By AyakoShizuka

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❝ Never be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson not a life sentence.❞ ✽ Honkai Impact 3rd/F!Reader ✽ More

Rebirth of a Soul - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Interlude-Kevin Kaslana Memories
Remembrance of a Soul - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
2nd Eruption - Sirin x Sister! Reader
My One and Only Master - Mei Raiden x Reader
Till Death Do Us Part - Su x Reader
Innocence - Kevin x Child! Reader x Hua
Soft Spot - Kalpas x Reader
Anger - Kalpas x Reader
Enemies to Lovers - Su x Reader
Individuality - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Will of Himeko - Himeko Murata x Reader
Family - Welt Yang x Wife! Reader
Jealousy - Welt x Wife! Reader
Acceptance - Yandere Mobius x Reader
Friendship - Sirin x Reader
Let's Start Over - Pardofelis x Reader
Confession - Kosma x Reader
Limited Time - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Misunderstanding - Pardofelis x Reader
Star-Crossed Lovers - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Second Chance - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
The Warmth of a Cold Touch - Kosma x Reader
Girlfriend - Kalpas x Reader
Time Had Never Been A Problem - Fu Hua x Sister! Reader
Never Let You Go - Yandere Aponia x Reader
Clashing Personalities ~ Vill-V x Reader
Broken Promises and A Shattered Blade - Kiana Kaslana x Reader
A Spark to Light the Trailblaze - Himeko Murata x Reader
Black Dahlia ~ Vill-V x Reader
Hope for a Better Ending - Elysia x Reader
Her One And Only Regret - Elysia x Reader
One-sided Eternity - Su x Reader
The Incident - Yandere Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Gone - Yandere Herscher of the Void x Reader
Caring for the Sick - Otto Apocalypse x Reader
His One and Only Regret - Otto Apocalypse x Reader
Su relationship headcanons
What Matters Most - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Proposal - Eden x Reader
A Flame Under The Stars - Kalpas x Reader
Forgiveness - Su x Reader
Tea is Better than Coffee - Su x Reader
The Troubles Of Fame - Hua x Reader
Until Next Time - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Kevin dating headcanons
Matchmaker At Play - Kosma x Reader
The Future Is Not So Bleak Anymore - Kalpas x Reader
The Weekend - Kosma x Reader
Valentine's Day - Sakura x Reader
Trust - Su x Reader
Stars - Elysia x Reader
Profession of Love - Su x Reader

The Calm Cold of Raging Wind - Yae Sakura x Reader

2.7K 40 25
By AyakoShizuka

Written by MaTcHu0210.
Requested by CrowChowmein.


You clutch the wound on your stomach, limping as you continue to run away from the massive beasts. You felt like your insides were falling out of your body, even though you knew it was just the blood loss getting into your head.

"F*ck... this hurts like a b*tch..."

You continue to talk as you run, trying to distract yourself from the pain.

"My luck had to run out eventually. I mean, who would have thought a smuggler like me would have lasted this long... Should have run away while I had the chance... stupid little me–"

You fall to your knees, landing on a piece of rubble as your support. You sit on the cracked ground and look at the dark and cloudy sky, red thunder crackling as you sit there and watch. You chuckle bitterly as you hear the Honkai beasts slowly coming your way.

"I guess this is how I bite the dust huh...?"

You close your eyes, remembering how you got into this situation in the first place.


You walk on the dirt-ridden streets of your home—Roanapur—quietly smoking your cigarette as you ignore everything else around you.

You got a call from the Chinese mafia about a delivery job, but for some reason, they wanted to meet you in person. You were annoyed, to say the least. You were in the middle of fixing your boat when you received the email to meet.

Why couldn't they have just called me, you thought.

But a job is a job, so it's best to just follow what the client wants.

You shouldn't care too much. After all...

Caring too much gets you killed in this city

You arrive at a local bar in town named Jr's and walk inside to see a crowd of people. They all seemed to be smiling and laughing, all holding a glass of beer and playing whatever games they wanted.

But you knew better.

For every person in that bar, there was a gun strapped onto their side. That's the life of a criminal like you. It didn't matter where or why, you just knew that each and every one of them was armed with a gun.

And so were you.

You sit at the bar, ordering a glass of beer. As soon as the bartender gave you your glass, you noticed a man sitting beside you. He slides a small card your way and you instinctively take it.

The man begins to speak. "It's a delivery job. Bring the cargo to Hong Kong, there'll be people waiting to take it off your hands."

