.Kids looked at their warm meal and sniffed it,only to gag at the stench.They then looked at the Vilgias booth to see her eating out of the bowl with both hands before setting it down and licking her lips.

She soon took notice of their staring and turned to them.


Gwen:How can you eat that thing?

Vilgia:Where your species lacks in everything else,you more than make up for it in spirit and culinary treats.

Y/N Then got an idea and took both hia and Gwens bowl and took them to her.

Gwen:Good idea,better her then us.Ill get us some cereal.

She grabbed the cereal box,two new bowls and spoons and a carton of milk before setting them down on the table.Then she realized Y/N wasnt sitting at their booth but Vilgias.



She growled and filled up her bowl before taking other one and the ingredients to their table.

Gwen:Make it yourself.


She didnt respond but just sat at her booth and started eating whilst looking out the window.

Y/N:So what the reality youre from like?

Vilgia:As far as I know,no different that this one.One difference is that the Omnitrix wearer is a brown haired girl name Benette Bene Tennyson.

Y/N:Sounds like our cousin.But hes a boy named Ben.

Vilgia:She is a powerfull and mad creature with the most powerfull weapon in the universe.

Y/N:But its actually not a weapon.Its for understanding all the beings of the universe.

Vilgia:A childs minset.Why am I not surprised.

Gwen:Give it up.Shell never change and you know it.

Y/N:But shes still a child in this form.We can influence her.

Vilgia:I am not a child!

Y/N:OK the.Suppose you ever get a hold of this?

He waved his left arm in front of her as her eyes carefully trailed left and right after the Omnitrix.

Y/N:What do you plan to do next?
Vilgia:I will use it on my bioids to make an unstoppable army that will crush anyone who dares to impose me.I will reign supreme and take over the entire universe.

In her mind,her plan playout out like a movie,much like in episode Secret.Hordes of Omnitrix aliens fighting and destroying everything in their sight.Then she sat on a throne witk Omnitrix aliens serving her and fullfilling her every whim.

All of a sudden all their heads turned to that of Y/N and asked:

Y/Ns:What about then?


She woke up from her day dream and welcomed the harsh reality.

Y/N:When the universe is yours,not that it will ever happen,but what are you going to do then?

Vilgia:Move onto other world until everything in existence is under my rule.


Vilgia:And what?Ultimate control is everything everyone dreams off.

Y/N:But if you have and rule everything,only thing left is boredom.Complete and utter boredom.No challange,nothing to look forward to,everything too easy.Could you really enjoy that?
She gave it a thought.He was making her question everything she knew and wanted in her entire life.She was confused,conflicted.And a little angry.

Vilgia:Gah!Stop bothering me and let me enjoy this meal in peace!
Y/N:OK,OK,Ill let you eat in peace.

He picked up his bow,box and carton and moved back to Gwens booth.

Gwen:Your girlfriend got tired of you yet?
Y/N:Shes not my girlfriend.Im a hero and its my job to help.

Gwen:Then join the firefighters.Last thing we need is a catastrophe bringing charity case from space.

Y/N:Give her a chance,its still worth a try.

Gwen:Anybody that enjoys grandpas cooking,especially that much,is a lost cause.

They heard her burp offscreen and drop her bowl to the table.An hour or so later,grandpa Max came bucket.

Max:Im back.Did you enjoy your breakfast?
Vilgia:They didnt even touched it.


Vilgia:They gave it to me and ate milk soaked dry fragments instead.

She said it all with a sinister smirk while leaning on her elbows.Max glanced at the empty bowls in the sink and set his knuckles on his hips while narrowing his eyes at his grandchildren.

Max:At least someone appreciates my culinary arts.You two can forget about ice cream this week.

He went to the drivers seat and headed for the mechanic he found.Gwen and Y/N could see Vilgia still smirking with her hands behind her head as she enjoyed the misfortune she caused them.


Y/N:Maybe youre right about her.

Hearing Y/N finally giving up on her gave her a great sense of relief.But in the same time,she felt strange.Almost as if she misplaced or even lost something.

Timeskip two weeks

After some time,they got used to Vilgia being around.Her schemes were neary a surprise anymore and they lessened in degree.He complains about boredom or her cuffs,not so much.It was a day that started with a fight agaist Dr.Animo and his latest creation,mutated,griffin like,wingless Raven.The lack of flight made it easier to catch but still difficult to defeat.It was one of the shorter fights but the mad doctor escaped.Gwen and grandpa Max awent into town to look around and maybe get Y/N something.He on the other hand,was too exhausted and just stayed in the Rust bucket to rest up on his bed.

