hindsight | haerin x danielle...

By spotismymiddlename

58.1K 3.4K 835

"How much pain do you have to go through before giving up is okay?" More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
---- POV
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
----- POV
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30

chapter 17

1.4K 98 27
By spotismymiddlename


"Drop me off here,"

Minji hit the brakes as soon as I told her to, "Isn't this Haerin's house?" She asks, taking a peek outside

Hanni pouts, "Two timer alert! Red flag!" She yelled but Minji flick her fingers on Hanni's forehead making her stop

I looked back at Kai and was surprise to see him not stopping me. He only gave me an empty look. I guess he's tired of me now, I mean the moment we went back in time was already enough to mess with the future so I don't know why he's making a fuss over me talking to Haerin

"I'm gonna text Haerin not to let you in," Hanni began typing on her phone

I rolled my eyes and shut the door, "Her phone's confiscated,"

I heard her shout but I didn't quite catch on. I made sure to walk at the side of the house, her father might have heard Hanni's loud mouth before they drove away

I searched for a tiny rock and threw it on Haerin's window, it didn't take long when she appeared

Her eyes widened at the sight of me, she probably didn't expect me to come back here. I didn't expect myself to come back this quick either, it hasn't even been a day.

"What are you doing here again?" She whispered

I shrugged my shoulders and climbed my way up to her room. She helped me get inside

"What brought you here? You can't just come here anytime you like," She said in a low voice

I bit my lip. What would I say to her? All I wanted was to see her. That's what I wanna say but it's not what came out of my mouth

Instead I said, "Let's fall inlove starting from now,"

"What?" She looked baffled. Who wouldn't be right?

The person who acted like she hated you just confessed and now she's asking you to fall inlove with her, it sounds crazy

"I know you're focused on your studies, and you like Minji and you probably don't like something serious, and I sound desperate but I like you and I want you to fall inlove with me," I forgot to breathe, mainly because I can't believe I'm saying this right now

"So your solution to that is having us fall for each other?" Haerin steps back a little

Is she creeped out by all of this? She probably is,  it's so sudden.

"Yes." I answered, truthfully. I want her to know that my feelings are genuine.

"That sounds an awful lot like you want us to be in an official relationship," She replied with an awkward chuckle

I sat on the window far from where she is just to give her space so she won't feel uncomfortable but maybe me being inside her room is uncomfy enough

"Do you not want to be in a relationship? Let's say it's Minji who's asking you out right now, what will you say?"

I noticed how she took a deep breath before answering, she fiddles with her fingers a lot when she's nervous or embarassed

"I would say no," She answered, I am not surprise, because I probably already know the answer to that

"Because everything is temporary and I am haunted by the thought that they will leave me," She heaves a restrained sigh

"But I'm not going to leave you," I stated

She immediately glared at me, "Don't say that."

"Why not? I'm going to stay with you forever," I laughed playfully

"Stop!" Haerin covered her face, "Please stop, don't promise me forever. You can't promise me the future Danielle" Eventhough her voice was muffled I can clearly hear the strong tone through it

"Your forevers only exist right now, not in the future. So you better stop playing with me right now," She started panting

I gave her a minute of silence to recover, and when she calmed down that's when I talk

"They do exist in the future. My forevers are in the future, and I'm promising the future where I'm with you," I slowly walk my way towards her, taking the small piece of her out of my pocket

"That's not possible," She chuckled bitterly

I stared right in her two brown orbs and placed the necklace in her palm, "It is with me, and I'm not going to leave you. No matter how much you believe I will."

Her gaze went to the gold necklace, embarked with the infinity symbol. It's not mine. Right now, the necklace is in its rightful owner.

That necklace was the same one she gave to me on our first year anniversary. The same day she revealed the news to me that she's diagnosed with terminal cancer, but she didn't know about that yet.

As I think about it I can't help but to feel thousands of needles being struck right into my heart but I tried to smile eventhough it pains me

"Keep that and give it back to me when you already have your answer, I'll give you time, Haerin." I went out of the window and observed her one last time before going

One of the hundred millions of worlds capable of supporting human life, you will only ever experience one. Doesn't that bother you at all? You will never know anything outside of this universe. Even within it you will never know all its secrets. I hate the feeling of never knowing. I wish I had all the answers

Answers to the cure of cancer. Answers to why time relocation is possible. Answers to why am I suffering like this. Answers to the consequence of my presence here in the wrong timeline. Answers to everything and anything.

But then again, it's probably a secret for a reason.

I wish I had found Haerin earlier... but this time I'll make sure we'll stay for as long as we have, and finally make it right. I wasted too many opportunities with her, I lost her and I regretted that.

If this time did not work, we will see each other again. If not in this life, then in another because we almost made it, and we should have. I hope she knows that I would choose her in every lifetime

Because meeting her was one of the best thing that happened in my life, she showed me something I've never felt before, she truly made me fall inlove with her without even trying.

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