You sigh, a puff of smoke leaving your mouth. "What's the package..."

"An experimental weapon, the coordinates of the package are in the card. I trust that you can handle it." The man replied.

You nod, taking the card and slipping it into your jacket. You didn't care what the job was, as long as you got paid.

You hurried to your motorcycle and drove to the location of the package.

It was... larger than expected. An entire cargo shipping container was attached to the end of a truck. You signed the driver of the truck to follow you back to your boat, and they comply.
Once you arrived at your boat, they loaded the shipping container into your ship and drove off without another word.

Your boat was small compared to most ships, but it'll get you to Hong Kong in no time. You fire up the engine and begin to drive your boat to where you need to go.

After about 8 days, you arrive at the docks of Hong Kong where you were to drop off the shipment. There were already workers waiting for you. You stopped your boat and let them take the cargo off your boat. But as the cargo was being moved, it began shaking.

"The hell's going on in there?" you ask one of the workers.

The cargo shakes again, but this time more violent than the last. Something was waking up, and you didn't like it one bit.

You quickly draw and aim your dual pistols at the cargo, awaiting what was inside. The workers began to slowly walk away from the crate.

"I thought it was supposed to be some sorta weapon? What the f*ck's in that thing?!" you shouted at them, demanding answers.

"We were informed that it was a small creature, but—"

Before they could speak up any further, the crate exploded with violet energy, causing it to break apart and free whatever was inside. Your ears begin to ring as you try and see what was inside.

"Sh*t..." you say as you see the creature.

It was a Honkai Beast, and a big one.

You begin firing at it with your pistols, but nothing you threw at it could kill it. Each bullet was of no concern to the beast, only cared about hunting its prey.

And unfortunately for you—

You were the prey.


You look up at the sky once more, seeing another crack of lightning as rain begins to pour on your face. You couldn't tell if the world was crying with sadness or shedding tears of laughter at your current predicament. You didn't really care. You close your eyes, seeing a glimpse of the beast in your peripheral vision.

"Guess I had a good run didn't I...? I'll be seein' ya soon right... Wendy?"

You squint your eyes, already preparing for the worst. But nothing came...?

You slowly open your eyes to see that the beast has fallen to the ground, its body beginning to fade away. You notice that the beast has been sliced cleanly in half as its body disintegrated. You look around and find that a woman was standing over you.

She seems to have a black jacket and one black and blue glove. She has a white shirt and two swords hanging from her hips. But what was most striking about her appearance was her bright rose hair and two long strands of hair on her head that were sticking out like hair bands.

She sheaths her glowing katana and offers a hand to you.

"My name is Sakura. Come with me, it isn't safe here."


Sakura—who was, unfortunately, a part of MOTH, the last organization you wanted to involve yourself in—took you to the med bay of her base. After your wounds were treated and healed, you were placed inside an interrogation room for questioning.

They knew you had something to do with the appearance of the Honkai Beast.

And they were acting all high and mighty about it.

That ticked you off even more.

You sat on a metal chair, one arm handcuffed to the table. You were currently kicking the wall of the interrogation room repeatedly as you continued to mumble to yourself.

You remember the man's face, and you began fuming even more. "That asshole, he thinks he played me. Oh, when I get my hands on him, I'll tear his f*ckin guts out and shove em' down his throat—!"

Before you could continue your temper tantrum, the door to the interrogation room opens. Dr. MEI walks into the room, holding files and documents as she sits down in front of you. You stare at her as she adjusts her glasses while reading the file.

Dr. MEI begins reading the file in her hands. "(Y/N) (L/N), born in Colombia on December 25, 1980. Former F.A.R.C guerrilla, a trained assassin in Cuba, and is currently wanted in several regions of the world including, but not limited to the United States, the Philippines, Thailand, Spain, China, and Japan for crimes such as arms dealing, drug running, some cases of kidnappings, and many counts of murder."

"You have quite the reputation Ms. (L/N)." Dr. MEI says, closing the folder and sliding it across the table, allowing you to view it for yourself. It had a picture of you still wearing your old military uniform and having eyes as dead as a corpse. It was bringing back memories you hated.

"Cut the bullsh*t, what do ya plan on doing t'me?" You say, feeling agitated by the woman.

Dr. MEI removes her glasses and neatly tucks them into her lab gown. "If it were under normal circumstances, I'd put you in prison and be done with you. But these are certainly abnormal times, wouldn't you agree?"