Vilgia:Trully bewildering.Such power at your disposal,and you barely scratched the suraface of its potential.

Y/N:Im still eleven.If theres anything I didnt learn about the Omnitrix,I still have time to.

Vilgia:A threat bigger than you ever face could strike you down at any momment and you wouldnt have any time at all.

Y/N:Im close to finding the master control and I know how to combine my powers.So if you have any secret plan under those tentacles of yours,Im not too worried.

Vilgia:Dont talk about my tentacles!

Y/N:Why?Its just your hair.

Vilgia:Its personal.

By now,she had Y/N full attention.He got out of the bed and walked over to Vilgias booth before sitting down across her.

Y/N:How so?

Vilgia:Why should I answer?

Y/N:Look,I know all of usve been waking up on the wrong feet for a while now.Theres still a long way ahead of us.So why dont we all try to get along so we make that long way at least a bit more pleasant..

She was looking away before sighing and turning her head back.

Vilgia:Fine.Theyre very important in my species.Their shape and lenght are unique to each Chimera Sui Generis.Females have them naturally longer and are not talked about.Especially in public.

Y/N:I knid of thoutht they would act like an antenna or so.Feeling movements around and maybe change in water currents or something.Are they very sensetive or?

He asked as he leaned over and gently grasped one of them to try out his hypothesis.As soon as he did however,Vilgia gasped and screamed.It was the very first time she sounded like a female.She pulled back and covered the tentacle he touched with her hands.

Vilgia:Whats wrong with you?!

Y/N:I just wanted to see.

Vilgia:Do so with you eyes,not your dry fingers!

Y/N:Whats the big deal?
Vilgia:Im not letting just any male touch them!One one male can do that!

Y/N:And who is he?

Vilgia:I never met him yet.Thats why nobody can touch my tentacles.

Y/N:OK,Ill stay away from your tentacles.Just promise to stop screaming.

Vilgia:I dont have to promise you anything.Especially after what you just did.

Y/N:Look Im sorry,I didnt know.If itll make you feel better,how about I let you get a hit in.

Y/N:You get one free hit to get back.Would that make us even?
Vilgia:Perhaps.There is only one way to find out.

Y/N:OK,here it goes.

He shut his eye closec and leaned in closer to her across the table.She gave off an evil smirk at the oprotunity he gave her and readied her arm as far as she could due to the cuffs.But she stopped.Having his face so close to her and with closed eyes reminded her of something else.Almost giving her her an idea of osculation.Before she could give it a further thought,she saw him slowly opening his eyes.Refusing to be seen like this,she punch him away to the end of the booth.

Y/N:Ow!Ugh,feel any better?
Vilgia:As a matter of fact,a lot more.

Y/N:Good,now that that's all behind us...

He pressed his hand under his chin and popped it back into place.

Y/N:How about we continue getting to know each other?


Y/N:I told you,we can make the entire trip easier for everybody.Maybe enough to even let you walk to little warlordess's room without a force field.

Vilgia:While it is amusing to irritate the red haired one and make her wait,I see your point.So what do I have to do in order to get that?

Y/N:It's not that you just do something.You have to work on your behaviour.Maybe you could even turn over a new leaf.

Vilgia:What leaf?

Y/N:It's an expression.Imagine if you were good.

Vilgia:I obviously hit your head too hard.

Y/N:Hear me out.We's struggling and sacrificing our vacation to get you locked up.Nobody would know you're there and you're not even in your own dimension.You'd be stuck there forever but we'd have plenty of summers left.

Vilgia:So what do you propose?

Y/N:A rehabilitation.If I can turn you from a bad guy,er girl into a good girl before we reach the Plumber's base,they're to set you free.

Vilgia:Is that all?

Y/N:I'm sure grandpa will know if you're faking it.So you must really try to change your way of life.

Vilgia:That has as much chance as a Pissciss Premman walking in desert.

Y/N:No idea what that mean but either way I'm planning to ignore since I'm persistent and confident that you can make it.Even a little.

Vilgia:Then take this off so I can show you how I can begave.

She lifted her clenched fists in the air as far as Gwens magic cuffs allowed her.

Y/N:Im kind hearted,not guillable.And I cant to anything about them,only Gwen can.

