never ending love (bella and...

By dollface_twi-mom03

82.7K 1K 189

true love wins all....when Bella Swan moves to be closer to her dad will she love it or hate it in forks? al... More

never ending love (bella and edward story)
chapter 1
chapter 2
chaoter 3
chapter 4
chapter five
Meeting Everyone!!!1
La Push
Let the weekend began!!!!!
learning-- all new chapter
wonderful friendship
chapter 11 getting ready with bbf's and becoming more
best date ever.... kind of
the talk...!
sunday brunch with the girls! part 1
sunday brunch with the lady's part 2
next chapter....yay..
a love story....with a happy ending
minnie weekend!!!! and feeling feelings!!!

not sure yet...... new chapter start here sorry for the mix up

3.3K 46 15
By dollface_twi-mom03

so sorry guys but this is a new chatper as well it didn't post all of it i hope you like it better i know i do.....

*******************recap of last chapter*********

Just then Alice ran out and started to jump up and down and I let go of Edwards hand and ran over to Alice. "Bella were you and Edward just holding hands"Alice asked me in a whisper. I pulled away and smiled.

*****************End of recap**************

We all got in the house and Alice showed me around, there house was just as pretty inside as it is on the outside.

I got to meet Alice's mom and dad  Esme and Carisle they were very nice and said that I was welcome anytime it made me feel nice.

Edward asked if I would like to go watch a movie with him. I was jsut about to say yes but Alice grabbed my arm "Bell's don't you want to go to my room and get settled in and talk" She asked and winked at me. I smiled at Edward "later okay" I told him. Edward pulled me next to him and leaned down "Bella can we talk when your done with your girls time" he whispered so only i could hear. Alice and I ran up stairs.

We started to unpack all my stuff for the weekend listening to some CD’s and dancing around Alice’s room. We had just got all my stuff settled when my phone started to vibrate again. I opened my cell and it was a text from Jake again I had almost forgot to text him back with all that stuff with Edward and then with Alice freaking out about us liking each other. Wait did I say that we like each other do I really like him, does he really like me defiantly something to think about this weekend.

I opened the message from Jake.

Jake: Hey Bella sorry to bother you again but just wanted to tell you that my dad and I were wondering if we should bring something like a movie or something.

I read that knowing that he had already asked me and I told him that we didn’t need anything else. He must really want me to tell him who I am with.

What do I say… I mean we are all just friends right! 

“Bella you ready to go down stairs we could call Rose and see if she would like to come over to watch a movie tonight or we could go to her house and just hang out and talk”, Alice told me with her hands on her hips.

“Sorry Alice my friend is texting me and I am just so nervous I don’t know what to even tell him yo—“ I was saying till she jumped up and said,” HIM who is him”

Alice its not like that, I don’t think, I mean  we are just friends old friends like we grew up together I used to hang out with his sisters and Charlie and his dad are best friends.

“Oh these are the friends that you had that BBQ with I see know so do you like him I mean even a little” Alice asked.

I looked down for a minute and just nodded, “I mean yeah I like him a little bit” I told her

“Alice please help me what do I say I like him a little bit and I really like Edward.” I asked her this time with my hands on my hips.

‘Okay Bell’s what was the last thing he texted” she asked me I showed her my phone and she laughed. “Well I mean its not to bad so what happened at the BBQ tell me tell me everything” she giggled

I hit her over the shoulder and said stop laughing this is really important.

So I started to tell her what happened.

Well first he asked me if we can go on a walk to we went and told our dad’s where we were going. Then when we were on our walk we talked about what happened when I moved, friends in phoenix, me and my moms friendships, my new stepdad everything it felt good. I paused to make sure that Alice was still with me she looked at me. “Bella don’t stop we got to know details” Alice says laughing and laying on her bed.

I moved from the floor to the bed to so that we could relax during our long  girly conversation, it felt nice to have someone like Alice to talk to…

“Anyways Bella you were saying” Alice said hitting my arm like I did to hers.  Ok so we started to finish talking and then my phone went off but I don’t know why I didn’t feel it really you know I just realized after when I looked at it again but anyways. “And then what happened” Alice squealed. Ok so we both looked at each other at the same time just like to finish talking you know and then we went to lean in to kiss me and it was really weird cause I did that same  I told her and she started to sit up and jump. “so so did you kiss tell me Bella don’t leave a girl hanging” Alice said almost falling off the bed.

Well you see we were just about to but then I felt my phone ring and it was Edward and I had seen that I had already had two missed calls so I told him I was sorry but I needed to take the call so no we didn’t kiss but as soon as I saw that it was Edward I felt like crap for being with another guy and Edward and I aren’t even together but I think I want to be you know and now do you see why I need your help Alice….”Alice” “Alice are you listening” I told her “I need your help” she looked at me and smiled. “wait so you didn’t kiss” Alice said looking at me with a huge smile on her face. “well you se---“ I tried to say but she cut me off again. “ You did tell me tell me know” she giggled. “Ok ok Alice” I’ll explain some more.

I told Jake that we had to get back to the bonfire so I could tell my dad bye but before we walked back he looked down and smiled at me, told me that he was glad I was back and wanted to hang out more so that we could get to know each other so we could be more then friends someday. I went to tell him that I would love to hang out and be friends and see were that takes us but I couldn’t cause he leaned down and kissed  just a peck but still a kiss and then I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say you know. And that was it then we walked back and I left and Edward came and got me and then I new I was going to be in huge trouble. Liking two guys and not knowing what to do…. So Alice are you going to help me or not…

Alice didn’t say anything she just grabbed my phone. “ Alice what are you doing” I asked her. She put up one finger for me to hold on and then the only thing she said,” I am trying to help you like you want”.