You crossed your arms. "Yeah... the Honkai. I've heard rumors about those things, and thought they were a load of crap until now... What the hell was it doing there?"

"I'm afraid I don't know the answer, which leads me to why I am here." Dr. MEI says, her body shifting slightly.

You raise a brow. "What do you mean?"

"I propose an offer. Rather than throwing you in prison, we will allow you to leave freely and pretend we never saw you. We'll even wipe your criminal records off the systems. A clean slate, and in exchange: you do a job for us."

You continue to stare at the doctor... you were skeptical, to say the least.

You open your mouth to speak, but Dr. MEI stands up before you could utter a single word. "We'll give you 24 hours to decide. You're free to roam around the base, however, Sakura will be watching to keep you from escaping."

She then uncuffs your arm and walks out of the interrogation room, leaving you wide stunned, and confused.


Sakura watches you from another room through the thick, bulletproof, glass. You couldn't see her from where you were, but Sakura could most definitely see you.

She stands and watches you closely, contemplating why she had saved such a criminal in the first place. Had she known who you were, she would have left you behind. You wouldn't have died if she left you anyway.

So why did she save you?

Dr. MEI walks into the room, spotting Sakura as she enters. "I'm giving her 24 hours to decide on it. She'll most likely agree to the terms."

Sakura continues to watch you, lost in her own thoughts. Dr. MEI notices this. "You seem drawn to this person."

"She is a villain, the evil in her heart is quite obvious even with just a glance," Sakura says, almost rejecting the idea of being drawn to you.

However, as she examines you more, Sakura places a hand on her chin.

"But... there is something else... something other than the darkness."

Dr. MEI sighs.

"Perhaps it's because she was a mother."

Sakura raises a brow. "Excuse me?"

Dr. MEI holds the file in her hand and gives it to Sakura as she says "Her files also state that she gave birth on the 19th of May, 2006. However, any files on her supposed child are nonexistent. It's strange..."

Sakura looks at the file to see what Dr. MEI has stated. You indeed had a child, a daughter.

How could such a person have been a mother? She thought.


You walk around the small grass area near MOTH's base, with Sakura walking beside you. Her eyes were closed, seemingly in meditation. But you just ignored the woman as you continued to walk around and smoke your cigar.

As far as a base is concerned, it was more like a home. Many scientists and soldiers greeted each other as if they were family. This "war against the Honkai" has been raging on as the world continued to blissfully spin. It was almost inspiring.

You exhale a puff of smoke. "How long have you been fighting those things?"

Sakura keeps her eyes closed. "For a long time. Many of us forgot what the world was like without the Honkai"

"Damn..." You avert your eyes from the rose-haired girl as you exhale more smoke.

"Hey, Sakura..." Sakura turns to you as you call for her. "Thanks... ya know... for saving me back in Hong Kong. Would've died if you didn't show up... so thanks."

Sakura nods but was visibly surprised by how gentle your voice sounded. "You're welcome."

As you were walking, you ran into a small girl with blue hair and a white dress.

You quickly throw your cigarette to the floor and stomp on it as the girl walks closer to you. You see what seems to be the girl's father walking behind her.

"Ah, Sakura. Good to see you back." The man says.

Sakura responds "Thank you."

Sakura then turns her attention to the little girl. "Hello, little Griseo."

The girl—whose name was Griseo—smiled as Sakura greeted her. "Hi~!" Griseo then turns her attention to you, her eyes filled with the curiosity of a child.

You soften your expression as you greet the girl. "Hello, my name is (Y/N). You're Griseo?"

Griseo nods. "It's nice to meet you Miss (Y/N)."

The man walks up to Griseo and pats her back. "We should get inside. We'll be seeing you later."
You watch as Griseo and her father walk back to base. Your expression changes again from your bright innocent eyes to your usual passive-aggressive face.

Sakura notices how easily you changed your demeanor.

"You acted differently towards Griseo. Why is that?" She asks.

"She's a kid. She doesn't need to know someone as rotten as I exist..." You say, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it with your lighter.

"It isn't fair to assume Griseo is naive. She's a MANTIS after all."

"MANTIS? The heck's a MANTIS?" You ask.

Sakura sighs, finally opening her eyes to look at you. "MANTIS like her have undergone a surgery that gives them capacities beyond being human. She underwent the surgery, as have I."

You were curious about the surgery. Now that you think about it, the MANTIS surgery explains her weird bunny ears and how she was able to kill a Honkai beast with a sword while your guns did nothing.