He demonstrated by pulling on the cuffs that made her hans slam against the table.

Y/N:But youre gonna have to be extra nice to her if you wish to so much as stop getting pouting and huffs from her.This is a seriuous matter that can change your life.And for the better.So,do we have a deal?
He offred her his hand to shake as she stared at him,judging his facial features for any sign of a trick.After rethinking her options,she decided to amuse him to at very least,learn how to trick them and escape.She took his head and shook it.But before he could pull away,she grabbed his hand with both of hers and pull him close to her face.

Vilgia:Deal.But dont get too comfortable.Im a conqueror first and foremost.

Y/N:Than its a good thing I welcome a challange.

Just in that moment,Gwen and grandpa Max came back.

Gwen:Hey Y/N,we got you an action,doll from that movie you like since-

They saw how close Y/N and Vilgia were as well as the fact that they were shaking hands.

Gwen:What is going on here?!

Y/N:Trust me,there is a perfectley reasonable explanation for this.


Y/N was now sitting in his and Gwens booth in front of her and grandpa Max with a guilty look on his face.

Y/N:And thats about everything you missed.

They were both silent,frozen in shock one might say.

Max:...You touched her tentacles?!

Y/N:I already dealt with that topic,cant we move on.

Gwen:Youre insane.Theres no way she cant change.Shes a female Vilgax!

Vilgia:Didnt it ever occured to you that that person mighty just be a male version of myself?

Gwen:We already met Vilgax,I makes sense youre the second one.

Vilgia:If you think of me a copy,relase me and see for yourself.

Gwen:Do I look stupid to you?Scratch that,do I look like like Y/N right now?
Y/N:Hey,Im just trying to help.

Gwen:Yeah,help her escape.

Y/N:No,think about it.If she becomes out ally by the time Vilgax comes,well have better chances against him.And if shes a Vilgax from another dimension,and with different gender,she can what our Vilgax knows.His secrets,plans,the way of thinking.

Gwen:OK,first of all,dont call him our Vilgax.Second of all,thats crazy!

Meanwhile Max rubbed his chin and hummed in thought.


Gwen:Oh no.No,no,no,no!

Max:He does make a point.We could benefits from the alliance.But only if it works.

Gwen:B-but what about all that stuff you said the other day?

Max:Times change Gwen.You two had done more for the Plumbers that me when I joined them at the age I did.


Max:I know Gwen but we must think of a bigger picture.OK Y/N,you can try and readucate her.But be carefull.Who knows what shes ready or capable to do?You must keep your guard up at all times.

Y/N:I will,you wont regret it.

Gwen:Im already regretting it.

Said Gwen we defeated look on her face as she slumped on the other side of their booth.


Over the next few days,Y/N had to think of way to change Vilgia's outlook on life within limited confinement of the Rust bucket.So he started with something simple.He goggled various blobs and shapes from psychology on his phone and showed it to her.

Y/N:OK,I'm going to show you various shapes and you tell me what they remind you of.Ready?

Vilgia:It angers me that I don't have anything better to do.

Y/N:Good.Now, what is this?

He showed her and image that resembled a cluster of spilled drops.



He turned the phone to himself to try and follow her reasoning.

Y/N:O-K?How about this?

He scrolled to the left to shoe the next image that was more longer.

Vilgia:Chimeran war hammer.


Vilgia:My drones.


Vilgia:Energy blade.


Vilgia:Conquered planets.

Y/N:Fine,how about this?

This time he just showed her a completely colorless,black, cartoon flower that any child could recognise.She gave hit some thought and even leaned in closer before giving her answer and moving back.

Vilgia:No idea.Some sort of random blob.

He facepalmed himself with a sigh as he realised how difficult will his task be.He then resorted to his back up plan and went in the kitchen.When he got back,he was holding cup that as smoking from its contents which he set before Vilgia.

Vilgia:What is that?

Y/N:Warm milk.It should relax you enough for the next step.

Vilgia:Which would be?

Y/N:A secret.You just need to relaxand keep your mind free.

Vilgia:If you try to hypnotise me-

Y/N:Youre already unable to do anything against our wishes thanks to Gwens cuffs.

Vilgia grumbles to herself as Y/N walks over to her.

Y/N:Just relax and concentrate on my voice.

Vilgia:(That shouldnt be hard.)

He placed his palms on her shoulders and she flinched instantley.