She gave me back the phone after she sent the massage to Jake  I was guessing.

I took the phone and read what she wrote as she got up from the bed and opened the door. “Bella I will be down stairs getting stuff ready for our girls night read what I wrote and then come down ok and we will forget about the whole thing and then the fun can start and we will see what happens okay” She told me heading out the door.

I flipped the phone open. And read what it said.

Bella:Jake hey I don’t need anything but thank you for asking again, I also wanted to say that I had a fun time today at the BBQ and I also think I should tell you that I really like you but I do really like someone else to I hope you are not mad at me for not telling you but I think what I need right now it to figure out what I need cause I am young and I really want to date so as long as its okay with you then I would love to still hang out and see were things go but just know that I am still doing that with the other guy I like…

I read it and re-read it to make sure my eyes weren’t seeing things but nope she really sent it.. then I saw that there was one more text from her to him so I read that one two.

Bella: Jake also I wanted to say that either way I would love it if we could always be friends no matter what. And to your questions before my new friends are the Cullen’s Alice has become a very good friend to me and we hit it off great. I will see you Sunday for dinner we can talk more then or if you don’t want then we don’t have to.

I looked it through again and smiled I went to put my phone down and head down stairs when I ran right into someone. “Oh I am so sorry I was not looking I told them. I looked up and saw Edward there smiling but still looking sad. “Edward what is wrong,” I asked.

“ Bella I kind of wanted to talk to you for just a sec if that’s ok with you sure I said

“I just wanted to tell you first off I am sorry for over hearing you and Alice’s girls talk”. Edward said and stop to see if I was going to but in but I just nodded for him to continue.

“Okay and I also wanted to let you know that I really like you too and I know that you have known Jake or what ever his name is for a long time but I am betting that he is also trying to get to know you just like I am so if it s okay I would love to start taking you on dates and also so that we can get to know each other in great ways so that maybe we can become more then just friends how does that sound” he asked me.

“Oh Edward I am so glad that you are not mad at me it makes me happy and I am glad you told me that you over heard us talking, also I would love that too” I told him back hugging him so that he would know how I felt I kissed that side of his check just a peck. “I am looking forward to really getting to know you” I told him and  then he leaned down and kissed my check. 

“I can’t wait either and I am glad you’re here all weekend so that we can start now” He told me.

********later that night***********

We had already watched three movies and had like four things of pop corn Alice and I decided to head up to bed. “goodnight girls” Carisle and Esme both said. “good night mom and dad” Alice said and I told them good night as well and then thanked them again for letting me stay. “I am going to change into my night clothes Alice okay” I told her and she said okay “Bella do you mind if I call Jasper while you are changing just to say goodnight” she asked I just laughed and nodded and walked out to the main bathroom.

I could hear Alice talking to Jasper on the phone giggling to him about there date tomorrow. I got done getting dressed and they were still on the phone so I went down stairs to see if anyone was up.

Edward was still down stairs watching a movie.. I went to turn around and head back up stairs but he saw me. “Bella your still up” He asked I turned around and walked down the stairs by the couch he was sitting on. “Yes Alice is talking to Jasper so I thought I would give her some alone time” I told him “I hope that I am not bothering you” I asked. “ NO your not bothering me want to finish watching this movie with me”. He asked. I sat down  on the end of the couch but still close to I can see the movie. He looked at me and smiled. “Bella you know you can sit by me I promise that I wont bite” He said as he smiled

I went to move closer to him and giggled a little bit


“Thanks for understanding I am really happy for our date tomorrow” I told him and right after I new I shouldn’t have said anything. “Well I mean not date but you know us two hanging out while everyone else is on there date”. I told him with a shy smile.

  “No Bella I would love to call it a date” Edward told me.

 Edward  smiled and leaned in and kissed me ever so lightly I leaned in and kissed him back and we moved together and it felt amazing to kiss him I felt like fireworks were going off all over the place and I knew that Edward could feel them to when he pulled me into him closer and I let out a low moan.. I stopped and pulled back.

 I looked up at him and smiled. “I am so sorry Edward I think I better head to bed” I told him with a smile. “But I can’t wait for our date,” I said and leaned in and kissed him again and this time I fell on him. “I am so sorry I didn’t mean to fall on you” I said “Its okay I will always catch you” he told me.

 Then we started to  kiss again as he leaned into me and I fell back on the couch and he moved on me and we both let out a low moan and we got into the kiss deeper. I have never left so much love for one person ever. He moved from me so that we could take a breath but just went to my jaw bone and kissed it so slow that I felt like that if we didn’t stop soon that we would be in huge trouble.

“Edward I think we should head upstairs what if someone see’s us” I told him and he pick me up bridal style  and we headed to him room and I new that if we didn’t stop that things would go to far but I just couldn’t break away we kept kissing and then Edward laid me down on the bed never moving from my body.

“Bella I think that we should stop” Edward said “I mean I don’t want to but I  think that if we don’t then we or you  I should say will not be happy if we continue in the morning this is not taking it slow” he whispered in my ear as he slowly kissed me again from my ear to my jaw bone to my lips.

“Edward I think your right but is there a way that I could stay here with you tonight and then we could talk” I asked him. He kissed me one last time and then we sat up and started talking till we each fell asleep..

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