But for a kid to undergo such surgery? It wasn't fair to such a young child.

Then again...

Perhaps this surgery could give you the edge you needed against those monsters...


You walk into Dr. MEI's office, not even caring to knock first. You slam your hand onto her desk, slightly startling the scientist as you do.

"I'll go along with this agreement. But... let me get one thing straight before we get this sh*t heap rolling..."

Dr. MEI puts some of her papers down. "What do you need...?"

"Turn me into a MANTIS, then I'll work for you and MOTH permanently."


"We've been detecting highly concentrated levels of Honkai Energy in Roanapur. However, our team hasn't been able to locate the source of the spike. With the type of crowd this city has, dense forest and landscapes to go through, and the increasing amounts of unknown variables such as criminal activity, it's too dangerous to just send an entire squad there without causing a scene. Your job is to go into the city and discover exactly what is causing Honkai Energy levels to be so high. Report back once you locate the source. Remember, this is a covert mission. No need to start up a fight unless absolutely necessary."

That's what Dr. MEI briefed you and Sakura on before you were deployed.

It has been about a day since you received the MANTIS surgery, but you could already feel the effects it has had on your body.

For one, you now had wolf ears on your head and a wolf tail. You felt your senses had been heightened to such a high degree.

You could hear so many small things happening at the same time. Even the slightest step on the ground would have set you off.

You could smell a lot more, even how people were feeling somehow.

You need to get used to the changes.

You remember vividly how the surgery played out. A scientist—named Dr. Mobius, but people called her a snake—had done the surgery on you. You remembered the pain it caused throughout your entire body. Your cells are being destroyed and reworked by whatever they were injecting into your bloodstream. Rewriting your DNA on a molecular level.

It hurt like a b*tch...

But it'll be worth it if I get to kill those f*cking things on even grounds, you thought.

Now you and Sakura had to go back to Roanapur to investigate what Dr. MEI instructed you to. Thankfully, your boat was still in the docks in China and—miraculously—unscathed. You walk into your boat to grab some fuel while Sakura looks at the boat itself.

It was a relatively medium-sized boat, able to carry one shipping container. Sakura observes the ship more closely to see a name inscribed on its sides. It read, "Black Lagoon," the words slightly withered but still readable.

"Where were you able to acquire such a boat?" Sakura asks as you emerge from inside.

You fuel up the ship as you respond. "From an old friend. Now c'mon in, we've got a long trip ahead."

8 more days at sea with Sakura.

This was probably the first time you've ever given anyone else a ride on your boat.

Well... the first time since you lost her...


Sakura was on her knees on the deck of the boat, meditating as she felt the wind hit her face and heard the splashing of water. Her sword glows a cold blue as she concentrates.

As she was meditating, she noticed that you were...a bit tense.

It was as if something was bothering you. You lit your cigar to try and distract yourself, but it wasn't helping one bit.

Sakura stands up, sheathing her sword and walking to where you were. Your wolf ears were twitching a little bit and your tail was shivering ever so slightly.

"Are you feeling alright (Y/N)?" Sakura asks, placing a hand on your shoulder.

You turn back to her and sigh, a puff of smoke exiting your mouth as you do. "Y-Yeah, just... getting used to the new senses and sh*t..."

You were telling the truth.

But Sakura knew it wasn't the whole truth.

"Is there perhaps something else in your mind?"

You avert your eyes from Sakura as you let a puff of smoke out.

"Well... I guess I was just... reminiscing..."

Sakura raises a brow.

You chuckle. "I sound stupid, but it's true..."

You exhale another puff of smoke.

"I used to drive around the shore of Roanapur with my little girl."

Sakura's eyes widen slightly, caught off guard by your sudden shift in demeanor.

"I'd drive around the sea, holding her hand as she would smile so brightly. Sh*t... she loved the feeling of the wind on her face. I guess it was somethin' about the rush or the thrill. While I'm fixing up the boat, she'd be on the deck drawing on with crayons... She'd draw right at the place you were meditating back there..."

Sakura noticed the pain in your eyes. It was so different from the cold dead eyes you had back at the base when talking with Dr. MEI.

Under all the evil and darkness in your soul, Sakura could see that there was still light. A small sparkle of good all coming from the memory of a little girl that you loved and cherished.

"What was her name...?" Sakura asked.

You smile, remembering the smile of the little girl you used to take care of.