Y/N:Its OK,just relax.No ones gonna hurt you.Gwen maybe.Just keep calm,relax and as hard it is for you to,trust me.

She exhailed through protest but closed her eyes.She figured the soon he aactually does something meaningfull,she cant pull the innoent good girl act and flee back to her life of coquests.So he began to massage her.They both noticed how the other had a surprisingly soft skin.

Y/N:Now just take a deep breath,and say your what does your perfect fantasy looked like.Your biggest dream.What would finally make you happy.

Vilgia:My enemies...kneeling before me in the ruins of thier planets.The whole world in my palm.Everyone is at my mercy...

Y/N:Um,OK?What else?

Vilgia:The bigest palace in the entire existence,my home.Slaves of every species...lining up to serve me.Hundreds of chambers...overflowing with tresures...and trophies of my conquests.Plumbers...destroyed...Mmmm...Omnitrix is mine....and the Tennyson boy at my side.I pull him by the and kiss-


She woke up out of her trance with wide eyes and panicing eternally.

Vilgia:That was nothing!You didnt hear anything!

Y/N:You,like me?
Vilgia:A weaka human?Youre out of your tiny,primitive mind!

He sat down in the same side of the booth as her and looked her in the eyes,as well as cupped her hand.She was shaking and blushing like crazy,which in her case came in color of dark green.

Y/N:Do you?


Y/N:Gwen and grandpa arent here.You can say what you want.They said theyre having a day out so you can have privacy to open up.So say what you really mean.

She was getting more flustered by the minute.Having no more patience,she cracked.

Vilgia:F-fine!I admit!Theres something aluring about you and I cant get it out of my head.Its driving me crazy!

She rambled on the little things she like about him and how she couldnt keep her mind off him.Y/N on the other hand was completely opposite,lost for words.Never did he heard anyone think so highly of him.Even in such a context.To say he was fluttered would be an understatement of an equal agree of saying Burt Gummer was an OK character.But he thought things might take a negative turn is she were to continue talking,or rather yelling in this manner.

So he did the first thing that came to his mind to shut her up. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her with his eye closed.Not shut closed,they were just closed.Vilgia on the other hand went wide eyed and blushed even more.With no way or focus to continue her rant,she began to melt in the kiss.Her hair tentacles even started to gently wrap themselves over his cupping hands.After a while,he slowly seperated,not knowing what reaction to expect with her tentacles falling off his hands.Vilgia,to his surprise looked kind of exhausted,as if strugling to find air.

Vilgia:Youre lucky I love you human.(Inhale)Or you wouldnt have a head right not.

Y/N:So,that this makes a couple now?

Vilgia:Sure,just bring me some refreshemnts.I feel overheated.

With a smile,Y/N left the booth and went to the kitchen area to get her a glass of cold water.All the while smiling like a idiot.He only had a single thought it his head and that was:I have a girlfriend.Being a hero,having to have secret identety,bolting inot danger whenever it may strike and being away on summers,made it a little difficult to hold onto an relationship even that of eleven year olds.With the smile never fading,he returned to the booth and gave her the glass.She snatched it from his arms and began to gulp it down as fast as she could.When there was only a little bit left,she poured it over herself to cool of.Some of it falling on Y/N too.

Vilgia:Sorry,I dont know what came over me.It was never this hot in the heat of battle.

Y/N:Maybe because you got used to that and this is a new sensation?

Vilgia:Perhaps.But mention none of this too your family.

Y/N:Why?It might help your case so you dont get locked up.

Vilgia:You saw how the girls acts around me.And know the history between your grandfather and this dimensional version of me.They wont accept it one bit.

Y/N:What if we convinve them that youre good so that they dont lock you up?Maybe you can become our ally.

Vilgie:Your people would say its a long shot.

Y/N:But what would you say?

She gave it some thought and rubbed her chin while thinking of a answer.When she finally reached the decision,she dropped her hands to the table and sighed,seeing no other way.

Vilgia:(Sigh)Very well.

Y/N:Yes!Thank you!

He grabbed her in a tight hug but she pushed him away with ease.

Vilgia:Hold it.Just because agreed to let you be my partner,doesnt mean Im allowing those displays of affection on me.And remember,we may be a couple as you put it,but that doesnt change the fact Im the warlordess.

Y/N:Aw cmon.You can let that one go,cant you.For me?