The little girl that gave you hope that maybe, just maybe there was a happy ending waiting for you at the end of the tunnel.

"Her name was Wendy."


8 days have passed since Sakura sailed with you to Roanapur. In those 8 days, you told her stories of Wendy and how much of a child she was. She always put a smile on your face, and Sakura could see that you truly loved Wendy.

There was a sense of innocence when you spoke of your daughter.

It was that small sparkle of innocence that Sakura wished to protect.

The two of you arrived at Roanapur, which meant your mission would now start.

But first things first, you needed to find clothes that wouldn't draw suspicion to Sakura. Since her uniform at the moment...stood out quite a bit. That meant finding more suitable clothes and a band that would cover her ears.

Now that you thought of it, you needed a band and a jacket that would cover your newly grown wolf ears and tail.

"Sakura, wait on the deck. I'm gonna check if I got somethin' that'll cover up your... bunny ears or whatever the heck those are." You state before going under the deck to check your stash of clothes.

Sakura stays on the deck as you requested. She stares at the city of Roanapur. She starts to notice its dirt-ridden streets and less-than-friendly environment. It was obvious that people don't stay because it's their home, but because they have no choice.

Everywhere she looks, there is always someone smoking, sleeping on the streets, and thieving. Looking at a dark alleyway, she could almost see the visage of a corpse rotting, and everyone didn't mind.

She knew that this place was rotten to the core.

She wonders how you survived here for so long, let alone keep that small spark of light when there's so much darkness in the streets alone.

She knew this city changes who you are.

But she can't allow this hellhole to snuff out the last of your light.

She won't let it.

Sakura is left to wonder what life was like for you for so long. "(Y/N), this city really brings out the worst in you..."

Shortly after Sakura made that comment, you emerge from the inside of your ship. You were wearing a black leather jacket with a cloth hood to cover your ears and had wrapped your tail around your waist with a belt.

You also carried with you some black combat boots, a black sleeveless jacket, a white buttoned shirt with a collar, black leather pants, black leather gloves, a hair band, and a brown leather belt with some buckles and pouches.

You hand these items to Sakura. "Put those on, you'll look less like a Gundam girl and more like an actual person from these parts. Which is...looking like a sh*tty person."

Sakura stared at the clothes a bit.

You sigh. "You get used to it."

Sakura complied. She began removing her black jacket and boots, replacing them with the clothes you had given her. Though Sakura felt uncomfortable wearing such different clothes, it wasn't the worst look she's ever had.

Sakura slips her sword on her belt while you check your guns and the ammo they had before holstering them once more.

You turn to Sakura and hand her one of your extra pistols. "Take this."

Sakura waves her hand. "I won't–"

"I know you don't f*ckin need it, I saw you kill a Honkai with just that sword for Christ's sake. You'll blend in with the crowd when we get to where we need to go."

Sakura takes the gun and hesitantly holsters it on her belt.

She's seen your softer side, she knows you're a kind person underneath all the darkness. But why have you become so... cold and angry? It was as if this city was changing you just by sucking in its polluted and rotten air. She knows you're better than this, but this city wouldn't allow you to be better.

She couldn't allow that. Not anymore.

You tiredly sigh. "Right, now... First things first: we need more information, and I know just where to get it."


Sakura follows you through the dirt-ridden streets of Roanapur, making your way to the local bar: Jr's. It was where all the info was exchanged and handed. So if you needed information about any underground experimentation about the Honkai, you'd learn it here.

You slam the doors open, looking into the sea of criminals, bounty hunters, thieves, and criminals. All enjoying a nice, cold beer.

It almost felt like home. Almost...

You walk inside, Sakura closely following you.

You notice that many of the mercenaries in the bar began staring at Sakura, their faces riddled with confusion and—even more so—hostility.

You ignored their gazes. However, Sakura remained cautious, keeping her hand on the hilt of her katana if anyone ever tried to attack her.

You sit at the bar and the bartender walks up to serve a drink.

"What can I get ya this time (Y/N)..." he asks

You lean forward, sliding some cash towards his way. "Information, do you know anything about what the Chinese Mafia's up to?"

The bartender grunts, take the cash and slips it into his pocket. "From what I've heard, they found a mining rig with a lot of resources that could be used as weapons. Heard they shipped some off to Hong Kong but the cargo disappeared."

You grit your teeth remembering that night.

"Where's the mining rig...?" You ask.

"Somewhere west, just follow the trucks. They're not exactly subtle with where they're going," he says.

You sigh, "Alright. Thanks–"

"HEY (Y/N)! Who the f*ck's this?" A mercenary asked, walking up to Sakura and grabbing her jacket.

You stand up, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. "She's with me, so hands off."

He begins to glare at you. "We don't just let outsiders into this bar. You know the rules."

You lean closer to him, your hand hovering over your gun. "We're just passing through. So get out of my way or your face is gonna meet my f*cking fist."

"Enough," Sakura says, grabbing your arm. "Let us depart, we have what we need."

Sakura pulls you away from the man, so you follow her. But not before flipping him off and sticking your tongue out in a mocking manner.

The mercenary begins walking towards you two as you were leaving. He grabs your shoulder and begins to shout. "Hey (Y/N), I'm not finished with yo–"

Before he could talk any further, Sakura quickly unsheathes her blade and swings her sword at him. Blood drips onto the floor as he looks at his hand, on the floor. He clutches the stump on his arm, almost screaming in pain. 

Sakura leans forward and whispers in his ear "Don't. Touch. Her."

The other mercenaries look in shock as they see the scene play out. Many of them had their guns drawn towards Sakura while the rest were packing up their things and leaving the bar, not wanting to get involved in any of the drama. 

Sakura swiftly swings her sword so that the blood splashes onto the floor. She then sheaths the blade and walks out of the bar, leaving you confused.

But more than confused, you felt insulted.

You storm out of the bar and grab Sakura's shoulder as you scream. "What the f*ck was that?!"

Sakura turns to you. "He was in our way, he would have stalled the mission—"

"Cut the crap!" You interrupt. "Look, I may have told you my sob story. But that doesn't mean you get to meddle with forces you know NOTHING about!"

Sakura crosses her arms. "Can't you see that this city is nothing but filth? It kills anyone who passes through, what happens when this city makes you forget about your own daughter—"

You growl, almost sounding like a rabid dog. "SAKURA, DON'T!"

Sakura steps back, feeling the aura of killing intent.

"You're treading on thin ice here. You don't EVER mention her again. My daughter is none of your f*cking concern." You say, the bitterness in your voice stabbing into Sakura's soul.

Sakura reaches her hand to you, trying to apologize. "(Y/N), I—"

You slap her hand away. "The mines are this way, so let's get this sh*t over with."


You and Sakura snuck into one of the trucks that were headed for the mines. You stay seated inside the back of the truck, waiting to arrive at the mines.

You were leaning on a bunch of crates, presumably filled with guns and mining equipment. You were holding your pistols, fiddling with them to distract you from how you were feeling. 

Sakura on the other hand had her legs crossed as she sat down beside her sword, once again glowing with its cold blue.

It was clear that the tension between you two was increasing with every bump in the road.

You feel a cold breeze brush your skin. Your wolf ears felt slightly colder as your tail wrapped itself around your waist. You look toward the source of the wind, Sakura's sword.

"Why's your sword so damn cold..." You ask the woman.

Sakura looks at her blade, taking it into her hands and feeling its chilling presence. "This sword has been with me for... a long time. I used this to fight the Honkai, and to protect those that mattered."

"How f*ckin noble..." You scoff

"What of you, (Y/N)? How did you protect the ones you loved" You hear Sakura call your name.

You avert your eyes. "I didn't protect her. I hid her."

"This city... it brings out the worst in humanity. I didn't want her anywhere near this hellhole..." You continue.

"I used my skills as an assassin and a soldier to shield her as best I could. But even that isn't enough. The only way you survive in this city is to care less..."

"That was a mistake I made while raising Wendy. I taught her to care less, but it was her nature to care more..."

Sakura turns her eyes toward your direction. "(Y/N), I... I apologize for my actions back at the bar. It was selfish of me to assume."

You grunt and wave your hand. "You don't have to apologize... Just don't ever do it again... Plus, it's like what you said. This city brings out the worst in a person. That includes you."

Sakura stares at you stunned, but you weren't having any of it. "Stop it with those puppy dog eyes, it's makin' me feel even more guilty..."

"Thank you (Y/N). You really are a kind soul." Sakura says, smiling ever so slightly.

You look away as your ears begin to feel hotter. "Y-Yeah, you too I guess..."

As the truck is still moving, you begin to pick up a very distinct scent. You sniff, trying to discern what it was. Your eyes widen.

"Sakura, the Honkai. They're here."