He tried giving her the puppy dog eyes but she just covered his face with her hand.

Vilgia:That wont work in the slightest.Youre gonna have to work harder than that.

It that moment,the rest of the Tennyson family that came along on the trip had came back.Gwen was first to notice they were sharing the same side of the booth,but since he was "training" her to be good,that wasn't the strange thing she saw.

Gwen:Why is she wet?

Y/N:Oh um,well she was too hot an needed to cool off.

Gwen:We're in a shade?

Y/N:But we juat happen to have left windows closed.I thought they open.

Gwen:Ahuh.And how is your rehabilitation program going?

Vilgia:You'r senseless sibling tried to put me in a trance.

Gwen:There's a thought.

Vilgia:It failed,obviously.My will is too strong to be broken by the likes of you.

Y/N:Well to answer your question,I think we made quiete the,progress today.I think it's enough for the day.

Max:You better use as much time as you can.We'll reach to base in two to three weeks,depending on traffick.And then there'd no going back.

Y/N:Well we can also get some extra time for every lunatic we fight.

Gwen:As soon as we get rid of her,we can go back to having a normal summer.Im sure it all started since we met her.

Y/N was in the middle of getting out from her booth when he saw out of corner of his eye,that Vilgia flashed him a smirk.That one seemed a bit less evil that other times she done in.


As the days passed,Vilgia and Y/N's secret relationship bloomed.She was still determined to ignore his lessons and annoy his cousin to it's fullest.They even started taking chances,dropping the act little by little in front of his family.Y/N beg her to listen but she just found it more amusing then going good.It was night and everyone but Y/N and Vilgia was asleep.The two secret lovesuids werein their booth talking in the light of Y/Ns phone.

Y/N:Please Vilgia,there are only couple more days before we reach the Plumbers base.

Vilgia:Dont you think I know that?Relax and enjoy yourself,like me.

She scratched under his chin with her thin,clawlike fongers to reassure him.Something they recentley found out he likes.

Y/N:N-not now.We have to focus,a little to the left please.

Vilgia:Hehe,youre lucky I grew to like you.Had I known how easy it is to control you,youd be at my mercy the first day.

Y/N:You know I dont like it when you talk like that.

Vilgia:But I cant resist.In any case,you just keep up with the act and leave the rest to me.

Y/N:Youre not up to anything we both might regeret,are you?

Vilgia:I promise we will both benefit.Just close our eyes and relax.I see you in the morning.

She pased her hand over his heavy eyelids that made them close without a fight.With a good night kiss on the lips,his last shred of energy keeping him awake was gone and he had gone into a deep slumber.

Vilgia:Do you really think I would risk loosing my partner after finally catching him in my tentacles?Dont count on it.Ill take good care of you.

Timeskip days later

The Tennyson family finally found the Plumber base.Only thing that rendered it invisible,was the mountain the base was inside.Max opened the doors as Gwen led Vilgia by her magical cuffs.Y/N on the other hand was worried about how will the entire thing paly out,but he had to keep silent.Few meters away from the entrance,she stopped and turned around.

Viliga:On second thought,I changed my mind.You may release me now.

She lifted her magically cuffed hands and greately confused Max and Gwen.They were even more confused when Y/N ran to her in a hug.

Gwen:Just what is going on here?!

Y/N:Weve kept it a secret for some weeks now,but during her rehabilitation we clicked.I begged her to change her mind but now she can stay with us.

Gwen went wide eyed before she slowly fell on her back,knocked out by the pure shock.

Vilgia:Great.Im still stuck with this cuffs.

Max:Y/N,what are you talking about?

Y/N:Were a couple now.I wanted to tell you but she insisted.

Max:Are you sure she isnt just deceiving you ?


He went with his fingers through her tentacles like a hair as Vilgia tingled,one may said purred.

Y/N:See?If I done it without us together,she wouldve probably bit my hand off.

After seeing what he just did,Max went wide eyed and took some time to adjust.

Max:Oh,well,I-I suppose it is t-true.Give me a hand with Gwen.

Max grabbed Gwens unconcious body by her arms and Y/N by her ankles before lifting her up and carying her back in the Rust Bucket.Vilgia following right behind them.

Y/N:Was this what you were hoping for?

Vilgia:Its close enough.Just make sure to get her to get these off when she wakes up.Hopefully sooner than later.

She wrapped her cuffed hands around Y/Ns neck for a hug when she said the word these.