You look at the crate of weapons that you were leaning on previously. You open it and quickly scan through the multitude of guns and ammunition that were inside. You settle on a black briefcase, take it, and look toward Sakura.

"This is our stop."


As the truck continued moving, you and Sakura jumped off and quickly moved up the mountain to get a better vantage point of the mining rig that supposedly contained their "secret weapon".

You open the briefcase you stole from the truck, your eyes lighting up as you see the content.

"Hello, beautiful!" You say, pulling out a large sniper rifle. Parts of the gun were glowing a faint purple.

You pull it out and aim, using the briefcase itself to support the rifle. You look into the scope and you see where the mining rig was.

"What do you see?" Sakura asks.

You zoom in on the scope, spotting a crystal-like object in the center of the crater. There were workers all around it its faint glow seemed to be alluring to her even at such a great distance.

"Some sort of crystal. I dunno what it is though." You say, gesturing to Sakura to take a look for herself.

Sakura looks through and jolts a little. "It's a Herrscher Core."

She stands back up and looks at you, her eyes converting everything you needed to know.

Sakura looks out into the distance as she speaks. "We should leave and report back to Dr. MEI regarding the situation—"

Before she could finish her statement, you hear a distant branch snap. Your wolf ears jerked as you heard the far-off sound.

"Shut up!" You ordered Sakura.

She complies, trusting your instincts.

You take the sniper rifle and look towards the beginning of the mountain where you and Sakura had entered. There you spotted a few soldiers walking up the mountain, presumably following a trail of footsteps left by you and Sakura.

"Sh*t..." you cursed.

You turn to Sakura while preparing for a fight. "Sakura, head to the boat. I won't be far behind."

Sakura objects. "But (Y/N), I can still fight—"

"I KNOW, but getting that info to Dr. MEI is more important right? So get the hell outta here and let me handle them," You interrupted.

Sakura continues to stare at you, unsure of if she should leave you behind or not.

You soften your expression, almost like you were talking to a child. "Sakura... Trust me, I'll come back. Besides, I've got something worth fighting for now. So I'll be back."

Sakura closes her eyes and sighs. "I expect you to return to me once this is all over."

You smirk, aiming your sniper at the enemies as Sakura leaves.

Your eyes stare into the scope of the rifle, your smile twisting with bloodlust slowly taking over your mind. "Come at me you f*cking bastard!"


The first shot landed right in between the eyes of one of the soldiers. They all began to scramble, while at the same time looking for your location.


You shoot another bullet, killing another. They began to search for you and found your hiding spot, the reflection of light from your scope giving away your position.

You drop the sniper rifle, pull out your dual pistols, and smile. Your fangs start to grow sharper and sharper as you growl like a bloodhound.

You jump so high that you cast a shadow over the soldiers who were there. You aim your guns down and smile as your eyes glow a bright yellow.



Sakura continues to run across the forest, abandoning the hairband that hid her ears. She pulled out her swords and began slicing through the dense forest, clearing a path towards the docks where your boat was still parked. She jumps out of the forest and into the streets of Roanapur once again

As the docks grew closer and closer, Sakura spotted some men guarding them. She quickly hides behind a small roadblock, taking cover and making sure she isn't spotted.

She leans closer to her cover, trying to discern what the men were talking about.

"So she's back. And without our cargo..." One of them said,

"You hired her to deliver the shipment to Hong Kong. Yet here she is at the same time as we hear that the shipment disappeared." Another speaks.

One of the men walks up, cocking his shotgun and pulling out his great sword as he speaks. "Forget it, we'll just have to kill her once she gets back to her boat. Boss ordered no witnesses, and she most definitely knows what the cargo was by now."

Sakura jumps to another building, still sneaky with her approach. She surveyed the area, counting around 8 soldiers that she could see with more that might be out of sight. She holds onto her sword, preparing for a fight.

Sakura steps out and swings her sword at one of the soldiers, killing him and alerting the others to her location. Blood covers Sakura's sword and faces as she stares at the soldiers.

"Who the f*ck is that?!"

"Who cares?! KILL HER!"

They all begin firing their guns toward Sakura. She quickly dodges them and jumps towards your boat, taking cover from the bullets.

The men continue to fire at your boat, thinking they have Sakura cornered. Sakura looks to the inside of your boat, seeing the multiple bullet dents that were now all over its side.

You were definitely not gonna like this...

Sakura jumps into the water, still out of sight of the soldiers who were firing at her.