Gwen was laying in the lower bunk bedy when she slowly woke up.She rubbed her head in a groan when her eyes finally oppened up.

Gwen:Oh man,I had the worst dream ever.

Then Vilgias head hanged upside down from the the top bubk with a wide smirk.

Vilgia:Hello future cousin.

Gwen:Ahhh!Not a dream!Definetley not a dream!

She fell on the ground out of fear before Y/N lifted her by under her arms.

Y/N:Gwen,calm down.Its just my girlfriend.


Y/N:Yes and wed like it if you can take those magic cuffs of her.

Gwen:Why in the name of everything thats good,would I do that?!

Max:Let her go Gwen.

Gwen:But grandpa!

She looked at him and saw his sterness in his eyes.She couldnt take it and with a sigh,casted the cuffs away.With her hands finally free in months,she jumped off the top bunk and moved her hands around.

Vilgia:Ahhh,much better.

Y/N:So,first unshackled day in who knows how long.Whats the firt thing you do?

Vilgia:I think Ill treat myself to the restroom.I can finally relax without feeling someones looking over my shoulds,er wrists.

She walked to the bathroom but as she passed by Y/N,stopped to kiss his cheek.

Vilgia:Ill return soon enough.

As she went in the bathroom,Y/N sighed dreamingly.

Gwen:Better she did that before the bathroom and not after.

Y/N:Oh ease up on her,will you?Im sure she washes her hands.

Gwen:And how can you tell?You never saw her wash her hands.

Y/N:Well I,um...maybe the sound of flashing water masks the sound of her washing hands.

Gwen:Maybe she never washed them while she was cuffed.

Y/N covered his ears and repeatedly stated that hes not listening.They heard the toilet flush but due to Rust buckets state it took long enough for them not to hear the sink.So when Vilgia left the bathroom with a satisfied sigh,Y/N grabbed her by the shoulders.

Y/N:Please tell me youve been washing you hands this entire time!

Vilgia:Of course,Im a warlordess,not a savage.What do you take me for?

Y/N:Nothing,just Gwen messing with my head again.

Vilgia:From now on,thats something only I can enjoy from now on.

Max:Guess that means we can go back to enjoy the rest of the summer as scheduled.No matter how little we have left.

Gwen:Ugh,worst summer ever.

Y/N:I think its just the opposite.

Vilgia:Keep talking like that and I might get you a exceptionally costly collar.

Y/N:OK,thats a bit much.

Vilgia:Are you sure?

She got face to face with him until her tentacles were close enought to caress his cheeks which made him blush.

Y/N:W-well talk about it.

Gwen:Oh brother...

Timeskip 4 years later

Teenage Y/N enters his house and closess the doos behind him before fropping the heavy bag of his shoulders.

Y/N:Honey,Im home.

Vilgia:In the living room.

He followed the sound of her voice and saw both his girlfriend and his cousin.Vilgia was painting Gwens nails dark green while she read a book,which she held in the air with her magic.

Y/N:Nail painting?OK Vilgia,whos this and what did you do with my cousin.

Gwen:She wouldnt leave me alone.She said how she wanted girl bonding like she saw on TV and this was the least annoying thing we coulndve pick.

Vilgia:Its not my fault Im couped up in this cage all day.No offense sweety.

Y/N:None taking.

He sat down on the couch and hugged her from behind before burring his nose in her neck and kissing her cheek.

Y/N:As soon as we find more DNAs hiding among people,well get you that ID mask.So we can go on real dates like I promised.

Vilgia:Cant wait.

Gwen:Me too.The more time you spend together is more time Im not with her.

Vilgia:We can go on a double date.I know youre crazy about that Keving guy.

Gwen:Wha-Im not!

She clearely blushed with exegerated poutensess even for her as Vilgia leaned back closer to Y/N and whispered:

Vilgia:She totally is...

He chuckled and rubbed her sort of bald head.

Y/N:Ill never get tired of you.Too bad you give in sooner all those years ago.

Vilgia:How do you know I really gave in?

Y/N:Youre joking right?

Vilgia:Maybe I am,maybe Im not.

Author:(These were all the stories I managed to finish during my last break from publishing.I'm afraid I won't be able to publish every weekend.But I hope to do so at least two times a month for both my Ben 10 books.See you next time when we see the very thing that made Ben Tennyson famous.The one and only,Omnitrix.In a female form.)

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