"Move in, make sure she's dead." One of them says.

As they walk forward, Sakura emerges from the water and swings her blade again.

She slices and cuts through every one of them, almost faster than a speeding bullet.

She then stabs the last soldier in the stomach, swiftly pulling the blade out and splashing the blood onto the floor, and sheathing her blade.

There was still one more.

She turns around to see a large soldier—holding a greatsword—staring down at her. The soldier smiles as he brings his blade down to the ground, leaving a crack on the floor.

"You are a formidable opponent. Perhaps today I will finally find a challenge in another warrior!" He shouts.

Sakura places her hand on the hilt of her blade. But her left hand immediately pulls out a pistol. The same pistol that you had given her to "fit in" with the crowd.

The man walks forward, dragging the sword on the ground leaving sparks of light.

Sakura squeezes the trigger, and a shot is fired.


The man winces in pain, her shoulder beginning to bleed. Sakura shot his shoulder, but she missed.

He grunts in pain and anger. "YOU F*CKING BASTARD!"

He raises his sword, preparing to swing at Sakura for shooting his arm.


Blood splashes onto Sakura's face as a gunshot is fired. She looks up to see a massive hole in between the soldier's eyes. He falls to his knees and slumps over, his corpse leaving a puddle of blood.

Sakura looks back up to see you standing behind the corpse. Your body is covered in blood, holding a gun in one hand and your other hand fully transformed with wolf claws covered in deep crimson red.

You had a disgusted smile on your face as you walked forward. You chuckle slightly as you speak. "I am definitely taking a shower after this... I smell disgusting..."

You holster your pistol as your arm begins reverting back to a human hand. You try to wipe the blood off your hair and face, with little success.

You smirk. "Glad to see me~?"

"Only a little," Sakura admits.

Your eyes loom over the gun you had given to Sakura. You smirked at the sight. "I thought you didn't need a f*ckin gun?"

Sakura sighs. "I... suppose I wanted to try it your way for once..."

Sakura walks up to you, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping your face.

You hold Sakura's hand as she wipes your face. She looks into your eyes as you look into hers. You lean slightly forward, your foreheads almost touching.

"Sakura..." You whisper.

You lean closer toward her, the distance between your faces getting smaller and smaller.

Sakura closes her eyes, almost expecting something to happen.

"What the f*ck happened to my boat...?" You bluntly ask.

You stare at your boat with a deadpan expression, almost bordering around annoyance and anger. The bullet dents obviously show themselves to you.

Sakura sighs. "My apologies, I will pay for the damages once we return to base..."

"You better..." You say, slightly annoyed.

But nevertheless, you lean forward and kiss Sakura's forehead.

Sakura stares at you stunned, her face turning slightly red. "What? You want some more~?"

Sakura looks away. "N-Not at all..."

You chuckle as you both walk aboard your ship. You put your hand on the metal railings of the boat. "Sorry about the boat, Dutch..." you said to your old friend. He's long gone by now, but this was his boat, after all, you figured you owed him an apology for all the bullet holes on it.

Before you two leave, Sakura kneels and leaves some Forget-Me-Not flowers. She brings a mission to a close, paying respects to the people she has slayed.


You drive your boat, the waves crashing against its metal frame.

You watched as Sakura sat there, seeing the rush of wind on her hair and face. It reminded you of a pleasant memory. Sakura looks back at you from outside the cockpit and smiles.

"Mama, look look! My hair's flying!" Wendy says, as her short hair catches against the strong wind. Her arms stretched out, feeling the wind against her hands and face. Her small green dress moved with the wind. She was smiling and laughing that day.

You smile.

You'll never forget your daughter. She's family to you.

But this?

Sakura and MOTH, maybe... just this once, you can open up...

You can care for people again... just as you did for Wendy.


A/N: Yo, this is MaTcHu0210 speaking here. Thank you for all the wonderful comments about my writing. They really mean a lot to me. This is actually my first major group of writing projects ever since I left to improve my writing style so hearing the positive feedback lets me know that I've greatly improved since my first published book.

I'll be glad to take on more requests from you guys. And a great thanks to AyakoShizuka for allowing me to help with this series. I'm glad that they allowed me to help with requests because I get to practice my writing a lot with them.

This chapter takes heavy inspiration from a show named "Black Lagoon" and I added many references to the show. It's an amazing anime and I'd recommend it to you if you enjoyed this chapter.

Again, thank you for the support and I'll be seeing you guys next time. Peace!

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